Monday, January 25, 2010
共产革命大虐杀 – 真相纪实
Translation by Kai Chen 陈凯 翻译
视频链锁: link to the video documentary:
译者引言 Translator’s Forewords:
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
戈兰. 拜克 (Glenn Beck, Fox News 福克斯电视台)是当今美国社会中最具影响力的、少有的保守派主流电视主持人之一。 他也是唯一的一个有眼光、有洞察力、有勇气的将共产主义、社会主义邪恶与今天美国左翼大政府病态情结暴露于众的最具美国自由精神的电视主持人。 “共产革命大虐杀 – 不自由,毋宁死”(Revolutionary Holocaust -- Live Free or Die)揭示了共产主义、社会主义与纳粹主义的共有理论基点,并将斯大林,格瓦拉与毛泽东的革命大虐杀的反人类罪行公诸于众。 今天以 中共党朝为首的“新纳粹(民族社会主义)”与以奥巴马当局为代表的美国新社会主义回潮是世界所有热爱自由的人们应提起警觉并要奋起反击的。 我很荣幸能将戈兰. 拜克制作的“共产革命大虐杀 – 不自由,毋宁死”翻译成中文以将共产邪恶的理论基点及罪恶的真相告知中国的人们。 --- 陈凯
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 22, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
戈兰. 拜克 制作人 1/22/2010 福克斯 新闻电视记录片 (此片可能会在将来增新内容)
BECK: Well, Che wasn't successful in his bid for world revolution. There are plenty of people trying to pick up right where he left off. So what was it like to live in the one place that Che was successful? Find out, next.
戈: 我们现在知道,格瓦拉想把革命带到世界上去,但他失败了。 当今还有许多人要步他的后尘。 那我们来看看有一个地方格瓦拉的理想变成了现实。 下面就是这个地方的故事。
BECK: You have heard the infamous quote that, "One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic." We've examined these events from a big-picture perspective. But now, let's move away from the statistics and look at the personal tragedy.
戈: 你们可能都听说过那个臭名昭著的铭言: “一个人死是个悲剧,一百万人死只是个数据。” 我们已从大的哲学角度审视了共产革命大虐杀。 现在让我们从数据走开来看看共产革命中个人的悲剧。
(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) 视频(4)开始: [古巴革命中的个体惨剧]
“崇魔的时尚” 视频连锁 (Link to “Killer Chic” by Reason TV):
(voice-over): Che Guevara — his image is a global fashion phenomenon. Hopefully, by now, you know that's so offensive to so many. But giving you the number of executions he ordered is one thing. Seeing the effect is another.
戈 (幕后音): 切. 格瓦拉 – 他的形象已经成了举世的时尚。 我希望现在你们都知道那个形象对众多的饱受其害的人是多么地刺眼与亵渎良知。 告诉你格瓦拉杀了多少人是一回事,看到听到被害人家人的悲哀与哭诉完全是另外一回事。
BARBARA RANGEL, BORN IN CUBA: They portray him in the movies as a hero and as a humanitarian. He was a cold killer.
芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔 (生在古巴): 他们将格瓦拉在电影中说成是英雄和人文主义者。 他实际上只是一个冷心杀人魔。
BECK: This is Barbara Rangel's grandfather, Col. Cornelio Rojas.
戈: 这是芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔的祖父 – 科尼利欧. 罗哈斯上校。
RANGEL: He was a freedom fighter way before (UNINTELLIGIBLE) came into power. He was a descendant of patriots. His father was a general and his grandfather was also general brigadier of that fought for Cuba's war of independence against Spain.
芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔: 我祖父一生为古巴的自由而战。 他的一家都是从戎的爱国者。 他的父亲是个将军。 他的祖父也是个将军。 他们都曾为古巴的自由独立与西班牙人做过战。
BECK: One day, her grandfather was just gone.
戈: 突然有一天,她的祖父就不见了。
RANGEL: When Fidel Castro and Che Guevara arrived in Havana, it was January '59 and that's precisely when my grandfather disappeared. My family had no idea where he was. All of a sudden, my family was in the living room watching television and they see my grandfather walking. They were extremely happy to see him.
芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔: 那就是当卡斯特罗和格瓦拉的队伍进入哈瓦那的时候。 那是1959 年的一月。 就是那个时候我祖父突然失踪了。 我们一家人都很焦虑,不知他到哪儿去了。 偶然有一天我们全家在家里看电视,突然看到我祖父在电视里。 他在走着。 我的家人都非常惊异而高兴。
And then, they realized that he was walking towards the wall. They started screaming and my grandmother collapsed. They realized that he's going to be executed.
然后,他们慢慢意识到我祖父正在走向一面墙。 我们全家都尖叫起来。 我祖母当时就昏倒了。 他们明白了我祖父要在所有古巴公众面前被处决。
When they asked him if he wanted to be blindfolded, and he said no. And he said, "There you have the revolution. Take care of it." He asked if he could give the firing orders and he said, "Aim. Fire." He died like a hero.
当行刑者们问他要不要被蒙眼的时候,他拒绝了。 然后他说道: “这就是你们所想要的革命。 你们自己多保重了。” 行刑者们问他是不是要自己发令开枪。 我祖父就喊道:“瞄准 – 开枪!” 他就像一个英雄一样倒下了。
BECK: And he was executed by cowards.
戈: 他就这样被一群懦夫杀害了。
RANGEL: There was no trial whatsoever. Che Guevara did not allow a trial. He was taken prisoner in beginning of January and executed January 7. That is something that I will never forget. There is not one day in my life that I don't think about him.
芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔: 根本就没有什么法庭判决。 格瓦拉根本就不信什么法庭。 我祖父在一月初被捕,一月七日就被处决了。 我永远不会忘记。 我在每一天的生活中都会看到我祖父的影子。
BECK: Barbara's pregnant mother was so traumatized she went into labor three months early.
戈: 芭芭拉的妈妈当时怀着孕。 她受不了这种打击。 她的孩子早产了整整三个月。
RANGEL: What is a person supposed to do? Rejoice for the birth of your son or cry for the death of your father?
芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔: 当时一个人在那种状态下能做什么? 为你早产幸存的孩子高兴还是为你父亲的死而悲哀?
BECK: Meet Barbara's mother, Blanca.
戈: 这是芭芭拉的母亲 – 布兰卡。
BLANCA, BARBARA RANGEL'S MOTHER (TRANSLATION): Che Guevara took away the greatest thing in my life because my father was the greatest. He was a good father. Che Guevara took that away from me and that is why I have been suffering for 50 years. I will never forget what he did to me.
布兰卡 (芭芭拉的母亲): (翻译) 格瓦拉夺走了我生命中最重要的人 – 当时我父亲在我心中是最伟大的人。 他是个好父亲。 格瓦拉把他从我的生命中夺走了。 五十年来我都在这种缺失中深深地感到创痛。 我绝不会忘记格瓦拉在我的生命中意味着什么。
BECK: For those who lived with the real Che, it is impossible to understand in America, of all places, how anyone would want him on a t- shirt.
戈: 在那些深受格瓦拉之害的人们中,你可以想象他们绝不会理解为什么在世界上,尤其是在美国,人们为什么会将一个杀人屠夫的形象印在自己的汗衫上。
RANGEL: Please do a lot of research before you make a fool of yourself wearing a t-shirt of a cold killing machine.
芭芭拉. 瑞安格尔: 你们真应该先好好想想。 别糊里糊涂地像个傻瓜一样把一个冷心杀手像英雄一个顶礼膜拜。
BECK: throughout the interview with Barbara and Blanca, they were incredibly strong. But you can see how deeply these events have shaken them, even to this day.
戈: 在我们对芭芭拉和布兰卡的采访中,你可以感到她们的坚强。 你同时可以感到这些过去的创痛在她们心中留下的疤痕。
BLANCA: I am not the woman I was before.
布兰卡: 我父亲被处决后我整个的人都变了。
BECK: This is the real legacy of Che. It's murder, destruction and broken families. So what can we do to correct the lies? Maybe it's time to make the truth a bit more fashionable.
戈: 这就是真实的格瓦拉。 真实的格瓦拉的遗产就是虐杀、毁灭与家庭的创伤。 那么我们能做什么来暴露这些谎言欺骗呢? 也许现在我们要把真相用更吸引人的方式去传播。
Maybe it's time to remember what these governments were really responsible for. Maybe it's time to ignore the revisionist rehab of these figures and recognize who they really were.
也许我们现在更要记住这些共产革命政府究竟犯下了什么样的反人类罪行。 也许我们现在就要奋起反击那些居心叵测、篡改历史的人,那些想把格瓦拉在美国、在世界重新搬上舞台的人。
Maybe telling the truth about socialism and communism now can help us avoid all of these things again. Just maybe speaking up and bluntly telling the truth can stop the next generation from looking at things the same way.
也许现在还不晚,只要我们把社会主义、共产主义的邪恶暴露于众,不让它们重演。 也许通过我们站起来大声疾呼、无畏地告诉我们的后代真实的历史,我们会避免惨剧重演。
视频(4)完 (待续)
视频链锁: link to the video documentary:
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