陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Kai Chen's Requests for Information
曾經多次在哈崗/拉朋地(Hacienda/La Punte)聯合學區教委會公開會議上發言反對學區從中共漢辦引進「孔子課堂」,並對力主引進該課程的教委徐乃星一年內訪問中國十幾次經費哪裏來提出質疑的陳凱表示:已致函哈崗學區教委會,要求公佈其辦公室人員之間,包括電子郵件來往等所有相關記錄。
陳凱還說: 「每一個學區教委在就職時都簽署了Conflict of Interest Statement(利益衝突聲明),保證避免將私人利益牽涉到公共事務中。因此,如果有以公行私、以私騙公的行為是要承受法律責任的。」
徐乃星在聲明中說:「去年一年,我的護照出國記錄在案,隨時提供查閱。每次出國,都是以自費購買機票。去年6月和12月,我接受美國大學理事會的邀請,參加該大學理事會的『漢語橋美國教育訪問團』(Chinese Bridge Delegation)到大陸,一行(每次)四百餘人,所有活動都是大學理事會主導。」
今年1月底,哈崗拉朋地學區教委以4比1投票通過從今年9月開始在西達連初中開設孔子課堂,引進中共漢辦教材,聘請來自中國大陸的輔導老師。投支持票的教委有徐乃星(Norman Hsu)、陳介飛(Jay Chen)、張金生(Joseph Chang)和Anita Perez。唯一投反對票的是Rudy Chavarria。
該決定一出,即遭到包括前學區總監約翰‧克里默( John Kramer)在內一些居民的極力反對,擔心中共利用孔子課堂向美國中小學生洗腦,他說:「如果是開課教授西班牙的歷史,我不會反對,但是這個由漢辦設計的課程,其目的是教授中國共產黨政府統治下的文化和思維方式。」
美東時間: 2010-07-15 13:27:45 PM 【萬年曆】
本文網址: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/10/7/16/n2967391.htm
July 16, 2010
From Kai Chen: I have received parts of the information I requested from the School District and will soon received the rest available information. I am in the process of reviewing, recording and examining the information. I will present my conclusion and suggestions to the proper authorities.
Key Requests(Three sets of requests)to Hacienda La Puente Unified School District by Kai Chen:
(Requests presented: June 17, 2010, July 6, 2010, July 12, 2010)
* How many members on the School Board have been approached by Mr. Hsu and invited by him to have gone to China?
* Records of the Chinese government officials from "Hanban" and the Chinese Consulate General visiting the School District, and/or School District member(s) visiting Hanban and Chinese Consulate.
* "Conflict of Interest Statement" from each of the four School District members who voted Yes on implementing "Confucius Classroom".
* Email records between Mr. Norman Hsu and the school district staff with regard to arranging his trips to China.
* All email records during the last four years between the mentioned four School District members with regard to the issue of "Confucius Classroom" and trips to China. These members: Mrs. Anita Perez (President), Mr. Jay Chen (Vice President), Mr. Norman Hsu (Clerk) and Mr. Joseph Chang (Board Member).
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