Kai Chen/My Way - The Power of the Individual 我的路 - 一个人的精神力量
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 《1比10亿》在美出版 陈凯畅谈新书 "One in a Billion" - Kai Chen Talks about His Book 2011年8月23日 星期二 节目长度:3分3秒 录音下载: http://www.soundofhope.org/programs/162/196760-1.asp 【一比十亿】网上订购: http://www.amazon.com/One-Billion-Journey-Toward-Freedom/dp/1425985025 前中国男篮国家队员、时事评论员陈凯近日向本台记者介绍了他的新作《1比10亿》。书中记述了,陈凯的父亲因为有台湾亲属,在中共社会里受到几十年的迫害。陈凯用《1比10亿》为题,是为了揭露共产党社会对个体追求幸福和尊严的打压。 陈凯说,这本书记述了他父亲在中共统治下不幸的一生。【录音】“1988年的时候我父亲去世,我母亲回中国看我哥哥,正好碰到天安门事件。我父亲去世了,我看了他的一生在一种非常无奈的状态下受迫害,自己有很多想做的事情做不了。然后再看到天安门事件的暴行,后来我就有一种想法,为什么这本书叫《1比10亿》?就是在中国,每一个个体的生命都不受到尊重。就像我父亲,他一个人他以前大学毕业,考上海关,共产党接管中国的海关,但是共产党不知道海关是怎么运行的。战争的时候,我父亲家的一半人到台湾去,我奶奶就跟我当空军的叔叔、伯伯到台湾,我爷爷跟我父亲留在北京。我奶奶和我爷爷就再也没有见面了。在北京这个期间,就因为共产党觉得非常不安全,它就把我父母就给流放到东北通化去了。所有在北京有台属关系的人,尤其有这种军队的台属关系的人,它一律不许留在北京。(我父亲的一生)非常坎坷,但是没有人知道他,没有人知道我父亲的身世,没有人知道我家人的身世。” 在上世纪六十年代,陈凯本人在歧视和无望中坚守着对篮球的热爱。1970年到1979年,陈凯被挑选到八一队和中国国家男篮队打球。【录音】“到了东北以后,在那也就是下乡,受到歧视,唯一的就是篮球给我希望。我在专业体育里面也没有希望,为什么在这个时候我还去打呢?主要是觉得生命里有乐趣,就是每一个个体对幸福、对生命意义的追求,和整个群体对这个个体对幸福的压抑,形成鲜明的对抗。这就是关键,这个社会的文化心态,他们对应每一个人的尊严漠视,对每一个人的生命意义的漠视。 ” 在这样的体验和思考后,陈凯用他的新书向中国人大声呼吁:【录音】“为什么这本书叫《1比10亿》?就是当一个社会你不尊重每一个人的自由,不尊重每一个人的尊严、对生命意义的追求,对幸福追求这个时候,你去讲什么大东西?!这个联系是非常非常关键,在中国如果发生正向变化的话,这个联系一定要连起来。就是说,你不能只关心在中国发生这些大事件,平常在你身边发生的不正义的现象、邪恶的现象比比皆是,你为什么一声不声?你为什么一点举动都不做?为什么不对自身利益站起来?为一个正义感站起来?说一声‘不’?!你这样的话,这个社会才开始有良性的一些转变。” 陈凯1980年代赴美,1986年毕业于加州大学政治系。近年来,活跃在海外中文媒体上,评论中国时事。 希望之声国际广播电台记者唐音采访报道。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 陈凯:《一比十亿--通往自由的旅程》自序 Kai Chen: [One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom] Forewords 一个中国职篮球员的故事 The Story of a Pro-Basketball Player in China 1988年我父亲的去世与1989年的天安门事件使我感到一种前所未有的,想要把心中的话说出的激情。 我拿起了笔。 一个人的生命结束了。 一个国家的大事件发生了。 这中间有任何的联系吗? 并不是很多人可以看到,并不是很多人愿意看到,并不是很多人有勇气看到这其中的联系。 我所经历过的中国是一个所有的人都将自己看作是他的种族,他的文化,他的国家的代表并以此来逃避个人自由与责任的国度。 我所愿看到的未来的中国应是一个基于个人选择与个人责任的国度。 我从我个人的经历中看到个人必须做出努力,付出代价才能自由。 我们,作为自由的个体,可以选择并创造一个充满希望与正义的未来。 每一个人在建立这种未来中都具有不可推卸与逃避的个体责任。 这本书是我用我在中国的经历去激情地表达我对人的伟大的,不可征服的,对自由的渴望与信念追求的一种努力。 这本书也是我对未来的新中国的一种期待的表达,并希望用我的故事去激励每一个人去无畏地追求去争取他的梦想。 我在中国长大的时候,每一个人都在教我,告诉我是国家,文化与群体给与了我个人生命的意义。 我至终认识到真理是正正相反 -- 我们每一个个人每一刻都在用我们的思维与行为赋予国家,文化与群体它们的意义。 我旨在用书写这本书去表达此义并通过对每个个人灵魂的冲击去造成一种新的,正向的影响。 一个新的世界只有在这些新的,自由的个体产生与确立的时候才有可能。 我的书是直截了当的,通俗易懂的。 虽然现在是英文版,将来应会有中文版。 但我仍希望读者用英文汲取我想在书中传达的讯息,基于英文内在的逻辑性与理性。 希望在新的一年中你会更自由,更进步,更幸福快乐。 【于洛杉矶 1993年6月4日】 “One In A Billion: Journey Toward Freedom” “一比十亿 - 通往自由的旅程” by Kai Chen 陈凯 著 ISBN:9781425985035 购书链接: http://www.amazon.com/One-Billion-Journey-Toward-Freedom/dp/1425985025 作者网站:www.kaichenforum.com 陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- DEDICATION 献给 To those who are alone, to those who are capable of being creative, to those who want to be happy and have courage to be free. 献给那些在孤独中不断思索探求的人们,那些有能力去创造、有勇气去自由与追求幸福的人们。 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 感谢 I would like to thank my wife and my mother. They have given me help in my daily life so I could write this book. My wife even helped me smooth my English - not an easy task. I also want to thank my father. Although he had already passed away when I wrote the book, he inspired me because he was a thinking man. AUTHOR’S FOREWORDS 作者前言 The coincidence of my father’s death and the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 provided me with the critical mass I needed to get started. I was faced with the reality that I wouldn’t live forever and pummeled by media image of the Chinese Revolution - a revolution I thought tragically resembled just another dynastic change. I started this book. A single individual died and an entire nation went mad. The two became linked in my mind because I believed in the potential of the individual, not in the power of the masses to control the individual. The China I have known is one where everybody claims to be the representative of his race, his culture and his nation and acts as such in order to evade individual freedom and responsibility. The China I would like to see is based on individual choice and responsibility. I have found that one must work to be free. We, as individuals, can choose what we want and create a free and just world for ourselves. Everyone of us is responsible for building a nation. This book is my effort to express my passionate belief in the power of the human spirit to achieve the impossible. Sharing my story is my contribution to a new China, and to others seeking the power within to achieve their dreams. When I was growing up in China, I was taught that the nation gave me the meaning of my life, but I came to believe that the individual gives meaning to the nation. I focused my anger and frustration on my own goals, not on hurting others. In a similar way, I want to use my outage and indignation to create a positive effect on people, and through these individuals, on nations. I do not believe in obscure language and fancy words. I do not like indirectness and ambiguity. At first, I tried to write this book in English directly. I failed because language differences broke my train of thought. I tried to collaborate with an American writer, but the communication gap defeated us. Finally I decided to write this book myself in Chinese first and then translate it into English. Following is the result. Kai Chen June 4, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------ STORY OUTLINE 故事简介 Kai and his mother were sitting on an Air China 747 in San Francisco International Airport, waiting impatiently for take-off. Kai’s father had passed away a year before in the spring of 1988. He was taking his mother home to visit his elder brother in China. The take-off had been delayed because one of the Chinese passengers failed to show up even though he had already checked his luggage. He had decided to remain in the US illegally. This incident took Kai back in time to his own painful and courageous decisions. …. A 12 year old Kai was sitting on the train waiting to leave Beijing for Manchuria. Young Kai was confused about why he was leaving, not knowing he and his brothers were being forced to join their exiled parents in the small city of Tonghua. He had spent the past five years with an abusive grandmother and Big Brother in Beijing. Life in Tonghua wasn’t any easier for Kai who grew into a teenager with a different accent and a unique physical appearance - 6’7” by the age 15. But the most mind-boggling torment for Kai and his family was still to come. In 1966, the Cultural Revolution began. With half of his relatives in Taiwan, Kai and his family endured political persecution and discrimination. He and his brothers were again forced to leave the city to go to the countryside. Kai set out to overcome these obstacles. He used his basketball skills to land a job in a Liuhe grain depot while playing for the depot’s team. Soon after, with China’s return to professional sports, two basketball coaches from the National Sports and Athletics Commission recruited him for the National Basketball Team’s training camp in Beijing. At the camp, Kai met his best friend Xiao, a track team member, who was later expelled because his father had worked for Kuomintang’s army. Kai remained a little longer and then was also expelled for the similar reason. Determined not to return to the isolation of the small town factory, he escaped to Canton. He was caught and then forced back to Beijing, placed in solitary confinement and put under investigation. The authorities suspected him of trying to defect to Hong Kong. Little do they understand, his goal was not to escape the country, but to escape the shackles of the Big Family, that undefined “everyone” that represents generations of tradition. He was nevertheless escorted back to the Liuhe grain depot. After yet another attempt to escape, Kai was drafted by the Shenyang army team and sent to a combat unit for reeducation. The harsh conditions weakened him and, near collapse, he learned that Xiao had died, alone and in desperation. Kai was hospitalized. Struggling to pick himself up and begin again, Kai returned to the team and worked on his game. He joined the country’s top military team - the August 1st Team - and made his first trip abroad, defying the prediction that he would never be allowed to represent China abroad because he had relatives in Taiwan. He helped his team win several national titles. Yet, the National Team still rejected him. While on the August 1st Team, Kai witnessed various traps the Big Family set to control individuals. Before long he found himself at the first Tiananmen Square Incident in 1976 and was punished by the authorities. Not to be denied, Kai became the best forward in the country. Remaining an outsider, he soared to win the most important game of his life. He was unanimously selected by the recruiters for the National Team in 1978 for China’s first entry in the World Basketball Championships and the tour of USA. He had the last laugh as he had promised to Xiao and to himself - he defeated the Big Family. Yet, the struggle did not end. Searching for happiness, Kai had his first sexual encounter with a Chinese volleyball player. He retired at the peak of his professional career. He entered college and met an American exchange student. He finally tasted true happiness. They married and he left for America. …. Back in 1989, Kai again stepped into Tiananmen Square, amid a student protest and hunger strike. Martial law was declared, road blocks were erected. The first truck of soldiers arrived and the tanks rolled in. The emblem of the PLA - a red star with the character “August 1st “ in the middle - swam in front Kai’s eyes. He left the Square quietly, as he had during the first Tiananmen Square Incident, as he had when he left China. |
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