Saturday, April 30, 2011

陈凯再版/我生来就不是“中国人” I Have Never Been a "Chinese"

There is a hero in your heart/Song 每一个人心中都有一个英雄 - 你自己的伟大与优秀,你自身的价值与美德/歌


I Have Never Been a "Chinese"

与中共党朝与专制文化心态的博争 – 价值之争而绝非权力之争
Establishing Values vs. Power Struggle

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/6/2011, Reprint 4/30/2011)

一个人的真实个体认同是他是否能自由与幸福的基点。 一个人是否首先是个“自由人”决定了他是否有真实的信仰与理念。 这世界上没有人可以自由于上苍与人性。 但一个人必须首先是个有自由意志与选择的人才能真正认知上苍,才能真正与自身的人性(个性实质)对话沟通。

在不久前我与一位朋友的对话中,他很漫不经心地断言“你我都是‘中国人’”。 我马上纠正他说:“我是一个‘美国人’。 我生来就从不是一个‘中国人’而是一个‘自由人’。” 他沉默不语,不知如何作答。 我马上意识到他从未认真思考过他的个体认同。 他的个体认同是虚无的,被群体专制文化心态定位的,被中文文字习惯控制的与被“走捷径”情结奴役的。 我由此更深刻地感到了一个人的真实“个体认同”的关键与必要。 没有基于良知与理性的真实个体认同,一个人的行为将永远是无方向、无价值的“驴拉磨”与“被鞭笞而转的陀螺”。 东亚大陆的围绕“权争”的永久“朝代循环”只不过是每个华语系人的个体认同的虚无与反价值的投射而已(就如中共党朝与专制社会的结构不过是每个华语系人的家庭专制等级伦礼结构的投射而已)。

我曾经说过“我虽然生下来是个中国人,我选择了作一个美国人”(Although I was born Chinese, I chose to be American”)。 但经过一段思考之后,我觉得这样的说法更确切:“我生来就不是个‘中国人’。 我生来就是个‘自由人’并也是个‘美国人’。 我只是生错了地方。 ”( I was never born ‘Chinese’. I was born a ‘free being’; therefore I was born an “American”. I was born only in the wrong place.)

大多的华语系人们从不询问与关心自身的“个体认同”。 他们似乎从来都把“中国人”不加思考地视为他们的第一认同。 似乎“不是中国人”对华语系的人们永远都是一种最大的侮辱与亵渎。 在没有任何人询问或懂得什么是“中国”二字所代表的意义时,所有的人都将“中国”作为神去顶礼膜拜。 爱“中国”的永远是好的和有价值的;反“中国”的永远是邪恶的和应被诅咒的。 但当你用良知与理性去鉴别与分析这些华语系人们的个体认同时,你就会发现: 他们的这个“中国”其实是“反神(假冒神)、反人性、反价值”的,用零去乘(去消灭)任何存在与价值的纯粹“虚无”。 被阉割精髓实质的“宦官”,“跪着生”的奴才,“站着死”的烈士与貌似神的杀人虐人的专制魔王们充斥着华语系人们的精神与物质的世界。 “中国”(中庸与中央的永世王朝)说到底是对人类普世终极价值(真实、正义、自由与尊严,Truth, Justice, Liberty, Dignity)的彻底反动。 将自己认同为“中国人”说到底是对人性、良知、理性的彻底反动。 将“中国”当成“圣牛”等同神是对上苍与道德的彻底反动。

当那些海外的“反共”人士们拼命地与中共党朝(China’s Party-Dynasty)争夺谁更代表“中国”而从不知、不定义“中国”二字的内涵实质的时候,他们实际是在与中共党朝争夺谁比谁更虚无、谁比谁更有强权、谁比谁的人数更多、谁比谁更“中国化”。 不难看出,那些对刘晓波的无端指责、栽赃与谩骂的人们大都来自这些“纯粹的中国人”。 他们无视刘晓波所代表的反专制暴政、反暴力仇恨、反中国“宦奴娼”文化的精髓实质,将他标签戴帽地说成是一匹“走极端”的“黑马”并将他边缘化。 我在“刘晓波的伟大在于他是个‘人’”等文章中一再指出: 刘晓波的获奖给所有华语系的人们带来一个自省的机会与转折点 – 脱离“中国”的反人、反价值、反存在的虚无文化认同,走向人性、自由、存在、尊严与追求真实幸福的普世终极的“人”的价值。

我说我生下来就是个“美国人”是在说我生下来就是个“自由人”。 我从来在中共党朝与专制文化的土地上就没有任何的“归属认同感”。 我 – 一个心灵上的自由人,从来都是被所有的认同“中国”的道德虚无的伦礼奴才们所歧视、侮辱与折磨的。 我说我将永远首先是个“美国人”是在说我将永远认同“美国”所代表的“存在”的价值 – 生命、自由与对幸福的不懈追求。 我首先是个被上苍(神)所创造的“自由人”,其次我是个父亲、丈夫、男人、儿子、作家、运动家、反共活动家、商人、、、等等。 “我是个黄皮肤的亚裔人”、“我生在北京”、“我讲华语”可能会被排在我的个体认同的一百位以后。

说我生在东亚大陆我就非得是个“中国人”只表明了那些“环境奴”与“种族地域奴”的人的低下心态。 说我因为母语是华语我就非得是个“中国人”只表明了那些“语言奴”的无奈绝望(难道说英语的人们都得是英国人?)。 说我的黄皮肤与亚裔外表就标明我的“中国”认同只表明了那些“种族奴”的病态狂热。

我只在此忠告那些将“中国人”作为他们个体的第一认同的人们: 不要误以为我是和你们一样追求“宏大的虚无”而逃避自由与幸福的“中国人”。 不要将一个连你自己也无法定义的虚幻词汇“中国”作为“圣牛”与价值(神)去崇拜。 不要将基于杀人暴力的“统一”,将灭人良知理性的“腐儒文化”, 将遍设“文字狱”、“思想狱”的谎言世界的“和谐”,将“繁荣昌盛”的“奴才王朝”作为价值、个体认同与“中国”的定义去褒扬追求。

在我的世界里,“人”永远是自由的、有尊严的、有道德正义感的存在的实体,而绝不是一个夹在、躲在群体中的数字;“人”永远是追求“站着生”的意义存在,而绝不是物化的“跪着生”的奴才和神化的“站着死”的烈士。 只有当人们真正懂得生命与存在、真正建立道德的个体认同的时候,“中国”二字(也可能是“东亚联邦共和体”--- 一个新的名称概念去取代“中国”)才可能开始真正有意义。

Friday, April 29, 2011

陈凯再版/哪儿有自由,哪儿就是我的家 My Home is Where Freedom Thrives

Song/“My Way” 歌/“我的路”


My Home is Where Freedom Thrives


"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 12/17/2009, Reprint 4/29/2011)

价值一语: Words of Value:

“I do not fear tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”


我常常听到一些反共的民运人士将自己来到美国与西方称为“流亡”。 这好像在说“我到一个自由的国土上是不情愿的”或者“我并不认同美国与西方的价值”。 这也在暗示他人“我的存在是我的出生地、我的血缘、我的环境与文化决定的”。 当我感到中国的人们与“价值虚无”认同,与“血统家族”认同,与“祖宗专制文化”认同的时候,我不知是想哭还是想笑。

我在中国生活的二十八年是被在中国的人们认为“‘熬’到了成为‘人上人’”的二十八年,是我被屈辱与非人的“工具奴隶”心态折磨的二十八年,是我在与内心的逐渐死亡与默默绝望斗争而逐渐奔向心灵自由的二十八年。 我在中国的生活与心历路程证实了“自由、尊严”的存在。 我在中国的生活向我自己证实了“人”并不是其出生地、血缘血统、种族群体、环境文化的奴隶。 “人”是上苍所创的、有尊严有意义的自由体。 “人”绝不是政府、家族、群体的附庸、财产与工具。 我在中国的搏争向我自己证实了“我存在”与“我决定我的存在状态”。

我在美国生活的二十八年是我向自己再证实了“自由与幸福是可能的与可贵的”二十八年,是我回归到了人的自然状态的二十八年,是我激情地设计自我追求幸福的二十八年,是我珍惜生命中的每一刻并发现自身生命意义的二十八年。 我对美国与其所代表的价值只有尊崇与感激。 美国确实是一个“人”而不是“奴”的社会,是一个有着人的尊严与正义感而摈弃人的无奈绝望的社会,是一个“人追求幸福欢乐并实现每一个人的潜力天才的走向未来的勇者”的社会。 我只能骄傲地向世界宣称: 我生下来就已经是一个“美国人”,只是我生错了地方。

在一个“负向文化筛选”的中国,像我这样的崇尚尊严、追求自由的人只有被专制虚无文化困扰折磨、只有逐渐在心灵上默默死亡与在肉体上被专制虐杀的下场。 在一个“正向价值吸引”的美国,我激情地生活了二十八年,并在其中品尝着每一个充满意义的时刻。 我实在不懂为什么那些来美来西方已久的中国的人们非要将自己置于自己的肤色、文化、出生地、语言的困扰奴役之下,为什么将自由的美国说成是“异国他乡”而将专制的中国说成是“祖国家园”。 如果将到美国与西方说成是“流亡”,那你们追求的价值是什么呢? 如果你们不能认同美国所代表的普世终极的人的价值 – 生命、自由与对幸福的追求,那你们到底想追求什么呢?


将不能定义的“中国”与不能批评分析的“中国文化”作为“圣牛”并作为一种伪宗教信仰去顶礼膜拜是一种极为有害的病态扭曲。 纵观人类,在世界历史上从没有一个向前演进的文化与宗教是不许人用其上苍所赐的道德良知、理性常识去分析评判的。 那些不许人发问、暴露、分析与评判的文化与宗教是对人有害无益的、没有前景的、僵死不化的为专制极权所用的工具与其杀人杀灵的武器。

文化(宗教)与种族是截然不同的两回事: 文化(宗教)是由后天的教育与影响而立,当然它是可以、也是必须被批判分析的(如果这种文化是有活力与前行力的话)。 种族与血缘是先天形成的、不是由个体选择而有的,所以对种族与血缘的评判只能是一种偏见与歧视。 文化可能是优秀的或邪恶的、进步的或落后的。 种族与血缘并没有好坏对错之分。

我曾说过“共产党垮后未来的中国只能是一个‘自由人’的国度,而不能是一个不能定义的、道德虚无混乱的‘中国人’的国度”。 只有崇尚人的尊严、热爱自由、追求幸福的国度我才可以认同与支持。 “被动的‘流亡’与被‘国’被‘土’被‘血’被‘祖’定义再也不能成为中国的人们对‘人’的理解与对自我的认同。 “价值”而不是“文化”将成为人们追求的目标。 “道德”而不是“伦理/礼”将成为人们行为的准则。 人将从追求中寻找意义而不是从“被流亡”、“被迫害”、“被定义”中的无奈受害者心态寻求自己与他人的怜悯与同情。 个体的主动、独立与强大将成为普遍。 个体的被动、无奈与渺小将成为过去。 “人”而不是“国”或“族”将成为新文化的行为与思维基点。 “人”而不是“民”将最终在中国这块土地上站起来。 人将永远不再在“跪着生”与“站着死”之间选择,而是在追求“站着生”中寻找生命的意义。 未来的中国人应是自由的、有道德与尊严的、“站着生”的人。 那个时候我才会骄傲地说:我是个中国人。

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Salman Rushdie/China must set Ai Weiwei free 中共必须释放艾未未

Ai Weiwei Interview  艾未未访谈/视频

Salman Rushdie - Author of "Satanic Verses"


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

言论与信息的自由流通是一个正常社会的氧气与水。 没有它们一个社会只能是一个“活死人”,“吸血鬼”和“宦奴娼”的尿盆屎缸社会。

Freedom of speech and flow of information to a normal society is like oxygen and water to a normal person. Without them a society is just like a self-contained chamber-pot or outhouse with only zombies, vampires and "eunuslawhores" wriggling in it.


China must set Ai Weiwei free

The communist regime is conducting a brutal purge and jailing human rights activists – including its most famous artist, Ai Weiwei, the creator of 'Sunflower Seeds’. The world should not stand idly by, says Salman Rushdie.

By Salman Rushdie 8:09PM BST 20 Apr 2011

The great turbine hall at London’s Tate Modern gallery, a former power station, is a notoriously difficult space for an artist to fill with authority. Its immensity can dwarf the imaginations of all but a select tribe of modern artists who understand the mysteries of scale, of how to say something interesting when you also have to say something really big. Louise Bourgeois’s giant spider once stood menacingly in this hall; Anish Kapoor’s Marsyas, a huge, hollow trumpet-like shape made of a stretched substance that hinted at flayed skin, triumphed over it majestically.

Last October the leading Chinese artist Ai Weiwei covered the floor with his Sunflower Seeds installation: one hundred million tiny porcelain objects, each hand-made by a master craftsman, no two identical. Sunflower Seeds is a carpet of life, multitudinous, inexplicable, and in the best Surrealist sense, strange. The seeds were intended to be walked on, but further strangeness followed. It was discovered that when trampled they gave off a fine dust that could damage the lungs. These symbolic representations of life could, it appeared, be dangerous to the living. The exhibit was cordoned off and visitors had to walk carefully around the perimeter.

Art can be dangerous. Very often artistic fame has proved dangerous to artists. Ai Weiwei’s work is not polemical – like the Sunflower Seeds, it tends towards the mysterious – but his immense public prominence (he was a co-designer of the Bird’s Nest Stadium for the Beijing Olympics, and was recently ranked at 13 in Art Review magazine’s list of the 100 most powerful figures in art) has allowed him to take up human rights cases and to draw attention to China’s often inadequate responses to disasters (the plight of the child victims of the Sichuan earthquake or those afflicted by the huge fire at Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai). He has embarrassed the authorities and been harassed by them before, but now they have gone on the offensive against him.

On April 4, Ai Weiwei was arrested by the Chinese authorities as he tried to board a plane to Hong Kong and disappeared. His studio was raided, computers and other items were removed. Since then, the regime has allowed hints of his “crimes” to be published – tax evasion, pornography. These accusations are not credible to those who know him. It seems that the regime, irritated by the outspokenness of its most celebrated art export, whose renown has protected him up to now, has decided to silence him in the most brutal fashion. On the same day, Wen Tao, a freelance journalist and one of Ai’s partners, was kidnapped by several unidentified persons on a street in Beijing, but the police have refused to say who is responsible for his disappearance.

The disappearance of Ai Weiwei is made worse by reports that he has started to “confess”. His release is a matter of extreme urgency and the governments of the free world have a clear duty in this matter.

Meanwhile, the great writer Liao Yiwu has been denied permission to travel to the United States this month to attend the PEN World Voices festival in New York, and there are fears that he could be the regime’s next target. He has also been asked to sign a document pledging not to publish any more of his “illegal” works outside China. (All of his works, including the great book we know as The Corpse Walker, have been banned inside China for years.) Publication of a new collection, God is Red, is imminent in the US and Europe, and there are worries that he may soon disappear as well.

The writer Ye Du was picked up in February. There is still no acknowledgement of his whereabouts and no charges have been laid. He has not been allowed to contact his family or lawyers. Teng Biao, a writer and lawyer, is one of several prominent human rights lawyers who have disappeared since February. Liu Xianbin, a writer, was sentenced this month to a 10-year prison term for incitement to subversion. This is the same charge laid against the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, who remains in jail, serving a 10-year term.

Other writers, artists and activists who have been arrested or disappeared in the draconian crackdown include Zhu Yufu, detained since March 5 and formally arrested on April 10; Liu Zhengqing, illegally held incommunicado at an unknown location since March 25 (his wife has also been impossible to contact since the same date); and Yang Tongyan (sentenced to 12 years) and Shi Tao (10 years).

The lives of artists are more fragile than their creations. The poet Ovid was exiled by Augustus Caesar to a little hell-hole on the Black Sea called Tomis. He spent the rest of his days begging to be allowed to return to Rome. So Ovid’s life was blighted. But the poetry of Ovid has outlasted the Roman Empire. The poet Mandelstam was murdered by Stalin’s executioners, but the poetry of Mandelstam has outlived the Soviet Union. The poet Lorca was killed by the thugs of Spain’s Generalissimo Franco, but the poetry of Lorca has outlived Franco’s tyrannical regime. We can perhaps bet on art to win over tyrants. It is the world’s artists, particularly those courageous enough to stand up against authoritarianism, for whom we need to be concerned, and for whose safety we must fight.

Not all writers or artists seek or ably perform a public role, and those who do – Harold Pinter, Susan Sontag, Günter Grass, Graham Greene, Gabriel Garcia Marquez – risk obloquy and derision, even in free societies. Sontag, an outspoken commentator on the Bosnian conflict, was giggled at because she sometimes sounded as if she “owned” the subject of Sarajevo. Pinter’s tirades against US foreign policy and his “champagne socialism” were much derided. Grass’s high visibility as a public intellectual and scourge of Germany’s rulers led to a degree of schadenfreude when it came to light that, long ago, he had concealed his brief service in the Waffen SS as a conscript at the tail end of World War Two. Garcia Marquez’s friendship with Fidel Castro, and Greene’s earlier chumminess with Panama’s Omar Torrijos, made them political targets.

When artists venture into politics the risks to reputation and integrity are ever present. But outside the free world, where criticism of power is at best difficult and at worst all but impossible, such figures as Ai Weiwei and his colleagues are often the only ones with the courage to speak the truth against the lies of tyrants. We needed the samizdat truth-tellers to reveal the ugliness of the USSR. Today China’s government has become the world’s biggest threat to freedom of speech, so we need Ai Weiwei, Liao Yiwu and Liu Xiaobo.

© 2011 Salman Rushdie

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

陈凯再版/“来西方学反西方,用自由学灭自由”Chinese Mindset - Using Freedom to Destroy Freedom

Brainwashed Chinese worshipping Mao “中国人”的崇魔热


Using Freedom to Destroy Freedom

- 中国海外学人自古至今的反价值罪恶历史与病态心理的写照

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 1/23/2010, Reprint 4/27/2011)

真实、正义、自由与尊严的普世终极价值似乎与中国的人们,尤其是与在海外西方的学人们无缘。 似乎将自己拋除在自由世界之外以拯救中国的人们尤其是中国的学人们的虚荣,拯救中国人祖宗的“脸”与“皮”是中国的人们唯一关心的命题。 西方电影中的那些没有灵魂的、吃人寄生的“吸血鬼”(vampires)、“活死人”(zombies) 的形象自然地就涌现在我的头脑中。 哀哉! 中国的人们为什么非要迷恋在强烈的“反人非人”的思维状态与情感中而拒绝成为真实的“人”?

“东方西方”、“中国外国”这些人们常用的混头蒙脑的伪词汇禁锢着人们的灵智,使人们看不到事物的本质。 从洋务运动中的“中学为体,西学为用”到“明治维新”的日本到今天“宠孔拜儒”的中国海外学人、、,这一切的实质说穿了只不过是“专制为核,自由为用”、“奴役为实,尊严为虚”、“族群为上,个体为下”罢了。 用自由世界由于真实永恒的人类价值而产生的物质与社会管理的成果为延续中国“孔儒专制”服务(救祖宗的脸、护族群的皮)是自始至终海外学人们的病态迷恋。 “救中国而无视人的尊严与自由”、“保族群而贬辍人的幸福与正义感”、“抬专制祖宗而摈弃人的良知与逻辑”是中国海外学人们的至今共有的反人类价值的通病。 “用麻绳来绑电线”的表象的“中西沟通”是历来中国专制统治者们与中国海外学人们自欺他欺的普遍现象。 “自由与专制实质的绝缘与对立”的本质是这些无灵无智的人们所竭尽全力否认、逃避与回避的。 价值的电流就此永远不能激起对自由渴望与对幸福追求的熊熊火焰。 中国仍旧被黑暗所笼罩,瞎子们也就成了这黑暗的必然孪生物。

从胡适到周恩来、从邓小平到今天台湾的马英九、、,这些海外的学人们从来都是在“镀金”与“维护祖宗的专制传统文化与制度”上徘徊不前。 自由世界的必然的个体责任感与无畏的对真实的追求吓破了他们的胆。 为了“皮脸”的虚荣与个体在族群认同中的“伪安全的确定感”,这些“宦奴娼”心态的海外学人们便在由于自由世界的自由言论与思想而产生的各种学派中精心搜寻那些适用于“祖宗专制传统与思想方法”的“反西方反自由反资本主义经济学说”如萧伯纳、马克思、民族社会主义(纳粹、法西斯)、共产极权与将人分为各种类别的各种左派理论学说。 自然地,民族社会主义的“以族而分”与共产主义的“以阶级而分”的反人理论就与这些中国的“宦奴娼”们的腐儒反人心态中的“君臣父子”“男女老幼”的三纲五常的中国专制等级论连在一起引起奴役伪哲学的巨大共鸣。 再加上马克思与黑格尔的“黑就是白、白就是黑”的“辩证法” 的方法论与中国古典的“阴阳”与“朝代循环”一触即通,自然而然地中国传统专制的“砒霜”与马克思(社会主义、共产主义)的“氰化钠”就在“难得糊涂”的中式大酱缸中搅为一体,成为一个毒素加倍的、致命的麻醉毒品。 自由世界的本质 – 人的终极道德感(基督精神)、人的个体价值(生命的神圣、自由的宝贵、对幸福的渴望与追求)、分权而立的联邦宪政就被踢在一边成为中国学人们不屑一顾的所谓“西方怪癖产物”。 族群、统一、和谐、僵死的思维、不变的祖宗秩序便成为了“用西方产生的科技与管理”去“维护延续中国的朝代专制”的伪价值体系。 工厂、公司、医院、学校、枪炮原子弹、信息(Google,Yahoo)、太空等所有在自由社会中产生的物质成就与管理手段被永远也不能产生这一切的旨在维护中国专制框架的“宦奴娼”们所抄袭搬用。 新的更毁人毁灵的专制制度就此产生并得到巩固。 今天中国的专制共产法西斯不就是典型的“专制为核,自由为用”的中国人传统病态心理的写照吗?

如果这种病态心理来自中共党朝控制利用的海外侨团、学生会、御用媒体、五毛奴、、也就罢了。 但我早就发现许多自称反共的人士们也都抱有同样的对病态伪价值与方法论的崇尚迷恋。 他们精心地在自由文化的自由表达中挖掘反自由的言论与伪价值:今天几乎所有在美国与西方的研究中国文化与社会的人们都是被专制收买与被恐吓而屈服的左派社会主义人士。 80% 以上的美国学术界是由反美的崇尚“完美专制”的人士们组成的。(无独有偶的与毫不奇怪的,80%以上的在美华人在每次选举中都会投票给民主党和代表左派大政府救星的政客们。) 已被中共洗脑的、“历史与道德残疾的”、隔绝于美国社会的(从不打工而只钻学业拼文凭的)来自中国的学人们(包括某些“职业反共”人士)在美国(西方)的学院机构中被迷恋群体,阶级,种族,强权的左派学术界再一次洗脑。 “早上八九点钟的太阳”( “Morning Sun”)这样的被卡玛之流所制的颂扬红卫兵的纪录片与“鲜为人知的文化大革命”(“Unknown Cultural Revolution”) 这样的被韩东平之流所著的吹捧毛泽东的书在美国被左派的大多数人们宣扬炫耀着,就像当年斯诺的“红星照耀中国”(”Red Star over China”)的毒害欺蒙自由世界人们灵智、美化共产毒蘑/魔的书一样。 这些“环境奴”、“文化奴”对像“"超越自由与尊严"(”Beyond Liberty & Dignity”)这样的宣称“人没有自由意志”的西方左派垃圾书更倍加青睐。 今天中国的学人们与过去中国的学人们一样,继承着“来西方学反西方,用自由学灭自由”的罪恶传统与病态心理,旨在维系巩固一个专制的心态与制度,不管这个专制会用什么样动听的标签。 今天美国(西方)的左派“崇完美专制”的人们也仍旧与他们的前辈们如斯特朗与斯诺一样,从宣扬斯大林到美化毛泽东,旨在动摇世界上自由的人们的信念、腐蚀自由社会的基石。 中国崇专制反自由的人们包括海外学人们与美国(西方)左派崇专制反自由的人们遥相呼应,形成了当代社会邪恶势力的喉舌话筒、不断繁生着新的专制语言词汇。 新的强大的专制理念正在“政治正确”、“公费保健”、“世界暖化”、“政府当救星”的族群阶级为基点的口号概念中向自由发动着前所未有的攻势。 一个不可避免的价值与伪价值、自由与专制间的决战就要到来。

我希望那些来美来西方的“崇尚自由追求幸福”的人们坚守你们“自由人”的坚贞,对那些崇尚专制的中国与美国(西方)的病态行为与言论用你们个体的方式做出及时的有力的回击。 在21世纪自由退缩、专制进取的时代中,每一个自由人都要基道德责任感做出正义的抉择。 自由反击专制的时刻到了。

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

陈凯再版/什么是你真实的自我? What Is Your True Self?

Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead" Movie Clip 安. 兰德“源泉”电影片段 - 为自己的自由与幸福而生活


What Is Your True Self?

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series


A person's true “self” can only be sought and discovered through the person's willingness, wisdom and courage to face the truth, regardless of the consequences. In other words, he must pay a price for this self-discovery. But only through this self-discovery, true freedom and happiness can be achieved.

一个人真实的自我只有当他具有面对真实的意愿,智慧与勇气才能得到,不论这个真实会把他带向何方。 也就是说,他要付出代价才能发现自我。 但只有当他发现这个真实自我的时候,真正的自由与幸福才成为可能。


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 10/31/2006, Reprint 4/26/2011)

What is your true "self"? Is it your skin color? Is it your cultural upbringing? Is it your ethnicity? Is it your religious indoctrination? Is it what you eat? Is it what you read? Is it decided by your being rich or poor? Is it decided by your gender? Is it decided by your age? Is it decided by your family, friends and surroundings?

To have dwelled on these questions, one has to come up with "no" to each, for even if we have gone through exactly the same experiences in life, no one will come to the same exact conclusion about life with others. Everyone will draw different conclusion on their own. For example, harsh conditions will crush some but strengthen others. Being rich does not mean being weak and arrogant and vile. Being oppressed does not mean one is fair-minded with a sense of justice. Being abused does not mean one is righteous and kind, etc...

We all spend life time to search this mysterious "self" and fulfill the meaning attached to it. We somehow know that without having grasped and understood this "self", we can never be free and happy. But what is it anyway?

Some people have never believed the notion of "being free" and true freedom. They assume that everyone is the product of outside influences and upbringings. They believe everything you have is from someone else. There simply is no such thing as "original you". Everyone is only a container waiting to be filled with materials from others, be they one's ancestors, culture, government, family, environment... So by this notion, no one is truly himself and therefore no one is truly responsible for anything.

This notion that we are not free is especially prevalent among the determinists of the world --- the Nazis, the communists, the socialists, the leftists, religious radicals... They conclude, as Lenin once concluded, that no one is and should be free and happy unless everyone else in the world is free and happy. This notion that individual freedom is impossible, until a couple of million years from now when the perfect society is established is as insane as it is well received among humans in the world today. Logically, silent desperation is the only state of being these lofty and "superior" saviors of the world have prescribed for mankind. I have experienced such people/creatures both in China and in America. Their whole existence is depended upon others' perception of them. And their entire repertoire of tools to ensure that they feel they exist is to please or demean others and to conform with majority. A lack of faith in truth and reality from their part is certain to blame. They have not found and will never be able to find peace in themselves, exactly because of this "others-oriented" state of being.

I have come to believe, through my own life experiences, that a person is born free with his rights only from God/Creator. Yet through his life time he has to encounter and overcome tremendous forces from outside to remain free. He has to have will, ability and courage to believe and pursue this true existence of himself, not the false "self identity" in others' eyes or created by others' pressures and demands.

-- What one has been through does not define who he is and his true "self". What defines one's true "self" is what he absorbs, acquires, interprets and concludes through what he has been through. --

I have met many who decide what to vote based sheerly on their skin color; I have met many who came to America but can only survive in their own cultural circle. I have met many who are determined/formed by their life experiences, never having made any sense of it in order to make themselves a free being. I have met many who are held hostage by their own hatred and prejudices toward others. I have met many who let their wounds scar their entire life without healing. I have met many who are slaves of their own flesh and blood from birth/race/gender/family background... I have met many who let their religious fervor devour their own individuality, reason and humanity. I have met many who simply give up on life/hope/future by turning their head back to look for some certainty in their past glory or misery. I have met many....

Thankfully, since I came to America, I have also met many who exhibit tremendous courage to have overcome life's tragedies to have created miracles. I have also met many who have overcome impossible odds, defying the will of the majority and their own cultural collectives, to have achieved freedom and happiness. I have also met many who through their every day life radiate life and joy from the very inside of their beings, brightening this marvelous world. I have seen miracles achieved here in America by athletes, by entrepreneurs, by ordinary people. I have seen what human society should be and what human beings should be. Every moment, I experience greatness and endless energy of life here in America. I have concluded that here in America, humans are believed to be free. Here in America, humans treat each other as free beings. Here in America, human beings are not the products, the creatures, the slaves of their environment. They are the masters of it. Here in America, nothing is impossible. This is all because here in America humans are free to discover the meaning of their true existence, their true 'self", to achieve their true happiness. Unlike in China, or in most other places of the world, this phenomenon of free beings achieving true happiness is not an exception here in America. It is a norm.

Then are all the people in America happy? Of course not. Then maybe one should examine the source of their unhappiness. Are they still trapped by their own skin color? By their own ancestors? By their own cultural tradition? By their lack of willingness, wisdom, effort and courage to discover and fulfill their own lives' meaning? I am constantly amazed by the answers/reactions people give me. Some constantly complain; some constantly make excuses for their own indecisions and inactions. Mostly, those who are successful will never brag or complain, they just go out there and do it.

So what is your true "self"? I will have to conclude it is that something inside of you that makes you absorb something while abandon other things from your life experiences. It is that something inside of you that makes you make all the decisions every day, be it big or small. It is that something that stops you from doing certain things while motivate you in doing other things tirelessly. It is that something that makes you get up every day, be it reluctantly or enthusiastically. It is that something that makes you love something/someone while despise other things/other people. It is that something that calls out your passion or dulls down your fire. It is that something that gives meaning in your own life or takes away the meaning from your own life.

Monday, April 25, 2011

陈凯再版/向前行 Kai Chen Reprint/Moving Forward, not in a Circle

Ayn Rand's Movie "We the Living" Clip 安. 兰德电影“我们渴望生活的人”片段:共产党人安德烈的信仰与他爱情的不可调和的冲突


向前行 – 道德勇者开拓希望的唯一之路
Moving Forward, not in a Circle

- 中国的未来绝不在中国的过去 -

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 2/8/2010, Reprint 4/25/2011)
鞭打食诱的拉磨的驴也会有“向前走”的幻觉。 但真实发生的是只有驴的主人在“过去就是今天,今天就是过去”的“朝代循环中”受益。 但即使是这些主人们也只不过是“默默地绝望着”的、维持着自己肉体存活的、在“驴上人”的虐待心理中寻找伪满足、真逃避的行尸走肉罢了。

从一个社会的文化地平线上的滋生物你就会看到、感到、认知到什么是这个社会的文化心态: 古装戏占了中文社会里娱乐界的绝大部分。 现代戏是少部分。 在中共党朝下拍现代戏尤其危险。 艺人们只能是御用的“歌功颂德者”和“助虐而麻醉灵智的产毒者”。 捏造扭曲历史是中国文化中“御用祖用”文人艺人的专长。 在中文文化圈里 科学幻想主题的作品是零。 上帝赋予人的想象力、创造力在中国文化圈子里早就被阉割了。 他们的这种能力都被虐用到为国、为族、为群、为权的“驴拉磨”的、懦夫胆小鬼的、“多年的媳妇熬成婆”的、“想做人上人”的病态追求中去了。

中国的人们似乎从不知道、也不关心什么是“未知”。 对他们而言全世界的知识早就被中国的祖先、被孔儒、被历代专制王朝奴役下的“宦奴娼”知道了。 中国人的职责就是要拼死保卫这个“伟大的崇祖拜偶文明”。 四千年来的所谓“四大发明”被中国的人们不以为耻、反以为荣地到处宣扬,似乎中国是世界科学的发源地。 殊不知今天的中国几乎没有一样对人有益的物质产品不是抄来的、搬来的、偷来的、骗来的、抢来的、模仿来的。 唯有一件是中国人致死都不放的顶礼膜拜的本土货 – 虐人奴役人的专制。 外来的共产马克思只不过是中国本土专制奴役手中的“鸟枪换炮”而已。 今天海内外的中国人许多仍在梦想回到“鸟枪专制”的时代, 似乎“自由于自由”的“复辟王朝循环”的古典文化就是中国的未来。

在美国生活的二十八年使我真正懂得了什么是自由、什么是勇敢、什么是创造、什么是闯入未知、、。 对照一下在美国文化地平线上的产物你就可以懂得我在说什么: 古装戏在美国是很少的。 现代戏与科幻片则占美国娱乐界的大多数。 优秀的科幻片与电视节目层出不穷。 “独立日(Independence Day)”、“星际探险(Star Trek)”、“灰暗空间(Twilight Zone)”、 等等举不胜举的、在绝对道德指南下的、充满人的想象力的精神娱乐的优秀艺术产品使人们的生活色彩缤纷。 人对未知探求的渴望在这些有着美好的愿望与想象力的作品中得到表达与满足。 我不能不说美国的确是一个勇敢的、“向前行”的、充满希望与乐观精神的开拓者的社会。


“向前行”的逻辑前提是人的自由与道德的指南: 建筑在“暴力强制”与“物质利诱”的社会不可能是一个“向前行”的社会。 人的上帝所赋予的想象力与创造力只有在人的自由与尊严被保障的前提下才会充分地涌流与释放。 在一个信仰“枪杆子里出政权”的“崇尚权力”的专制社会里人的想象力与创造力是被群体压抑的和被阉割在摇篮里的。 没有任何人可以在暴力与枪杆子的威胁下去思考、去想象、去创造、去进步。 你可以威胁、利诱、强迫一个人去做你想要做事;你绝不可能威胁、利诱、强迫一个人去做他自己想要做的事。 “向前行”的另一个逻辑前提是“道德指南”: 没有“道德指南”人只会在肉体的行走中(在森林中兜圈子)用幻觉欺骗自己、以为自己是在向前走。 在“朝代循环”与“默默绝望”中“行尸走肉”般的存活呼吸是专制文化中人的伪存在的必然模式。 真实、正义、自由与尊严的绝对道德感是信仰层次中的、“指南性”的价值存在,而不是肉感幻觉中的、经验性的伪存在。 基督曾说:“只有真实才能使你自由。” 没有“道德指南”人类就不会有希望感,也就永远走不出“人吃人、人杀人”的“虚无、循环、绝望”的怪圈。

“向前行”的人一定是勇于面对自己、勇于面对真实的人。 那些惯于引经据典的、对祖宗两膝发软的、没有“自我认同”的人不可能是“向前行”的人。 “向前行”的人对“未知”不光无所畏惧,他会激情地去付出代价进入未知、探求未知、将人类的“已知限圈”用上帝赋予他的灵、智、勇向无穷的“未知海洋”中推进。 人类的“已知限圈”因此无限地扩张,物质价值也因此被无限地创造。 “等号后是零”的“均贫富”社会主义专制的绝望心态与思维模式将被“向前行”(等号后面是无限)的自由人社会的“创造与希望”的“价值被无限扩展”所击垮并取代。

人死人生、日出日落、季来季往,物来物去、、只是人的感知的表象循环而绝非存在的实质意义。 “转”的实质是“地球围着太阳转”;“生死”的实质是“人在存在中寻找意义”。 “万有引力”与“人的精神的存在与追求”是方向性的客观与生命的实质。 个体在“方向与意义”中寻找自己的选择 – 希望、欢乐与真实的幸福就此成为可能。 个体在群体的“酱缸中”、“尿盆中”、“粪池中”,在专制的“朝代循环中”,在“鞭笞陀螺的高速旋转中”无奈地、绝望地、毫无自由与无选择地度过虚无的一生则是人类悲惨、痛苦与病态暴虐的源头。

到头来,我要问你: 你今天对你自己的幸福做出了什么正向的选择与决定吗? 你在追寻自己生命的意义中有何新的发现? 你的每一个选择是出于恐惧与逃避还是出于追求与探索? 这个世界是否由于有了你的存在变得更好了? 你每一刻都在思考吗,都在创造吗,都在进步吗? 你在“向前行”吗?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

陈凯再版/用宏大的虚无逃避真实与自由 Using Nihilism to Oppose Existence & Freedom

Ayn Rand on Happiness and Freedom 安. 兰德谈爱情、幸福和自由:爱情是一个人对个体价值与美德的最高奖赏

“大禹治水,三过家门而不入?” 崇尚虚无的伪道德主宰着“中国人”的“宦奴娼”的存在。Sacrifice your family for some holy/glorious cause??!!

Using Nihilism to Oppose Existence & Freedom

- 不要相信那些“为国为民为族为祖捐躯”而漠视自身幸福与自身灵魂健康的人 –

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese"

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 1/28/2010, Reprint 4/23/2011)


自古以来,中国的崇尚宏大(博大精深)虚无的人们就精心地炮制着逃避真实价值(真实、正义、自由、尊严)与真实的自知与自省的伪语言词汇: “天下兴亡,匹夫有责”、“修身齐家治国平天下”、“社稷”、“君臣父子”“民族”、“国家”、“大家”、“世界人民”、“中华”、“共和”、“和谐”、“繁荣昌盛”、“荣耻脸皮”、、、。 举不胜举的宏大博大的虚无词汇充斥毒害着人的灵魂与头脑。 谁越宏大、谁越虚无、谁越博大精深、谁越八股玄妙、谁越不可一世、、、,谁就越被中国的宦奴娼们永世赞颂。 谁越“自阉忠君”地去“精忠报国”,谁就越“平凡伟大”而“永垂不朽”。 谁越“伟光正”地去“杀人谋统一”,谁就越会被“代代相传”而“万寿无疆”、、、。

表达真实价值、概念的词汇无一不是从西方语言翻译来的。 然而这些真实的概念一经中文也大都变成了泛义、反义与无义的表象游戏了。 关于中文的弊病我已在“从文字笼罐到文字狱”一文中阐述过了。 在此就不多叙。

你能相信一个连自己是谁、连自己都不知道自己在说什么、连自己的家人与自身幸福都不管不顾不关心的人能真的为“国”、为“民”、为“大家”、为真理、为正义、为自由、为尊严吗? “大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”的反逻辑专制谬论不是至今始终主宰着亿万灭灵贬智的中文词汇系统中的人吗?

“大禹治水,三过家门而不入”的古话是几乎所有中国的人们熟悉并引为是中国“民族道德精神”的典范的。 殊不知这样的虚无宏大的伪道德行为在自由世界(西方)正常心态的人们中是要被讥讽与笑掉大牙的: “也许大禹在外面有二奶了。” 我的一位朋友曾用玩笑评论道。 我不禁想起了华盛顿将军在独立战争一结束时所要做的第一件事: 回家探望家人、装修房屋、静度庄园的私人生活。 美国的人们是绝不会信任一个不顾自己家人、无视自身幸福的“为社稷、民族、国家、天下”的“无私”之人的。 在美国的总统竞选中,人们会特别关注竞选人的心态、家庭的健康与个体的品质与真实历史。 务实而贬虚、重价值而藐权力、褒真实而辍虚假是每一个自由社会必须建立的思维、行为与心理精神的特质。 一个赤足简衣的木匠 -- 基督的精神为这样一个自由社会奠基了健康的灵魂基础:“只有真实才能使你自由。Only truth shall set you free.”

对比一下中国的人们与其专制文化的心态: 所有的人都在用“为他人、为民族、为社稷、为国家”的宏大的虚无为自身的卑鄙行为、自身的胆怯与渺小、自身的被动不负责与受难找借口寻遁词。 “诉苦抱怨”成了中国人们习惯与迷恋的求同情、求怜悯、无奈绝望的求助手段与确定的个体行为方式。 近代的共产专制又将中国古代专制的宏大虚无的词汇量翻了几番:“人民”、“世界大同”、“共产主义”、“阶级斗争”、“唯物唯心”、“法治人治”、、。 数不胜数的博大精深的宏大虚无伪词汇加剧了中国古典专制中本来就充斥的“满嘴仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼”的丑恶现象。 今天中国语系中的人们很少有具有清晰逻辑思维与清晰道德准则的人。 引经据典、数典念咒的祖宗奴与文化奴充斥着中文文化的地平线。 我所接触的许多海外“反共人士们”也脱不掉这样的病态思维行为方式。 他们一面高叫着反共,一面逃避着自由。 自知、自省、自我完美、自身幸福、爱情家庭、子女教育、个人财经、、是这些自命高尚的中国(后共)未来新专制的主子们所要全力回避逃脱的。

一个生活的逃避者与旁观者不可能是一个真实的自由人。 一个不关心自己心态健康、自己家庭成员幸福、自己生活的满足感的人是 所有的人们都要警觉小心的危险的野心人物。 毛泽东摈弃家人用宏大虚无的伪价值去满足自身的专制野心造成了七千万无辜生命的灭绝。 中国的人们竟将此作为“伟大”为一个世界上最大的罪恶屠夫建庙立堂。 (注:毛曾经亲自主持传播了许多宏大虚无的专制词汇如“万岁”等等。) 今天中共党朝的专制者们正在沿袭所有中外专制者们的宏大虚无的巫术传统,将“崇族崇国崇民崇大崇统崇祖”而灭个体灭自由的病态毒素用像“孔子学院”式的中华“艾滋病原体”传播到世界上去毒害每一个人的灵智。 可悲的是: 那些本来就缺少个体认同而只有群体认同的人们由于自身的恐惧感(惧怕在宇宙中找不到自身的定位)在他们反共的思维与行为中自觉与不自觉地沿袭了充满毒素的病态心理: 人身攻击、拉帮结伙、消灭异己、分类戴帽、用虚击实、造谣中伤、背后议论、取悦于人、重数而灭理、重名而灭灵、重利而灭尊、重群而灭个、重他而灭己、、就成为普遍的必然。

建立“个体”,“自我”,“自知”,“真实信仰”是中国的人们追求人生的真实价值的先决必须。 我希望每一个“反中共党朝”的人士经常地自我反省询问:“我是不是正在用宏大的虚无逃避自由的责任与真实的价值呢?” 确实的,不断地自诲自问“我是谁? 我在说什么? 我在做什么? 我想要什么? 我的生命有何意义? 我是否自由与幸福?”是个体推动世界向前演进的必经之路。

上当一次是骗子的罪过。 再次上当则说明被骗者的病态愚蠢: 中国人世世代代地在“找救星”与“被救星杀、抢、骗”中,被专制的鞭子“陀螺”似地抽转了两千年。 难道中国的人们还不该反省自身的病态和愚蠢吗? 难道中国的人们还要在高速旋转的“僵死不前”、“朝代循环”的幻觉中与“无神政府”的“大公无私”的偶像救星的搜寻中逃避自由与真实的价值、逃避自身的存在与个体道德责任吗? 方向性的选择与选择的代价与责任是中国未来(共后)唯一的走向希望的自由之路。 我愿以我奔向自由的选择与心历路程与你共勉共行。


Ayn Rand: Evil of Ultraism 安. 兰德: “为他主义”的邪恶

Friday, April 22, 2011

陈凯再版/公丑私美,公恶私德 The Virtue of Being Self

I Can See Clearly Now 我现在真正看清楚了/歌


The Virtue of Being Self

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/29/2006, Reprint 4/22/2011)


- 个人价值是资本主义道德社会的伟大基点 -

陈凯 著 5/23/2006 Reprint: 4/22/2011

春光明媚,鲜花盛开。蜜蜂忙碌在花丛中。 这世界充满了无限生机。

花不为蜜蜂所开放,只为自身的繁衍展其艳丽,生蜜吐粉。 蜜蜂并不为花采蜜拢粉,只为自身的生息健康。 人并不为花,为蜜蜂而种花养蜂,只为自身的精神与躯体的享受。 但在这神秘的美妙的“为己”的天理中,花借蜂传宗,蜂借花充腹,人借花与蜂得到精神与生理的享受。 多么明智的安排! 多么逻辑的理念! 多么道德的自然! 上苍用他神力之手勾画着一幅五彩多姿的图案,编制着、谱写着一曲壮观动听的生命的交响乐。

价值在为己中产生。 道德在为己中呈现。 生命在为己中释放着无穷的绚丽斑斓。

是什么把这美好的一切在那罪恶的非人的社会中排斥,贬辍与颠倒了呢? 是那丑陋的,肮脏的与败坏的“公”字。

“私” 在一切专制政体中,在一切社会主义国度中,尤其在非人的中国一直是不道德的同义词。 在这反人,非人,虐人的专制制度中,一切“公”的都被称之为好的;一切“私”的都被指控为坏的。 想一想那些与“私”相连的词汇吧:

自私,私有,私人,私心,隐私,私有制,私有财产,私利,私欲、、。任何与私有关的似乎都是罪恶的,不道德的。 不光是“私”字,与“私”有关的一切字,词也都带有肮脏的,罪恶的,不道德的贬义。 个人,个人利益,个体经济,个人主义,个人兴趣,个人自由,各自为政,自我,自发,自负盈亏,自己负责,自主自立,自生自灭,自尊心,资本主义,资本积累,资产阶级、、。

怪诞的但逻辑的是: 在所有专制社会,社会主义政体中,尤其是在中国,“公”字被捧上了天,成为了“上帝”的同义语。 “政府”与“国”也都被“公”字带上了天,成为了满天飞的“圣牛”。 谁要是动了它谁就有罪。

在这“公”的挡箭牌之下,谁都可以假公真私,以公谋私,借公行私。 在这“公”的挡屁帘之下,谁都可以随地大小便。 在这“公”的圣名之下,谁都可以侵犯他人,偷取他人价值,掠夺他人物质与精神财富。 难得糊涂的人们把这罪责归为“私欲”与“私心”。 有灵有智有逻辑之人不难看到,事实正与中国人的伪政治,伪道德,伪国家的伪逻辑相反: 这些邪恶与罪孽正是“无私”与“公德”的必然产物。

私欲是上苍所予的客观所有。 没有私欲人便不能生存繁衍。 不能大小便的人是不正常的病人。大小便的生理功能是客观的无价值取向的正常人的必然。 将这种生理必然如:吃、喝、拉、撒、睡、行、性等价值化,将其视为“私”去贬,去排,去耻,去灭是道德沦丧的政,国,党,群的邪恶的写照与定义。 今天在“无私”,“贬私”,“辱私”,“灭私”的“公”的中国,“人”已成为贬义存在,成为政府的包袱,国家的负担,民族的耻辱,环境的污染而被压,被辱,被奸,被灭。 这一切的暴行都在那崇高的,神圣的“公有利益”之下被那些不敢称之有私的“无私之人”视而不见“,”听而不闻“。

”毫不利己,专门利人“的”无我“的卖身奴才和卖灵娼妓,如雷锋,成了中国人伪价值,伪道德的典范被人们永世传扬。 不敢为自身争利益,争权利的懦夫胆小鬼成了中国党政的无价之宝和权力靠山。 这不只是中国专制压抑的结果,也是中国人自制的伪道德的,名为”公“的枷锁桎梏的产物。

无私便无我;无私便无人;无私便无责;无私便无法;无私便无理,无私便无智,无私便无爱;无私便无情;无私便无灵;无私便无在,无私便无创造、、。 无私的人是奴,无私的人是鬼;无私的人是邪恶之源;无私的人是虚无的行尸走肉、、。 无私是无道德的定义。

中国的伪道德指“私“为”损人利己“。 殊不知逻辑的必然是“损人者绝利不了己”,“利己者也决不去损人”。 这才是真实的来自上苍的道德法则。 上苍用他那全能的力量与人不所知的方式永远惩罚着那些自身不产生价值,而靠骗,靠偷,靠抢的损人者的。 这些自欺的,精明而无智惠的蠢人们自以为损人便是利己的;他们永远也不懂得损人是害己,灭己的开始。 世界上所有的专制者们,包括中共王朝与所有支撑那王朝的人们都是以损人,害人,杀人开始的,他们也一定以损己,害己,灭己而告终。 这是自然与上苍的法则。 理性逻辑也不为损人奠基。 随地大小便的人们给自己造成了生病,传病的途径;将垃圾倒在邻居的院子里也不是“为己“的明智人之举。利用人与损害人的人为自己造成了恶劣的生存环境。他防人,怕人,躲人,永远阉割了自己欢乐,幸福的可能。 今天中国的现实状况不就是这些损人损己,害人害己的精明的,”无私”的,无灵无智的“公民”,“公人”的自制自造的真实写照吗!?

“私”人是对自身诚实的人。 他首先面对的不是他人,不是群体,不是政府,不是国家,不是强权、、。 他首先面对的是他自己,是上苍。 他虔诚的对待自己,如同他虔诚的对待上苍一样。 他决不会欺骗自己,由此他也决不想欺骗他人。 他面对真实的,上苍赐予他的灵魂,赐予他的一切。 他真诚的照看着他的灵魂,他的智慧,他的感情,他的躯体。 他不光对此不感到内疚,他对他的真诚的照看感到骄傲与自豪。 他将守护着他的灵魂的纯洁;他将保持他智慧的敏锐;他将维系他情感的高尚;他将照料他躯体的健康。 他深知他的一切是上苍赐予的,他对这一切不光有权利去拥有,有权利去享受,他也有德不容辞,理不容辞的义务去保卫这一切。 他坚守着他的“私有”。 他深知没有“私”他便没有自由的基点,没有“私”他只能成为“公”的附属和奴仆,没有“私”他将失去他的灵,他的智,他的权,他的值,他的爱,他会失去所有属于他的、也是上苍赐予他的一切。

只有在“公”的价值体系中才会有“牺牲”的伪道德。 在中国的专制的社会中到处充满了“被牺牲”与“自我牺牲”的群体的“牺牲品”。 在那伪道德的神坛上面,活着的和死了的“牺牲品”充斥着那虚无的祭坛,祭奠着那虚伪的“公”的价值。 牺牲的定义只能是用大的价值换取小的价值,否则何谓牺牲?这个内在矛盾的字眼只能在“公”的价值中产生并被伪用。 在“私”的价值体系和“私”的人们中,只有真实的“奉献”,没有虚伪的“牺牲”,因为任何的奉献都是自发的,自由的,自愿的,无强制的举动。 如果我舍命,舍身去救我所爱,我一定将我所爱作为比我命,我身更重,更大的价值。 如因我死而救得我所爱,那是我的宽慰,是以小得大。 这才是真正的道德,属于上苍的永恒的道德。

在“公”有社会中,所有的道德都是虚的,伪的,空的,假的。 “公”有的丑恶,肮脏的现象也逻辑的应运而生: 公有的厕所是最臭的;公有的饭馆是最脏的;公有的银行是最不负责,也是最危险的存资场所;公有的学校教育质量最差;公共交通最拥挤;公有企业最不盈利;公费医疗最要命;公有制最腐败;公有的“为他者”最虚假;共产国家最邪恶。

在“公”的旗帜下,个人是不被承认的可有可无。 个人的兴趣,利益是被“公”的群体任意践踏,强奸的玩物。 在“公”的文化里,本属“私人”的领域如:个人健康,个人财经,个人感情,个人爱好,个人性生活,性取向,个人家庭,生育,都成了公共财产,都成了“公”鬼们娱乐的源材。 人的尊严被“公”者抛到“公”厕的粪坑中,任意蹂躏,百般玩弄,调戏,直到所有的“私”人都变成了“公”鬼。 在“公”鬼的社会中,工作是被他鬼指定的,婚姻是被他鬼安排的,口味是被他鬼调教的,兴趣是被他鬼养成的,鬼格是被他鬼塑造的,鬼身是被他鬼喂养的。 “公”鬼们的唯一死存目的就是要消灭所有“私”人们的生存。

这就是“公”的罪恶。 这就是“私”的美德。

真正的政治家的唯一目标是将政治在社会中限制在最小的范围内。真正自由人的国度是将“公”基于“私”,附于“私”,限于“私”。 真正自由的人们是将“私”法律化,制度化,道德化。 只有具有“私”的高尚道德情怀的人才是人类历史前进的动力,才是生命与创造的无尽源泉。 铲除“公”的邪恶,埋葬“公”的罪孽,是所有“私”人的理不容辞,德不容辞的义务。

这“天下”既不归“帝”,也不附“国”,更不为“公”。 这“天下”是“人”的,是属于上苍的“人”的。

Out of Sight - Dom's New Film 眼不见为净 - 我女儿陈醒的最新短片

Out of Sight 眼不见为净 (Written, Directed and Edited by Dom Chen 陈醒 编剧、导演、剪辑)

Out of Sight - Dom's New Film
眼不见为净 - 我女儿陈醒的最新短片

Film Youtube Link: 视频连锁


My daughter Dominique Chen is currently studying film and psychology in Brandeis University, (in Boston). She now has four short films under her belt (Racism P.S.A, The Curse, Wake-up Call and Out of Sight). You can visit this link to see all the short films:

I am very proud of her growing into her own person with a unique talent and life orientation. I love you Dom. Enjoy the film, folks.

Best. Kai Chen

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

THE TALE OF THREE TURTLES 陈凯再版/塘龟,旱龟与海龟的故事



- A Story for Children -

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/20/1993, Reprint 4/20/2011 )

陳凱 著(写于九三年四月二十日,自译中文再版 2011年4月20日 )


这三只小乌龜都有一個閃亮的綠色外殼。 他们的柔軟的小腦袋上都有一雙明亮的小眼睛。 一個尖尖的小尾巴拖在他们每一个的身后。 每天他們的父母給他們帶來食物,并在有危险时保護他們。 他们的父母也教他們了解在世界中的事物。小乌龜们從來沒有擔心过什麼。

一只小乌龜的外殼上有一個黑记,所以父母給他起名叫小斑点。 一只小乌龟喜歡扭动他的尾巴,所以父母給他起名叫小蠕尾。 一只小乌龟有一個非常堅硬的外殼和超龟的勇敢。 有一次,他失足從懸崖上摔下来,摔的很重。 但他咬著嘴唇,一颗眼泪也没掉。 所以父母給他取名叫小勇士。

不幸的是,他們居住的沼澤地里充滿了让乌龟们厌恶恐惧的東西。 腐爛的樹枝,樹葉和毒蘑菇無處不在。 成群结队的咬乌龟的蚊蟲每时每地盘旋在他们的脑袋上。 傳染性的龟病到处肆虐。 各种寄生蟲在泥濘中爬行窥测。 更不要说那些食乌龟的動物像蛇和鱷魚满塘皆是。 他們的食物,幾乎全都是綠色的藻類青苔。 他們真是厭倦了那些没味儿的食物。 更要命的是沒有乾淨的水喝。 他們只能飲用沼泽地里的臭水霉水。 在潮濕的沼澤和肮脏的泥濘中,小乌龟们的身上開始发霉长毛。 那腐霉越长越多,越长越厚。

小乌龟们出生不久後,他们的父母死了。 母親被鱷魚吃掉了。 父親死於一种可怕的傳染性龟病。

三只小乌龜很傷心,对自己的未来很不确定,并由此非常恐惧害怕。 從此之後,他們不得不自己出去尋找食物,照看自己的安全,取得他们自己的舒適和快樂。 在这个冷漠无情的沼泽地中,他们勉强挣扎着维持他们的存活。

.... 隨著時間的流逝,三只小乌龜漸漸長大。 但他們仍旧住在發霉的沼澤地中。 他們仍旧吃着无味的藻類青苔,喝着腐臭的髒水。 他們仍旧躡手躡腳地躲逃着那些危險的食龟動物。 他们仍旧每时每刻擔心他們可能会感染上那殺死了他們的父親的疾病。 他們 越来越对他们自身的前景倍感担忧与无望。

… 每年春天,鳥兒们從海洋那边飞过沼泽地。 有的鸟儿们会停留歇息。 他們都有長長的脖子和長长的嘴。 他們奔跑在池塘的周围尋找着昆蟲和小魚吃。 他們筑了自己的巢并產下了卵孵小鸟儿。 他們高声地啼叫着,仿佛总是愉快地歌唱着生活的乐趣与美好。

小乌龜们越來越对鸟儿们的生活状态好奇。 他們越来越被鸟儿们的快乐吸引。 他们想知道沼泽地外面的世界。 他们开始对鸟儿们询问他们想知道的事儿。

這些鳥儿们总是告訴他們有關海洋的讯息,因为他們就是來自那里的。 他們告訴小乌龟们說,海洋是如此之大,沒有谁能達到它的邊緣,即使是飞鸟。 他們告訴小乌龟们说海浪是如此之高,即使是沼泽地里最高的樹丛也無法与之比擬。 他們告訴小乌龟们说在海洋里有鯨和鯊魚。 他們是如此之庞大,只要一個就可以填滿整個池塘。 他們告訴小乌龟们说在海洋里与海滩上有五顏六色的貝殼和价值无比的珍珠。 他們还告訴小乌龟们说有龐大无比的船只在海洋上航行、、、。


“這些鳥儿们只是在吹噓胡扯。 他们把海洋讲得那么玄就是想讓我們嫉妒他们,就是想貶低我們。 母親和父親活着的时候就一直告戒我说這沼澤地是我們乌龜们生活的唯一去处。 我們的祖父母们就生在这里也死在这里。 我不相信這些長脖子长嘴,全身长着羽毛的丑八怪似的魔鬼们。 再说,這是我們龟们的沼泽地。 這是乌龜的地方。 我生是沼泽地的塘龟,死是沼泽地的塘龟,就像我的父母与祖父母们一样。 再说,生活在哪儿还不都是一样。 生活的定义就是學習如何生存活着。 生活就是要去学会如何忍受煎熬痛苦和如何打發時間。 母親和父親就是这么说的。”

小蠕尾聽了鸟儿们的故事。 他感到很困惑。 他拿不定主意:

“父親和母親總是告訴我們除了乌龟之外不要相信任何其他的生物。 但似乎鳥兒们的生活的确比我們乌龟们的生活快乐自在。 他們能飛得那么远,吃上那么多好吃的,每天都能喝干淨水。 他们甚至还跳舞、唱歌享受生活的乐趣。 一定是那海洋给了他們力量与精神使他们能那么自由自在地生活。 我真是厭倦了这渾濁,污臭,發霉,有毒的沼澤地。 我真想赶快離開這裡。”

小勇士聽了鸟儿们的故事。 他的眼睛开始炯炯發光。 他的思緒飛到了那遥远的、陌生的但迷人的地方。 他夢想着有一天他會像鳥兒们在天空飞翔一样,無憂無慮地在廣袤的大海中畅游,探索那無尽的珍寶,了解那些他从没见过的新奇的生物并与之对话沟通。

“我不想像其他乌龟们一样生活。 我不想像我的父母一样生死在痛苦与默默的絕望之中。 我要更自由的生活、更充實的生活、更快樂的生活。 我要属于我自己的生活。 有一天我會像所有的生物一样,也会死去的。 但是,當我瞑目的时候,我希望我能夠對自己說:'我度過了一个美好充实的一生。 我是我生活的主人;我是我命运的船长。 我的一生沒有什麼好後悔的’。 ”

於是有一天,小蠕尾和小勇士決定離開沼澤地。 小斑点没有同行。

… 小蠕尾和小勇士执著地艰难地爬出了沼泽地。 他们载着他们閃亮的綠色背殼。 他們尖尖的尾巴拖在地面上。 他們爬呀爬呀。 他們向那太陽每天都會升起的方向爬去。 他們向那鸟儿们飞来的方向爬去。 他們向那海风吹来的方向爬去。 他們爬呀爬呀。 他們爬過小山和丘陵。 他們爬過沙漠和草原。 他們爬過湍急的河流。 他們爬呀爬呀。 他们没日没夜地爬。 他们穿過暴雨、狂风和熱浪。 他們爬呀爬。

他們的腳掌布滿了水泡,他們的腳趾不停地流着血。 他們的背殼上集满了灰尘与污垢。 光滑的龟壳上充滿了被岩石沙砾划刻的印痕。 他們柔軟的頭布满了伤疤。 他們的尾巴下面也长出了厚厚的茧子。 然而,他們繼續向前不停地爬着。

在小蠕尾的心中脑中,那沼澤地的恶臭、无聊与危险记忆犹新。 他最受不了的就是那另龟窒息的气候与环境。 他討厭那些他不得不吃的平淡無味的食物。 他憎恨那些无时无刻不骚扰他的嗜血的昆虫。 他害怕那些他不得不小心躲避的食龟兽。 他希望找到一個最理想的地方-- 在那儿他不必活得那麼辛苦那么累;在那儿他不用花太多的精力;在那儿他能是绝对的安全;在那儿他可以丢掉所有生活的負擔与责任。 他盼望着這個嚴酷的旅途快一点儿终结。

在小勇士的心中脑中,他似乎已经看到了鸟儿们告诉他的那些五彩缤纷的貝殼。 他似乎已经看到了巨大的鯨和海象在海洋中游泳戏耍。 他似乎已经看到了自己在斑斓的珊瑚礁和五顏六色的魚群中穿梭往返,採集着大自然的美麗和壯觀。 他真的著迷鳥兒们告訴他的一切 -- 那浩瀚神秘的海洋。 然而,他知道他必須付出努力去學習如何生活在海洋中。 他有信心。 他有堅強的意志。 他並不害怕。 他知道他必須追逐自己的夢想。 他的那些夢想有一天终會成真。 他很高興他正在努力使他的夢想成為現實。 每當他想起了他的夢想,他就會忘了他身上的傷疤、疲劳与创痛。 他爬得更快更稳。

… 當在樹上的葉子開始发黄落下,當风中腥咸的氣味越来越浓,當他们腳底下的土有越来越多的沙粒,小蠕尾和小勇士終於聽到了海浪的聲音。

小蠕尾感到震驚。 他從來沒有聽到过那么震耳欲聋的声响。 如此震撼,如此可怕,如此勢不可擋! 即使是鱷魚的咆哮也无法与此比拟。

小勇士则興奮无比。 他終於到達了他的目的地! 汹涌的海浪雷鳴般的咆哮,就像吹响了一個巨大的號角,召唤他爬得更快,召唤他冲入那神秘叵测的海洋,探索那有着无限魅力的未知。

… 當他們終於爬到了海灘上的时候,他们看到像小山一般的波浪從水与天的缝隙中层层向他们滚来。 那海潮吼叫着,翻腾着,狂暴地衝擊着海岸。 那银白色的泡沫与沙硕被夾在翡翠般的波涛中,被一种无名无形的强力暴虐地抛击在褐色的礁石上,粉身碎骨地被撞散成大片的云雾。



他小心翼翼地爬到了海水边,把他的腳趾頭浸入水中。 海水是冰冷的。 然後,他伸出了柔軟的头泯了一口海水。 呀! 那么苦,那么咸!

“那些该死的海鸟儿们。 他们從來沒有告訴我海洋是這樣儿 -- 这么冷漠无情,这么苦涩难容,这么咸不入口。”

一個巨大的浪潮猛然向他袭来。 他想跑开,但已經來不及了。 他被咸涩带沙的波浪打翻在地。 他慌了。

他叫着、喊着、哀嚎着。 他哭了。 他拼力摆平了自己,没命地从海浪中脱逃了出来。 他逃離了大海,就像兔子逃避狼的追捕一样。 他快步朝着与海相反的方向爬去,向着山地和丘陵,沙漠和草原爬去,向着那他想逃离的發霉骯髒的沼澤地爬去,向着他的出生地与祖地爬去。

“回來!小蠕尾。 這儿多雄伟,多好,多有趣儿啊!” 小勇士喊道。

小蠕尾繼續快步向后爬着。 他假裝沒有聽見。

小蠕尾爬着爬着,然后他突然意識到,沼澤地也不是什么好地方。 單單想到了霉菌,寄生蟲,疾病和天敵就使他胆寒发抖。 但他想去哪裡呢? 回到沼泽地去见小斑点太丢脸了。 小斑点会说:“怎么样?! 我早知道吧。”

“小斑点會嘲笑我對我的生活作出的所有決定。 是我自己要去找大海的。 现在我自己又反悔了。 我怎麼去面對他?”

再回头去爬向大海? 也不行。 那海洋太无情,太恐怖了。

“小勇士會看不起我,認為我是一個懦夫的。 我怎麼去面對他?”

小蠕尾就这样在犹疑不定中徘徊在海洋和沼澤地之间。 他也并不喜歡这儿。 在这旱地上太陽晒得真猛。 風刮的太烈。 地上太多沙石。 食物太稀少。 又沒有足夠的水。 真是诅咒啊! 他真的不知道该到哪儿去。

… 沙漠的沙磨厚了小蠕尾的背殼。 風和太陽吹干了曬乾了他的鱗片。 岩石和沙土磨利了他的爪子。 他的脖子越伸越长,因為他必須不斷地找水找食。 他变成了一只旱龟。

… 當小勇士看到像透明的翡翠山峦一样的海潮向他劈头盖脸地扑来的时候,他的心被激情的喜悅震颤了。 他終於走進了这一望無際的海洋。 他終於可以享受那对無限未知的尽情的探索。 他终于可以自由地漫游漫遊、品味大自然所创造的所有的美麗与神奇。

小勇士没有害怕。 他沒有将他的脖子缩到他的背殼里面来。 他面對着那汹涌暴虐的海洋,面对着那无尽的未知与宝藏。 他感到欣慰。 他感到自豪与骄傲。 他满怀喜悅和快樂去迎接那前所未有的挑戰。 他感到了自己的力量与意志在主宰着他自身的命運。

他向海洋的最深处猛冲过去,拼力扑蹬着他已經疲憊的双臂双腿。 带盐的海水刺痛了他的眼睛。 他的身體被冻的打颤发僵。 他的身体的运动越来越不穩定。 他有点儿晕眩。 但他毫不犹豫,毫不动摇,一直向大海的深处游去。

… 他看到了鰻魚,鯊魚,鯨与海豚。 他聽到了海豹,海象,海獅的吼叫。 他採集品尝到了海藻、蝦、蟹、海参、、。 他永不停息地去走向那無尽的探索与询问。

… 他在海中的暖潮中游过。 他在金色的沙灘上歇息过。 他爬上过北极海中的冰山。 他探索过赤道海底的火山。 他在溫暖的陽光下与柔和的海風中与海鸟儿们交谈、、、。

他的眼睛逐漸適應了咸海水的侵蚀。 他的外殼變得光滑而有光澤。 他的腿与臂变得又平又阔。 他的四肢变得像扇子和桨一样,帮助他游得更快更稳。 他的尾巴變得更加靈活有力。 他可以比其他海洋生物游得更远。 他变成了一只海龜。

.... 年复一年,海鳥儿们飛越大海,飞越干燥的沙漠丘陵,進入沼澤地。

小斑点从鸟儿们那里聽到过許多有關小蠕尾和小勇士的故事。 他聽說他們不能适应不同的氣候而水土不服。 他听说他们不习惯不同的飲食。 他听说他们被当地那些可怕的恶霸强盗们欺负、虐待、歧視。 他听说他们的生活与命运是悲不可言的。


“你看,孩子们。 小蠕尾和小勇士本来應該聽我們祖先的话。 他們本不應該離開這片沼澤地的。 你们都见过小蠕尾叔叔。 他现在得忍受那么多不幸与痛苦。 他已經变得那么丑陋不堪。 但至少我有时候还可以从远处看到他。 至于小勇士,我甚至不知道他现在在哪儿。 他可能已經死了,被鯊魚吃掉了,冻死在冰块儿里了,或病死了餓死了。 谁知道? 也許他还活着,只是没脸见我而羞于回来了。 你们可千万别异想天开地去走他们所走的路,犯他们所犯的错。”

他说完这些话后,感到很宽心,很满足。 选择了让祖先的智慧为他选择是太对了。 留在沼澤地里度过一生是最正確明智的选择。 至少他知道他自己是他祖先的好后代。 他抿着嘴笑了,感到说不出的驕傲与快樂,甚至感到高龟一等。

… 幾個月後,小斑点死了。 他死於他一直害怕的那种龟死病。 就像他的父親一样,所有常饮沼泽地中的污水、霉水、臭水的龟们都逃不脱这种龟死病。 他的屍體在泥濘中沉沒下去,无影无踪,就像所有的龟们一样。 昆蟲,蝇蛹和霉菌很快聚集在他的尸体周围。 他的外殼逐漸腐爛,逐渐被蠶食。 最后什麼都沒有留下。 他消失在虚无中了。

“那小蠕尾和小勇士呢? 他們在哪儿? 他们生活的如何? 他们的结局也像小斑点一样吗? 什么也没有留下吗?” 你可能會問。

當然啦, 像每一只烏龜一样,像所有在這個世界上的每一个生物一样,他們也有生命的终结。

小蠕尾在沙丘上寻食的时候被部落里的人打死了。 他的外殼一开始被人製作成一個碗用来储水饮水。 後來,他的外殼被人用旧了,用碎了,最后被遺棄在沙漠里。 它逐渐化为灰粉,漂浮在荒漠的微风中。 在那微风中,你仍旧可以闻到小蠕尾的恐惧。

小勇士也死了。 他是在攀登一艘遠洋巨輪的时候出了事的。 巨轮上的強大的螺旋槳打碎了他的龟体。 他的外殼被打破成碎片,散落在海中。

… 你在海滩上散步休闲的时候,如果你留心观察你脚下的沙砾,你依然可以看到小勇士外殼的碎片。 它们是淡綠色的,光滑闪亮,透着美与勇气的辉泽。 它們播撒在五彩繽紛的貝殼中,播撒在世界各地的海滩上。 在金色陽光的照耀下,它们反射着耀眼的光,豐富着世界上那些无尽的奧秘,柔声细语地传扬着那些無休止的童話故事和民間傳說。



- A Story for Children -

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/20/1993, Reprint 4/20/2001)

A long, long time ago, three baby turtles were born in a swamp.

Each of the three little turtles had a shiny green shell, a pair of bright eyes on his soft tiny head, four feet layered with scales and a pointy tail attached to his behind. Their parents loved them very much and played with them often. Sometimes the little turtles took a swim under their parents’ bellies. Sometimes they crawled on their parents’ backs for a ride. Every day their parents brought them food, protected them from outside peril and taught them to understand things in their world. The little turtles never had to worry about anything.

One of the little turtles had a dark spot on his shell, so the parents named him Spotty. One of them liked to wriggle his tail a lot, so the parents named him Wriggly. The third on had an extremely hard shell. Once he fell from a cliff, he bit his lips and didn’t even shed a tear. The parents’ named him Toughie.

Unfortunately, the swamp where they lived was full of things they didn’t like. There were rotten branches and leaves and poisonous mushrooms everywhere. There were hordes upon hordes of irritating insects. There were infectious diseases. There were parasitic worms crawling in the mud. There were dangerous predators like snakes and crocodiles. There weren’t too many things to eat. Their food was almost always green algae. They were tired of it. There was no clean water to drink either. They could only drink from moldy ponds and even then they had to first make sure that the water was not poisonous. The swamp was damp and muddy. Mildew started to grow everywhere inside their shells, behind their necks, between their toes.

Not long after they were born, their parents died. Their mother was eaten by a crocodile. Their father died of an infectious disease of the swamp.

The three little turtles were very sad, very uncertain, and very afraid. From then on they had to look for their own food, for security, for comfort and for happiness. They struggled hard in the beginning just to survive. But after a while they got used to it and managed to get by on their own in the cheerless and precarious environment.

..... As time passed, the three little turtles gradually grew up. But they still lived in the moldy swamp. They still ate the bland algae and drank the dirty water. They still tiptoed among the dangerous predators and worried that they might catch the disease that had killed their father. They grew more and more dissatisfied and bored with what they ate and drank, more and more tired with the way they lived, more and more anxious about their own future.

Every spring, birds came from the ocean. They all had long necks and long beaks. They danced around the ponds and whooped through the bushes, looking for insects and small fish to eat. They built their nests to hatch their eggs. They sang with their high-pitched voices.

The little turtles were more and more curious about the birds. They were drawn closer to the birds and asked questions about their lives, seeking information about the outside world.

The birds mostly told them about the ocean where they came from. They told them that the ocean was so big that no one could reach the edge of it. They told them that the waves were so high that even the tallest trees in the swamp couldn’t compare. They told them that there were whales and sharks in the ocean. They were so big that one of them could fill up an entire pond. They told them about the colorful shells and pearls lying on the beaches and on the bottom of the ocean. They told them about the huge boats sailing on the ocean.

Spotty listened to the stories. He laughed through his nose:

“These birds are just bragging about the ocean to make us jealous and to belittle us. Turtles don’t have wings and cannot fly so there is no way for us to prove if what they said is true. Mother and Father told me long time ago that this swampland was the only place for us turtles to live. Our grandparents lived their lives here. I don’t believe these long-necked, lone-beaked, feathered devils. Besides, this is our land. This is the land of turtles. Without it, I wouldn’t be here. I am going to live and die just like my parents. This is the turtles’ way of life. Life is same everywhere. Life is about learning how to survive, how to endure misery and how to pass time. Mother and Father always told us so.”

Wriggly listened to the stories. He was confused. He became unsure of himself:

“Father and Mother always told us not to believe any creatures except turtles. But it seems that birds do live a better life than us turtles. They can fly afar, eat better meals, drink cleaner water, even dance and sing to enjoy themselves. It must be the ocean that gives them the strength to do what they are doing. We turtles can’t fly like the birds. It must be this dirty swamp that has disabled us turtles. I am sick and tired of the muddy, moldy, poisonous swamp. I’ve got to get out of here.”

Toughie listened to the stories. His eyes sparkled. His thoughts flew far away to those strange and fascinating places. He dreamed that one day he would be just like the birds, carefree, swimming in the vast ocean, exploring countless treasures, understanding and communicating with those strange creatures he had never seen before.

“I don’t want to live a life like all the other turtles. I don’t want to end up like my parents - living in desperation and dying in misery and pain. I want to live a freer life, a more fulfilled life, a joyful life, a life of my own. One day I will die. But when I die, I want to be able to say to myself: ‘I have lived a good life. I have lived my life and haven’t let my life live me. I have nothing to regret about my life’. I’ve got to do something to find meaning in my life.”

So one day, Wriggly and Toughie decided to leave the swampland. Spotty remained.

They crawled with their feet, carrying their shiny green shells on their backs, their pointy tails dragging behind on the ground. They crawled. They crawled toward where the sun rises every day. They crawled toward where the birds came from. They crawled toward where the briny winds blew. They crawled. They crawled over the mountains and hills. They crawled over the deserts and grasslands. They crawled through treacherous rivers. They crawled day and night, through storm and heat wave. They crawled.

Their feet were full of blisters and their toes bled. Their shells were dusty, full of scratches from rocks and stones. Their soft heads were dotted with scars. Their tails had callous. Yet they kept going.

In Wriggly’s mind, he kept seeing the swampland he had lived in all those years. He hated the damp stagnant climate. He hated the dull tasteless food he had to eat. He hated the insects that bothered him all the time. He hated the predators from whom he had to constantly hide. He hoped to find a better place where he didn’t have to work so hard to survive, where he could eat better food whenever he wanted without much effort, where he could be safe, where he never had to look after himself, where he could be relieved the burden of life he had carried for so long. He wished this ordeal of traveling would end soon.

In Toughie’s mind, he kept seeing the rainbow of colors from the seashells the birds had told him about. He kept seeing the giant whales and walruses swimming in the ocean. He kept seeing himself swimming among the coral reefs and schools of colorful fish, sampling to the fullest extent the beauty and grandeur of nature, tasting many varieties delicious food. He was mesmerized when the birds told him about the immensity and mystery of the ocean. Yet, he knew he had to work hard to learn how to live in the ocean. He had confidence. He had a strong will. He was not afraid. He knew he had to chase after his own dreams and one day those dreams would come true. He was happy that he was finally doing something to make his dream a reality. Every time he thought about his dreams, he would forget about the scars on his body and he crawled even steadier and faster.

When the leaves on the trees started to drop, when the salty smell from the winds grew heavier, when the soil under their feet became sandier, Wriggly and Toughie finally heard the sound of the waves.

Wriggly was shocked. He had never heard anything like it. So loud and frightening and overwhelming! Not even the roar of crocodiles could compare.

Toughie was excited. He had finally reached his destination! The thunderous sound of roaring waves was like a giant bugle, calling him to crawl faster into the mysterious deep water and the violent embrace of the unknown.

When they finally reached the beach, they saw mountain-like waves coming layer upon layer from a body of water expanding endless toward the sky. The tide whirled and seethes, pounding the shore with tremendous force. The brothy foam, with the sand sandwiched between the waves, tossed an turned, like the clouds they had seen before in a storm.

Wriggly’s guts shuddered:

“The seabirds never told me that the ocean was like this, so violent, so inhospitable, so unfeeling.”

He then crawled gingerly by the water and dipped his toes in it. The water was freezing cold. He then extended his soft head toward the water and sipped a little. It was bitter and salty.

“The seabirds never told me that the ocean was like this, so very cold, so very bitter, so very salty.”

A giant tidal wave surged toward him. He wanted to run, but he was too late. He was immersed by the sand-tossing salty water. He felt the relentless power of nature. He panicked.

He shouted. He cried. He struggled to exert all his strength to get away from the water. He fled the ocean like a rabbit escaping from a coyote. He crawled fast back toward where he came from, toward the mountains and hills, toward the deserts and grasslands, toward the dirty moldy swamp where he was born.

“Come back! Wriggly. This is great!” Toughie was shouting.

Wriggly kept going, pretending that he didn’t hear.

But on his way back to the swamp, Wriggly suddenly realized that the swamp was not that enticing either. The mere thought of the mildew, the parasites, the diseases and the predators made him shiver. But where would he go?

It was too shameful to go back to the swamp, to go back to Spotty.

“Spotty will mock me all my life about the decision I made to go to the ocean. How am I ever going to face him?”

It was also too shameful to go back toward the ocean again.

“Toughie will look down on me and think I am a coward. How am I ever going to face him?”

Wriggly spent the rest of his life wandering between the ocean and the swamp, hesitating to go either way. He didn’t like the dry land either. The sun was too hot. The wind was too fierce. The ground was too rough. Food was too scarce. There wasn’t enough water anywhere.

The desert sand thickened his shell. The wind and sun dried his scales. The rocks and stones sharpened his claws. His neck stretched out before him because he had to constantly look for water. He became a dry land tortoise.

When Toughie saw the tidal wave pelting down from above like a mountain of transparent jade, his heart trembled with joy. He had finally stepped into the limitless ocean. He could finally enjoy exploring the infinite unknown. He could finally swim freely and roam through all the beauty that nature could possibly create.

He didn’t flee. He didn’t pull his neck back into his shell. He faced it - the ruthless force of the ocean. He praised it - the limitlessness of the treasures. He welcomed it - the joy and pleasure and the unprecedented challenge to un-tap them. He was proud of his own power over his fate. He was elated.

He dashed toward the deepest parts of the ocean, peddling frantically with his already tired feet, balancing himself with his delicate tail. The salt in the water hurt his eyes. His body was numbed by the cold. His motion grew precarious. But he kept going toward the deep.

He saw eels, sharks, whales. He heard seals, walruses, sea lions. He sampled seaweeds, shrimps and sea slugs. He kept going toward the infinite.

He swam in warm currents and rested on golden sandy beaches. He climbed icebergs. He explored underwater volcanoes. He took naps in the warm sun under the ocean breeze. He kept going toward the limitless.

His eyes gradually adjusted to the salty water. His shell became smooth and shiny. His feet grew flatter and larger. His toes grew smaller and duller. His tail became more agile. He could swim longer and smoother than other ocean creatures. He became a sea turtle.

He saw someone similar to himself in the ocean - a female turtle. They danced and played together and nested on the warm sand of the shore. They had many babies. They all spread around the enormous ocean.

..... Seabirds flew over the sea, above the dry land and into the swamp, year in and year out. The tree branches turned from green to yellow, and then green again.

Spotty heard many stories about Wriggly and Toughie. He heard they were uncomfortable with the different climate, disgusted with the change of diet, chased and hurt by formidable predators, discriminated against by other creatures.

Spotty sighed to his own children, scratching a mosquito bite on his head:

“Look. Wriggly and Toughie should have listened to our ancestors. They should not have left this swamp. See, how much hardship Wriggly has had to endure. He has become to ugly and unhappy because he made the wrong choice in the first place. But at least I can see him sometimes when he travels to the edge of the swamp. I don’t even know where Toughie is now. He may have already died, eaten by sharks, frozen or starved to death. Or perhaps he is too sick and to ashamed to return. Don’t you ever do what they did.”

After he spoke those words, he felt relieved, assured that the choice he had made to remain in the swamp was right. At least he knew who he was. He laughed, feeling a sense of pride and pleasure, even superiority.

A few months later, though, he died. He died of a disease he had always dreaded, caused by drinking rotten water, just like his father. His dead body sank in the mud. Insects, worms and mildew started to gather inside the shell. The shell gradually rotted and was eaten away. Nothing was left.

“What about Wriggly and Toughie? Where are they? How are they doing? Did they die like Spotty?” You may ask.

Sure. Like every turtle, like every creature in this world, they also died one day.

Wriggly was killed by a human. His shell was first made into a bowl by the humans to drink water from. Later, it was abandoned and crushed. It became dust floating in the air above the dry land.

Toughie was killed while he was climbing a giant motor-powered ocean liner. The ship’s powerful propeller smashed him. His shell was shattered into pieces, scattered around the ocean.

If you go to the beach sometimes and take a careful look around, you may still see the pieces of his shell - green, smooth, translucently shiny. They were sprinkled among colorful seashells all over the world, radiating under the golden sun, enriching the world with their deep mysteries and never-ending fairytales and folklores.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

陈凯再版/形象汉字vs.抽象英文 Pictorial/Syllabic Chinese vs. Alphabetic/Analytical English

Hacienda La Puente School District "Confucius Classroom" Chinese language program promoted by China's communist regime 中共党奴朝在美与全球推广汉语的阴险技伎俩

The Writing on the Wall - How Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity 书/“显而易见” - 东方象形单音节文字语言对创造力的危/损害


形象汉字vs.抽象英文(中英文)Pictorial/Syllabic Chinese vs. Alphabetic/Analytical English

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

你能用形象图画语言准确表达实质抽象概念吗? 你能用主观表述语言做工具去发现与分析在抽象中的客观真理吗? 你能用浑浊的字词句(黄河浊流)去理清概念洗涤你头脑中的文化污浊与污染吗? 你能用破坏逻辑的语言去建树一个创造性的未来吗? 你能用虚无的语言去表达真实的人的存在吗? 如果你的回答是否定的,那请你现在就进入英文世界而只将中文作为你业余的艺术爱好。 

Can you use a pictorial syllabic language to accurately express substantial, abstract ideas and concepts? Can you use a subjective, descriptive language as a tool to analyze phenomena and discover the objective truth in them? Can you use the muddy, confusing characters, phrases and sentences (muddy water in the Yellow River) to cleanse the filth and decay accumulated in your mind and spirit through hundreds of years of cultural pollution? Can you use a language that is intended to destroy logic and rationality to attempt to build a constructive and creative future? Can you use a nihilistic language to depict reality and search for truth in human existence?

If your answer is negative, then please make no excuses to abolish the Chinese language as a tool and indulge in it only as your artistic hobby. And please make an effort to enter the English world as soon as you can.  
Book Link 书籍连锁

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 11/4/2007, Reprint 4/19/2011)

I have elaborated quite a bit on the subject of harmful effect from using Chinese character-based, pictorial, syllabic language as a tool in human endeavors to understand the reality in the world and discover the objective truth in life. I now list the contrasting effect between Chinese and English. Hopefully this will make things easier and clearer for you to understand.

汉字 -- “礼”; 英文 -- 理

Chinese language leads to Confucian cultural pollution of "Ritualized Conformity". English language facilitates reasoning, logic and understanding of essence in reality/truth.

汉字 -- 表象形象(脸); 英文 -- 实质抽象(自知)

Chinese language is primitive and based on superficial and pictorial images (Face is the most important notion to the Chinese). English is based on abstract symbols and intended for the user to discover abstract truth in reality, to understand his own inner world/soul/mind/emotions.

汉字 -- 模仿描述; 英文 -- 分析创造

Chinese language emphasizes imitation, inheritance, copying and description. English language stresses analysis, creativity and intrinsic logic and rationality in understanding phenomena in existence.

汉字 -- 血肉存活; 英文 -- 灵理存在

Chinese language leads to a nihilistic "passing time" for humans' illusory and delusional existence. English language advocates a true, meaningful human existence based on mind, spirit, joy and happiness.

汉字 -- 非人反人; 英文 -- “人”至上

Chinese language leads to a culture of inhumanity and anti-humanity by ritualizing "nation family", "emperor", government and authorities as the sacred entities and humans only as meaningless subjects and slaves that can be used and sacrificed any time in any way to preserve those oppressive/nihilistic entities. English language spiritualizes humans as the ultimate existence that is both sacred and eternal, and all other entities (nation, leaders, government, cultures and authorities) are only subservient as servants of/to humans.

汉字 -- 等级专制; 英文 -- 自由平等

Chinese language facilitates a system that is hierarchical and despotic. English language propagates a system that values freedom and equality before our creator/God.

汉字 -- 混乱与人吃人; 英文 -- 法律与秩序

Chinese language leads to an absolute chaos in society and vicious/eternal dynastic cycles of man eating man. English language guides humans along a moral line to progress, social order and rule of law.

Am I clear enough?


Video Program by Coral Ridge Ministries/John Rabe

Video Link "Classroom Confusion": 视频连锁

Video Transcript:
John Rabe:

Would you send your children to the Chinese Communist Party for indoctrination sessions? A dictatorial regime, born out of centuries of despotism, is hardly the most-sought-after role model for American children. Yet, a California school board has voted to import instructors from China to implement a controversial new program.

Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights, California, plans to offer a “Confusius Classroom,” supposedly at no cost to the district. But opponents maintain that there are plenty of negative costs to implementing Chinese-government sponsored propaganda.

Chinese immigrant and anti-communist activist Kai Chen says that, “Confucianism is the foundation of Chinese despotism for 2,000 years. The combination of Chinese despotism and modern communism forms a most poisonous brew...”

Chen says that Confucianism, which has formed the basis for millennia of emperor-rule in China, has become a virtual missionary and evangelistic ideology, with Confucius Classroom programs in 87 nations.

Teaching the truth—that America was founded as one nation under God, with the state subject to Him and our rights granted only by Him—can now land you in court in some places. In a time when the basic truths about our country are virtually illegal, it’s unthinkable to import Chinese ideology, which has never produced freedom, into American classrooms.


We hope this has helped you learn to discern—and that you’ll share this with a friend.

Learn2Discern is an online video feature from Coral Ridge Ministries

Monday, April 18, 2011

完美的专制-要大象不要象鼻子?Elephant with No Trunk? - Chinese Illusion of Perfection

Freedom Vs Tyranny - Ronald Reagan 里根:自由 vs.专制


Elephant with No Trunk? - Chinese Illusion of Perfection

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

要大象而不要象鼻子; 要毛驴而不要驴耳朵; 要信仰不要个体的自由意志;要幸福而不要真实的存在;要爱情而崇尚宏大的虚无;要自由而不要责任与异见;要选择而不要追求与代价;要美国式民主宪政而不要由这种民主宪政带来的必然的一切、、、。 这就是中国人,和一些西方左派人士的“完美社会说”。 实质上这种“完美社会说”不光是一个幻觉,也是专制奴役制度的基点。 理想社会并不是,也不应该是完美社会。 理想社会而是,也应该是一个不断“自我完美的社会“。

Wanting an elephant but not the elephant trunk, wanting a donkey but not the donkey's ears, wanting faith/belief but not individual free will, wanting happiness but not existence, wanting love but only pursuing it in nothingness, wanting freedom but not the responsibility and diversity, wanting individual choice but not the pursuit and the price entailed, wanting American style democracy but not everything this democracy will necessarily result.., this is the so-called ”Perfect Society" complex that the Chinese and some Western leftist intellectuals entangle themselves in. In essence, this complex of "perfect society" is not only an illusion, but also the foundation for despotism and tyranny. An ideal society is not and should not be a "perfect society". Instead, it is and should be a "self-perfecting" society.

虽然我会真诚地,激烈地与激情地反驳某些人的观点,但我也会用我的生命捍卫他们表达自己观点的权利。 --- 无名者

Though I will honestly, passionately and vehemently oppose some people's view points, I will use the equal enthusiasm to defend their rights to express themselves fully. --- Unknown


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 6/23/2006, Reprint 4/18/2011)

I have quite often encountered this illusion/fantasy based on a "perfect society" with "perfect human beings" theory, propagated from since there has been human society. Marxism and Nazism are also based upon this human illusion and a pathological yearning for a perfect society. They have struggled to use their blood, flesh, pain, misery and lives to achieve a "perfect society". The result is only invariably more misery and deaths by despotism/tyranny, coupled with a terminal sense of hopelessness and silent desperation.

The Chinese society has always been perpetuated under the illusion of creating a "perfect despotism" with some despots holding absolute power over the helpless masses. The mythologies of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism are the basis for these illusions that mired the Chinese society in an eternal vicious dynastic cycle.

I have talked about this tendency among the Chinese with their opposition of "Westernization" in my article "Speaking of Being Human or Devil" 人鬼谈. ( They (the Chinese) want everything that is good resulted from freedom, but they don't want anything that is bad resulted from freedom. Somehow they want to deny the human choice to choose from "being Human" or "being Devil". They want a total control of human beings without their free will and choices, even at the price of slavery/tyranny. They want "an elephant without its trunk".

Human free will based on virtue/morality makes freedom meaningful.

Freedom means humans are free to choose their conducts and behaviors, hence bear the consequences and responsibilities from that very choice. To stop people from choosing their own orientations and destinies is a sign of lack of faith (and a beginning of tyranny and evil). In other words, it is the lack of trust in God. It is because we believe that Good will always defeat Evil that we create Free societies such as America's Constitutional Republic. With freedom, there will always be garbages and degenerates, but they are not valued and they will be filtered through a value system based on human life, freedom and pursuit of happiness. To say something like "I want American system and values but I don't want to see homosexuals and perverts, I don't want to see leftists and terrorists, I don't want to see humans making mistakes and committing crimes.., is only a sign of infantile fantasy/illusion that corrodes our very sense of reality and impedes our pursuit of progress and true freedom. Despotism/tyranny would be the necessary outcome of such a fantasy/illusion.

It is this sick and delusional urge naturally embedded in human souls to control others to please oneself, that has prompted the coining of the terms/concepts in the West such as "Original Sin" to curb its ill effect. The so-called "Chinese Style Westernization", or "Avoiding Negative Side of Freedom/Westernization" is nothing but rooted in a lack of concept of "Original Sin". The lack of faith in God/Goodness creates an illusion that somehow humans can make themselves perfect. The concept of "Human Being" 人/是人 does not exist in China. The Chinese always believes in “Human Making"/"Human Performing"做人, according to a man-made manuscript such as Confucianism.

Even among many Chinese in their practice of choosing a spouse, you can see this tendency of "wanting elephant but not the trunk" syndrome. They demand the other side to live for them. They want the other side to change for them. They want the other side to correct his/her "short-comings" and "bad habits" so they feel more comfortable themselves. This tendency results only in unhappy marriages and frequent divorces, for they are not ready to accept a whole person, a whole individual being with distinct characteristics. They don't understand that a person only has the right to decide what he himself/she herself can do and accept. A person can never decide what any other can do and accept.

Though I had no choice in choosing where and by whom I was born, I do indeed have the freedom to decide whether or not I will accept the values my birth place stands for or my birth parents represent. Only when we believe freedom and subsequently live by the values of freedom, we can truly become a free being with hope and a future. Resisting the temptation to change others for our own sake is one but very important prerequisite of becoming a free being.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

陈凯再版/中国尿盆文化与人格分裂 China's Culture of Chamber Pot and Schizophrenia

Chinese culture and its devastating result “中国文化”的非人写照 - 裹足女人

一个好友在中国入狱服刑时发现并保留了这幅象征中国人们的真实状态的画面。 我在此深表感谢。 A good friend gives me this cartoon he preserved when he was serving a sentence in a Chinese prison for crime against the state. Here I thank him for bringing forth this poignant cartoon for everyone to contemplate.


Integration vs. Separation

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese"


陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:

在专制文化中寻找幸福犹如在尿盆中撒满尿冒充大海去游泳、捕鱼、取乐,是一种极度害人害己的自欺欺人。 中国的专制就像这样一个充满尿液的尿盆,传统专制的毒素、病菌、病毒与寄生虫充斥着中国专制祖先的排泄物。 人们自欺地说着这液体也是咸的,只是有着“中国特色的黄色”,只是与外部大海的蓝色不同而已。 殊不知在这黄色的毒液病液废液之中是永远孕育产生不出健康的生命与有希望的未来。 在这黄色排泄液体中只能产生畸形的怪物、幻觉的高潮与污染毒害世界的虚无文化。

To seek happiness in a culture of despotism is like to create an ocean in a chamber pot with human urine, wishing to extract pleasure in swimming/living in it. It is an extreme form of self-deception.

China's despotic culture from ancient to modern is just like such a chamber pot full of human waste with all kinds of poisons, viruses, germs and parasites.... The self-deceiving Chinese boast that to swim in such a chamber pot is just like to swim in the real ocean, for the liquid tastes the same - all salty. The yellow color is only a distinctive "Chinese characteristic", only different from the ocean's blue. But what they haven't told you is that in such a "chamber pot lake", there can never be any healthy form of life, nor can there be any hope and future. The truth? In this filthy liquid of human waste there have already been countless deaths, pain, suffering and misery. There can only be perverted creatures, orgasmic illusions and endless nihilistic pollutant to poison the world.


China's Culture of Chamber Pot and Schizophrenia

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 9/1/2009, Reprint 4/17/2011)

在专制文化中寻找幸福犹如在尿盆中撒满尿冒充大海去游泳、捕鱼、取乐,是一种极度害人害己的自欺欺人。 中国的专制就像这样一个充满尿液的尿盆,传统专制的毒素、病菌、病毒与寄生虫充斥着中国专制祖先的排泄物。 人们自欺地说着这液体也是咸的,只是有着“中国特色的黄色”,只是与外部大海的蓝色不同而已。 殊不知在这黄色的毒液病液废液之中是永远孕育产生不出健康的生命与有希望的未来。 在这黄色排泄液体中只能产生畸形的怪物、幻觉的高潮与污染毒害世界的虚无文化。

你会常常发现在专制奴役的中国,人们会时而表达他们对自由的向往。 但你会发现一旦自由与幸福向他们招手的时候,他们会在逃避责任与未知中选择专制奴役带来的暂时的安逸感。 长期的恐惧与逃避导致了中国的人们自由机能的萎缩。 思维与行为的瘫痪状态是一个普遍现象。 来到西方走入自由后的无能无力感更使得中国的人们怀念古国的专制 -- “愤青”“愤老”就此产生。 在虚无中逃避真实自我的存在便应然成了中国的人们在种种专制的小圈子中(从家庭到各个群体)的行为思维模式。

“中国人”的爱是没有性的爱。 “中国人”的性是没有爱的性。 一道从“腐儒”到“共产”的崇尚虚无的“精神万里长城”将“中国人”阉割/隔绝成了“精神分裂症者”与“双重人格者/人鬼者”。 人的完整、尊严、自由与真实幸福由此在“中国人”眼中成为幻觉与“西方基督文化的怪癖”。

一个自由人是一个用自己的躯体表达自己的灵魂、用自己的行为表达自己的价值、用自己的性表达自己的爱的完整一致的自由意志体。 一个被专制奴役文化驱使的人是一个将自己的灵魂与躯体、价值与行为、爱与性分隔开的无能为力的瘫痪体。 对未知的恐惧主宰着这些可怜,可悲而又可卑的人们。 向往自由与爱而又惧怕逃避对自由与爱追求的人们充斥着中国这片古老专制的土地。 病态的中国伪“爱情”故事如 “梁/祝”和“贾/林”的真爱而无性与有性既无爱的传说阉割了中国男女们的完整。 在中国躯体往往被恐惧压迫而反对个体的灵魂与意志,行为往往被混乱抑制而反对个体的价值,性往往被物性荷尔蒙驱使而反对个体真实的爱情。 分裂的个体由此将性行为误解曲解为在肮脏的放纵与驯服的为专制程序传宗接代中的肉体行为。 真实的人的尊严、自由、完整与爱情的故事便由此在追求“虚无假空”的中国文学中彻底地缺失。 那些“无灵体”、“无值举”、“无性爱”、“无爱性”、“无‘人’信仰”便有效地将所有的个体统统扯碎,变成建筑专制长城的血肉砖瓦。 无怪乎“行尸走肉”成了中国人的定义同义语。

激情的产生与表达只来自于个体的完整与尊严。 专制文化所导致的人格分裂只会使个体感到默默的绝望。 做一个“活着”的人还是做一个“只呼吸着”的人? 选择在于你。 在一个有着完整尊严的自由人和一个物化的崇尚虚无的人格分裂的宦奴娼之间,一个人一定要做出选择。 婊子牌坊是不能并立的。