Sunday, September 13, 2009

尼克松图书馆“世界领袖部”的新公告 New Announcement in Nixon Library

尼克松图书馆“世界领袖部”的新公告 New Announcement in Nixon Library

To Add Your Name on Petition List: Email Kai Chen: or Call: 323-734-3071

Global Day to Denounce Mao: October 1, 2009, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm, In front of Nixon Library. 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd. CA 92886

Contact Director Mr. Tim Naftali: Email: Phone: 714-983-9120 Fax: 714-983-9111 Contact National Archive: Ms. Susan Donius Email: Phone: 301-837-3250 Fax: 301-837-0483

陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:

自我与尼克松图书馆有关人员交往与抗议请愿之后,该馆负责人(Tim Naftali)在“世界领袖部”出示了一部公告。 我将其全文及翻译全文载在这里。 我对此公告的看法是 (虽然尼克松图书馆做出了努力去澄清美国政府的道德立场 – 对此我表示欣赏,但这仍远远不够):

1. 此公告只提到几千万中国公民被毛的政策致死,并没有提到无数人们的家庭、生活所遭受的无以统计与弥补的精神迫害与创伤。 此公告也没有提到那些数以万计的在越战与韩战中阵亡受伤的美军官兵们。

2. 将毛塑像继续放置在“世界领袖部”是极不妥当的:毛只在虐待屠杀无辜上领先世界。 (毛杀的人数超过希特勒与斯大林杀人的总和。)

3. 将毛与丘吉尔、梅捷夫人、戴高乐的民主国家的领袖们并列并提是对全世界人们良知的侮辱、是对人类尊严的践踏、是极度的道德混乱与腐败。


Since I started correspondence with Nixon Library and my protest/petition, the Director of Nixon Library ordered an announcement to be put by Mao’s statue. I now post the entire text and translation of it here for you to read. My personal view on this announcement is: (Though I do indeed appreciate the effort made by the Nixon Library to correct/clarify some moral confusion, I do not consider such an act as adequate in addressing such a serious issue.)

1. This announcement, though mentioned millions of deaths of Chinese citizens caused by Mao’s anti-humanity policies, failed to even consider the immense suffering and misery with Mao’s indiscriminate persecution by countless people in China. It also failed to mention American soldiers’ blood shed during the Cold War in Korea and Vietnam.

2. To continue displaying Mao statue in a section called “World Leaders” is a mockery to common sense and simple human decency: Mao leads the world in only one respect – he murdered and persecuted more innocent people than the deaths cause by Hitler and Stalin combined.

3. To even mention Mao with democratic leaders such as Churchill and Golda Meir in the same breath is truly an insult to human intelligence and offensive to all the freedom-loving people in the world.

Mao statue must be removed from Nixon Library and deposed to where it truly belong – garbage can of human history.


Why is there a statue of Chairman Mao in the Nixon Library?

Many visitors have asked why this room contains a statue of Mao Zedong who was Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1949 until 1976. Historians agree that Mao’s policies including the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution resulted in the deaths of many millions of Chinese citizens.

When the private Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace constructed this gallery nearly twenty years ago, President Nixon asked that it included statues of major world figures he had dealt with throughout his career. (His book leaders includes vignettes about many of the people represented in this room) Because Mao was among the most consequential people that President Nixon encountered, he was included in this gallery beside Winston Churchill, Golda Meir, and others.

The presence of the statues of Mao and other foreign leaders in this gallery does not imply that the United States government which has operated this museum since 2007 takes a position on their legacies.



许多来本馆参观的人们会问为什么在尼克松图书馆会有一个毛泽东的塑像。 毛是中国共产党主席(1949-1976)。 历史学家们都对毛有一致的看法:他的政策,包括“大跃进”和“文化大革命”导致了几千万中国公民的死亡。


在这个展部中,毛的塑像与其他外国领袖的塑像的展出并不代表美国政府对他们的政治遗迹的政策立场。 (美国联邦档案文物局自2007年接管了尼克松图书博物馆。)


What kind of difference has Mao made to the world?

Supplemental information on Nixon Library website:

World Leaders 世界领袖部

World Leaders presentation features priceless gifts presented to President and Mrs. Nixon by heads of state and government from all over the world, and ten life-size statues of world leaders who met President Nixon's criterion for great leadership: "Did they make a difference?"
(翻译: 世界领袖部陈列了许多宝贵的外国首脑与政府赠与尼克松总统夫妇的礼物及十个真人大小的世界领袖塑像。 他们是根据尼克松本人对领袖标准的要求而设立的。 那就是:“由于他们的存在世界改变了吗?")

The world leaders represented are:

Mao Tse-Tung and Chou En-lai, China
Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev, USSR
Anwar el-Sadat, Egypt
Golda Meir, Israel
Winston Churchill, Great Britain
Konrad Adenauer, West Germany
Shigeru Yoshida, Japan
Charles deGaulle, France

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