Tuesday, February 21, 2012

林书豪 vs.姚明 = 自由人vs. 族群人 Jeremy Lin vs. Yao Ming

陈凯/千枫电视台采访-林书豪与中国政治文化及政体 Kai Chen TV Interview on Jeremy Lin and Chinese Political Culture

Jeremy Lin in Practice Sessions


林书豪 vs.姚明 = 自由人vs. 族群人
Jeremy Lin vs. Yao Ming

Jeremy Lin as a free being has already overwhelmed Yao Min as an enslaved man

“自由人” vs. “中国人”序列
“Free Beings” vs. “Chinese” Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 2/21/2012 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

自从林书豪在NBA的优异表现冲击了美国篮坛与世界舆论以来,我接受了来自多方位的媒体采访。 许多西方的媒体基于“政治正确”的左派倾向在采访中想用一些少数人的种族主义评论把我引入族群的争议。 一些在美的华裔政客们也想借美国少数人对林书豪的病态负面的评论为自己拉政治稻草。 但最让我反胃恶心的是大多数的华裔人士也都将林书豪作为种族、祖裔、中国专制文化的产物来为虚无的个体找认同,似乎林书豪的肤色与他家庭的来历是他取得成就的原因。 殊不知,林书豪的真正意义是在于“他是一个美国人,他是一个自由人”。 他的成就并不是“因为”他是一个亚裔人,而是“尽管”他是一个亚裔人。 (Jeremy Lin’s achievement is NOT “because” he is of Asian descendent, but “despite” he is of Asian descendent.)

林书豪的故事绝不是一个什么“亚裔人/中国人/台湾人/族群人”的故事。 林书豪的故事是一个“美国人/自由人/有信仰的人”的故事。 林书豪的故事是一个在自由世界中个体用自身的天才,努力,信念,勇气与自由意志战胜群体的无知,击败种族的偏见,冲破环境的限制,打碎人的“默默的绝望”的、充满激情与希望的“自由人”的故事。 当一位记者采访我的时候 ,她竭尽所能想用“族裔”来定位林书豪的成就。 我只是用“1+1=2”的常识逻辑向她说:

“如果你认为其他人不应该用林书豪的肤色与家族背景来贬低他的话,你为什么要用林书豪的肤色与家族背景来抬高他呢? 难道这不是一回事儿吗?”

当所有人,时常会是他的亲友们(不只是他的有种族主义倾向的怀疑者们),不相信林书豪的时候,林书豪本人并没有丧失自己对篮球的热爱,并没有丧失对自身与上苍的信念。 这难道不是他的故事的本质吗?! 当林书豪在令人难以忍受的困境之中,在眼泪、内心的挣扎中,在怀疑与失败的痛苦中,在族群的偏见与无知中愤然/奋然挺起、冲破障碍、取得成功时,他并没有因为得志得意而放弃自己的操守、信念与自省。 这难道不是他的故事的本质吗?! 当林书豪向世界证实“人绝非环境、族群、历史、贫富、文化背景、家族祖宗的产物”而是“个体的自由意志、对神的信仰、不懈的努力,勇气与毅力的自由的精灵”的时候,你难道不认为这才是林书豪的真实自我,这才是林书豪的真实故事的本质吗? 

易建联曾自供:“林书豪付出得到了回报,我的付出没有得到回报。” 言外之意是我的命/运气不好。 殊不知,“求回报而付出/做好事求好报”正说明一个人没有真实的热爱与信仰,正说明易建联并不真正热爱篮球而是想从篮球中强取/偷取/骗取那些并不在自我认同/热爱中,也绝不是因为自我认同而产生的价值。 正是因为这些“中国奴”没有真实的热爱与信仰,他们可能会有因偷/抢/骗而得到的钱,而绝不会有因热爱与信仰而得到的真实幸福与对不懈意义追求的满足感。

中共党朝的官方媒体早就借各种渠道放出风来,说什么“林书豪永远不会有姚明的成就与影响”,说什么“林书豪还需要时间来证实他的实力与价值”。 一个被奴役制洗脑左右的人是绝不会懂得林书豪与姚明之间的根本对差的: 林书豪是一个自由人。 姚明是一个被奴役的非自由人(即使连他也懂得把自己的女儿生在美国成为一个美国人的重要。)。 林书豪是一个用自己的信念与品质击败了无知、偏见、怯懦与自我怀疑的人。 姚明是一个不得不在奴役体制中无奈的玩儿专制游戏、为专制站台的人。 林书豪是一个用自身的意志、勇气与能力战胜环境与背景束缚的人。 姚明是一个被环境、背景、专制强权左右的被奴人(姚明在与NBA签约之前被迫与中国篮协签了“卖身契”保证用自己的篮球、名、利为“中国/中共党朝”服务。 他也曾邀NBA队友到天安门为毛泽东站台与授意到台湾为中共党朝搞“统战”)。 林书豪向世界、向人类、向上苍证实了“人”是可以自由的。 姚明则用他的无奈与妥协向人们表达了“默默的绝望”是人生的唯一终结。 林书豪与姚明之间只有对照,没有比较。 林书豪与姚明生活在两个绝对冲突与对立的精神世界里。

姚明的八年NBA生涯是在被利用、被奴役、被迫就范的精神世界中度过的。 林书豪则正在用自身NBA成功的见证突破了历史与族群的束缚与界限,告诉着人们“人是上苍所造的自由人,而绝非政府、族群、历史、环境所造的无奈之物”,“人可以用自身的信念、勇气与努力设计自身的轨迹,书写自身的剧本,改变历史的走向与所生的环境”。 有什么能比林书豪所证实、所表达的这个真实的信息更使人振奋、更使人解放、更使人自由地去为自身的幸福与尊严无畏前行的呢?!


Monday, February 20, 2012

陈凯访谈/中国为什么出不了林书豪 Kai Chen Interview/Why Lin isn't in China

Jeremy Lin vs. Dallas


Kai Chen Interview/Why Lin isn't in China

林书豪奇迹震惊世界 折射举国体制弊端

新唐人电视 www.ntdtv.com 2012-2-20 20:22 

Jeremy Lin Talks about Life, Basketball and Faith/Video Link :


【新唐人2012年2月20日讯】 (新唐人记者朱智善 宋风采访报导)



本台采访了前大陆篮球国手陈凯先生,中国体制下能否 “制造”出一个林书豪。





















陈凯表示,一个运动员相信自己与上帝之间的关系,相信自己的能力,相信自己热爱这项运动,相信自己是真诚的,这对运动员是非常非常重要的。因为有信仰的人不会对自己撒谎,那么打球的时候,就会把精力集中在打球上,而不是为自己找藉口上,这对运动员是非常重要的。犯了错误自己承认,可以从中得到教训下次做好,不试图推脱责任,这也是运动员进步的根本原因。 反过来没有信仰的人,只想给红包取悦于人,不敢承担责任,怎能进步呢?


在“林旋风”横扫世界之际,中共官方媒体新华社说,在中国邀请林书豪加盟中国男篮的呼声很高。 新华社说,林书豪成为中国男篮一员的障碍不少,其中最大的问题就是林书豪必须放弃自己的美国国籍。不过新华社也指出,如果林书豪“下定决心,抓住机遇”,就有可能“将‘呼声’转化为现实”。

对此,陈凯指出,只有专制社会才有这样的想法,把一个人的皮肤作为奴役他的材料:你的祖宗是从这里来的,就得听我的,作为我私有的工具。这是多么邪恶的一个专制概念!把人看作是为专制服务的工具,只要你成功了,就要把你的成功归功于它的制度,就要要为它服务,为它站台。 中国的社会是一个强盗、小偷与骗子的社会,是一个奴役人、腐败人的社会。

陈凯说,“林书豪是一个在美国生长的美国人,是说英语的美国人,是虔诚的基督徒,完全西方价值化的美国人,而不是会说汉语和受专制文化教育的大陆人。把林书豪看成是中国人/台湾人,这是非常荒唐的逻辑。” 陈凯表示,在美国社会,他会尊重每一个人的自由意志的。

Sunday, February 19, 2012

法新社陈凯访谈/林书豪意味着什么? AFP Kai Chen Interview on Jeremy Lin

Jeremy Lin's Winning Shot against Raptors

Jeremy Lin Talks about Life, Basketball and Faith/Video Link :


AFP Kai Chen Interview on Jeremy Lin

Like Yao, Lin's success rubs some the wrong way

By Greg Heakes (AFP) – 10 hours ago

LOS ANGELES — The same racial stereotypes that dogged Yao Ming early in his National Basketball Association career are now being cast upon Harvard educated, New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin.

American sports network ESPN was forced to apologize Saturday for an anti-Asian slur directed at Chinese-American Lin that appeared in a story about the point guard following the Knicks 89-85 loss on Friday night.

The anti-Asian headline was included in an online story about Lin's role in the game that ended New York's seven-game winning streak.

ESPN said in a statement it was "conducting a complete review of our cross-platform editorial procedures and are determining appropriate disciplinary action to ensure this does not happen again. We regret and apologize for this mistake."

ESPN claimed that the headline appeared to only mobile browsers for a 35-minute period but long enough for scores of people to see it.

The Knicks have been on a magical run since former part-time player Lin was called upon with two starters missing and answered with the most points of any NBA player in his first five starts since the NBA and ABA merged in 1976. Lin's fairy-tale story is further enhanced because he was cut by two clubs, including Yao's former team the Houston Rockets, before the season started.

While the majority of Americans are captivated by the "Lin-sanity" phenomenon, others like US African-American boxer Floyd Mayweather are not.

"Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise," Mayweather said in a posting on his Twitter microblogging website.

Like Lin, retired eight-time NBA all-star Yao had to face taunts and ethnic slurs when he broke into the league in 2002.

Former Detroit Piston Ben Wallace said the then 21-year-old Yao would receive a rude welcome the first time China's national team played the United States in August 2002 in Oakland, California.

"We are going to beat him up. We are going to beat him up pretty bad," Wallace said. "Welcome to the league, welcome to our country. This is our playground."

Yao also had to deal with ethnic slurs from former Los Angeles Laker Shaquille O'Neal.

Chen Kai, an author and former member of China's national basketball team who competed in the 1978 World Championships for China, told AFP the problem is that some people see this as a racial issue instead of a feel-good story.

Chen said the attitudes towards Lin and Yao show there is still a lot of work to be done to help integrate basketball.

"We have a culture in the US called political correctness. Affirmitive action is giving a minority a chance. At the same time the NBA is beyond that," said Chen, a human rights activist who nows lives in Los Angeles.

"There is a conflict in the US. This rise of Jeremy Lin is just like Tiger Woods in golf or a great young black player in ice hockey.

"It is a phenomenon. It is not a negative story, it's a positive one. Most people in the US embrace Jeremy Lin. They don't see it as a racial issue but just see that he plays good ball."

The 23-year-old Lin said on Wednesday he hopes to change outlooks and stereotypes regarding Asians and Asian-American NBA players.

"I think there are definitely (Asian) stereotypes," he said. "There are a lot of them. The more we can do to break those down every day the better we will become.

"Hopefully in the near future we will see a lot more Asians and Asian-Americans playing in the NBA."

Lin's parents emigrated from Taiwan to the USA in the mid-1970s. He is one of the few Asian Americans in NBA history, and the first American player in the league to be of Chinese or Taiwanese descent.

"People in Taiwan and China fight to claim him but inside he is all American," Chen said.

"He's all American. He graduated from Harvard, he was born in the US and he eats American food. He doesn't see colour. All he cares about is winning the game. That is the true American spirit."

Copyright © 2012 AFP. All rights reserved. More »

种族偏见作怪  豪哥姚明屡遭讽/翻译

Published by AFP on 二月 18th, 2012 - in 体育

(法新社洛杉矶18日电) 纽约尼克(Knicks)球星「哈佛小子」林书豪如今蒙受的奚落和挖苦,重演8次入选明星赛的退休NBA球星姚明2002年生涯刚起步时带有种族歧视的遭遇。 
2002年8月,回溯当年21岁的姚明率领中国大陆国家队首度在加州迎战美国队前夕,前底特律活塞(Piston)「班蛙」华莱士(Ben Wallace)放话要粗鲁地欢迎姚明。

姚明也曾遭前洛杉矶湖人「侠克」欧尼尔(Shaquille O’Neal)嘲笑,欧尼尔对电视台记者说:「告诉姚明,亲穷羊哇啊缩。」(无意义模仿中文发音)





ESPN Uses Racial Slur To Describe Jeremy Lin’s First Loss

February 18, 2012 By Bowers

ESPN’s mobile site used the headline “Chink In The Armor” last night in recap of Jeremy Lin’s first ever NBA loss. On Sportscenter, ESPN employees also used the same phrase on the show. Awful Announcing has that screen grab and video, and below are some of their thoughts on it.

Awful Announcing: “But my thought here, and I understand it’s just my opinion, is that this is pretty inexcusable given that ESPN.com is a huge platform with a lot of built in processes, people involved, and higher standards.

The usage of this very common saying is not racist itself if you just go with its surface meaning.

However, the worst racial slur you could call someone of Chinese or Asian descent would be “chink” and while it has dual definitions unlike most other slurs, it’s just all too convenient that it shows up here. At face value, the headline certainly makes sense. But the dual definition of that word essentially ensures that if published, their would be a s— storm. Now there is.”

Then this from ESPN’s editors:

“Ed Note: ESPN did indeed release a statement early Saturday morning profusely apologizing for the headline. The statement reads in full:

“Last night, ESPN.com’s mobile web site posted an offensive headline referencing Jeremy Lin at 2:30 am ET. The headline was removed at 3:05 am ET. We are conducting a complete review of our cross-platform editorial procedures and are determining appropriate disciplinary action to ensure this does not happen again. We regret and apologize for this mistake.”

ESPN.com Editor in Chief Rob King also took to Twitter to apologize, saying this with a link to the statement:

“There’s no defense for the indefensible. All we can offer are our apologies, sincere though incalculably inadequate.”

ESPN certainly recognizes the gravity of the mistake and took the necessary steps to show contrition, but the question still needs to be answered how in the world THAT headline was published.”

Friday, February 17, 2012

中国能造得出林书豪吗? Can China's Culture Produce Jeremy Lin?!

Jeremy Lin vs. Lakers

“豪小子”林书豪(右)近来的表现,连NBA的总裁史腾都称是“奇迹”,是NBA的神话。(Getty Images)


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words: 
中国的专制文化只能产生工具与奴隶。 林书豪的篮球是一个自由人的表现。 只有一个自由人才能通过篮球表达自己的自由意志,努力与才能。

China's despotic culture can only produce despotic tools and slaves.  Jeremy Lin's performance on the basketball court once again demonstrates that only a free being can fully utilize basketball to express himself fully. 

Can China's Culture Produce Jeremy Lin?!



* 中国造不出林书豪 

















Wednesday, February 15, 2012

中国资产外流减缓通胀 Outflow of Money Eases Runaway Inflation

China's Officials take money and run out of China.


Outflow of Money Eases Runaway Inflation

Stealth Withdrawal of Wealth From China By Its Entrepreneurs Unwittingly Helped China Avert Runaway Inflation. But That Practice Is About To Be Halted.

by Bill Sardi

Predictions that economic bubbles would pop in an ever-growing Chinese economy have been frequent over the past 10 years. But prognosticators failed to realize that Chinese bankers are more conservative than the colleagues in the US and require 30-60% down payment on home loans. Furthermore, as China captured trillions of dollars in US money, it set much of it aside to guard against run-away inflation and to pour into the economy as the meltdown in the US economy beginning in 2008 resulted in a decline in exports from China to the US.

Certainly China over-responded to this crisis and went so far as to build whole cities that remain unoccupied. However, incomes there are simply not sufficient for people to move into these modernized communities.

China is cunning. It holds over $1 trillion in US treasury bills that may never be repaid in full value. It has begun to seek tangible wealth rather than hold US T-bills and has conducted a worldwide search to buy minerals, oil, unprecedented amounts of gold in the form of US bullion coins, or to obtain long-term contracts for the same, and to barter without using the US dollar as the medium of exchange. Marc Faber, financial commentator based in Asia, says China puts its money into building infrastructure whereas the US puts its newly printed money into consumption. American consumption also boosts China’s exports.

What all the analysts missed, while they predicted the huge expansion of credit in China to result in uncontrolled inflation, was that much of China’s money was covertly leaving the country, serving as a counterbalance in its economy.

Gordon Chang, a writer and commentator on Chinese affairs, wrote a largely overlooked article (just 3 posted comments on it) that was published online at Forbes.com in June of 2011. Chang’s report, entitled "Chinese Entrepreneurs Are Leaving China," said wealthy Chinese are leaving the country in droves and taking their money with them. How much money? (Are you sitting down?) An estimated $2.18 trillion exited China in hidden cash transfers between 2000 and 2008. Whoa!

We know the Greeks are funneling their money into overseas banks, but that amounts to a vacuum of just $16 billion. But what is going on in China is a game changer for the whole world, especially if covert methods to move Chinese money offshore is put to a halt, as it is predicted will occur sometime soon with a leadership change and accompanying financial reforms in China.

The US has benefited immensely from the entry of Chinese money into its economy. According to Chang, in the last five years there has been a 73% increase in Chinese investment to the United States. Chinese people are seen on bus tours in California, visiting real estate properties and paying the full purchase price in cash money. But just exactly how do the Chinese funnel their money out of the country?

A US real estate executive gives us a hint at the answer to this question when he said in a 2009 interview published in China Daily that he didn’t think most Chinese individuals would qualify to purchase property in the US "unless the money is already here."

The Chinese have had centuries of practice to side-step government confiscation of their money. One method is to export goods from China to the US in a shipping container where, in this example, the bill of lading cites 1000 cases of widgets being shipped. But there are actually 1400 cases of widgets inside the container. The profits from the sale of 1000 cases of widgets is returned to China, but the extra 400 cases are sold and Chinese goods are converted into US money where a Chinese counterparty here in the US houses it, sometimes in Chinese banks located here in the US. This is how Chinese home buyers get their cash to buy properties at full price. Chinese families send their children to be schooled in America, and the money for their education is already in the US. None of it has been taxed by China or the US.

Chang quotes economic analyst Zhong Dajun to say: "We have been working hard to develop the economy in the past 30 years, but now these elite members of society are fleeing with the majority of the wealth." "The loss may be even higher than all the foreign investment we have attracted."

Xi Jinping is expected to become the next Party general secretary at the end of 2012 and it is rumored that the hemorrhage of money from China will be put to a halt with economic reforms. That will be a game-changing event.

China averted a flood of money hitting their economy and causing run-away inflation in part because Chinese entrepreneurs were siphoning money away overseas. Will a closure of this exit door then result in predicted inflation? My bet is the Chinese will be smart enough to dampen this threat.

China has a bigger default to face – that of the US’ inability to pay back over $1 trillion China loaned to America in purchasing US Treasury bills. The Chinese know, if inflation drives up the cost of food that it must avert unrest in the streets. China could be forced to accept pennies on the dollar for these T-bills and receive its deflated money in the form of containers of grain and other foodstuffs from the US, who already supplies China with record sales of foodstuffs now.

China knows it is holding a diminishing asset in US T-bills. So does the rest of the world. The US economy keeps getting propped by its lenders. A US default on its debt would result in an implosion of the world’s economies. At some point the US will not be able to pay interest on its debt and be forced to default and the dollar will collapse. That day may come sooner than predicted. John Williams of ShadowStats.com says the outside date for that event is 2014 (ShadowStats report #414). Then what?

February 15, 2012

Bill Sardi [send him mail] is a frequent writer on health and political topics. His health writings can be found at www.naturalhealthlibrarian.com. His latest book is Downsizing Your Body.

Monday, February 13, 2012

林书豪给我们的十个启示 Just Lin, Baby!

Jeremy Lin vs. Los Angeles Lakers 


Just Lin, Baby!

Eric Jackson (Forbes Magazine)

10 Lessons Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us Before We Go To Work Monday Morning

Lin-sanity has swept up the NBA over the last week. Now it seems like the phenomenon has gone worldwide.

Friday’s 38 point performance by Harvard grad Jeremy Lin for the New York Knicks against the LA Lakers was his greatest performance yet as a starter, since he burst on to the scene and propelled the team to 4 straight wins.

Lin now has over 200,000 followers on Twitter. He’s got over 800,000 on Weibo – including 200,000 new ones in the 24 hour period after beating the Lakers.

But there’s more to this story than basketball. This isn’t just a modern-day, real-life version of the Hoosiers movie. The Jeremy Lin story is incredibly popular because we can all see a little bit of ourselves in this man’s struggles and now successes.

What can all of us learn from this young man — and how can we apply these same lessons to our own lives when we go back to work on Monday morning?

1. Believe in yourself when no one else does. 坚信自身

Lin’s only the 3rd graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He’s also one of only a handful of Asian-Americans to make it. He was sent by the Knicks to play for their D-League team 3 weeks ago in Erie, PA. He’d already been cut by two other NBA teams before joining the Knicks this year. You’ve got to believe in yourself, even when no one else does.

2. Seize the opportunity when it comes up. 抓住机遇

Lin got to start for the Knicks because they had to start him. They had too many injuries. Baron Davis was gone. The other point guards were out. Carmelo Anthony was injured. Amare Stoudemire had to leave the team because of a family death. Lin could have squandered the opportunity and we would have never have noticed. But he made the most of it. You never know when opportunities are going to arise in life. Often, they’re when you least expect them. Make the most of them. Don’t fritter them away.

3. Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them. 欣赏亲助

It wasn’t until a few days ago that Lin got his contract guaranteed by the Knicks for the rest of the season. Before that, he could have been cut at any time. He had to sleep on his brother’s couch on the Lower East Side to get by. His family always believed in him and picked him up when he could have gotten down on himself. That made him continue to believe. If you want your family to believe in you like that, you’ve got to be there for them too when they need it.

4. Find the system that works for your style. 发现适己

Lin isn’t Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. He’s not a pure scorer. He’s a passer and distributor – who can also score very well. It didn’t work for him in Golden State or Houston – where he was before landing at the Knicks. But Mike D’Antoni’s system at the Knicks has been perfect for him to show off his strengths. You’ve got to do your best to understand what your strengths are and then ensure that you’re in a system (a job or organization or industry) that is a good fit for those strengths. Otherwise, people overlook the talents you bring to the table.

5. Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team. 莫错良才

You probably manage people at your own company today. Are you sure you don’t have a Jeremy Lin living among you now? How do you know that “Mike” couldn’t do amazing things if you gave him a new project to run with? How do you know “Sarah” isn’t the right person to take the open job in London that you’ve been talking over with your colleagues? We put people around us in boxes. He’s from Harvard. He’s Asian-American. Not sure he can play. How many assumptions have you made about talent around you? Don’t be like the General Managers in Golden State and Houston, and let talent slip through your fingers. With all their money, scouts, and testing, they didn’t have a clue what they had in their hands. Do you know what your people (or even yourself) is really capable of? Take off the blinders of assumptions you wear when you look at the world.

6. People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else. 忠实原己

You’ve got to be you. You can’t be some 2nd rate copy of Michael Jordan. There will never be another Michael Jordan. Just be Jeremy Lin — yourself. Whatever that is. That doesn’t mean you don’t work hard — it just means you find what you’re good at and do it. Fans will love you for being you, just like they love Jeremy Lin. Judy Garland said it best:

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.”

7. Stay humble. 避免枉大

If you one day are lucky enough to have newspapers want to put you on the cover in order to sell more, don’t let it get to your head. It’s been remarkable watching how humble Lin remains through all this media frenzy. It makes his teammates and fans love him that much more.

8. When you make others around you look good, they will love you forever. 尊重同仁

I didn’t know how good Tyson Chandler was, until I saw him playing with Jeremy Lin. Lin has set Chandler up many times over the last week for easy dunks because he drew the defense and then passed the ball. That’s partly why the Knicks are playing so well. They are all working harder to share the ball with others. And it’s beautiful to watch. And when the media swarms Lin, he tells them how good his teammates are. Do the same with your peers and reports.

9. Never forget about the importance of luck or fate in life. 不忘感恩

Some people believe in God, some in destiny, some in luck. Whatever you believe in, be grateful for it.

10. Work your butt off. Lin couldn’t have seized his opportunity if he hadn’t worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills. 不走捷径

There are no short cuts to hard work. Success is a by product of that. If you’ve got a Tiger Mom who’s always pushed you to work hard, great. If not, let your conscience be your own Tiger Mom! Get up early, stay up late. Nobody gave Lin any free passes. Why should you get any? You can only control what you control and that means you’ve got to work harder than anyone else you know.

I hope the Lin-sanity continues. And I hope we all can apply these lessons to our own work and family life.

There’s a great line from a New York Times article on Lin and his faith which is worth it for all of us to remember:

“suffering produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us.”

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

阿岚. 韦斯特:我们不要奥巴马 Allen West To Obama: ‘Get The Hell Out Of The United States of America’

阿岚. 韦斯特:我们不要奥巴马 Allen West To Obama: ‘Get The Hell Out Of The United States of America’


Allen West To Obama: ‘Get The Hell Out Of The United States of America’
阿岚. 韦斯特:我们不要奥巴马

陈凯一语   Kai Chen's Words:

我的朋友阿岚. 韦斯特:我为你感到一个美国人的骄傲与希望。

My Friend Allen West: I am so proud of you for what you stand for - Freedom, Human Dignity and Hope for this great country.

January 29, 2012


Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) had a strong message Saturday for President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “Get the hell out.”

West made the comments during a speech at a Palm Beach County GOP event in West Palm Beach.

“This is a battlefield that we must stand upon. And we need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and my dear friend, chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table,” West said.

The audience was booing by the time West got to Pelosi’s name.

“Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else,” he continued. “You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”