Saturday, January 10, 2009

穆铁柱 - 中国专制虚无的牺牲品 Mu - A Victim of Chinese Despotic Nihilism

穆铁柱 - 中国专制虚无的牺牲品 Mu - A Victim of Chinese Despotic Nihilism



铁柱死了。 这个与我同队六年的队友,(从国家体委集训到八一队到国家队),这个我曾动拳头与他打过架的队友,死了(59岁)。 我竟然找不出任何评价他的话。 他的一生是典型在专制下虚无度过的一生。 他的一生没有任何属于自己自由意志的价值。 他的身高,他的出名,他的婚姻,他的几乎一切都与他的自由意志无关。 它是一个被命运驱使的肉体存活。 他的死甚至也被专制官方利用来稳定其统治。 哀哉! --- 陈凯

Mu died. He was my teammate for six years or more (from the National Training Camp to August 1st Team to the National Team in 1978). One time we even had a fist fight on the court in a training session. He died at age 59. The ironic thing is that, unlike the time when Coach Qian died, I can't find any words of value to comment on him. His life was an example of lives under despotic nihilism. In his life, nothing seemed to have belonged to him or up to his own free will. His height, his fame, his marriage, his promotion, etc. all were up to others and the government. He was a victim and slave of his own fate. Even his death is now being used by the official media to promote the government's agenda. Sad, isn't it? --- Kai Chen


官方媒体对穆铁柱死讯与生平的报道 Link to Official Chinese media:

Dear Visitors:

I learned about Mu's death early in the morning (9/14/2008) from another (August 1st Team) teammate of mine. I watched the official Chinese media about his death and his life. I was in some of the photos they had shown in the video clip.

Sadly, I had very little emotional reaction to his death. Am I too cold and cruel? No. I don't think that my reaction to his death is a sign of my cruelty. Yet as I dwell deep into the origin of my emotion, I realized how meaningless Mu's life was and how nihilistic his life was about. His free will made no imprint on his own life if there was any free will on his part. Nothing was up to him at all. He merely existed in a form of slavery and nothingness to entertain a crowd of zombies/vampires. I had only pity and a bit of sadness toward him.

When we were teammates, I occasionally witnessed his rebellion against the inhuman system, throwing temper tantrum toward the authorities. I often enjoyed that. But it was the fact that one time he threw a game to the Jinan Military District, showed me that he had no principles and morals. Everything was interest-driven to him. Satisfying his physical needs/saving face was the only thing he was concerned about. He was his own worst enemy. He lived a life of humiliation with no dignity, partly because of himself, because of his own valuelessness. He bought into the official nihilism and allowed only the government and others to define him.

He started with nothingness. He went through nothingness. He served nothingness. He was defined by nothingness. Now even after he is dead, he is continuously being used by the official nothingness. He, as I now view him, is the typical representative of nothingness promoted by the Chinese despotic tyranny.

I pasted a link above and here for you to judge his life yourself. This is the official view of him from China.

By the way, have you noticed that Mu's forehead grew out two horns, a sign of out of control Gigantism. But the official conclusion is that he died of heart failure. If the heart failure was not from the Gigantism, I don't know what was. The lie continues.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

最后进行编辑的是 Kai Chen on Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:34 am, 总计第 3 次编辑

Kai Chen

注册时间: 2006-04-17
帖子: 2296

发表于: Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:56 am 发表主题: Supplemental Article



(Notice there are two lumps on his forehead)


(2008-09-15 02:14:20)






















中国男篮50杰 单场曾拿80分












姚明错了 Yao Ming is Wrong/No Comparison, only Contrast


将铁柱与Chamberlain相比有如将中国的豆腐渣工程与美国的摩天大楼相比,有如将假货与真货相比,有如将专制与自由民主相比,有如将虚无与存在相比。 这是一个头脑与道德的混乱与腐败。 --- 陈凯

To compare Mu with Chamberlain is like to compare the shoddy Chinese school building in Sichuan with the Empire State Building in New York, is like to compare the fake with the real, is like to compare evil despotism with freedom/democracy, is like to compare nothingness with existence. Such a comparison only shows one's intellectual and moral confusion and corruption. --- Kai Chen

没有比较,只有对照。 There is no comparison between Mu and Chamberlain. There is only contrast.

Dear Visitors:

Yao Ming has commented that Mu was like Wilt Chamberlain in China. This is a gross exaggeration and a total untruth about Mu. It is an insult to the great Wilt Chamberlain.

Chamberlain was not only tall, he was very athletic and had great an individual character with dignity. Mu was not such at all and had none of Chamberlain's ability. Mu was never a starter in the team as Chamberlain always was. Physically Mu was abnormal with a condition called gigantism while Chamberlain was a healthy normal person. Mu was only tall and that maybe the only commonality he had with Chamberlain.

Mu had no individual dignity with principles. He once threw a game to his old Jinan Military Team when we played in the National Championships in Xian, 1976. He had repeatedly betrayed basketball. He often used his basketball to bargain with authority for a little material benefit, such as joining the party, promotion, housing, marriage, etc... Beside sometimes bursting into a childish/infantile temper tantrum, he exhibited no courage against authority. To me he was only a pathetic victim of the Chinese despotism/tyranny. And he had always played the authorities' games.

We used to protect Mu when he was out, for people in China treated him as a freak, a deformed animal. They threw stones at him just for fun. We often had to chase those hooligans and beat them up after they called Mu names and humiliated him. But later it was Mu that had made me lose all respect for him.

In my years with Mu, he was humiliated many times and sent back to his original unit from the August 1st Team. The reason was that the authorities didn't think his appearance/awkwardness was good for China. In their eyes, he would lose face for China. But eventually they had to admit him just to give the team an edge. But he did nothing to protest, to fight back, to show some dignity and self-respect. Rather, he was thankful for the authorities and he played their games without a bit of repugnance. How could he endure the utter humiliation? That was beyond me.

When Yao Ming made a comparison like this, I only feel a great injustice, a great deception done to all the people who have no knowledge of the history. Besides, it is a great insult to my basketball hero -- Wilt Chamberlain.

Take care. Kai Chen 陈凯

Kai Chen

注册时间: 2006-04-17
帖子: 2296

发表于: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:51 am 发表主题: Supplemental Article


姚明:你不能又当奴隶又想自由 Yao Ming: You can't be free and a slave at the same time


姚明一定要在奴役与自由之间做出选择。 犹豫彷徨是一个运动员最大的敌人。 姚明一定要懂得他的篮球生涯与他的道德选择息息相关。 --- 陈凯

Yao Ming has to choose between slavery and freedom. Hesitation with confusion is the biggest enemy of an athlete. Yao Ming's basketball career is intrinsically tied to his moral choices. He must realize/understand that. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I have always maintained that Yao Ming cannot function as a basketball player, while being a slave for China and wanting to be free in NBA. He must make a moral choice very soon. He is being pulled apart by the Chinese political machine on one side and his yearning for freedom on the other.

If he does not have the courage to make the necessary choice, his career will be over soon. No one can sustain the pull of the evil forces while functioning as a dedicated basketball player. I know it. Watch my DVD (My Way), you will understand.

Best to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯

据姚明友人透露,姚明亲口证实了退出国家队的想法。图为姚明今年8月的档案照片。(Phil Walter/Getty Images)

真打不动了 姚明想退出国家队?





东方体育日报报导,北京奥运会是姚明参加的第三届奥运会,现在看来,更像是一个分水岭。这之后,姚明可以不再想要两全其美,转而变成国家男篮的一个象征,全力以赴争取自己职业生涯的一个高峰—— NBA总冠军。



穆铁柱与中国-巨人症必死早瘁 Gigantism - China Faces the End


中国官方媒体对铁柱早亡过分青睐的报道,对巨人症事实的掩盖,及令人肉麻的不符事实的赞美在中国人潜意识里有自我暴露的倾向。 姚明将铁柱与Chamberlain相比其实是欺人盗世地将病态的巨人症社会与正常的健康民主社会相比。 中国社会政治与经济的病态失控就是典型的“巨人症现象”。 它的末日(早瘁的命运)已经不远了。 --- 陈凯

The Chinese official media had an exceptionally possitive coverage over Mu's death. It praised Mu with many undeserved comments and embellished his life with many lies. To me, it only has a self-revealing effect as far as the Chinese society goes. Yao Ming's comparison of Mu with Chamberlain also subconsciously plays into the official scheme of comparing a terminally ill society with a healthy society. Mu's gigantism is only a perfectly prophetic analogy of what China is today - a society with an incurable gigantism. The abnormal uncontrolled growth eventually will soon break down the weak social structures of communist government. China's end is near much the same as Mu's gigantism led to his early death. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I have long compared China with Mu, even when I was playing with Mu in the August 1st Team and China's National Team.

A society with a tumor in its brain that leads to uncontrolled growth outside and uncontrolled breakdown inside. Nothing describes China better than a tumor in the brain which causes a societal gigantism. With all the structural apparatus remains the same under Mao's communism, China today has no necessary political, social, spiritual and psychological structure to sustain an out of control economic growth. The breakdown is coming quickly. How can a cordial-vascular system that can only sustain a 100 pound person now struggle to sustain 500 pound person?? Operating in such a condition surely will lead to disaster.

When all the "angry youths" cheer for China and demean those who tell the truth, they only have an illusion of a giant physical shape they take as a pride. They refuse to see the pathological, abnormal condition of gigantism caused by the tumor growing fast in the brain.

When the breakdown comes, don't be surprised. I warned you.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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