Friday, February 11, 2011

Norman Hsu's Corruption Case and Recall Petitions Served to Anita Perez, Joseph Chang, Norman Hsu and Jay Chen 徐乃星腐败案及陈张徐等四学委被罢免提案

Video/Hacienda La Puente Unified School District: Norman Hsu's Corruption Case and Recall Petitions Served to Anita Perez, Joseph Chang, Norman Hsu and Jay Chen
哈崗学区:徐乃星腐败案及四学委(Anita Perez, 張金生,徐乃星,陈介飞)被罢免提案/视频

SoCal Chinese program prompts school board recall

(02-11) 14:14 PST HACIENDA HEIGHTS, Calif. (AP)



陈介飞用“种族主义”与“恐华(中共)”反击孔学堂的抗议者们实为可笑与荒谬。 就他的观点,华裔歧视他人是正常的与可以被接受的。 他人反抗华裔的腐败与堕落则被称为“种族主义”。 陈介飞就可以用自己的外表(黄皮肤)为自己的道德腐败作借口与盔甲。 这实在是让抗议者们(美国人/黑人、拉丁裔人、白人与亚裔人)笑掉大牙。

Kai Chen's Words:

Jay Chen's laughable/ridiculous defense of "Confucius Classroom", using "racism" and "fear of China", is classic/typical "political correct" nonsense. According to him, he is the representative of all Chinese because of his ancestry and skin color. His appearance can protect him from all criticisms of his corruption and wrong doing. We the protestors, composed of blacks, whites, Latinos and Asians, are to blame for criticizing his gangs mainly composed all Asians. "Insanity" comes to my mind with regard to Jay Chen, doesn't it?


Southern California Chinese program prompts school board recall

By Jacob Adelman

Associated Press

Posted: 02/11/2011 04:55:55 PM PST

LOS ANGELES -- Four members of a suburban school board are being targeted in a recall effort over their support for a middle-school language program funded by the Chinese government, one of the members said Friday.

Hacienda La Puente Unified School Board President Jay Chen said he and the three other members of the five-member panel had been served with notices of intent to circulate recall petitions, each signed by 12 residents of Hacienda Heights in east Los Angeles County.

Chen, along with board members Norman Hsu, Joseph Chang and Anita Perez, voted last year to approve the agreement with China's international language-teaching agency to cooperate on the so-called Confucius Classroom Mandarin program.

Under the program, which already is in place at dozens of other schools across the United States, the district was to receive $30,000 a year for language and culture programs at Cedarlane Middle School, along with some 1,000 textbooks, CDs and other educational materials.

The program attracted scorn from some community members, who have said at board meetings it was a vehicle to indoctrinate students with communist ideology and other foreign influences.

The recall petition served to Chen claims he "believes that the United States will be subservient to China and manipulates students to serve China's government," among other claims.

Chen said he was surprised that a program as seemingly innocuous as Confucius Classroom would inspire such rancor.

"I do sense a strain of xenophobia and even racism," he said. "There's a real fear of China that permeates some of the allegations."

He added that most of the Confucius Classroom opponents do not have children in the school district, and the program is generally popular among parents and teachers.

A directory service operator had no telephone listing for petition organizer Rudolph Obad.

Hsu, Chang, Perez and District Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka did not return messages.

Chen said he believed the recall effort was prompted by a recent vote to approve the teaching materials for classroom use.

School officials had previously decided to refuse the $30,000 grant amid the strong community resistance. They also turned down an offer to have the Chinese government place a teaching assistant in Cedarlane and pay his or her salary.

The petitioners' next step in the recall process is to file their notice of intent with the county registrar-recorder's office then collect signatures to get the matter on an upcoming ballot. The register-recorder's office did not answer a phone call seeking to ask how many signatures must be collected.

Chen Zhunmin, who directs the Chinese consulate's education office in Los Angeles, said Hacienda Heights was the only community he has encountered where the Confucius Classroom program has stoked controversy.

He said many schools have contacted the consulate seeking to set up programs.

"Confucius Classroom has nothing to do with ideology," he said. "Its primary role has to do with the teaching of language and also to promote mutual understanding."


美媒揭徐乃星腐败案 居民周四拟提罢免议题

【大纪元2011年02月09日讯】(大纪元记者袁玫哈岗报导)圣盖博谷论坛网﹚( 6日刊登一篇洛杉矶区律师办公室开始展开对哈岗教委利用学区资源进行私人中国旅游的调查文章,文中指出陈凯已获得足够的证据,哈岗学区居民本周四拟针对此腐败事件提罢免教委议题。

这篇来自﹙J.D. Velasco﹚的报导,文中引用陈凯的说明,“在学区文件中,教委徐乃星利用学区时间和资源,组织与教育毫不相关的旅游已达15 年之久”;“徐乃星回答他组织这些旅程是因‘他们是有益于社区和有益于社区的人民’”。
陈凯表示,依前学区总监John Kramer所言,徐乃星已有2年在学区办理大陆学生来美留学的签证,那都是需要好几万元。如今徐更是利用孔子学堂为幌子,做大陆学生来美国的签证。
Velasco的报导中,哈岗学区总监Barbara Nakaoka表示,“允许社区民众去学习中国文化;我们的律师说这种旅行有合法性”。陈凯表示,果真如此,徐乃星前助理佩蒂蓝帕丝﹙Patty Lampassi﹚就不会在1月7日发表不再协助徐乃星安排春季旅游的声明。

美东时间: 2011-02-08 22:35:06 PM 【万年历】

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