陈凯访谈/习近平足球三愿 网民叹"火星撞地球" Chinese Sports - a Joke
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 习近平足球三愿 网民叹"火星撞地球" Chinese Sports - a Joke NTDCHINESEAW116 on Jul 8, 2011 视频连锁: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucA-aO9LFZQ 几天前,中共副主席习近平在会见到访的韩国政界人士时透露,他的愿望是中国足球能在"世界杯夺冠"。不少大陆网民反应说,中国队可能有机会打入决赛周和举办世界杯,但夺冠的概率"比火星撞地球还低"。 记者:韩国平昌申办2018年冬奥会成功,7月4号下午,习近平在人民大会堂会见韩国第一大在野党党首、国会议员孙鹤圭。当孙鹤圭将一个韩国著名球星、英超曼联球员朴智星签名的足球送给习近平时,习近平表示他有3个愿望,就是:中国世界杯出线、举办世界杯比赛,及获得世界杯冠军。 中国男足水平始终在低谷徘徊,仅两次进入奥运会,其中一次还是不用参加外围赛的"北京奥运",最好的一次是参加02年韩日世界杯决赛周。目前,中国国家男子足球队世界排名第75位。 去年底开始,中国足坛出现"打黑风暴",数十名现役球员、教练、球会负责人等先后被拘留问话,甚至连掌管中国足球的最高官员——国家体育总局足管中心主任南勇也因此落马。 陈凯(前中国男篮国家队队员):"在足球里面,会有人挣到相当多的钱。不是通过正常的体力、机制挣的,不是通过正常的社会市场机制挣的,那些挣钱都是黑社会的钱。'吹黑哨'的钱,搞腐败的钱,搞赌博的钱。包括篮球也会有这种项目,收买裁判哪、收买队员让你球啊!你在中国搞这个东西有这种市场。" 对于习近平谈的"足球三愿",前中国男篮国家队队员陈凯表示,习近平讲的话,和中共申办2008年奥运会的动机是一样的。都是为中共政权的合法性站台。 陈凯(前中国男篮国家队队员):"它们(中共)争取世界杯的举办啊,或者世界杯的出线这些事情也好,(中共)都是想用这些体育啊、或者经济啊、或其他一方面的一些所谓的亮点啦!这种亮点就说,如果世界承认我(中共)办奥运会以后,我(中共)就是合法的。所有的活动,都是把注意力分散,分散到其他的方面。麻醉中国的人,让中国人把世局的焦点转移。" 《新浪》微博上一名大陆网民留言:"中国队拿世界杯冠军,比火星撞地球的概率还低!"而陈凯认为,中共的体育制度,就是一个奴隶制度。 陈凯(前中国男篮国家队队员):"这个社会里所有人,10几亿人口没有一个人不是这个制度的奴隶。我(中共)可以在这个奴隶里面任意挑选,不管你这个人有没有天才,愿不愿意。但是这个社会(中共)就会说,你要来,你就是这个社会里一个工具,你是这个社会的奴隶,我作为社会的主子、我作为政府,我让你进入这个项目,你一定要来。" 陈凯举例说,中国女子举重得那么多金牌,是因为没有人愿意把肌肉搞的那么粗,像男人似的。只有中共会算计这些项目。 陈凯(前中国男篮国家队队员):"中共举国体制的人会在全世界算计这个项目,这个项目是奥运项目,那么这个项目其他社会不会去搞这个东西。我们取得金牌的可能性最大,那么就在这个项目投资最大。" 中国国家足球队即将参加7月23号世界杯预选赛外围赛。中国足球水平始终在低谷徘徊,各个代表队球队节节败退,有评论认为,中国足坛是受"黑哨"(收黑钱)和赌博问题的影响,但核心问题却是"体制"造成的。 新唐人记者朱智善、唐睿、王明宇采访报导。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Xi's 3 Soccer Wishes An Interview with Kai Chen The vice-chairman of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Xi Jinping said to visiting Korean politicians that he wishes for the Chinese soccer team winning the World Cup. The netizens say that it is possible that China's football team can qualified for the World Cup. However, it is impossible for the team to win the World Cup. After South Korea's Pyeongchang won the bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics, on July 4, Xi met with South Korea's Liberal Democratic Party leader Son Hak-gyu, who gifted Xi a football bearing the signature of the famous South Korean football player Park Ji-Sung Xi said his 3 wishes are: China's football team qualifies for the World Cup, hosts a World Cup and takes the crown. Chinese football team has always ranked low on the world. It only made it twice to the Olympics, including the Beijing Olympics that gave them priority entry. Currently, the Chinese team ranks the 75th in the world. Starting from late 2010, dozens of football players, coaches and club heads have been investigated by the authorities. The president of State Sport Admin, Nan Yong, was sacked. Chen Kai (ex-Chinese national basketball team member): People can make a fortune playing football. However, the fortune is not made by playing hard or by the functioning of a normal market mechanism. It is made by bribing referees and other players or by gambling. There's an environment in China that makes such things occur. As to Xi Jinping's three wishes about football, Chen Kai says it is for the same purpose as hosting the 2008 Olympics. Both are for the CCP's legality to rule China. Chen Kai: CCP schemes to take advantage of these events, such as the World Cup and other sports or economic spotlights. It tries to prove its legality by having the world recognition. All the efforts were made to divert the public attention from the societal problems in China. Netizens wrote on Sina blog: the possibility of China taking the crown is almost zero. Chen thinks that the CCP sports system is slavery in nature. Chen Kai: In such a society, out of 1.3 billion people, few are not enslaved. The CCP can select and use any of its slaves against their will. To the CCP, the people are slaves and tools of this society, and the CCP is their government, master and owner. If the CCP wants someone to join a project, the person has to. Chen cited the example of Chinese female weightlifting team, which obtains loads of gold medals, because no females of other countries want to be as muscular as men. Only the CCP would use people like this. Chen Kai: As female weightlifting is an Olympic sport, to which, few countries pay any attention, it is easier for the CCP to take the medals of weightlifting. Therefore, the CCP invests the most in this sport. On July 13, China's national football team will participate in the World Cup qualification. However, it has always had a poor performance. Critics say that corruption and gambling has affected the team, but the core issue lies with China's society and system. NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu |
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