Kai Chen on Freedom 陈凯论自由
Speech for the 2008 “Olympic Freedom T Shirt” movement
July 1, 2007 by Kai Chen
As the 2008 Beijing Olympics fast approaches, we as freedom-loving people, realize as that time comes, we are standing at the threshold between human freedom in our future and human despotism from our past.
As a former Chinese National Basketball Team player, I feel compelled by my conscience to speak out, not just to speak out against oppression, slavery and human degradation, but to speak out for human freedom, for hope, for a better tomorrow. I am speaking out not just for those who still suffer under the oppressive regime of the Chinese communist government, but also for those who are suffering under all kinds of despotism, old and new, in the world.
The 1936 Berlin Olympics is the lesson we ought to heed. As the world indulged itself in the illusion of Olympic grandeur under the Nazi propaganda, millions were suffering unspeakable cruelty under the murderous Nazi regime. History should not repeat itself, and we as free people will make sure that Olympic spirit is nothing but the spirit of human freedom, not opium to induce illusions for despotism and evil. Any government that wants to use the Olympics for its own oppressive and reactionary policies against human freedom should be put into the spotlight and have its evil exposed. The 2008 Beijing Olympics should be an example of how the cause of human freedom is pushed forward by the Olympic movement, not pushed backward.
As an athlete with a conscience, I call upon all athletes, all coaches, all people in the athletic establishment in the world, all sports fans and all tourists who will participate in the 2008 Beijing Olympics to awaken your conscience, pluck up your courage and listen to the call from the deepest recess of your soul to join our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt” global movement:
When you participate in the competition, please wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you interact with the Chinese people, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you peruse the artifacts in the Forbidden City, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you walk in the gardens of the Summer Palace, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you climb the Great Wall, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”
When you stroll on the Tiananmen Square, under the stare of the giant portrait of Mao – the biggest mass murderer in human history, when you remember those who died in the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
We do not advocate boycotting the Beijing Summer Olympics. We want you to use your presence in the 2008 Beijing Olympics to spread the message of Truth, Justice, Liberty and Dignity to all human beings on the planet earth. We want to see you use your excellence, your enthusiasm, your expression and appreciation of the human yearning for the eternal values of mankind to spread the message of hope and human freedom.
I, as a Chinese athlete with a conscience, call upon the voice in your conscience, call upon your courage, your action and your prayer for freedom for the Chinese people, for freedom for all the people in the world. In wearing our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”, you are expressing your support for the freedom-loving people in China and in the world. You are indeed building a better tomorrow for yourself and those you love.
Let Freedom Ring!
陈凯 7/1/2007
作为一个前中国国家男篮队员,我基于我的良知在此时此地向世界倾吐几句肺腑之言。 我不光要用我良知的声音反抗专制压迫与其对人类灵魂的奴役,我也要用我良知的声音唱赞人对自由,希望与美好未来的向往。 我不光要用我良知的声音为那些尚在中共政权压迫下受难的中国的人们表达他们自由的愿望,我也要用我良知的声音为所有的、全世界的尚在新的与传统的专制奴役下受煎熬的人们表达他们对自由的向往。
我们应该从1936年的柏林奥运会上汲取教训。 那时当全世界的人们都处在由纳粹的宣传机器而引起的幻觉之中时,千千万万的无辜的人们正在纳粹的罪恶统治下受着煎熬与虐杀。 历史绝不应重现。 我们热爱自由的人们应对此做出不懈的努力。 奥运会的精神只能是自由的精神,而绝不是对专制奴役纵容妥协的鸦片。 任何妄图利用奥运会达到压抑自由,持续专制的政府都应该被抛到光天化日之下,暴露它们的邪恶的本质。 2008年的北京奥运会应将是奥运精神推动人类自由事业的榜样,而不是奥运精神助长专制奴役的典范。
我们并不主张抵制北京奥运会。 我们并不主张你用你的不加入来抗议中共政权的欺世盗名并以此维持其残喘。 我们希望你能去北京并用你的良知去表达你对真理、正义、自由、尊严的人类的普世价值的推崇。 我们希望你能用你的精湛的运动技能、对体育运动的热情、和人对自由的渴望与向往将希望的火炬带到北京。
我作为一个有灵魂的前中国运动员再次向你们呼吁: 用你们的良知、勇气与行动为那些热爱自由的中国的和世界的人们祈祷。 用你穿上“奥运自由衫”的行动表达你对人类普世价值的憧憬。 是的,你正在用你的所作所为创造着一个更美好的人类的明天。
Opening Ceremony of Olympic Freedom Run
Opening Ceremony of Olympic Freedom Run 8/5/2007
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
If you only see moral confusion and corruption around you, be righteous yourself; if you only see fear and timidity around you, be brave yourself; if you only see despair and passivity around you, be hopeful yourself; if you only see ignorance and stupidity around you, be intelligent yourself; if you only see smallness and viciousness around you, be great yourself; if you only see evil and darkness around you, be the torch yourself to light the path of freedom for everyone in the world.
I have never believed that a great nation can be built by morally small and corrupt human beings.
在你的周围: 如果你只见到道德的腐败与混乱,那你就应成为良德的典范;如果你只见到恐惧与被动,那你就应成为勇气的典范;如果你只见到无奈与绝望,那你自己就应该充满希望;如果你只见到无知与愚蠢,那你就应成为智慧的典范;如果你只见到渺小与恶毒,那你自己就应该成为伟大的人;如果你只见到黑暗与邪恶,那你自己就应成为一把火炬,为所有的人们照亮自由的旅程。
Dear Visitors:
I now paste this article from some media outlet about our opening of the "
Olympic Freedom Run". I will try to paste all the articles from the news outlet about this meaningful event.
I will continue to run and carry the message of freedom around the world. I know that I am only one person, but I know my cause is just and righteous. I want to thank those who support me and join me in our struggle against evil, fear, confusion and moral corruption.
We shall overcome and we shall all be free.
I dream that one day being a Chinese and being a free man will no longer be a contradiction. I dream that one day everyone in China will live to pursue truth, justice, liberty and human dignity. I dream that one day an ordinary Chinese person will step on the Great Wall. Looking back at the ancient times, he bids farewell to his tormented past, to his fear and moral confusion, to his own smallness and weakness, to the endless cycle of dynasties and self-degradation, to the countless emperors, kings and chairmen. He will raise his hands toward the sky, shout on the top of his lungs to declare, in joy, in audacity, in exultation, in the ultimate deliverance:
I am finally a free being. Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯
前大陆国家男篮队员陈凯 展开奥运自由长跑
【 阿波罗新闻网2007-08-06讯】
揭穿中共罪行 奥运自由长跑从洛杉矶展开
(大纪元记者刘菲洛杉矶报导)由前中国国家篮球队队员陈凯发起的奥运自由衫全球运动于8月5日上午在洛杉矶华埠的Alpine体育馆前开始了第一次“奥运自由长跑”。一些自愿加入者和闻讯赶来的支持者出现在长跑起点,其中有台湾自由派人士郭树人、加州理工学院法轮功俱乐部的李建中,诗人蒋品超和视觉艺术家Leslie Levy等。
《一比十亿》(One in A Billion)
《一比十亿》(One in A Billion),记述了他在中国文化大革命期间在解放军的八一队和国家队做运动员的经历。
现场记者还看到几位西人参与者。一位叫Bob Engel的西人说他是在英文大纪元上看到此活动而来表示支持的。他说中共政府经常在电视上播放一些快乐的儿童和老人给外国人看,而把中国的真实情况掩盖起来。
在跑步开始前,陈凯用英文做了演讲,之后所有参加者手拉手唱起了“上帝保佑美国”和“我们一定会胜利”的歌曲。然后他们沿着Hill大街,经过 Olympic大街向终点洛杉矶奥运体育场LA Coliseum跑去,全程约5英里。
Olympic Freedom T-shirt in Tiananmen Square
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
我深深敬佩齐志勇先生的正义感与勇气。 奥运自由衫就是为这些有良知的,有勇气的,热爱自由的人所制作的。 奥运自由衫就是为这些真正的人表达他们对真理,正义,自由与人的尊严的向往与追求的。
I deeply admire Mr. Qi's great courage and dignity. Olympic Freedom T-shirt is exactly designed and produced for these freedom-loving people with courage and sense of justice. Olympic Freedom T-shirt Global Movement is exactly launched for these true human beings to express their longing and pursuit for Truth, Justice, Liberty and Dignity.
Dear Visitors:
It has only been a couple of months since our "Olympic Freedom T-shirt" Global Movement launched. But now it has already appeared on the Tiananmen Square.
Freedom-loving people in China are craving for a chance and a channel to express their sense of justice and dignity. I am very glad that I can help them in that regard.
These are the true heroes in China. These are the true human beings in China. These are the hope of China. These are the future of China and the world.
I thank you all for your support. Most of all I want to offer my deep appreciation and admiration for those who have the courage to wear our Olympic Freedom T-shirt in Tiananmen Square.
I love you -- Freedom-loving people in China.
Best. Kai Chen
I now paste the article here for you to read.
在北京奥运一周年倒数庆典的会场之外,数位各个领域的维权人士人身自由受到限制,和北京所承诺的改善人权形成强烈反差。以下是自由亚洲电台特约记者丁小的 采访报道。
八月八日中国当局举行奥运一周年倒数庆典的同时,一些北京异议人士却失去人身自由。北京的家庭教会活跃人士徐永海星期三上午在出门买药时被警察带到派出所 七个小时,傍晚才放他回家,但要他答应晚上十点即奥运倒数仪式结束前不能出门,徐永海当晚接受本台采访时说:“他跟我爱人说,回家可以,但必须答应一个条件,今天晚上十点之前不许出家门,十点以后才可以出去。今天八月八号十点钟 不就是奥运倒计时仪式结束,那么这八天他不让我出门可能就是为了这个活动。”
另一边厢,六四受难者齐志勇,星期三也因为奥运倒数仪式受到了软禁,他当天傍 晚合本台的通话也被警察打断:“今天他们警方从上午到现在,前后面都有警车有国保的车看着我,六个人,他就说今天倒计时重大活动,限制你的外出,出去一 定要做警车。我说你们这就完全违背了奥运精神,以人为本,首先得有人权。啊、、警察来了。”
一直处于被软禁状态的维权人士胡佳,星期三也明显感觉到门口的警方加强了戒 备。他接受本台采访时说:“可以看出当局非常紧张,我们刚一出单元门口,铁栅栏外就有一辆警察的车轰鸣着,离院门很近,然后我们再往前走一点,就有警察探出头来往院子里看我们,他们今天应该是响应最高的警戒状态 。”
从八月一日起被软禁在家的基督徒徐永海,星期三终于知道警方这么做的原因,但依然不能够理解,他上周曾连续禁食祷告四天,徐永海对本台说:“我觉得他们很过敏,有时候我觉得不理解,作为我个人来说根本没想法,因为对奥运会作为国内的人我们连表态都很慎重,更不可能去做些什么事情。我从二号到五号为我这事禁 食祷告四天,并不是说要抗议,而是从我们不理解,而且我们看到国家这种状况,只能求主。”
胡佳认为他们三人的遭遇,显示当局对某些群体的高度敏感:“他在风头浪尖上找几个有代表性的,像徐永海是家庭教会的,而且他要组织神学研究机构;而我这边本来五月打算去欧洲就有计划去瑞士到国际奥委会把我们做的影片(被软禁的情况)还有印有陈光诚头像的T恤衫送给罗格先生,以建议他能在中国筹备以及举行 奥运期间,多推动中国政府信守改善中国人权的这种承诺。”
六四伤残人士齐志勇星期二,穿着一件特别的衣服到了已经被封锁的天安门附近留影。文化衫正面写着北京1989天安门、2008 奥运、我们不会忘记的英文字样,并印有六四抗暴者王维林用身体挡住坦克的照片;背面写着真理、正义、自由、尊严的中英文字样。他把照片发给了本台。
捐款请寄:OFTGM, PO Box 1341, Rohnert Park, CA 94297-1341
www.aboluowang.com 转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
An Open Invitation to President Bush
An Open Invitation to President Bush
Please Join Our “Olympic Freedom Run” to Clarify Your Moral Standing and Solidarity with Freedom Loving People in China
September 5, 2007 by Kai Chen
Dear President Bush:
As the 2008 Beijing Olympics fast approaches, we as freedom-loving people, realize as that time comes, we are standing at the threshold between human freedom in our future and human despotism from our past. Having learned that you had accepted an invitation from Mr. Hu Jintao to attend the opening ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I like to extend my invitation to you to join our “Olympic Freedom Run” in Washington DC on September 30, 2007 from the Memorial of Communism’s Victims to the Lincoln Memorial.
As a former Chinese National Basketball Team player, I feel compelled by my conscience to speak out, not just to speak out against oppression, slavery and human degradation, but to speak out for human freedom, for hope, for a better tomorrow. I am speaking out not just for those innocent lives perished under the communist regime, not just for those who still suffer under the same oppressive regime of the Chinese communist government, but also for those who are suffering under all kinds of despotism, old and new, in the world.
The 1936 Berlin Olympics is the lesson we ought to heed. As the world indulged itself in the illusion of Olympic grandeur under the Nazi propaganda, millions were suffering unspeakable cruelty under the murderous Nazi regime. History should not repeat itself, and we as free people will make sure that Olympic spirit is nothing but the spirit of human freedom, not opium to induce illusions for despotism and tyranny. Any government that wants to use the Olympics for its own oppressive and reactionary policies against human freedom should be put into the spotlight and have its evil exposed. The 2008 Beijing Olympics should be an example of how the cause of human freedom is pushed forward by the Olympic movement, not pushed backward.
As an athlete with a conscience, I call upon all athletes, all coaches, all people in the athletic establishment in the world, all sports fans and all tourists who will participate in the 2008 Beijing Olympics to awaken your conscience, pluck up your courage and listen to the call from the deepest recess of your soul to join our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt” global movement:
When you participate in the competition, please wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you interact with the Chinese people, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you peruse the artifacts in the Forbidden City, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you walk in the gardens of the Summer Palace, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
When you climb the Great Wall, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”
When you stroll on the Tiananmen Square, under the stare of the giant portrait of Mao – the biggest mass murderer in human history, when you remember those who died in the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, wear our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt”.
Mr. President:
We do not advocate boycotting the Beijing Summer Olympics. We hope that you to use your presence in the 2008 Beijing Olympics to spread the message of Truth, Justice, Liberty and Dignity to all human beings on the planet earth. We want to see you use your moral conviction, your appreciation of the human yearning for the eternal values of mankind to spread the message of hope and human freedom.
I, as a Chinese athlete with a conscience, call upon the voice in your conscience; call upon your moral courage, your action and your prayer for freedom for the Chinese people, for freedom for all the people in the world. In wearing our “Olympic Freedom T Shirt” and joining our “Olympic Freedom Run”, you are expressing your solidarity and your support for the freedom-loving people in China. You are indeed building a better tomorrow for the world.
Let Freedom Ring!
Hereby I cordially extend my invitation to you to join our Washington DC “Olympic Freedom Run”.
Kai Chen
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