陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Ms. Helen Sabin is a writer and a former educator. (We established contact with each other after my appearance on Fox News regarding "Confucius Classroom" in Hacienda.) Her open letter to the Hacienda La Puente School District regarding its decision to allow the Chinese communist regime to fund and provide for a "Confucius Classroom" program calls for America to wake up to the dangerous assault by foreign and domestic enemies of freedom. Here I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to her and to all Americans who love freedom. --- Kai Chen
海伦. 萨宾是一个作家和前教师。 (她在看到我在Fox News上谈到“孔学堂”后与我取得联系。)她在如下公开信中提出的对“孔学堂”学区的抗议及相关道德问题值得我们所有的美国人提起警觉。 我仅在此向她与所有为自由大声疾呼的人们表示赞赏与感谢并呼吁所有良知人士对当前美国的危机做出积极的反响与举动。 --- 陈凯
Helen Sabin
The Constitutionalist Today
Colorado Springs, Co. 80907
May 30, 2010
Dr. Barbara Nakaoka
Superintendent of Schools
Hacienda La Puente United School District
15959 E. Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91745
Dear Dr. Nakaoka,
I am a writer for a paper in Colorado Springs, Co. called The Constitutionalist Today. I am doing a year long series of articles on “Education Today” and recently was made aware of your school district allowing the Chinese government to come in and pay for a curriculum, The Confucius Classroom, to be installed in your school district. I read that they are even paying for the teachers to come in and teach the language and culture.
I have a few questions I would like to ask for the article I will be doing on the Confucius Classroom and would appreciate a reply so I can quote you in the article. Please reply to this email address (note: I record interviews as required by the paper but would be willing to send you a copy of the tape, or you can respond by postal service to The Constitutionalist Today, Attn: William Gillan, Editor/for Helen Sabin
1. Why did you choose to allow a Chinese Curricula to be installed in the school district? What is meant by “culture?” Is the “real culture” of China going to be discussed, or a “sanitized" politically correct version substituted? By real culture I mean the actual culture of China today where according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton female babies are killed or smothered so male babies can reign supreme? In 1995, Hillary Clinton raised the issue of the treatment of women with the Chinese government? "It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, or drowned, or suffocated, or their spines broken, simply because they are born girls, or when women and girls are sold into slavery or prostitution for human greed." Or where China lied about the age of one of its gymnasts in the recent Olympics? Or where China was so embarrassed about the unattractive little girl singing the opening song for the Olympics that China had a prettier one lip synch to the words? What will be the “emphasis” in the teaching of Chinese “culture?”
2. Is there any truth to what I have been reading from various websites including that of the US Government, that there is Chinese propaganda embedded in all their curricula, literature, discussion modules, language, cultural studies etc.?
3. Is the “true” philosophy of Confucius going to be discussed or a sanitized version substituted? Does the district know what Confucius thought about women and how that thought carried over to the current China today where women are still considered second class citizens? How about his philosophy of menial and mental workers and which ones were to be educated?
4. Are your students made aware of the history of China and Chairman Mao and how many millions he killed? Are children and teachers and the community actually taught that China severly restricts the rights of its citizens?
5. Are American culture, language and values also being taught? And given the same emphasis? Why is this curricula being installed in the classroom when it is the antithesis of American values and political thought?
6. What is your opinion on why China is paying to get this curriculum into the classroom? How will THEY benefit?
I appreciate you taking the time to respond to these questions. Your comments will guide the writing that I do about your decision to place the curriculum in your district. Please either respond in writing so I have your answers for my paper to keep on file, or please call me, and please note that I am required to record all conversation but would be more than willing to send you a copy of the tape, or email me.
I would appreciate hearing from you on this curricula and your thinking as to why you are promoting it in the school district.
Thank you.
Helen Sabin
Beijing man with ties to Hacienda Heights appears in federal court
By Frank Girardot on January 12, 2009 4:55 PM
This from a United States Department of Justice press release:
The vice president of a Hacienda Heights company made his initial appearance in federal court this afternoon after being arrested over the weekend on charges of exporting high-tech integrated circuits to China in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).
William Chai-Wai Tsu, 61, a resident of Beijing, was taken into custody by federal agents Saturday afternoon at the Commerce Casino. According to court documents, Tsu illegally shipped at least 200 of the sophisticated integrated circuits to China. At this afternoon's hearing, a United States Magistrate Judge scheduled Tsu's formal arraignment for February 2. Tsu will remain in federal custody pending a bond hearing Thursday. If convicted of the export violation alleged in a criminal complaint filed in United States District Court in Los Angeles, the naturalized U.S. citizen faces a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison.
Federal investigators executed a search warrant Saturday morning at a Hacienda Heights home Tsu allegedly used to receive business-related shipments and correspondence for a company called Cheerway, Inc. During the search, agents seized computer equipment, financial documents and other suspected controlled items believed to be linked to the case.
My child's school, Socrates Academy Charter School in Charlotte NC is ready to sign away our kids to this program for the the promise of funding. Socrates Academy is a Greek Charter School ran by a Board of Directors who have been pushing for more funds to raise capital to build a middle school. Due to the lack of donations to help reach our goal they are turning to programs like this based off of universities such as NC State that are offering a college version of the Confucius Institute. Our Board is dominated by old world Greek men who have repeatedly may statements about wanting our students to look like little soldiers. The uniform policy has been since the start only khaki bottoms and either hunter green(military green was not available in polo shirts) or white shirts. Now they are ready and have the power to add the Confucius Institute's to our daily curriculum. Every day for 50 minutes. Our school already goes 1 hour longer than all other primary schools. They plan to cut back on recess, other specials, and into core subjects (but not into any of the Greek language or math that is taught daily) to make room for this program. We need your help Kai Chen, as the Board has already armed itself with an expert to convince us how great the idea of exposing our children to this propaganda is at a special board session on Tuesday June 8th. The board has repeatedly avoided addressing our concerns with our female principal and our female dominate PTA. They are regularly treated the same way that Kai mentioned in his response (with no respect and as second class citizens). Please send our board members your thoughts as we plan to offer them ours on Tuesday.
Janis Dellinger-Holton, Principal
Mr. Larry Peroulas, President of Board of Directors, lperoulas@Socratesacademy.us
Dr. Antonis Stylianou, Vice President of Board of Directors, astylianou@Socratesacademy.us
Any support would be much appreciated.
Father of two gifted but innocent minded children
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