Monday, January 12, 2009

“我的路”已有近30万人观看 300,000 Views in Four Months/Youtube


在通往希望、自由与幸福的路上,只有道德的指南与个体的完整,而绝没有捷径。 那些只想走捷径的人们只能得到痛苦、失望与默默的绝望。

There is no shortcut toward hope, freedom and true happiness. There is only a moral compass and the individual's integrity. Those who only want to take a shortcut will be disappointed, for what awaits them are only pain, suffering and a silent desperation.

Youtube上“我的路”已有近30万人观看 300,000 Views in Four Months/Youtube


且不算新唐人直接电视观众,新唐人“人杰地灵”,Youmaker 与DVD传播,仅在Youtube上在四个月之内就有30万人次观看了“我的路”。我在此特别感谢新唐人的制片人Fiona和她的同仁们。 我从没有想到竟然有一个“沉默的道德大众”关心着他们自身的灵魂。 对我来说只要有一个人能从我的故事中得到共鸣,我也会站出来。

也可能在中国道德灵魂的黑暗中,一个火花正燃起了一个火苗;在中国这块道德贫瘠的土地上,一个营养人灵魂的种子正在萌芽、破土而出。 --- 陈凯

Not counting the direct viewers from NTDTV, NTDTV online viewers, Youmaker and DVD viewers, in four months on Youtube alone nearly 300,000 people have viewed "My Way". Here I want to pay special tribute and thanks to Fiona Zhao and her production crew. I have never expected such an overwhelming response, such a "silent moral majority" out there caring about the health of their own soul. I would have done the same telling my story and running my "Olympic Freedom Run" as long as there was one person who valued what my life represented.

Maybe, just maybe, in the total darkness of China's moral landscape, a spark has just ignited a flame; in the arid soil of China's thirsty human souls, a nourishing seed has just budded, breaking ground, silently growing. --- Kai Chen

Youtube上“我的路”已有近30万人观看 300,000 Views in Four Months/Youtube

《人杰地灵》我的路- 陈凯:

第一集迷惘年代 ...

陈凯前中国国家男子篮球队队员奥运自由衫全球运动发起人右派网专栏作家《ONE IN A BILLION》《一比十亿》的作者在今天纷繁变化的 ...

4 months ago 293,249 views zhusaqiong1905

《人杰地灵》我的路- 陈凯:第二集我的篮球(1/3)

在今天纷繁变化的中国 ...

4 months ago 262,127 views ahiadia

《人杰地灵》我的路- 陈凯:第三集善与恶3/1

在今天纷繁变化的中国,每 ...

4 months ago 238,665 views l7263626


“我的路" 四集视频链锁 Links to "My Way" on Youmaker (Four Episodes)

第一集: (Episode One)

First Episode First half (1):

First Episode Second half (2):


第二集: (Episode Two)

Second Episode First half (1):

Second Episode Second half (2):


第三集:(Episode Three)

Third Episode First half (1):

Third Episode Second half (2):


第四集: (Episode Four)

Forth Episode First half (1):

Forth Episode Second half (2):

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