Sunday, January 16, 2011

陈凯再版/使自己成为伟大的人 Be A Great Man Yourself, the World Will be Great

The Fountainhead - Howard Roark Speech (Ayn Rand) 电影“源泉”片段 - 若尔克法庭演讲


Be A Great Man Yourself, the World Will be Great

“Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

Kai Chen 陈凯 著 8/13/2006 再版 Reprint 1/16/2011


自由、独立的伟大个体是正常的与自然的。 被奴役的、自阉的渺小的人是心态畸形扭曲的与反自然状态的。 那些将“中国”二字戴在自己头上的人是否认个体人的伟大的“宦奴娼”。

我现将我以前的作品在“自由人对抗中国人”序列中再版,不过是向那些执迷不悟的“中国人”说: 只有个体是主动的、发光的、产生能量与价值的“太阳”;群体不过是被动的、反光的、消耗能量的非价值的“行星”。 在上苍的“道德万有引力”的原则下,群体(行星)是围着个体(太阳)旋转的,而绝不是像“中国人”几千年来所相信与沿袭的“太阳围着地球转”。中共党朝的“国旗”就是“中国人”的“太阳围着地球转”的典型写照。

纵观世界:那些遵循上苍的真实理念“地球(群体)围着太阳(个体)旋转”的国度是不断向前演进的、有未来与希望的国度。 那些违背上苍的真实道德理念的国度是恶性循环的、没有未来的绝望国度。 我只不过起着一个“哥白尼与伽利略”的简单而又深刻的作用,告知那些“中国人”一个基本的常识而已。 只要你将“中国”二字加在你的头上,你就在对抗上苍的道德原则;只要你否认自身的主动、完整、尊严与伟大而去屈从、拜服在族群的脚下,你就是参与黑暗的、造成恶性循环的帮凶。



只有真实的和道德的才可能是伟大的。 只有人的伟大才能去承认伟大本身;一个小人往往去否认伟大。 承认你存在周围的伟大其实是允许你自身伟大的可能;否认你存在周围的伟大其实是否认与毁灭你自身伟大的可能。 真正的伟大就像真正的天良一样,不论如何都会闪亮发光。 如果你的周围充满了渺小,拿出勇气,做好准备去表现你自身的伟大。

Kai Chen's Words:

Free, independent, joyfully great individuals are of a normal and natural state of being. Enslaved, self-castrated , miserable small men are of a perverted and abnormal state of being. Thus those who identify themselves first as a collective "Chinese" are nothing more than Eunuslawhores (eunuch, slave, whore) who deny their own freedom, independence and greatness.

I now reprint my previously posted articles in the series "Free Beings vs. Chinese", aiming to state a simple moral principle to those confused/castrated "Chinese": Only an individual is the basis of existence. Only the individual can be the active producer of values and energy. The collective, by contrast, is only a passive receiver of the individual's values and energy; a collective is never a producer but a consumer of values and energy, a reflector of the quality of individuals within it. Therefore, the individual is the Sun while the collective is the Planet. However, most "Chinese", if not all, have always believed in "the sun revolving around the earth". They will never free themselves with such a false understanding of God's moral law. Take a look at the Chinese flag, you will see what I mean by the perversion of the Chinese mind and soul.

Look around the world, those nations that follow God's moral "law of gravity" and admit that "earth indeed is revolving around the sun" are free countries with hope and a future. Those nations that resist God's moral "law of gravity" are countries mired in vicious cycles of strives and despair. They will never have hope and a future. All in all, here I only play the role of Copernicus and Galileo, telling the "Chinese" a common truth: As long as you identify yourself as a member of the collective first, you are actually against God's moral "Law of Gravity". As long as you deny your own freedom, independence, integrity, dignity and greatness, in order to have a temporary security under the collective tyranny, you are actually one of the culprits of evil.

The Chinese-speaking population must understand God's moral "law or gravity", must understand the value of being an individual and the importance of one's individual identity before a new free country can apprear. Only when you follow this eternal God's moral "law of gravity", you can finally wake up from your despotic nightmare, and start to embark on the journey of a "Free Being" toward hope and a better tomorrow.


"Only the good and the real can be great. It takes a great man to recognize greatness; it takes a small man to deny greatness. To recognize greatness around you is to allow yourself to be great; to deny greatness around you is to deny and destroy your own greatness. True greatness, like goodness, will manifest itself no matter what. Be brave and prepared to be great yourself, if you don't see any greatness around you."


Dear Visitors/Readers:

China has never been a great country. Mao has never been a great man. They have never been such because they have never been real and never been good.

中国从不是一个“伟大”的国度。 毛泽东(或秦始皇)从不是一个“伟大”的人。 “中国”与“毛泽东”(或秦始皇)们的邪恶与渺小在于它/他们从不是有任何道德基点的存在。

I have never believed that small men can create a great country. I have always beieved that only great individuals can create a great country. If you ever expect China to be great, be great yourself. If you ever expect China to be free, be free yourself. If you ever expect China to have a hope, be hopeful yourself... You are the one who creates your own tomorrow. You are the one who creates your own fate. Don't be afraid to be great, and don't be afraid of the responsibilities that come with your greatness. Shed your "small man" mentality, manifest your greatness. It is in you, it is in everyone of us. It is always there. Only you are too timid to admit it, or too reluctant to recognize it. But without you showing your greatness, how can the world be great?!

我从不认为邪恶与渺小的人(们)能产生正义与伟大的国度(族群)。 我只相信伟大的国度是由伟大的个体创造与组成的。 如果你期待“中国”成为伟大的国度,你必须从自身开始 - 去成为一个伟大的个体人。 如果你期待着一个自由的“中国”,你必须首先成为一个“自由人”。 如果你期待着一个有着希望的未来,你必须对自己充满希望。 你是你自己未来的创造者。 你是你的“命运之船”的船长。

不要恐惧你自身的伟大。 摈弃你的“小人”心态应从现在开始向“伟大”挺进。 伟大就在你自己身内。 伟大就在我们每一个个体人的身内。 上苍造你的时候就已经把伟大的品质植入你的内在了,但你的恐惧在你心中筑了一道“万里长城”,使你与你自身的伟大隔绝了。 你应重新发掘你的良知与勇气,击碎那道专制“中国”强加与你的“万里长城”,成为一个伟大的存在。 没有你个体的伟大就绝不会有“中国”的伟大。

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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