Thursday, August 11, 2011

Confucius Institutes Break Human Rights Rules 孔子学院是中共党朝施压人权人士的爪牙

Confucius Classroom in Hacienda School District 哈岗的“孔子课堂”


陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:

用“孔子学院”与“孔子课堂”洗脑控制海外华人、打压人权自由人士是中共党朝用“中国文化”腐蚀世界人们的良知、传播专制文化心态的初衷。 我希望越来越多的人们懂得“孔儒专制文化”与华语文字的危害。

Using "Confucius Institutes" and "Confucius Classrooms" to brainwash, corrupt and control overseas Chinese, to suppress those who dare to oppose the Chinese Party-Dynasty, to destroy the conscience of the world has always been the very intention of the criminal Chinese regime from the beginning. I only hope more and more people realize the damage done to the world/west via these despotic tools.


Confucius Institutes Break Human Rights Rules

FYI. MacLeans is a major weekly magazine in Canada, similar to Time or Newsweek in the U.S.

Profs working in Canada "must have no record of Falun Gong"

A rule imposed by Confucius Institutes - an educational arm of the Chinese government that operates on at least eight Canadian campuses - breaks "all human rights codes in Canada," human rights lawyer Clive Ansley told The Epoch Times.

The main CI website says that overseas volunteer Chinese teachers must have "no record of participation in Falun Gong," a spiritual practice with roots in Buddhism and Taoism. China's government vehemently opposes the practice and has arrested and killed many adherents, according to Amnesty International.

Barb Pollock, vice president of external relations at the University of Regina, told The Epoch Times that she did not know about the rule, but promised that her school's agreements with China "have everything to do with academic freedom." She also said that although teachers are selected by their Chinese partner, Hunan University, "what they teach [here] is our business."

In June, the University of Manitoba rejected the idea of a Confucius Institute on campus. The University of British Columbia has also declined. But more than 320 exist worldwide, where they offer credit and non-credit courses in language and history.

China says that the funding of CIs-$150,000 initially and up to $200,000 per year after that- is meant to promote cultural understanding. But along with the money, schools have signed constitutions that say that "institute activities must . respect cultural customs, and shall not contravene concerning laws and regulations in Canada and China."

Terry Russell, an Asian Studies professor at Manitoba, says that such rules compromise academic freedom, because academics are dissuaded from discussing Taiwan, Tibet, Falun Gong, or the Tiananmen Square massacre. That could result in an unrealistically positive view of China among the students who pass through the credit courses they offer in Canada, he says.

This message was sent by a Torrance Unified School District staff member or student.

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