Confucius Institute Rejected
10月23号,湖南省教育厅通过邮件,通知加拿大的多伦多教育局,中方将单方面终止孔子学院协议。 对此,前加拿大情报局(CSIS)亚太事务总监胡尼奥‧卡瑞亚(Michel Juneau-Katsuya),在接受美国中文媒体《大纪元》采访时表示,在被多所大学和学院〝解约〞后,孔子学院首次主动退场,并不让人感到意外,因为这是大势所趋。
卡瑞亚说,〝孔子学院多年来在许多国家一个常用的策略就是,通过政治上的渗透,操控其政治观点和言论。 〞卡瑞亚还表示,他已经在多个场合说过,孔子学院还是一个间谍机构,被中共所操控和利用。许多西方国家的公开文件也明确点出这一点。他透露,现在加拿大国内情报部门仍在调查,孔子学院员工试图访问政府机密文件、政府帐户和邮箱,有的还要求给他们配政府邮箱,这样他们就能够进入政府系统。而卡瑞亚认为,这类行为,完全就是间谍行为。
实际上,从2004年中共在海外成立孔子学院至今,短短十年间已有460多家孔子学院先后建成,教师由中国国内派遣,使用的教科书也全部由中共当局编制。 目前,孔子学院这种迅猛的发展势头受到了阻力。
采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/陈建铭 - See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/10/29/a1149645.html#sthash.vcEslBiH.dpuf
Confucianism as Tool of Chinese "Jihad"
陈凯 Kai Chen 11/6/2014
If you still don't quite grasp the motive why the Chinese communist party-dynasty attempts to spread Confucius Institutes/Classrooms around the world, I now give you a parallel of Islamic "Jihad" against the infidels (those who still have conscience and soul):
Islamic Jihadists aim to convert the unbelievers by force and threat of violence. If you don't believe, they will kill you physically by beheading, mutilation and murder. Confucianism, with spread of Confucius Institutes/Classrooms under the auspice of the Chinese communist regime, is more insidious and effective to castrate a person emotionally, mentally and spiritually, making one nothing but a walking-dead. This is often done before one even realizes he/she is dying inside, gradually becoming nothing but an empty shell.
Power by authority, with no moral constraints, is the central theme of Confucianism. Everything and everyone is made a subject of the power structure by force and threat of violence, with a seemingly benigh appearance. Once you become a convert of Confucian zombie, you will act to Confucianize others, starting from your own family by making them your own subjects. The zombification thus spreads exponantially.
Confucianism's insidiousness often starts from making one study Chinese character-based syllabic language, copying and mimicking everything the Chinese ancestors have done and invented. One's individuality gradually disappears in this process. All one focuses on is to obey and not to offend the authority. One's unique meaning by God thus forever is erased as one's sole purpose in life becomes serving the authority/government only.
The dehumanization process goes painlessly in physical sense as one loses his/her creativity, imagination, love and capacity to truly feel and enjoy life. Yet the castration of one's humanity is achieved with a mind-numbing spiritual drug, powerfully comforting yet effectively dehumanizing.
By eliminating a person's soul/conscience to judge what is right or wrong, good or evil, truth or falsehood, Confucianism instills a person nothing but an instinct and infinite shrewdness for power struggle. He/she will judge everything by inside/outside, strong/weak, male/female, power/powerless, friend/enemy, family/stranger, etc....
The billions of dollars the Chinese party-dynasty has spent around the world to establish Confucius Institutes/Classrooms is with only one purpose - to secure its grip of power and to legitimize its own criminal authority. The evil regime has waged Jihad Chinese style on the world and against humanity for a decade already. Now some Western educational authorities start to wake up to its true purpose by the Chinese regime. I only hope more and more people will wake up from their "political correct" nightmare and "cultural equality", and start a fight to protect their own soul and conscience from this insidious assult rooted in ancient despotic Chinese culture.
Be vigilant, people. Freedom is indeed never free.
10月23号,湖南省教育厅通过邮件,通知加拿大的多伦多教育局,中方将单方面终止孔子学院协议。 对此,前加拿大情报局(CSIS)亚太事务总监胡尼奥‧卡瑞亚(Michel Juneau-Katsuya),在接受美国中文媒体《大纪元》采访时表示,在被多所大学和学院〝解约〞后,孔子学院首次主动退场,并不让人感到意外,因为这是大势所趋。
卡瑞亚说,〝孔子学院多年来在许多国家一个常用的策略就是,通过政治上的渗透,操控其政治观点和言论。 〞卡瑞亚还表示,他已经在多个场合说过,孔子学院还是一个间谍机构,被中共所操控和利用。许多西方国家的公开文件也明确点出这一点。他透露,现在加拿大国内情报部门仍在调查,孔子学院员工试图访问政府机密文件、政府帐户和邮箱,有的还要求给他们配政府邮箱,这样他们就能够进入政府系统。而卡瑞亚认为,这类行为,完全就是间谍行为。
实际上,从2004年中共在海外成立孔子学院至今,短短十年间已有460多家孔子学院先后建成,教师由中国国内派遣,使用的教科书也全部由中共当局编制。 目前,孔子学院这种迅猛的发展势头受到了阻力。
采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/陈建铭 - See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/10/29/a1149645.html#sthash.vcEslBiH.dpuf
Confucianism as Tool of Chinese "Jihad"
陈凯 Kai Chen 11/6/2014
If you still don't quite grasp the motive why the Chinese communist party-dynasty attempts to spread Confucius Institutes/Classrooms around the world, I now give you a parallel of Islamic "Jihad" against the infidels (those who still have conscience and soul):
Islamic Jihadists aim to convert the unbelievers by force and threat of violence. If you don't believe, they will kill you physically by beheading, mutilation and murder. Confucianism, with spread of Confucius Institutes/Classrooms under the auspice of the Chinese communist regime, is more insidious and effective to castrate a person emotionally, mentally and spiritually, making one nothing but a walking-dead. This is often done before one even realizes he/she is dying inside, gradually becoming nothing but an empty shell.
Power by authority, with no moral constraints, is the central theme of Confucianism. Everything and everyone is made a subject of the power structure by force and threat of violence, with a seemingly benigh appearance. Once you become a convert of Confucian zombie, you will act to Confucianize others, starting from your own family by making them your own subjects. The zombification thus spreads exponantially.
Confucianism's insidiousness often starts from making one study Chinese character-based syllabic language, copying and mimicking everything the Chinese ancestors have done and invented. One's individuality gradually disappears in this process. All one focuses on is to obey and not to offend the authority. One's unique meaning by God thus forever is erased as one's sole purpose in life becomes serving the authority/government only.
The dehumanization process goes painlessly in physical sense as one loses his/her creativity, imagination, love and capacity to truly feel and enjoy life. Yet the castration of one's humanity is achieved with a mind-numbing spiritual drug, powerfully comforting yet effectively dehumanizing.
By eliminating a person's soul/conscience to judge what is right or wrong, good or evil, truth or falsehood, Confucianism instills a person nothing but an instinct and infinite shrewdness for power struggle. He/she will judge everything by inside/outside, strong/weak, male/female, power/powerless, friend/enemy, family/stranger, etc....
The billions of dollars the Chinese party-dynasty has spent around the world to establish Confucius Institutes/Classrooms is with only one purpose - to secure its grip of power and to legitimize its own criminal authority. The evil regime has waged Jihad Chinese style on the world and against humanity for a decade already. Now some Western educational authorities start to wake up to its true purpose by the Chinese regime. I only hope more and more people will wake up from their "political correct" nightmare and "cultural equality", and start a fight to protect their own soul and conscience from this insidious assult rooted in ancient despotic Chinese culture.
Be vigilant, people. Freedom is indeed never free.