Friday, December 7, 2018

The Danger of Chinese Confucian Communism- a Deadly Spiritual HIV/AIDS Virus

1 comment:

Kai Chen 陈凯 said...


I am surprised and amazed that Jon Wiener in his book "How We Forgot the Cold War" detailed my protest at the Nixon Library over Mao's statue in its "World Leaders" section. I am glad he took the same moral position against such a display.

I only hope more people would take action and write to the Nixon Library, demanding the removal of Mao's statue from the World Leaders section. Mao is a World Murderer. As I am glad to see in the Reagan Library, Mao's image belongs to the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Kai Chen,+basketball,+china,+california,+cold+war,+Jon+Wiener&source=bl&ots=qQz6mb3KI3&sig=UHlXAT56KTFvSGHDFLn5kZNoaHA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwmpve05bfAhX6IDQIHdFCBHwQ6AEwBXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=kai%20chen%2C%20basketball%2C%20china%2C%20california%2C%20cold%20war%2C%20Jon%20Wiener&f=false