Saturday, November 12, 2011

视频/美国良知教授:中共党朝恶过纳粹 Greg Autry Debates Leftists

Greg Autry Debates Leftists


陈凯 按 Kai Chen Note

Greg Autry is the author of "Death by China".  His moral clarity examplifies American spirit and principles of freedom.  I want to thank him for being my friend and for forwarding this link to me.  Enjoy. 

Greg Autry 是“致命的中国”一书的作者。 他在这一视频节目中用一个美国人良知的清晰抨击了西左人士们对中共党朝的绥靖与道德混乱。 我在此感谢他作为我的朋友将此视频转给我。

I love it when you exhibit your moral clarity and equate China with Nazi Germany. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Keep in touch.  Kai Chen


Its funny I got emails from left wing crazies calling me a "White Supremacist" and emails from a nutty German who was angry that I compared the China to the Nazi's (I guess he thought that reflected badly on the Nazi's) and called me "Zionist". Just can't please anyone.  Greg


Thanks Greg for your message. I would wear that title from the left as a badge of honor. Too bad I am not white. That is why I function as a "race and nation traitor" (which I wear it as a badge of honor) to add voice of conscience to this debate.   Best. Kai Chen

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