Friday, September 24, 2010

My Conversation with a Student Proponent in My Blog 我与一个支持“孔学堂”的学生的对话

Jeffrey(a student proponent)is arguing with John Kramar (former Hacienda La Puente School District Superintendent - an opponent of Confucius Classroom program)



从与这个已被共产毒素侵害的、被陈介飞等学委操控的学生(Jeffrey)的对话中不难看出共产专制的毒素早已在毒害着美国(尤其是那些亚裔华裔)的学生们。 我只希望我们之间的对话是一些道德混乱的人们逐渐清醒过来。

Kai Chen's Words:

From my conversation with Jeffrey, a Chinese-American student (Hacienda La Puente School District) who supports "Confucius Classroom" program, under the control of the likes of Jay Chen (a ultra-leftist/Marxist School Board member), you can clearly see the extent of communist influence/poison upon American students in our schools. I hope this conversation serves to clear some people's heads, from their moral stupor and confusion.


My Conversation with a Student Proponent in My Blog


Jeffrey said...

Dear Mr. Chen,

Do you not find it peculiar how there are absolutely no student representation that is against the Confucius course? This is a new generation, and it is time to relinquish the irrational fear of communism and begin to understand that America is a diverse nation, a nation where individuals have the very right to believe in any political system they so choose, A nation where our land is offered as a sanctuary for those who are in search of economic success, security, and most importantly, freedom.

This freedom I so speak of is one that of which you have infringed upon through your adversive attacks targeted against the establishment of this course. As a resident of Hacienda Heights, and a current student in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, I find myself qualified to say that students are not as ignorant and tolerant as you have chosen to believe. Since you have shared a story with me about your life, it would only be fair if I told you a bit about my life--primarily when I was still a student at Cedarlane Middle School. Five years ago, when Cedarlane was only a middle school, I embarked on my adventure, along with other 6th grade student, ready to receive a higher-level education. To our surprise, this was not what we had expected. When in history class, it became apparent to us that the textbooks we so diligently studied with were clearly biased, portraying information that made America the grandiose of the countries in the world. In retrospect, our assertions were correct; America is not the perfect and powerful nation, as the diction used in the textbooks had us to believe—deception.

You stated at tonight’s district board meeting (September 23, 2010) that you are "against learning from anything without moral judgment."

I am not sure how current and up-to-date your knowledge of China is, but if you do plan on visiting, you will find a wide degree of moral judgment, whether it be educating students to become well-rounded individuals, or giving a handful of children who are living in poverty a foothold to receive the education needed to thrive in such a globally competitive world we live in today.

If your fear is that we, as students, will grow up without moral judgment, then I do advise you to not worry a bit. High school students in this district are required to read novels that open our minds to higher-level questions such as, "What is morality? What is truth?" Essays are based on the purpose of getting students to make a valid argument, which questions both sides of the story, rather than mediating bigoted and irrational opinion through the text with little to no support.

We have made up our decision, and it is reflected through the lack of students who are against this Confucius course. Do no forget, education is established for the students, in this case being us.

September 23, 2010 11:10 PM

Kai Chen 陈凯 said...

Dear Jeffrey:

From the way you presented yourself in the School Board meetings and the information I have retained about you (your intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally), using lack of knowledge and judgement to describe you is an understatement.

Diversity is never the goal of America. Freedom is. We are diverse not because we take diversity as a goal, but because all of us are seeking individual freedom in this great country. Diversity is only a result, never a stated/manufactured goal as some leftists in America misunderstand and misstate. Secondly, you and your group, with a constant contact with Jay Chen (Vice President of the School Board) under his instruction and order, are morally confused to say the least: Pleasing authority, not the truth, not God, not your own conscience, is the goal of you and your group. The fear of authority, especially Jay Chen and his cohorts on the School Board, is written all on your face. From the way you talk and write, the Marxist slogans and labels embedded in your language are all signs of brainwashing. I am just too familiar with it not to recognize it.

Jay Chen belongs to a ultra-leftist group in America (People for the American Way). He and his boss want to "fundamentally transform America", according to some Marxist utopian "Heaven on Earth", much like the Chinese communists and despots believe. You and your group, young and ignorant in their formative years, but with some political ambition to climb the social ladder, are easy prey for people like Jay Chen. I know this kind of mentality from youths like you. I was there myself.

You claim you and your group represent the students in Hacienda La Puente. This reflects your arrogance and a thorough lack of sense of reality. Your group is there because of the spell and control from Jay Chen and his likes. Some of you who talk in the meeting cannot even read a written statement in coherent fashion in English. Now you want to learn Chinese. I have pity on you. Some of you cannot even talk with a whole sentence and their eyes are always on their controller - Jay Chen and his girlfriend, and a group leader (hope you don't become a thug) like you, Jeffrey. Fear is their biggest motivation. So please drop your nonsense of "no student opponents".

Most students in the District are busy studying English and math. They don't have time and knowledge of the issue (communist atrocities and crimes against humanity in the world) to participate. That is understandable. It is only curious for me to see you and your group, herded by your protege - Jay Chen and your own eagerness to please authority and your ambition to climb social ladder. This phenomenon only solidifies my conviction of fighting the communist infiltration and contamination into America. The insidious scheme of "Confucius Classroom" is the same as that of American leftist/Marxist creatures - all in the name of politically correct "progress and diversity".

Hope one day you will wake up and finally find you actually are in a nightmare. Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen.

September 24, 2010 8:08 AM


Mr. Chen,

I'm glad you have finally come to realize that I am Chinese-American, rather than believing everybody in America is solely “American”.

First of all, you may want to check the information that you have retained about me, as I have not a tincture of familiarity with an "intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally".

I have come to realize that your allegations against us lack foundation and evidence, one of these allegations being that we are “controlled” by the district board member, Jay Chen. As students, we do not do things in order to "please authority"; you may be surprised that our actions are based on our conscience. To begin with, you stated that we are “ignorant” and are currently being "brainwashed" by Mr. Chen. May I ask where such an assumption came from? The last time I checked, carrying out a conversation with somebody does not cause one to be placed under the "spell" nor "control" of that person. Taking a closer look into your irrational belief of what may be true, I would not be surprised if such a mentality existed during the Salem Witch Trials or the Second Red Scare in America.

Not only that, but you stated “most students in the district [are] busy studying English and math." Let us not forget that there are other subjects that may lead towards an “ignorant” and “brainwashed” student, such as European History, American History, World History, Civics and Economics, Government, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. I hope you understand that with all these courses that are taught by California credentialed teachers, like Ms. Wong, students are exposed to a variety of bias, all of which is for the students themselves to decide and deem true.
We have decided to attend the district board meetings knowing full well that middle school students are being deprived of a higher-level education due to individuals such as yourself, who continue to preach with the same mentality of the many individuals during the Red Scare.

Again, I hope you understand that America is a melting pot of different cultures. You stated in a comment that "the School Board designated a student who couldn't even speak English right to lead the 'Pledge of Allegiance' as some kind of role model." The last time I checked, one did not need to be capable of speaking English fluently in order to pledge allegiance to their own country. To be honest, your English is not spoken fluently either, which makes it evermore ironic for you to make such a disrespectful and insulting comment—although I do not intend to restrict your freedom of speech.

Likewise, I hope you will one day wake up, and understand the mistake you have made in passing down this irrational hostility aimed towards China to our future generation. Although your speech is protected by the first amendment, your slanderous remarks does not do more than hurt your own reputation.

Take Care,
Jeffrey Tso



If I am mistaken about your intention to join Norman Hsu's China trip, I apologize. There must be another Jeffrey T from Wilson High School. Too bad there are just too many Jeffrey Ts or Kai Chens in the world of Chinese speaking population.

A thorough lack of knowledge about Chinese culture and Chinese Party-State marks most so called "Chinese Americans", especially the youths. Hyphenated titles for Americans are nothing but a trick from the left power-mongers for people controlled by their "group think". Too bad you belong to such a group. The very identity you assume for yourself determines the way you think - not for yourself as an individual, but as some kind of representatives of a group arrogantly and ignorantly, be it race, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, etc.

I know that you and your group of which you assume your own role as a leader, (under Jay Chen though,) regularly meet with Jay Chen in a shopping mall. I don't know in detail what he indoctrinates into you and your group. But from the way you talk, I know it is the Marxist/Socialist/Communist crap. Jay Chen never takes you as an individual with independent thinking. To him you are nothing but a little cog in his grand design for his own political career. He knows people like you, yearning and wanting for recognition, not by your own personal achievement, but by your ascribed identity from birth - your culture, your ancestors, your language, your religion, your race, your look, your skin color.... You don't have to work to get recognition by those ascribed, as against achieved, identities. You just have to say: "I am Chinese-American and I deserve what this title gives to me by government, by numbers of votes, by guns, by power...." Sounds idiotic, lazy, mob-like, doesn't it?

I have long learned those who use labels to accuse others, such as "racism, homophobia, bias, oppression, imperialism," are often people who have heavily been tainted by those negative traits. Controlling others, not reflecting and improving themselves, is the main motivation for such creatures. Power by guns and numbers, just like the Chinese communist party-state, is the sole source of their belief system. Jay Chen is certainly such a creature. I hope you will not become such a creature. But from the way you talk, I don't have a lot of hope.

Jeffrey, I know that my English needs a lot of improvement. That inadequacy does not preclude me from judging others' inadequacy in the same realm. Using others' imperfection to justify and prolong one's erroneous thinking and behavior is one main feature of despotism/tyranny, and stupidity. This is why China's party-state can always use America's imperfection and Chinese nationalism to justify and prolong its own atrocious and murderous rule over its own population. You, unfortunately, fits perfectly as the tool for Marxism/Socialism/Despotism. Picking on others' imperfection as some kind justification will get you no where. Jay Chen's claim that other schools have the same Confucius Classroom will never justify his own intention to invite evil into this school district. Simply, others jumping over the cliff never should justify one's own act of suicide.

Jeffrey, you told me your family came from Taiwan. Yet I know many Mainlanders from Taiwan yearn for reunification with the Mainland China. Unity, not Liberty, characterizes many Chinese patterned thinking and behavior. Justice, freedom, human dignity, truth have never been parts of the Chinese language and vocabulary, no matter where they live. The Chinese speaking population in the world should deeply reflect on their despotic culture that has been plaguing them for centuries and centuries. The evil communist regime is only so adroit in using such a lack of reflection to solidify their tyrannic grip on people mind and spirit. I hope you learn more about the Chinese culture and the evil traits in such a culture.

Then again, I only hope something will happen in your life to jolt you back to your senses. The first step of your direction, as you just begin your life, is entirely wrong and dangerous. I hope you have not gone too far already to come back to liberty and human decency.

By the way, I have never had any interest in arguing for the argument's sake. If you have no better points other than wanting to win or looking like a winner, (or just being argumentative to prove your ability,) in front of your peers, I will not respond to your future posts.

Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen


Anonymous said...

You want to criticize the students for their English errors when your own writing is chock full of grammatical errors? Oh the irony!

Listen up, English professor: nobody likes you, and nobody takes your opinions seriously. So please shut up, stop going to school board meetings and find a better way to save the world.

Kai Chen 陈凯 said...

Dear Anonymous:

Now threat and intimidation begin. I wonder besides power from your mob and the School Board degenerates, what else at all you have to show that you are a human being with conscience.

When the School Board designated a student who couldn't even speak English right to lead the "Pledge of Allegiance" as some kind of role model - an authority-pleaser, I don't know if I want to laugh or cry. Now it is a student like this to want to invite Hanban and Confucius Classroom into the district. Don't you find it laughable and suspicious? When the School Board touted their achievement in student grades, their role model is only a brown-noser with no independent thoughts, no ability to express himself in English, let alone Chinese.

Thugs like you who want to shut people up will fail miserably, for this is United States of America, not China or Iran or North Korea. So if you really want to shut people up, leave America to join the Chinese, the Iranians and the North Koreans in their countries. Then you truly have a chance to shut others up, or be shut up by others.

Good try. You just don't know who I am and what I am made of. Kai Chen

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that a huge chunk of the Glen A. Wilson High School students do not care about politics whatsoever. I, myself being a student at this school, do notice that once you bring up politics the students will try to change the subject or move on because they find it "boring" or "complicated". Like Kai Chen said, many do not even understand that this is an issue and even if they did know about this, they probably would not care. They are too focused on achieving a good score on the SAT's. They are focused on studying for their math, English, and science courses, not what is happening in the world around them and even who is running for Governor of California. It is actually pretty sad to see this going on in our school and I would like to see this change.

Kai Chen 陈凯 said...

From SGV Tribune - letter to editor

Jay Chen distorting facts

Using teenagers in their formative years as political tools to attack one's political opponents and advance one's political agenda was often a viable and effective scheme in Mao's Cultural Revolution. The Red Guard experience is one such example. They were deceived, used and abandoned.

Jay Chen, board member of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, is employing the same despicable tactics as the communist regime in China. The students being used and the parents of these students and those concerned with the issue of the Confucius Classroom must be aware of such a scheme and oppose such a communist tactic with vigor.

Chen's attack on the opponents using the "racist" label was so lame and predictable that it bored me to death. He was so blind by his Marxist views that he never saw that the opponents are very racially mixed with blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians, while the teenage supporters were all Asian.

Chen, with his shameless use of the innocent and the naive, is distorting the facts and confusing the issues. In this regard, Chen is quite communistic already. Maybe this has something to do with his days of education in Harvard.

Kai Chen

Los Angeles

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