Friday, August 7, 2009

毛 -- 并无优缺功过,只有罪恶 Mao - No Merits or Faults, Only Crimes

毛氏蘑菇烟云 Mao Mushroom Cloud

毛 -- 并无优缺功过,只有罪恶 Mao - No Merits or Faults, Only Crimes

陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:

As I read the comments and attacks on my initiative “Global Day to Denounce Mao" (October 1, 2009), I encountered a numerous messages saying Mao should be viewed overall by his merits and faults, by a quantitative judgment, not a qualitative judgment. I wonder when people uttered those words, have they ever thought about the 70 million innocent lives and countless families perished and utterly destroyed under Mao and the communist regime in China? What kind of achievement could a biggest mass murderer of innocent lives have? Why has there never been a sense of justice and human dignity in Chinese society? This mentality of no responsibilities for anyone at any time reflects not only a moral corruption in the Chinese political culture, but an inability to establish a civil society with liberty and justice for everyone and all. If Mao were not a criminal mass murderer in human history, then the Chinese themselves would easily escape their own responsibilities as individuals when they commit unjust and evil act against their own fellow human beings.

In essence, my indictment of Mao and the communist regime in China is an indictment of the entire Chinese political culture with its deep-rooted immorality and thorough nihilistic mindset. Therefore, "Global Day to Denounce Mao" (October 1, 2009) has a special meaning and effect of cleansing the moral confusion and corruption from the Chinese political culture, as well as the mainstream American and global political culture. --- Kai Chen

当我读了那些对我的“十月一日全球逐毛日”评论与攻击之后,我看到了众多的所谓评价毛功过的言论。 似乎中国的人们已被阉割了他们作为人的全部道德良知的纤维。 他们已经麻木到了对事物只愿有量的争论而不能进行任何质的辨别的程度。 他们曾经想过那在毛共之下七千万无辜死亡的人们和无数的被毁灭的家庭吗? 除了罄竹难书的滔天罪恶,一个为所欲为的、为了个人权欲野心滥杀无辜的刽子手会有什么样的功过? 为什么在中国的社会文化中自古就缺少正义感与对自由尊严的追求? 对毛的道德放纵其实只是每个中国人对自身道德责任感的逃避与否认,也是中国的人们从不追求个体自由的基点原因。 如果毛可以对他的杀人虐待不负任何道德谴责甚至不以为耻反以为荣,那所有中国的个人们也都可以对自己在毛共罪恶政权下对身边无辜的非正义不道德的行为推卸责任。

在实质上说,我对毛与共产邪权罪行的指控是对整个中国现存的深刻的政治文化的腐败与中国专制虚无心态的指控。 “全球逐毛日”(2009年10月1日) 由此会有一个特殊的含义 -- 清除我们自身的在中国的政治文化中、在美国的与全世界的政治文化中的道德混乱与道德腐败。 --- 陈凯


Dear Visitors:

Since I launched the "Global Day to Denounce Mao" (October 1, 2009), I received many attacks through emails, online comments and phone calls. Many have comments such as "Mao is still a great man regardless how many people he killed", or "All politicians have blood on their hands, Mao is not an exception", or simply "Mao should be viewed only by his merits/achievements as well as his faults as a historical figure"..... The moral evasion, moral confusion and moral corruption emanated from these comments reveal the deep-seated Chinese nihilistic political culture. The stinks are unbearable.

Some perverted views even say that we should forgive Mao and the communist crimes, for we should be standing on higher moral ground. How can one forgive a criminal without him being put on trial, or him confessing his own crimes and beg for forgiveness? Only perverts pretend to be forgiving without justice achieved. My initiative of "Global Movement to Denounce Mao" aims at righting these wrongs, aims at cleansing the corruption and contamination in the world political culture. The display of Mao's statue in the Nixon Presidential Library indeed reflects such moral confusion, corruption and contamination. I hope all of those who still have conscience and moral integrity join me to fight for justice, to fight for liberty, to fight for our souls with human integrity and dignity.

Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen

赫鲁晓夫给毛屠夫授勋 Khrushchev Gives Mao a Medal for Murdering People

陳凱等人發起 十一全球逐毛日 Global Day to Denounce Mao






他於今年6月,即刻寫封抗議信函給館長納塔里(Timothy Naftali)嚴正反應,中共現在於海外大力投入資金及人力,潛移默化深入美國各主流價值機構,用這種「連美國都承認」的型式來控制中國人民,美國在無知下等同承認極權專制中共的合法性。





郭樹人等盼望僑民若站在反共陣線上,即日起至10月1日,歡迎共同聯名簽署,請打電話 323-734-3071 323-734-3071 / 323-734-3071 323-734-3071 ,電子郵件,或歡迎上網。簽署只要告知名字、居住城市或國家即可,非常簡單。


Anonymous said...



一个人,一个社会的道德标准是有前提的,有不同时代认识背景的。例如,在以前惯用的无产阶级和资产阶级词汇体系来描述的道德是完全不一样的。 不然耶稣不会说:他们犯罪他们不知道。






Anonymous said...

Kai - Thanks for sharing. I can't get beyond the fact that Mao is among the world's worst murderer of innocent human beings. It's impossible to even think about any good he might have done with this horrendous stain on his soul.

To have cut short so many lives - lives he had no right to take. But because he did, mankind will never know how many great people China lost and the world in science, philosophy, music, engineering, teaching, etc.

Whatever supposed great things that Mao did, are irrelevant compared to the human suffering and devastation he caused. How any person can think of his so-called achievements shows how lost our world has become when the lives of human beings have no apparent value. This is chilling to think about! Margie