Friday, February 5, 2010

Liberty Times: Taiwan should not end up in anti-democracy camp 台湾须知 - 不要加入专制反自由的"统一"

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

台湾的政府与民众应该非常清楚: 大陆中共党朝是一个不久于世、苟延残喘的非法政权,是一个欠下了八千万无辜性命血债的罪犯奴隶社会。 将统一、和谐的中国专制传统伪价值摆在人的自由尊严之上会导致台湾的民众面临前所唯有的惨剧与灾难。 --- 陈凯

Taiwan's government and people should understand this crucial point: The time for the Chinese communist regime is about to be over, for the simple reason that the communist party-dynasty is an illegitimate criminal entity. The criminal regime on the mainland is about to answer to the highest court - the court of human conscience for the anti-humanity crimes and atrocities it has committed since it came to power in 1949 (80 million innocent lives perished in peace time under the criminal government). The corrupt pseudo-values of the Chinese tradition such as "unity and harmony" should not be what the future state of China adheres. Freedom/human dignity is the real value of mankind. To pursue unity/harmony at the cost of human freedom and dignity will sink Taiwan (and people in Asia and the world) into the abyss of another despotism with unthinkable consequences of horror and carnage. Be careful and be vigilant. --- Kai Chen


The Liberty Times: Taiwan should not end up in anti-democracy camp 台湾须知 - 不要加入专制反自由的"统一"

Central News Agency

2010-02-05 03:53 PM

The U.S. unveiled a US$6.4 billion arms package for Taiwan last week, to China's irritation, and U.S. President Barack Obama said he would meet with Tibetan spiritual leader the Dala Lama at the end of this month during the later's visit to Washington. At the peak of the financial crisis last year, Washington was pursuing a policy of conciliation with China, but this year, the Obama administration seems ready to change tack.

Based on these frictions and the disputes over trade and the value of the Chinese yuan, Chinese political analysts have predicted that strategic competition will replace strategic cooperation between Beijing and Washington.

U.S. think tanks have floated similar views, forecasting that relations between Beijing and Washington in 2010 will not progress as well as in the previous year.

China owes much of its peaceful rise to its huge trade surplus with the U. S. Competition with the U.S. will inevitably dampen China's economic growth and drive down its employment rate and domestic consumption.

China's threat to boycott U.S. firms that sell arms to Taiwan is likely to be nothing but rhetoric because these American firms have markets other than China.

However, China could hold Taiwan businessmen operating on the mainland hostage and compel Taiwan to acknowledge the one-China principle on Beijing's terms.

We are not concerned about the strife between Beijing and Washington, as long as Taipei is not drawn into it. But the risk of Taiwan's involvement would become real if President Ma Ying-jeou achieves economic integration with China through his proposed trade pact.

Taiwan should plant itself firmly in the democracy camp rather than on the anti-democracy side.

(Feb. 5, 2010) (By Maubo Chang)

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