Monday, October 31, 2011
中国人的灵智在祖坟中早夭 Dying Before Birth in Ancestors' Graves
Chinese cruelty and torture for thousands of years “中国人”的残暴无人性是首屈一指的
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
最可悲与最可憎的事实是: 中国“人”的灵魂与智慧从他们一生下来的时候就已经在极度黑暗与腐朽的祖坟中默默的死去, 因为他们就出生在那充满毒素与败坏的祖坟里。 那些行尸走肉之人甚至并不察觉他们其实从生下来时就已经是一个灵智死亡的虚无。 ... 祖坟不扒,人无新生;祖坟不扒,“人”何自由?
The saddest and the most despicable fact is: In China when a person is born, his soul and mind start to die right away silently, for he is born into his ancestors' coffin, buried deep in the dark and decaying recess of a grave. Yet these zombies never realize that thoughout all their nihilistic lives, they have never had any soul and any mind.... Unless the rotten coffin has been smashed, the Chinese will never have a new birth and new life; unless the light of truth cuts through the darkness of the grave, the Chinese will never be set free.
Dying Before Birth in Ancestors' Graves
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese Series
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 12/9/2006, Reprint 9/25/2011)
When I write to devastate the Chinese character-based syllabic language, the Chinese nihilistic culture and the Chinese despotic institutions, I know for sure most Chinese accuse me of digging my, and their ancestors' grave. And in China that is an unforgivable crime punishable by the worst torture imaginable. Yet I am not much concerned about the accusation or the hatred I have brought upon myself. I don't feel any guilt. I am only concerned about telling the truth as I see it. And the worst torture to me is never from others, but from my own conscience. And thus far, my conscience is clean.
As Christ's saying "only truth shall set you free", I am more concerned about being truthful and being free than being unpopular or being cursed to hell by some cultural drug addicts. Someone has to tell the Chinese that the emperor has never had any clothes on, never, no matter how many Chinese adore, in their drug-inflicted mind, all things Chinese. Someone has to let the Chinese know that they are only living in an illusion and fantasy, indulging themselves in dose after stronger dose of cultural and spiritual narcotics, not knowing their addiction is killing them and their children for the last two thousand years. They, the Chinese, have not waken up to this truth. But thank God I have waken up to it. And the awakening in my soul and mind is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel free. I am free, free at last.
I am free from my tortured past. I am free from my despotic and nihilistic culture. I am free from the chains and shackles of the Chinese character-based syllabic language. I am free from the insidious addiction of the spiritual narcotics my ancestors and the Chinese government forced upon me. I am free to explore a new life, a new world full of light, full of passion, full of love, full of creativity, full of joy and happiness, full of possibilities.
I want to share with those who still have a remnant of conscience left: Walk bravely forward, away from your ancestors' shackles, away from your false sense of security, away from your stupor, away from your addiction, away from all that oppress you from the day you were born. There is a whole new future, whole new world full of hope waiting for you ahead. Yet unless and until you free yourself from your ancestors' coffins and graves, unless and until you dig yourself out of the abyss, you will never reach it.
Friday, October 28, 2011
中国-没有灵魂的成长 China's Morally Hollow Economy
2 year old chinese girl run over and noone helps! 道德评论
陈凯博客: China's Morally Hollow Economy 中国-没有灵魂的成长 By Samuel Gregg on 10.28.11 @ 6:07AM It's setting off open discussion and concern about Chinese realities that Communism and blind commitment to economic growth are powerless to address. In recent weeks, China has been consumed by an unprecedented internal debate concerning a subject bound to make its Communist rulers nervous. At issue is the moral health of Chinese society. Widespread Chinese discussion of this most un-politically correct subject was triggered by the October 21 death of a two-year old girl in the city of Foshan in Guangdong province. She died of internal injuries sustained after being run-over not once, but twice in a local market. Accidents happen. But what made little Wang Yue's death a matter for intense public discussion was the fact that nearly 20 people simply walked by and ignored her plight as she lay bleeding in the gutter. What, hundreds of Chinese websites, newspapers and even state media outlets are asking, does this say about Chinese society? Have Chinese people lost all sense of concern for others in the midst of the scramble for wealth unleashed by China's long march away from economic collectivism? One local official summarized the collective angst by stating: "We should look into the ugliness in ourselves with a dagger of conscience and bite the soul-searching bullet." The problem, from the perspective of China's party-government-military elites, is such soul-searching may lead increasing numbers of Chinese to conclude that the circumstances surrounding Wang Yue's death are symptomatic of deeper public morality problems confronting China, some of which could significantly impede its economic development. One such challenge is widespread corruption. By definition, corruption doesn't easily lend itself to close study. Its perpetrators are rarely interested in anyone studying their activities. Few question, however, that there's a high correlation between corruption and widespread and direct government involvement in the economy. The more regulations and "state-business" partnerships you have (and China has millions of the former and thousands of the latter), the greater the opportunities for government cadres to extract their personal pound of flesh as the price of doing business. Back in 2007, for example, a Carnegie Foundation study of China reported that approximately "10 percent of government spending, contracts, and transactions is estimated to be used as kickbacks and bribes, or simply stolen." The situation has since become even worse. In late 2009, for example, China's state anti-corruption watchdog admitted that 106,000 officials had already been found guilty of corruption that year -- an increase of 2.5 percent from 2008. From an economic standpoint, high corruption levels are a powerful disincentive for foreign investment. And if corruption grows to sufficient levels in China, there's a strong possibility it may start cancelling-out the attraction of the lower labor costs that are one of the biggest magnets for foreign investment in China. The ethical predicaments corroding China's economy, however, go beyond everyday corruption. They also touch on China's willingness to tell the truth about what's really going on in the Chinese economy. While hardly anyone questions China's economy is growing, doubts are continually expressed concerning the veracity of its growth figures -- including by some members of China's elite. In 2010, for instance, Wikileaks revealed that China's present Vice Premier Li Keqiang had expressed little confidence in his own country's GDP numbers during a 2007 conversation with the American ambassador. The causes for such uncertainty are several. But one that has consistently plagued China since the 1980s has been outright fudging and lying on production and growth numbers by local officials eager for political advancement. Why does this matter? It's important because domestic and foreign businesses need reliable data if they're going to be able to make prudent investments. Conversely, misleading GDP data helps generate a cycle of expectations, risk-assessment, investments, production and exports that is built on lies. And if the falsehoods are big and systematic enough, they will severely undermine business confidence and leave a legacy of distrust of China among foreign investors and international markets. Many members of China's Communist party elite -- but especially its younger set -- are very conscious of these problems. Their concerns were vented in an unprecedented fashion at an informal October 6 meeting held at the China World Trade Centre which gathered together the children of those party leaders who ended the anarchical insanity associated with the "Gang of Four" 35 years ago. Instead of being a gathering during which preparations were supposed to be made for next year's Party Congress, young apparatchik after young apparatchik stood up and slammed the state of Chinese society. Some spoke of the "rapid decline of moral standards." Others referred to "rampant corruption." Still more expressed their disgust at the perks enjoyed by party and government officials. One well-connected cadre even insisted: "The Communist Party is like a surgeon who has cancer.… It can't remove the tumor by itself, it needs help from others, but without help it can't survive for long." And herein lies the dilemma for those members of China's elites who are aware of the threat that widespread corruption, nepotism, and all the usual phenomena associated with one-party states represent to China's economic and political future. The ideology that still (at least theoretically) justifies their leading place in society and politics -- i.e., Communism -- has literally nothing to offer by way of serious moral counsel. Communism is, after all, based on a materialist conception of life, and materialism can't generate any coherent ethic, beyond recourse to appeals to speeding up the so-called "dialectics of history" or the mailed fist of raw power. That's why Marxists typically dismiss concerns for objective morality as "bourgeois false consciousness." Nor does the other force that increasingly serves to legitimize the rule of China's elites -- old-fashioned nationalism -- have much to offer by way of moral guidance. Indeed, nationalist regimes are invariably associated with widespread corruption because of their propensity to meddle widely and deeply in every aspect of economic life. Either way, if China's rulers are going to confront some of the looming moral problems threatening to compromise China's economic progress (not to mention the present elite's power-monopoly), then they need to find some alternatives -- and quickly. Revolutions have, after all, started on far less. |
陈凯再版/鹰与鸡 Eagle and Chicken
Song/Up Where We Belong 歌/我们的心在翱翔
陈凯博客: 鹰与鸡 Eagle and Chicken 献给我的爱 – 人的自由之灵 To My Love – the Spirit of Human Freedom “自由人”对抗“中国人”序列 “Free Beings” vs. “Chinese” Series By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/22/2011, Reprint 9/2/2011) 从没有人知道是谁把一只鹰卵放到了鸡巢里的。 当雏鹰被孵化出来的时候,她在蹦蹦跳跳的雏鸡群中艰难地移动中,勉强获取她生命的必需。 与其他雏鸡不同,她的眼睛总是常常看着天: 她的眼前总是晃动着一个盘旋翱翔的影子。 她自己也不确定那是幻觉想象还是真实存在,是一个幽灵还是一个真神的造物。 “你看什么呢?” 短视的小白鸡嘲弄着她。 “天上除了云、雨、风、闪电、雷鸣,什么都没有。 我们必需的东西都在地上呀。 你看: 这儿有草籽、小虫、蚯蚓,还有农夫在食槽里给我们的谷物。 你的眼睛应该往地上看。 一切你想要的就在你的身边。” 雏鹰没说话。 她的锐利的鹰的目光盯在天上那个盘旋翱翔的影子。 “是呀。” 勤劳的小黄鸡用爪子飞快地扒着身下的土,并用嘴轻快地在土中挑出草籽,谷粒和小虫,津津有味地品尝着各种食品的滋味。 “你看,地上的食物真多。 在这些食物中我能体验到幸福与快乐。” 雏鹰没说话。 她的敏感的耳朵正听着那风的呼叫与海的咆哮。 “你怎么不说话? 你聋了还是哑了?” 勇敢的小黑鸡挺着自己红红的冠子,一边与另一只小雄鸡搏斗打架,一边扭着他的脖子嘲弄着雏鹰。 “看你就不顺眼: 你的嘴是那么丑,像个钩子。 你的羽毛是那么硬,那么粗,碰到谁谁都会疼。 你的眼睛是那么尖利,一下就看到其他鸡的心底。 谁见你谁都躲着走。 你不会有朋友与知音的。 你真可怜。 你会永远寂寞孤独的。” 雏鹰没说话。 她的心在激烈地跳荡着。 她的血在脉中奔涌。 她对天空的激情逐渐将鸡群们所绝不可能察觉的力量汇集到她的翅膀中、、、。 农夫来了。 他将谷物倒在鸡槽中。 鸡群一拥而上,厮打着,争抢着,吼叫着,踩踏着其他的鸡,吞咽着那槽中的食物。 雏鹰没有动。 她静静地站在地上。 她的头高傲地仰视着天空。 她的尖锐的视觉与不倦的搜寻终于使她清晰地看到了那天边翱翔的影子: 他盘旋在蓝天上,出没在云朵中,随着气流的波动而起伏翱翔,吸允着太阳的能量,俯视着地面上的一切。 他的嘴和她的一样锋利。 他的羽毛和她的一样坚硬。 他的眼睛和她的一样清纯而不妥协。 她看到了他的灵魂。 她看到了她自己。 突然间,那云朵中的精灵发出了一声撕裂长空的尖叫。 地上的鸡群被那声尖利的嘶喊震惊,吓得四下奔逃,躲入鸡棚灌木丛中。 只有雏鹰没有恐慌。 她的心被那声撕裂长空的尖叫震撼了。 她终于懂得了她自己的真实存在。 她终于懂得了她是一只雌鹰,她根本就从不属于这充满污秽肮脏的鸡棚与那低下的,虚无的,被农夫喂养与被农夫宰割的鸡的生活。 她终于懂得了那撕裂奴性灵魂的,来自天空宇宙的自由的呐喊是只为她而发出的,呼唤着她张开她强有力的双翅飞向长空,飞向自由,飞向上苍,飞向他的怀抱。 雏鹰挺起她那高傲的头,展开她那矫健的双翅,张开她那尖利的嘴,发出了她自己也难以相信的震撼长宇的呐喊。 她拼力扑打着她的双翅,冲向天空,冲向风暴,冲向闪电,冲向太阳,冲向上苍,冲向她的本质,冲向她的爱、、。 一瞬间,地上的鸡群被雏鹰的起飞惊呆了。 但他们马上就又恢复了原状 – 扒地,寻虫,啄米,争食,夺雌,排便,被屠、、、。 毕竟,他们只是些在污秽中与同伴夺食与在农夫的喂养、取蛋、屠宰中寻找安逸与满足的鸡。 他们永远不会懂得鹰的追求与爱。 、、、长空中,在金色的阳光下,那两个自由的精灵在彼此的爱慕中,在自然的拥抱中,在欢乐的激情中,在向未知的进军与挑战中翱翔着、拼搏着、嘶叫着、召唤着那些在仍旧鸡群中的雏鹰们、、、。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鹰与鸡 Eagle and Chicken 献给我的爱 – 人的自由之灵 To My Love – the Spirit of Human Freedom “自由人”对抗“中国人”序列 “Free Beings” vs. “Chinese” Series By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/22/2011, Reprint 9/2/2011) Translation by Kai Chen 10/29/2011 ------------------------------------------ No one knows who placed an eagle egg in a chicken's nest. When the young eagle was first hatched, she was weak and had very hard time surviving among the fast moving baby chickens. Yet her eyes often stared at the sky, for no apparent reason: There was something in the sky - a soaring shadow in the winds under the sun, that attracted her attention. However, she was not quite sure whether it was real or just an illusion, whether it was just a specter or a true existence created by God. "What are you looking for up there?" The near-sighted white chick derided her. "There is nothing up there besides clouds, rain, winds, lighting, thunders.... All we need is on the ground. You see: There is grass. There are seeds to eat. There are delicacies such as earthworms and bugs. There is also the guaranteed daily portions from our master - the farmer. Our eyes should be focused on the ground. Everything we need for happiness is on the ground." The young eagle didn't speak. Her vision was getting sharper. The shape of that soaring shadow in the sky was getting clearer. "That is so right." The very agile yellow chick agreed, using her feet in fast motion to dig out seeds, worms and bugs, savoring the delicious snacks. "You see: There are all kinds of food here in the dirt. They are so tasty. I am so satisfied and contented. Why don't you come and dig with us." The young eagle didn't speak. Her ears started to hear the whistling winds, the thundering storms and the violently screaming seas. "Why don't you talk at all, like all of us? Are you deaf or mute?" The brave little black chick, with his red crown standing straight up on his head, asked, fighting with another male chick over a morsel of food. "You are so weird and odd. You look ugly as well. Your beak is not straight like all of us. It is like a hook sticking out in front. Your feather is so thick and hard. Everyone avoids contacting you for fear of getting hurt. Your eyes, yes, especially your eyes, are so sharp and uncompromising. They poke deep into others' hearts. No one can hide from you. You will never have friends. You will be forever alone. I pity you." The young eagle didn't speak. Her heart was pounding violently. Her blood was surging fast in her veins. Undetectably, she was gathering strength in her wings. The farmer came. He poured chicken food into the feeding container. All the chickens went crazy, fighting for the space to get a bite of the free food. They screamed, beat upon each other, trampled onto each other, extending their necks to swallow whatever the farmer fed them, being afraid of getting less than others. The young eagle didn't move. She stood quietly by the commotion. Her head was held high and mighty with an utmost dignity. She finally saw clearly the soaring shadow in the clouds: He was real. He was extending his giant wings, gliding with the winds, penetrating the clouds with confidence and ease. He absorbed the endless energy from the sun, watching and examining all occurrences on the ground.... His beak was as sharp as hers. His feather was as firm as hers. His eyes, yes, especially his eyes, was as pure and uncompromising as hers. She actually saw the image of herself. She was looking at her own soul. All of a sudden, that proud specter in the lofty sky uttered an incredibly heart-shuttering, ear-piercing cry. The crowd of chicken was scattering from their feasts, panicked by the horrifying sound from the sky. They ran fast toward the nearest shelter, toward the bushes and chicken houses. Only the young eagle remained calm and composed. It was as though she had always expected the battle cry, like a soldier expecting the sound of the bugle. She finally realized her true identity, her true existence. She finally realized she was an eagle. She had never belonged to the chicken houses, to the dirt and filth on the ground, to the warmth, the comfort and meaninglessness of a chicken's life, to the misery, pain, indignity and unavoidable slaughter from the master... She finally understood the powerful calling from the sky: The soul-piercing scream from the universe was uttered only for her sake, yelling at her, tearing down all the doubts and fears from her heart, injecting immense energy into her wings, prompting her to extend her wings naturally to fly toward the sky, toward freedom, toward God, toward the embrace of his passionate love. The young eagle raised her head, extended her wings, opened her mouth to cry out the passion for life. For the first time in her life, she heard her own incredibly gut-shuttering scream. She gathered her strength, awkwardly in the beginning, to flutter her immense wings to fly toward the sky, toward the clouds, toward the rain, the lighting and the thunder, toward the sun, toward her own soul, toward her own love..... The chickens on the ground were stupefied by the young eagle's flight and her cry of freedom. They only glanced from the corner of their eyes at the soaring eagle with fear and trepidation. Yet soon they returned to their normal routine, digging, eating, gossiping, fighting, laying eggs, being slaughtered by their master.... After all, they were only chickens settling for a chicken's life. They could never understand an eagle's yearning and love. ..... Under the sun's golden rays, the two free souls were soaring above the sky, immersed in each other's joy and passion. In the firm embrace of their own nature, in joy and love, in the endless challenge of the unknown they had to face in the future, in the passionate anticipation of coming battles in life, the two eagles kept flying higher and farther, screaming to call all the young eagles among chickens to discover the true nature of their being. They would fly around the world, screaming, wakening up all the free souls, till the end of time. |
Friday, October 21, 2011
我不是一个“公民”,我是一个“私人” I am not a “Public People”, I am a “Private Person”
Ayn Rand - Individualism 安. 兰德谈个体道德
我不是一个“公民”,我是一个“私人” I am not a “Public People”, I am a “Private Person” “自由人”对抗“中国人”序列 “Free Beings” vs. “Chinese” Series By Kai Chen 陈凯 10/21/2011 中文的“个群不分”,“公私不分”的弊病我以在众多的文章中阐明过。 但我仍常常在与被“中文心态”支配的人们交往时被他们的由于专制群体语言的污染而产生的种种表达而惊叹震惊不已。 最近我曾邀请一位有共同价值的好友到我在海边的寓所游览。 加州中部海岸的美景使我们沉浸在对自然与生活美感的品味欣赏之中。 像我在洛杉矶家街区散步时一样,我弯腰将一片地上的废纸片捡起来放到垃圾桶里。 我的好友很为赞赏地感叹道:“你这举动真是‘公民意识’的体现”。 我听后马上纠正了他的说法:“我捡起垃圾绝不是因为我有什么‘公民意识”。 我只是出于我的“私人冲动”。 我只是为了我自己的利益、我自己的享受、我自己视觉的更美好而去做这些。 我从没有想到任何其他人的利益,尽管我的这个举动使所有的人受益。” 我可以感到他被我的这番话所震动。 我们默默地继续散步,思考、、、。 我能觉察到有一个极为重要的理念正由于这一件生活中的小插曲而进入我们的意识层中。 我很久以来就确信这个关键的价值理念就是人们击垮中国古今专制心态,走向未来自由心态与价值文化的钥匙。 “公民”- Public People, 是基中文病态语言而产生的典型专制词汇。 像我在‘公丑私美’,公恶私德’一文中指出的: 在中国人的病态文化思维中,凡是“公”的与“民”的(政府的,皇帝的,国家的,上级的,多数的、、)就一定是正统的,道德的(伦理)与好的,凡是“私”的与“人”的(个体的,自我的,情感的,理性的、、)就一定是邪恶的,不道德的与坏的。 今天在反共人士们的言论与争辩中,也都只有“国”与“党”的区分与争辩。 “人”与“个体”仍旧还没有进入人们的意识层与语言系统中来。 人们仍在“爱国”与“爱党”的虚无命题中争论不休,将一个虚假的命题作为一个实质的命题而为此打得头破血流。 但从没有人提过“爱人”、“爱自己”、“爱价值”(真实、正义、自由与尊严)。 似乎“人”与“个体”是不值得一提的国家、民族与群体的附庸物,是一个可有可无的,瞬息即逝的虚无。 无怪乎“杀人”与“吃人”一直是“中国人”迷恋的,由追求“宏大的虚无”而产生并传扬的“活死人”Zombies的惯态与自我认同。 为了群体而压抑,残害与消灭个体是被所有中国的人们所接受的,理解的和期待的。 逻辑的结论是: 为了“国”、“党”、“群”、“家”、“族/祖”而否认、贬低、诋毁“人”的与“个体”的价值与利益成为了所有“中国人”共同追求与认同的“宏大虚无”的伪存在。 “公民”- Public People一词 本应是一个多数概念。 但在病态的中文语言里被应用在个体的表述上。 “个群不分”也就应运而生地被所有的中国人所接受并运用在自己的语言系统中,危害着人们的良知与理性的清晰。 “私人”- Private Person, 被中国的人们病态地认为是万恶之源。 殊不知在中国的历史中从未出现过“私人”的概念。 “个体”也就此成为虚无。 所以在中国“人”是不被当人看的。 压抑、迫害,消灭一个个体,在中国是被人们认为是当然的,正常的,必然的与必要的。 只要对大多数人有利, 对“公家”有利,对“国家/党”有利,对“大家”有利,个体的被侵害又算得了什么呢? 既然“天下是为公”的,那每一个人的个体利益与尊严就不足挂齿。 从古至今,在中文文化的政体与心态中,“土地权”从来都是“公有”的,是属于皇帝的,政府的,人民的,国家的,民族的、、。 今天在中国有“卖地权”的人们也都只能是政府的官员。 当然今天在中国最容易与方便的赚钱途径就是“走官途”去搞一纸“卖地”的批文。 上亿的钱财就会流到这些“公家”官员的口袋里。 如果这种病态的所有权(土地/天下为公)被所有的“中国人”所接受,当国/党/政府为了“公家/国家”的利益来拆你的房子的时候,你又会大哭大叫着去“上访诉冤”,这不是精神紊乱/精神分裂又是什么呢? 但至今我还没有看到一个人对公有的“土地权”(“天下为公”的謬谈)提出质疑与抗议。 这难道不是一个自欺欺人的,只有无灵无智的人们才能进入的“自虐”“自残”的心态文化吗? 你究竟是一个“公民”(国人)- 一个属于国家、祖宗与民族的财产与工具,还是一个“私人” – 一个对自身的灵、智、体的健康与幸福承担全部责任的,主动的独立体与自由体? 这是每一个想要摆脱中文专制文化心态的人首要发出的,对自我认同的必要先决的命题。 我只希望每一个在中文系统中生活的个体用自身在每一刻所作出的选择与抉择不断地削弱、战胜专制“公民”Public People的心态,走入“私人”Private Person的,勇于承担道德责任的,自由与尊严的存在状态中去。 只有“私人”、“私产”、“私有”、“隐私”的真实道德存在逐渐在人们中建立起来的时候,专制集权的“公”的暴虐才会在人们强大的“私”的冲击下崩溃与消亡。 将你的手放在你的胸口上扪心问一问: 你真是一个“私人”吗?! |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
陈凯访谈/【禁闻】老党员呼吁撤换毛泽东像 Kai Chen Interview: Rid Off Mao's Image
陈凯访谈/【禁闻】老党员呼吁撤换毛泽东像 Kai Chen Interview: Rid Off Mao's Image
陈凯博客: 【禁闻】老党员呼吁撤换毛泽东像 Kai Chen Interview: Rid Off Mao's Image NTDCHINESEAW117 1,460 videos Subscribe 继湖北省仙桃市六位八十高龄的老人倡议将天安门城楼的毛泽东像取下,换上孙中山的头像后,10月15号,云南昭通又有一批老干部公开发声支持,呼吁中南海撤换毛像。 云南昭通这7位老党员过去多是中共的负责人,有的曾经担任县委书记、纪委书记、县长。他们都经历了毛泽东执政时期的灾难。 他们在公开信中说,"毛泽东在建国后主政的二十七年间、倒行逆施、疯狂推进极左路线,通过整风反右运动,把3,178,400名正直的知识份子打成右派份子、许多人因不堪折磨死在狱中;制造三年粮荒,活活饿死城乡老百姓31,558,000多人;又背着党中央发动"文化大革命"动乱、整死了包括国家主席刘少奇等,一大批党和国家领导人在内的2千多万个鲜活生命......"。 公开信联名者吴之伯:"毛泽东在我们建国前三十年执政的当中,独断专行,追求个人的名誉地位。他没有对我们中国做多少好事,反而做了很多错事。" 公开信联名者李德强:"毛泽东是个品质相当恶劣的人,他在领导中国的年代里,中国人死了六千多万。把这样一个人物的像挂在这,是我们中国人民的耻辱,他没有这个资格。" 今年是辛亥革命百年纪念,中共官方高调"庆祝",在天安门广场摆上了孙中山画像,意外引发了"孙中山热",民众争相与"孙中山"合影拍照;湖北六位年近八十岁的老人向中共国务院及全国人大的上书,呼吁当局尊重全球华人心声,将在天安门城楼上的毛泽东像取下换上孙中山像。 原河北广播电台编辑朱欣欣指出,毛泽东的偶像对目前的中共来说有双重性质。 原河北广播电台编辑朱欣欣:"如果中共不否定毛泽东,它就一直背负着历史的包袱,给中国人带来巨大的历史的灾难,它不彻底的清算,无法对历史对人民交代。一方面,中共打着毛泽东这个偶像的旗号,为它的现在的统治作为合法性来源,它不敢彻底否定他(毛泽东)。" 前国家篮球运动员、民主人权人士陈凯认为,尽管已经认识到毛的非法性,中共高层试图反毛的可能性却很小。 陈凯:"所有中国的官员,是根据毛泽东的那个枪杆子里面出政权,杀人而合法上台的。现在中共高层人大部分是杀人犯。你从江泽民来说,不管对法轮功的迫害,杀人也好,这个胡锦涛,以前在西藏的时候杀人,那个时候也是非常非常厉害的。所以在中国,为什么它这个罪犯政权很难从毛泽东的阴影下走出来,因为他们整个的社会,是建立在毛这个枪杆子里面出政权这个概念上面的。" 大陆学者指出,孙中山的革命与毛泽东的共产革命南辕北辙,大陆的"孙中山热",说明人们正在抛弃共产极权,向往民主,中共本来想作秀,却将自己陷于尴尬境地。 新唐人记者张丽娜、尚燕、郭敬采访报导 |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Chinese Girl, 2, Run Over by Van, Ignored by At Least 18 Passers-By 一个女孩儿在中国被轧无人过问
2YR OLD Chinese Girl Ruthlessly Run Over Twice pedestrians do nothing to help 18个人经过不愿相助救命
Chinese Girl, 2, Run Over by Van, Ignored by At Least 18 Passers-By
陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:
如果一个杀了8,000万无辜人们的屠夫魔鬼能被中国的人们瞻仰崇拜,他的魔像被印在所有的“人民币”票面上,如果上千的人们能在光天化日之下被政府的机枪射杀而无人承担与追究责任, 一个两岁的小女孩儿被碾成肉饼又算得了什么?! 像她这样在中国无声死亡的孩童与人们每天都有成千上万(难道你不知道“一胎制”是什么吗?)。 有人谴责中国的虚无文化心态与暴虐的社会制度吗?! 这就是一个垂死的文化,垂死的社会,垂死的“活死人”般的人群的写照。
If a butcher who killed 80 million innocent people can be worshipped on Tiananmen Square and his evil image printed on every bill of Chinese currency, if hundreds can be gunned down in open day light on Tiananmen Square in 1989 without anyone taking responsibility, what is the fuss that a two year old girl rolled over by a van?! Little children like her die by the thousands every day because of China's "One Child" policy. Do you hear one voice protesting against the Chinese regime?! I rest my case.
Published October 18, 2011;
The girl's photo before the run-over 小女孩被轧前的照片
A disturbing video caught by surveillance cameras shows a 2-year-old girl in China laying in the street bleeding, a victim of a hit and run. Even more shocking is that the toddler was then ignored by at least 18 people, The Telegraph reports.
Video of the incident, which took place Oct. 13, shows pedestrians and vehicles passing by the toddler, named Yueyue, after she was run over outside her family's shop in the Chinese city of Foshan.
The graphic video shows the van driver slightly hesitate before running the girl over.
Not a single person stopped to help the child as she lay bloody on the narrow street. At least 18 people passed by on bikes, in vehicles, or on foot.
Finally, a female trash collector, Chen Xianmei, 58, lifts the girl up and asks people if anyone knows the girl.
The child's mother eventually arrived to claim her, saying the girl's name is Yueyue, The Telegraph reports.
Yueyue remains in critical condition, a nurse told the paper by phone. Earlier, doctors said she had suffered major head injuries and was breathing only with the assistance of a ventilator.
Click for more on this story from The Telegraph.
Read more:
外电:车辗稚女无人理睬 叹中国道德日下
Monday, October 17, 2011
专访特稿: "全球逐毛日”发起人陈凯 Kai Chen: Global Day to Denounce Mao
中國前男籃國手籲全球逐毛喚良知 Kai Chen: Global Day to Denounce Mao
专访特稿: "全球逐毛日”发起人陈凯
Global Day to Denounce Mao
专访特稿: "全球逐毛日”发起人陈凯(上)
Kai Chen Launched "Global Day to Denounce Mao"
施萍 看中国特约记者 2009年08月14日
毛泽东和共产党的罪行罄竹难书,你还数得过来吗?从共产党建立政权开始--土改,就是大肆杀人。你家里有两匹骡子,就被定为地主,就把你推出来杀掉了.... 这个斗争并不真是你有罪,而是他们借这个斗争组织所有的人让这些人恐惧它的政权,杀一儆百,杀鸡给猴看。中国共产党就是惯用这种伎俩。后来的朝鲜战争,就是用所谓的志愿军人海战术用人往上堆呀。死人无数,直到今天,中国的历史中没有记录当时中国志愿军在朝鲜战场上死多少?连个数字都没有!
Part II Global Day to Denounce Mao
施萍 看中国 2009年08月16日 【看中国特约记者施萍采访报导】
我再继续把那个(2007年)故事讲完: 我到市政厅画展那儿又看到几幅其他邪恶的画:有幅画叫《猪年》,弄些红卫兵的袖章举著刀枪,举着笔、叉等东西,似乎张牙舞爪的在美国土地上宣扬专制文化的精神、暴力、以多压少这样一种邪恶。 还有其他的画我都拍照下来了,将来都有记录,中国人的道德败坏到达什么样的程度。 当时那个所谓的艺术家看到市政厅把他的画拿下来后说: "噢,这是对我们中国文化的不尊重。 我们是中国人,你不能这样对我们。 你没有经过我们同意就把画拿下来,我们生气了,我们要把所有的画全部搬走"。 结果他们真的把所有的画全都搬走了。 这件事情在美国闹的很大,当时《洛山矶时报》专门派了一位记者来跟踪这件事情,采访我。 在报纸上都有。 在整个美国,甚至在电台的talk show(访谈节目)中也有交流、对话。 当时掀起了一个很大的风波。
当时这些所谓的艺术家们还想利用美国的司法制度去到法庭上告市政厅。 也就是说你可以看到,中国所谓的开放并没有学到美国和西方的自由的价值和人类的尊严,他们学到了怎么利用在西方人们对自由、对尊严的尊重来持续地进行专制的渗透,他们学到了这些东西。 直到今天在大陆的党校里、大专院校里面教的东西并不是美国的价值,教的是如何对付美国的价值。 这个现象是非常邪恶的。
当时这个事情要闹大的时候,我听说,有一个小道消息说,中共的领事馆把这个事情压下去了。 如果他们真正把这个事情告到法院去,这个事情真闹大的话,可能在美国就会掀起一个反毛的浪潮。 中共的领事馆非常害怕,他知道在美国没有人吃毛泽东这一套,如果你把这个东西交给美国所有有良知的大众、美国人的话,人们会说:毛泽东简直是暴君,杀人狂。
他们把毛潜移黙化用艺术的形式,包括像尼克松纪念馆的毛铜像这样一种形式,悄悄地,好像用吸白面的方式,每天给你碗里加点儿白面儿....。他不是一下给加的,是慢性死亡。 慢慢加,慢慢加,到你看到毛像时就麻木不仁了,他们是用这种形式腐蚀著美国的文化。 而领事馆把此事压下来,这件事情就过去了。
这件事情虽然过去了,我从这件事情中意识到,毛像不只是中国的专制文化,不只是对专制心态的形成有这么大的作用,同时它对腐蚀整个全世界人的良知起到一个非常逆向的、非常邪恶、罪恶的作用。 所以我只要看到毛像我不可能不反。 所以在2008年的时候,Reason TV 与我做了个电视节目(在我的网站上可以看到),有8分钟。 就讲古巴的独裁者切.格瓦拉。 美国人穿他的T恤衫,不知道他是杀人狂,尤其在美国人们不了解这个东西,反而把他的形像(因为这个人长得好看)放在身上。 因为这个人可以杀人,他有力量,有强权,所以把他放在身上,当个护身符一样。 他用魔鬼来护身,也就是我把它叫作崇魔的时尚--崇拜魔鬼的时尚(。 那些人认为:我也知道他不是什么好人,但他有力量,他有强权,别人不敢动他。 中国人反而不以为耻,反以为荣地认为这就是所谓的(胜者为王的)东方文化。 看到这种情况我就开始了一个举动,我在这个节目中主要讲毛泽东的罪恶。
从土改开始就杀人,到后来包括反右,所谓百花齐放、百家争鸣。 把人打成右派后下放,家属全都受到重大的牵连、迫害,全家人在众人面前抬不起头来,就业的机会,上学的机会都没有。 杀的人,上吊的人,受不了这种污辱的人,在中国都没有记载,有多少人? 怎么死的? 在中国死人算什么! 反右就死了很多。
反右以后毛泽东就肆无忌惮的开始用合作化,用公社化强迫所有的农民成为中共政权的奴隶。 从苏联取得原子技术,大量向苏联白给粮食。 因为苏联这是一个非常邪恶的政治制度,所以也根本不出粮食。 毛泽东就把这些粮食送到斯大林的嘴里面,去讨好,为换取苏联的原子技术。 这就是中共如何取得的原子技术的原因。 最近有一个电影《是非》,就是拍摄在中国大陆的大饥荒年代致少有3,000万人丧生。 不是没有粮食,而是中共强迫把粮食拿去送到苏联,去换取原子技术为中共的强权奠定基础。 他要的就是不惜死。 所以毛泽东在叫嚣战争的时候声称,我们要跟苏联、美国打仗的时候,我可以死一半的人,我们这还有3亿。 那时中国是6亿人,他要牺牲中国的一半人来换取称霸世界。 他公开的就这样讲。中国这些民众对他们来说就是他取得那些强权野心的工具,奴隶。 这样的一种工具,这样的一种奴隶!
共产党从来没有把人做为一个人。 一个人有他的尊严,有他的自由,有他自己的选择。 我在我的博客里面说过,我在中国打球打到最高的程度,所有人都羨慕我。 但是我自己从来都没有感到有人把我作为一个人来看,我只不过是一个高级奴工。 因为我在中国长到27,28 岁,没过一天陈凯的生日。 我所过的生日都是毛泽东的生日,各种官方的生日。 在这里面我们所有有尊严的人在他们眼里就是可有可无的奴隶。中国人如果看不到这点,如果今天中国人说现在我们吃的比以前好了,你吃的比以前好并没有改变你跟这个政权之间的关系,你以前是瘦猪现在是胖猪了。你任人宰割被人奴隶的这样一种性质从来没有改变。
大跃进期间3,000万人死亡,中共说是三年自然灾害。 根本就是人祸! 哪是什么自然灾害。 在美国每年都有台风、涝灾、旱灾,从来没有在食物上有任何缺陷。 甚至连印度都没出现过饥荒,印度那么穷的社会都没出现过饥荒。 中国到最后饥荒到什么程度--家长吃自己的孩子,不忍心吃自己的孩子易子而食。 这都是我在打球的时候队友讲的故事,他们在安徽亲眼见,亲耳听过的。 这些都是罄竹难书的罪行。
还有很多的运动像三反、四清,有相当一部份无辜的人,他们在心理上、身体上受到伤害,根本就没有记录。 然后一直到文化大革命。 一直往前推进到出现89天安门事件,再往前迫害法轮功......。 每一个阶段都有相当一部分人做牺牲品--为了稳固政权而建立的假想敌人。 在每一个阶段都有,这就是专制政权性质所决定的。
所以在中国共产党执政以后,7千万人的死亡,你怎么能说它有所谓的有功有过呢? 这个没有什么功过的概念。 在中国什么三七开,四六开,这是一种邪恶的,道德混乱的专制文化的心态。 它把你都杀了,都阉割掉了,把你的尊严整个都打掉了,你还在那给他讲什么功劳,这是什么功劳啊?!你死了几千万人了,你的家庭,你的父老全都死掉了,你还在这跟他讲什么功劳?! 绝对的道德的混乱! 如果中国人不在这方面把自己的道德情感调理清楚,什么是不同,什么是邪恶,什么是自由,什么是专制。 而不是说什么:"哦,你看以前吃窝头,现在吃白面了。" 把这些作为生活的最大需求。 把在被专制奴役下多一条毯子,多一口饭,作为他整个生命的意义。 这个是专制文化最腐败的地方,这也是专制当权者们尽量地用毛泽东的肖像,尽量地用共产党的强权,用枪杆子压进整个中国民众头脑里的专制文化。
崇魔的时尚 :
Part III, Global Day to Denounce Mao
施萍 看中国 2009年08月16日 【看中国特约记者施萍采访报导】
为什么要把今年的"十•一"定为全球的逐毛日? 而且不光今年的"十•一",每一年的"十•一",都要定为全球的逐毛日。 在中共庆祝他们这个所谓共产党建立政权的日子,我们都要做出这样相应的一种行为告诉全世界:这个政权是不合法的!
它没有任何的道德基点,没有任何的道德合法性。 在程序上不合法,没有选举。 没有人同意要它(共产党)告诉我怎么做,我没有同意它。 它为什么拿着枪杆子告诉我要怎么样?!这就说明它本身是不合法的。就是说我们把毛泽东这个邪恶的肖像打下来的时候,用它来告知全世界,告诉所有在中国没有经历过文化大革命,没有经历过这些共产党大规模杀害的年轻人,告诉他们,你应该在道德上建立一个标准,你怎么看毛泽东,是衡量你这个人有没有正义感的试金石。
这样一种专制的文化,因为它不光是共产党用强权、用枪杆子压住你,同时它也阉割了中国人民对自身自由的想法,对自身尊严的这样一种追求。它完全把人们阉割到这样一种程度。有人说,"是的。 中国人是受压迫,但是你在美国......"。 你压迫美国人你试试?!"你有多少枪,有多少钱......"。 我虽然一分钱都没有,我也绝对不让你骑在我脑袋上拉屎!
中国人要反省。共产党欺压人,大量杀害人,你是不是做出任何举动了呢?你有没有任何反抗呢?你有没有任何道德上的清醒呢? 这也要经常去反省,在将来中国建设一个没有共产党的社会。 要建立这样一种清醒的道德概念。
那么打毛像这件事情,或者号召全世界"十•一"逐毛运动,全世界每年"十• 一"开展大规模的全球逐毛、排毛运动,每一年都要做。 在中国现在没有可能,可以在海外搞。 每年去做这样事情的话,也就是说在中国政治文化里面注入一剂道德的清醒剂,使中国人开始苏醒。我挂一个横幅唤醒你沉睡的良知。 良知是每个人生下来上帝给我们的,放在我们身体里面的。为什么在我们生活里,看到强权,威吓、利诱,我们就把我们的良知放弃了?我们自己是有责任的。
有很多在中国被强权欺压的那些人,甚至到中南海上访这些民众,他们都承认说,我就是没有这个地位,我要是有这地位,我也做同样的事情。 这是大有人在,很多人都这样,我听得太多了! 我都不知道该怎么跟他们讲。 也就说当你已经把自己的良知整个的都泯灭了,把自己的道德观、正义感、人的尊严整个的泯灭了,你变成一个自己去利用别人或是让别人去利用你,这样一种是奴隶也是主子的心态。我也说过:梦想当主子的人都是甘心做奴隶的人。
你吸白面 - 它是把白面、鸦片都放在一块儿。 每天让你吸这东西。 吸完它这个道德鸦片、精神白面以后, 它是不能营养你的身体的,但是它给你一种幻觉甚至比你吃饭的感觉还要好。 吃饭本身那个营养进入你的身体是一种慢慢的过程,也就是说,在争取自由、争取幸福这样一条道路上是没有捷径好走的。每一个人都要付出他的代价。 你去争取自由、争取幸福,你要有个道德标准在心里。我不能这样去欺骗别人,不能压迫别人。去说谎......。不能去搞些不道德事情。不在于你的地位怎样--我即使一分钱也没有,我也不能做这样的事! 如果在中国每个人都有这种道德观,共产党末日很快就到了。
但是这不是一天、两天建立起来的。 但作为我个人来讲,把毛像的事件做为一个焦点告诉所有中国人:你如果真的想要有尊严,真的想要得到幸福,真的想要拥有真正的自由,一定要释出自己的良知和正义感。 不要把自己物质上的东西看重。就说我比别人多一块手表、冰箱,把这些东西看作比你的生命重要。中国的视野里,繁荣富强、四个现代化成了这个社会的一种标准口号,把物质上的东西做为人们追求的目标,这是绝大的邪恶。
在美国你看:"One nation, under God, indivisible , with liberty and justice for all." 也就说我们这个国家,我们这个社会在上帝的眼睛之下是不能分割的,去争取人类与个人的自由跟尊严。 在美国的视野里从来没有提到什么繁荣富强,从来没有提到过这个现代化,那个现代化,你有几个大哥大,从来没有过。 但是由于你追求这些价值,那些都是应运而来的。 你根本不用去追求这些东西,你只要把每个人的自由都保证的话,每个人都有创造的能力,他都会有创造的价值。
当然了,我也在我的博客里面讲了:伟大的社会是个道德的社会。 很多中国人说:中国是个伟大的社会 、伟大的国家。不是的! 因为你们没有道德观。你可以说它是个强大的国家,不能说是个伟大的国家。 伟大是个道德的理念!
有人打电话到我家,我问他们:你为什么加入我,你为什么要跟我交谈? 我以为他们是要签名逐毛的。 没想到是共产党那些人打电话来骂我的。 他们是骂街,你不能跟骂街的讲道理。 他们的脑子已经病了。 他们在道德上已经做了选择了。 每个人都有良知道德,上帝创造你的时候就给你放进去了。 动物是没有道德观的 ,人是有的。 动物会有为自己的种族延续的这样一种本能,但是它没有道德,只是保护自己后代的。 道德观是完全人类的,在这方面我是很清楚的。
至于今天,打开EMAIL又来几个人骂我。 哈哈,哈哈....,没关系,别担心我。 我知道我做这个事情击中了中共最重要的要害,因为我知道毛像从天安门拿走的那天,就是共产党倒台的一天。
在我脑子里是再清楚不过的,兴起全球抗毛逐毛。 中国有那么多毛像你可以上去画叉的,拿鸡蛋去砸两下;你在100元钞票的毛脸上画叉,你一样可以花。 用你自己的方式在良知里面,把毛这样专治文化的精髓从你生活中驱逐出去,那样我认为是非常有意义的事情。 但是很奇怪,没有其他人来做(这件意义重大的事)? 看到毛像竟然不觉得恶心? 你看到毛像大摇大摆坐在那儿,你可以走过去,不觉得有种恶心感? 你有没有那个胆量! 我说如果这个世界上都是道德混乱的话,那就让我道德清醒点儿;如果这个世界上都是胆小鬼的话,那就让我勇敢点儿;如果这世界都是黑暗的话,那就把我自己变成一个火炬,照亮人们通向自由的旅程。
Thursday, October 13, 2011
陈凯再版/用宏大的虚无逃避真实与自由 Using Nihilism to Oppose Existence & Freedom
Chinese Mob attack Pro Tibet: Olympic Torch in Hong Kong 中国的暴民
“大禹治水,三过家门而不入?” 崇尚虚无的伪道德主宰着“中国人”的“宦奴娼”的存在。Sacrifice your family for some holy/glorious cause??!! 用宏大的虚无逃避真实与自由 Using Nihilism to Oppose Existence & Freedom - 不要相信那些“为国为民为族为祖捐躯”而漠视自身幸福与自身灵魂健康的人 – “自由人”对抗“中国人”序列 "Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" “一个生活的逃避者与旁观者不可能是一个真实的自由人。 一个不关心自己心态健康、自己家庭成员幸福、自己生活的满足感的人是 所有的人们都要警觉小心的危险的野心人物。” By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 1/28/2010, Reprint 10/13/2011) 陈凯博客: 自古以来,中国的崇尚宏大(博大精深)虚无的人们就精心地炮制着逃避真实价值(真实、正义、自由、尊严)与真实的自知与自省的伪语言词汇: “天下兴亡,匹夫有责”、“修身齐家治国平天下”、“社稷”、“君臣父子”“民族”、“国家”、“大家”、“世界人民”、“中华”、“共和”、“和谐”、“繁荣昌盛”、“荣耻脸皮”、、、。 举不胜举的宏大博大的虚无词汇充斥毒害着人的灵魂与头脑。 谁越宏大、谁越虚无、谁越博大精深、谁越八股玄妙、谁越不可一世、、、,谁就越被中国的宦奴娼们永世赞颂。 谁越“自阉忠君”地去“精忠报国”,谁就越“平凡伟大”而“永垂不朽”。 谁越“伟光正”地去“杀人谋统一”,谁就越会被“代代相传”而“万寿无疆”、、、。 表达真实价值、概念的词汇无一不是从西方语言翻译来的。 然而这些真实的概念一经中文也大都变成了泛义、反义与无义的表象游戏了。 关于中文的弊病我已在“从文字笼罐到文字狱”一文中阐述过了。 在此就不多叙。 你能相信一个连自己是谁、连自己都不知道自己在说什么、连自己的家人与自身幸福都不管不顾不关心的人能真的为“国”、为“民”、为“大家”、为真理、为正义、为自由、为尊严吗? “大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”的反逻辑专制谬论不是至今始终主宰着亿万灭灵贬智的中文词汇系统中的人吗? “大禹治水,三过家门而不入”的古话是几乎所有中国的人们熟悉并引为是中国“民族道德精神”的典范的。 殊不知这样的虚无宏大的伪道德行为在自由世界(西方)正常心态的人们中是要被讥讽与笑掉大牙的: “也许大禹在外面有二奶了。” 我的一位朋友曾用玩笑评论道。 我不禁想起了华盛顿将军在独立战争一结束时所要做的第一件事: 回家探望家人、装修房屋、静度庄园的私人生活。 美国的人们是绝不会信任一个不顾自己家人、无视自身幸福的“为社稷、民族、国家、天下”的“无私”之人的。 在美国的总统竞选中,人们会特别关注竞选人的心态、家庭的健康与个体的品质与真实历史。 务实而贬虚、重价值而藐权力、褒真实而辍虚假是每一个自由社会必须建立的思维、行为与心理精神的特质。 一个赤足简衣的木匠 -- 基督的精神为这样一个自由社会奠基了健康的灵魂基础:“只有真实才能使你自由。Only truth shall set you free.” 对比一下中国的人们与其专制文化的心态: 所有的人都在用“为他人、为民族、为社稷、为国家”的宏大的虚无为自身的卑鄙行为、自身的胆怯与渺小、自身的被动不负责与受难找借口寻遁词。 “诉苦抱怨”成了中国人们习惯与迷恋的求同情、求怜悯、无奈绝望的求助手段与确定的个体行为方式。 近代的共产专制又将中国古代专制的宏大虚无的词汇量翻了几番:“人民”、“世界大同”、“共产主义”、“阶级斗争”、“唯物唯心”、“法治人治”、、。 数不胜数的博大精深的宏大虚无伪词汇加剧了中国古典专制中本来就充斥的“满嘴仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼”的丑恶现象。 今天中国语系中的人们很少有具有清晰逻辑思维与清晰道德准则的人。 引经据典、数典念咒的祖宗奴与文化奴充斥着中文文化的地平线。 我所接触的许多海外“反共人士们”也脱不掉这样的病态思维行为方式。 他们一面高叫着反共,一面逃避着自由。 自知、自省、自我完美、自身幸福、爱情家庭、子女教育、个人财经、、是这些自命高尚的中国(后共)未来新专制的主子们所要全力回避逃脱的。 一个生活的逃避者与旁观者不可能是一个真实的自由人。 一个不关心自己心态健康、自己家庭成员幸福、自己生活的满足感的人是 所有的人们都要警觉小心的危险的野心人物。 毛泽东摈弃家人用宏大虚无的伪价值去满足自身的专制野心造成了七千万无辜生命的灭绝。 中国的人们竟将此作为“伟大”为一个世界上最大的罪恶屠夫建庙立堂。 (注:毛曾经亲自主持传播了许多宏大虚无的专制词汇如“万岁”等等。) 今天中共党朝的专制者们正在沿袭所有中外专制者们的宏大虚无的巫术传统,将“崇族崇国崇民崇大崇统崇祖”而灭个体灭自由的病态毒素用像“孔子学院”式的中华“艾滋病原体”传播到世界上去毒害每一个人的灵智。 可悲的是: 那些本来就缺少个体认同而只有群体认同的人们由于自身的恐惧感(惧怕在宇宙中找不到自身的定位)在他们反共的思维与行为中自觉与不自觉地沿袭了充满毒素的病态心理: 人身攻击、拉帮结伙、消灭异己、分类戴帽、用虚击实、造谣中伤、背后议论、取悦于人、重数而灭理、重名而灭灵、重利而灭尊、重群而灭个、重他而灭己、、就成为普遍的必然。 建立“个体”,“自我”,“自知”,“真实信仰”是中国的人们追求人生的真实价值的先决必须。 我希望每一个“反中共党朝”的人士经常地自我反省询问:“我是不是正在用宏大的虚无逃避自由的责任与真实的价值呢?” 确实的,不断地自诲自问“我是谁? 我在说什么? 我在做什么? 我想要什么? 我的生命有何意义? 我是否自由与幸福?”是个体推动世界向前演进的必经之路。 上当一次是骗子的罪过。 再次上当则说明被骗者的病态愚蠢: 中国人世世代代地在“找救星”与“被救星杀、抢、骗”中,被专制的鞭子“陀螺”似地抽转了两千年。 难道中国的人们还不该反省自身的病态和愚蠢吗? 难道中国的人们还要在高速旋转的“僵死不前”、“朝代循环”的幻觉中与“无神政府”的“大公无私”的偶像救星的搜寻中逃避自由与真实的价值、逃避自身的存在与个体道德责任吗? 方向性的选择与选择的代价与责任是中国未来(共后)唯一的走向希望的自由之路。 我愿以我奔向自由的选择与心历路程与你共勉共行。 “我的路 My Way” Link: |
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
陈凯转载/中國的自由 The So-called Freedom in China
Prostitution in China 中国的色情业弥漫社会
這種大庭廣眾之下名為藝術的情色欣賞,英國恐怕也看不到吧。 Nude Chinese models in public. 陈凯博客: 中國的自由 The So-called Freedom in China 陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words: 在中国,“自由”的内涵正与西方自由的内涵成反义: 在西方,自由的内涵是“自由于其他人的干预/伤害”。 在中国,“自由”则是“自由地去干预/伤害其他人”。 中国专制文化心态与中国文字语言是这种病态扭曲的根源。 中国的专制政体只是这种病态扭曲的延伸与结果。 在西方,自由是美德/基督精神指导下的自由。 在中国,“自由”则是自由于美德/基督精神。 In China, the meaning of "freedom" is exactly the opposite of that in the West: In the West, freedom means "free from others' intrusion and harm". In China, freedom means "freedom to intrude upon and harm others". This perverse conception of "freedom" comes from thousands of years of despotic culture and the Chinese language itself. Today's extreme tyranny in China is only the poisonous fruit of such a sick tree, a wicked roots and the poisonous soil. In the West, freedom goes hand in hand with virtue/Christianity. In China, freedom is to be free from virtue/Christianity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者: 唐肆啼 更新於︰2011-10-05 陈凯转载 Kai Chen Reprint: 10/11/2011 ● 很多西方人都批判中國沒有自由,但是從生活的方方面面看,我覺得事實並非如此。在中國待了五年後,我發覺中國很多地方遠比西方自由: 中國已變成性愛天堂 一、性自由:這可能是改革開放以來最大的新自由。以前有關部門管私人戀愛、婚姻生活很嚴格的。八十年代我在上海留學的時候,我的中國女友提出分手的原因是她怕當局的看法,怕跟我交往會影響她的前途。那時候中國的大學生不允許結婚,更不用說跟老外搞什麼自由戀愛。當時沒有什麼娛樂的場所;我剛到中國那天正好是國慶日,晚上十點從上海虹橋機場坐大巴到復旦大學,一路上都沒有看到營業中的飯店,更不用說酒吧、KTV或水療中心。現在這些娛樂比西方普遍。 英國幾乎沒有KTV和水療中心,更不要說當官包二奶、包三奶。西方在法律上老早就有性自由,但是我們受到很多道德的約束。在中國雖然有法律的約束,但是在中國因為從傳統道德約束中「解放」出來,中國就變成了性愛天堂(也叫黃色氾濫—自己選擇)。有個老外在上海待了幾年後,寫了一本書描寫上海年輕人對性生活的態度,說money is sexy and sex is financial(金錢很性感,性交是金融性的。)我的中國朋友又說,現在的性自由應該感謝共產黨:沒有共產黨就沒有性生活! 二、讚美女性的自由。中國是男人的天下。假如來生可以選擇國籍和性別的話,我會考慮做中國的男人。西方的女人想跟男人競爭,他們的穿著越來越中性化,不穿高跟鞋,不化妝,不穿暴露的衣服,不保持身材。她們認為男女平等,女人沒有必要穿性感的衣服來吸引男人或者說話時笑得很嫵媚。中國人喜歡稱呼年輕的女性為「美女」,而在西方會被認為是對女性的不尊重。 三、牽手的自由。在中國,街上或隨便一個公共場所,有時候可以見到手牽著手的女性,或勾肩搭背的男性。但是在英國很早以前就不能這樣了。在西方同性戀已經被社會所認可了,但是異性戀者卻不想與同性間表現得親密而被誤解是同性戀。所以同性之間在街上或公共場所都不會挨得很親密。 貪污、吸煙和隨便撒謊的自由 四、當官貪污的自由。用海派笑星周立波的話說,中國的官員就如一個餓了三天的人讓他獨自一人在深夜看守一家肉包子鋪,不偷吃都不是人了。在中國缺少監督的體制下,當官最容易的應該就是貪污了,當官不貪污比貪污還難,這樣還不足以說明在中國當官有貪污的自由嗎? 五、亂丟垃圾的自由。去年夏天我去了福建的一個鄉下,那裡的河床兩邊隔一段距離就有一堆垃圾。那裡的人處理生活垃圾的方法是倒在河床上,等雨水沖走。當我對此提出疑問說下游的人怎麼辦時,他們很是疑惑的問到:下游有什麼人。和我隨行的一位中國朋友說她老家在鄉下,處理生活垃圾也是類似的情況。一塊無主的空地或水溝通常會成為垃圾的最後歸宿。因為在鄉下往往都沒有公共垃圾車或垃圾回收站。最近中國政府用一個導彈炸毀一個廢棄的衛星,大幅的增加了地球高空的垃圾密度,可見中國有在天空丟垃圾的自由。 六、吸煙的自由。雖然中國的衛生部在今年頒發了禁止在公共場所吸煙的條例,但是現在公共場所吸煙的人隨處可見,我見到絕大部分的餐廳桌上都擺著煙灰缸,那條例如一紙空文。有次我和幾個朋友一起在一個餐廳的小包間吃飯,其中一個女性朋友是個孕婦,而一個煙癮很重的朋友抽了好幾根煙。在我提出說二手煙對孕婦不好時,朋友還是堅持把點燃的香煙抽完。可見在中國公共場合不能吸煙的意識淡薄到了吸煙成為了一種自由。 七、說謊和作假、盜版的自由。在我小的時候,我媽媽就教育我誠實是做人最基本的原則。我爸爸也對我說過,一個男人的話就是他的品行,要從說真話開始。長大了我以為全世界的人應該是大同小異,不應該帶任何偏見去跟他們交流。真沒想到,中國人有這種成語,也不是有特別忌諱撒謊。他們經常跟我說,你為什麼不騙某某人開心等話,還鼓勵我騙錢。我的中國前女友騙了我,她說和她的前男友已經分手了,結果我發現,她所謂的已經分手的前男友還是經常到她家過夜。當我提出分手,她提出做我的情人,鼓勵我欺騙我的新女友,還說,要騙就騙到底。還有在中國到處都可以買得到相對來說便宜的盜版書、光碟和盜版名牌。很多老外在中國很喜歡這點,他們可以花很少的錢買到他們喜歡看的電影光碟,因為自己國家沒有盜版自由。 不必客套、不被尿憋死的自由 八、無信仰的自由。在中國沒有信仰是很普遍的一件事,沒有人會因為自己沒有信仰在社交中而感到不自在。在我的國家雖然不像幾百年以前那麼極端,可能因為沒有信仰而被殺害或受排斥,但是像我這個無神論者還是不能坦然的承認自己沒有信仰,不然有時候會很尬尷。尤其是禮拜天,我常常有一種壓抑感,因為商店不開門,我常常無事可做。在那裡我感覺自己是少數分子,而在中國我是屬於主流,感覺更舒服、自在。 九、不用客套的自由。在英國每天說的最多的可能就是「謝謝」和「對不起」這兩個詞,哪怕是家人之間。如我和我妹妹一起吃飯,我需要用鹽的時候,鹽剛好離她比較近,我讓她幫我遞過來,她馬上不滿的說我怎麼沒有說「請」字。還有一次,我跟一個朋友說我們之間不要這麼客氣,老是說謝謝或對不起,太見外了。他說,謝謝你的提醒,對不起,我不會再這樣了。中國現在的很多教育在向西方靠近,但是這種情況在親人朋友之間還是很少會發生的。在中國熟人之間如果你很客套就顯得很見外了,我們不用擔心因為自己忘記說「謝謝」而讓對方不滿。 十、吃飯時有發出聲音的自由。在中國喝湯或吃麵的時候適當的發出一些聲響是很正常的,和失禮是牽扯不上關係的。但是在英國這是大忌。我在中國生活了五年,很多習慣都已經入鄉隨俗了。 十一、不排隊的自由。中國的一些新聞報紙,經常會讚美一些自覺排隊的現象──在國外這是很難上報的,就像在中國不會報導說這個人每天都要呼吸空氣一樣。因為在中國很多場所不需要排隊,誰比較強壯,誰速度比較快,誰的社會關係比較硬,誰的錢比較多,就能優先享受某種權利和自由。 十二、不被尿憋死的自由。英國的公用廁所不多,麥當勞這種餐廳也沒有中國多,而在餐廳如果你沒有消費,他們是不樂意讓你使用他們的洗手間的,所以每次出去逛街經常被尿憋得半死。而在中國則再沒有這種壓力,中國到處都有肯德基或麥當勞,就算沒有,很多餐廳你沒消費也不會介意你使用他們的衛生間。 十三、打人的自由。在上海工作的時候,我被我的老闆打了。我去找我的律師,他說在中國只要沒被打到骨折,公安局不會重視這類事情。 資訊解放,假裝幸福的自由 十四、資訊自由:很多人說在中國沒有資訊自由,但是我到了中國,我感受到資訊的解放。為什麼這樣說呢?因為在國外我經常有一種被資訊轟炸的感覺。資訊太多了。報紙、網路、收音、電影、電視、雜誌整天用資訊來轟炸我。媒體的多元化,什麼樣的報紙,什麼樣的資訊都有。但是這些媒體有一個共同點:負面的資訊比較多,所以說在國外看電視也好,看報紙也好,上網也好,經常感覺很悲傷。 而在中國正好相反,可以看到很多正面的讓人很開心的資訊。另外還有一種解放,時間的解放。因為中國沒有Facebook、Twitter這種網路社交工具,在國外的時候我會在這方面消磨很多時間和朋友聊天、溝通,而來到中國我的時間被解放了。中國有退出互聯網的自由,中國領導有坐井觀天的自由。 十五、沒有義務的自由。沒有義務的生活狀態也是一種自由,而這是中國人最重要的自由,也是中國很多其他自由的根源。中國人沒有權利,所以沒有義務是理所當然的。一個奴隸不需要對他的主人很老實;他再老實主人不會很相信他。就算奴隸服從一輩子,只要他做錯一件事,主人會對奴隸說,你看,你的素質那麼低,不值得擁有自由。假如解放奴隸們,搞民主社會,會多亂。所以大部分的奴隸選擇騙主人,假裝幸福的奴隸,對主人的朋友皮笑肉不笑說主人好,等著有機會偷吃點主人的東西,或者跟主人的女傭偷情,或者偷一點主人的錢,或者偷懶。一黨專制的中國不就這樣嗎?其實中國人有一種義務:爭取應有的權利。 當然,在中國不是什麼樣的自由都有,有得必有失。而老外在中國顯然沒有中國人自由。如果一個老外隨地吐痰,很可能會有中國人「呸」的一聲,吐了濃濃的一口痰在地上說:這老外怎麼這麼不文明,隨地吐痰! |
Monday, October 10, 2011
陈凯再版/儒家伪道德vs.基督精神 Confucianism vs. Christianity
Confucius Institutes Exposed 孔子学院 - 间谍与渗透机构
陈凯博客: 儒家伪道德vs.基督精神 Confucianism vs. Christianity 价值一语: Words of Value: It is not guided missiles but guided morals that is our great need today. --- George L. Ford: Wesleyan Methodist 我们今天最需要的并不是导向的炸弹,而是导向的道德。 --- George L Ford: Wesleyan Methodist ******************************** CHINA'S HONOR CODE FROM PAST - ITS CONFUCIAN CONNECTION TO PSEUDO MORALS AND ETHIC OF TODAY 从中国的伪道德经及其儒家起源看今日中国社会的道德虚无 By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/17/2006, Reprint 10/10/2011) On this Saturday's LA Times' front page, there was an article entitled "China's Honor Code". It entails how nowadays the Chinese children fail to honor the ancient Confucian moral code of filial piety. Some Chinese authorities even try to revive the ancient practice by erecting laws, enlisting tactics of shame by publishing the names of those who did not support their parents, and even forcing the school children to wash their parents' feet after they get home from school and refort their filial acts back to the school authority. Those of you who fail to see the connection of Chinese feudal ethics based on Confucian teachings to a despotic authority still in control of Chinese society, should at least have seen it a little more clearly by now. The very concept of Nation is expressed in two characters in Chinese - "Guo Jia" - Nation Family, in congruent with core Confucian ethics based strictly on the order of "Emperor and Subordinates, Father and Sons". Now in a soulless Chinese society, the Communist Party and authorities want to tap into the ancient moral codes to establish some order and control. Forcing children to take care of their elders is only one of the tactics they use to enforce the slave mentality in the society. The implication is unmistakably political - since the offspring have the obligation to serve the elders, the population has the obligation to serve the nation - the communist Party-State, by logical extension of Confucian reasoning. I say that Confucian ethics is a pseudo-moral code, precisely because its nature of lack of freedom and individuality, for all the Confucian ethics are "Others-Oriented", in contrast to Christian morals which are established on the priciple of Freedom and a self-directed, self-enforced orientation. Loyalty, Filial Piety, Chastity and Devotion to Friends are all dependent on others to judge one's worth in his pursuit of being moral. One is only to perform for others and the state throughout his life, NOT to live for his own goals and innermost yearnings. And this code of ethics is strictly hierarchical and one-way street. There has never been an element of Emperor being loyal to his subordinates. The very term Loyalty implies bottom-up direction. There has never been an element of parents or elders being dedicated to and caring for their children. Childrens are tools for the elders, and are subjects to their elders no matter how old they are. "When father wants his son to die, his son has to die". There has never been a demand of husband to his wife. Chastity is strictly for women, with their unconditioned submission and bond-feet to please men. There has never been admission and recognition of self-interest and individual dignity. Pleasing others and friends, being used and even abused by them, is viewed as devotion and ultimately ethical. There have no standards on these codes are judged and evaluated, except in others' eyes, in the collective and superiors' feelings. In Confucian ethics, somehow being used by others and using others are justified as being the very sign of Chinese identity. Using themselves as means to an end, to the collective and others, and using others without consent to justify some lofty goals are viewed not only as normal and Chinese, but as the ultimate morals. Cultural slavery is the necessary outcome of these pseudo-morals and ethics. And the very despotism come Chinese claim to dislike and despise is precisely established on this "Others-Oriented" fake morals. Everyone in this code justifies their own men-using and men-eating, under the lofty Confucian ethics. Everyone is also justifying their victimhood and helplessness by saying they are the products of their own cultural environment and they can never be free from their own Chineseness given by their own ancestors. Everyone is vehemently Nationalistic in defending this pseudo code of honor. The recent return of Wang Zhizhi to China to serve the Party-State's interests is only one examples of such moral degradation and corruption. In sharp contrast, Freedom is the prerequisit in Christian morals and ethics. All the morals are accepted by individuals, NOT forced upon them. Equality is the necessary outcome of this moral code. Every individual is a beginning and end to himself and the only judge of his moral behavior is God through his own conscience. Thus Christian ethics is Self-Oriented and Self-Directed. Any suggestion of force and involuntary action by individuals are viewed strictly as immoral and corrupt. Individuals are not to be used as animals, as means to an end, no matter how lofty the end might be, no matter how much power and how many people the enforcer possesses. This is real morality, real ethics. They are timeless values encoded in our genes and bones, and embobied in our yearning for liberty, life and happiness. This is HUMAN morals and ethics. Those who profess to love freedom and also love Confucian ethics should have realized the intrinsic contradiction of their mind-set. One cannot truly love freedom without accepting the very responsibility it entails. One cannot truly understand liberty without understanding choice and open-ended possibilities. Those who want their group identity to supercede their individual identity should have given the very results it always leads to the proper name - Slavery. Those who claim to want freedom yet don't want to cast away the fake security and certainty the slave owners always promise and guaranty their subjects should properly name their actions as "Prostitution with a Chastity Plate hanging in front of their chests". Those who want to plant bitter melon vines in their fields, but refuse to accept the bitter fruits, or deny their original intention by saying "I never meant that the fruits are bitter" should property get their heads examined, for they are bordering on Bipolar and Schizophrenia. As I have encountered many Chinese and many in the liberal left in America, I have found this border-line Bipolar and Schizophrenia to be prevalent. All of them claim to have good intentions, all of them claim to want to save others and serve others. (Even today forcing and conditioning individuals to Serve the People is still the paramount accepted and promoted ethics in China.) All of them excuse themselves when they see the murder and mayhem in their beloved despotic countries and collective nations around the world with wail such as "I didn't mean that when I first supported their ideologies" or "the ideologies of Communism and Fascism are good, only the practice of Bad people give them bad names". Where are your individual moral integrity and responsibility? Where is your mental faculty for reason and logic? Where are you as an indivisible individual? **************************************** 平里 注册时间: 2006-02-18 发表于: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:04 pm -------------------------------- To Kai Chen: In my humble opinion, Communist authority does not represent China. It only represents an evil force that stole and trampled China. Whatever it perpetrates in China at current stage can not be taken as an account against Chinese culture. // The key for sustaining any society is its legal system instead of the cultural custom. Any modern society that depends on cultural custom is doomed to lose the trust by the ordinaries. As the excellent example you provided, the communist just tries to take off the responsibility for caring elders. Any responsible government should provide a certain amount of money to each elder indistinguishably as USA. // The legitimate comparison should be between two family in the same social system. Taking the example a Chinese family with elders and an American family both in USA receiving the same government support, which parents enjoys more of their lives? I think it'll be Chinese family where the parents receives much more children's visit due to their filial tradition. In contrast, the American elders most likely receive much less, if any, visit from their children. Therefore, Chinese elders will be happier in a healthy social system thanks to their Confucius culture. // I do admit that Chinese culture including Confucius doctrines have lots of downside that needs to be cleaned up but this, the filial tradition, is good. ***************************************** 发表于: Mon May 01, 2006 1:34 pm 发表主题: reply to Pingli 平里 ------------------------------------- Dear Pingli: The trap the false morals that the Chinese often fall in is what I have already stated: They attach certain concrete appearances with morals. For example, elders should be respected regardless. As a moral and an ethic, it sounds perfectly OK. But to dwell deeper into it, you can see this is exactly what China's despots' depend on - absolutel obedience and conformity, not to moral absolutes, but to authoritarian power based on old age. The old-age politics in China has doomed generations of Chinese with a stagnant and rigid political culture, void of any new ideas and fresh blood, therefore void of any vitality. Respect and love has morals in them. They are earned, not given. Should you respect Mao because he was older than others? Should the elders abuse their offsprings at will simply because they are old? Should a dying Aids patient smear his feces onto others simply because he is going to die? Should Rodney King who was beaten by the Police unjustly be viewed as a hero? Is victim always just and good? Is poverty always a virtue and being rich always immoral, or vice versa? I admire those in America whose parents have neglected them or abused them eventually have the courage to face their past abuses and draw a moral line with their parents, to devote their lives never to abuse and neglect their offsprings. NBA's Spurs' Bruce Bowen is only one example. His parents totally abandoned him when he was young. But he had found a way not just to survive, but to thrive as a great human being. When his birth parents attempt to come back to his life, he refused to let them, for he knows a line has to be drawn so he is not going to repeat the past evil. I do indeed regularly visit my mother, 86. It is not because I am obligated by tradition that I do it, buy because I love her, for she never abused me. This is more than I can say for my big brother who regularly beat me up for no reason. I never call him or visit him. I meet him only once a year when my mother has a gathering. Some say that China is like a mother, no matter how ugly she is, she is still your mother. I entirely oppose such a view for it implies a fake moral. What is this mother raped you and abused you and poisoned you? What is this so called mother is not only ugly, but evil? Are you still obligated to love her? Evil is perpetuated this way: In psychology you often find people who have been abused often abuse others. People who have been abused as a child often repeat the pattern in abusing their own children. Someone has to have the moral clarity and courage to draw a line, to end this vicious cycle of abuse. Victims and victimizers must be eliminated at the same time, the abusers and the abused, the masters and the slave, the scam artist and the ignorant stupid takers must be disappearing at the same time. A good cycle of human dignity, self-respect and true morality must be established. With respect and best wishes. Kai Chen **************************************** 平里 注册时间: 2006-02-18 帖子: 25 发表于: Tue May 02, 2006 11:38 am -------------------------------------- To Kai Chen: This is my view on China's motherhood. China has been and will continually to be my dear motherland. However, she is sick, sickened by tuberculosis and schizophrenia. As a child, I feel responsible to treat her with all my asset. However, most people don't feel the sickness of our motherland, due to the heavy impact from propaganda. Some rather ignore the illness of our mother, violating the very concept of filial piety spirit. Our culture, in current China, is in a non-existence status, destructed by the communist. Anything you describe as vulgar to China or Chinese people can not be attributed to the non-existing thing, our culture. It'll be, to certain degree, legitimate for you to comment on our culture by describing Taiwan people's behavior since they don't have communist ruining their cultural spirit. If Taiwan is as vulgar as China, I will probably think of China's cultural problem. But I don't think that's the case for Taiwan. From my father's comment, Taiwan people behaves more like our Chinese people before 1949, reflecting our culture more, even not perfectly. I think we are seeing China from different perspectives. ****************************************** 发表于: Wed May 03, 2006 8:31 am 发表主题: reply to Pingli 平里 ----------------------------------- Dear Pingli: Thanks for a thoughtful message and I appreciate it. Yes indeed, Taiwan has made a great progress toward the direction of freedom, human dignity and rights. There is no doubt about it. We are all proud of what Taiwan can achieve with only a few decades' hard work, with the moral compass of liberty, democracy, human rights, truth, justice. My only contention with you is you think this progress is because of Chinese culture, not inspite of obsticles posted by the Chinese culture, while I think the reason is the opposite. It is because in Taiwan, the Western culture of humanity and individual human rights has, despite the poisons left by our Chinese ancestors, indeed taken roots, due to the transformation of its culture and cultural soil content. If you study the vocabulary of the Taiwanese people, you will find most of it are translated from English. If you read Taiwanese papers, many terms and vocabulary are new and nonexistenct a few decades ago. Taiwanese economy has been sustained by its trade with America and the West. Taiwanese students have been educated in America and West, and most Taiwanese elite and government officials are proficient in English. Many of them have degrees in American universities. Taiwan's constitution is modeled after America's with its inner checks and balances, with its separate branches of government. Freedom of speech, nonexistence with our Chinese ancestors, is guanrantied now in Taiwan. The news media provides further more check and balances on governmental abuses. Men and women have equal rights in voting and expressions. This phenomenon is nonexistent with our ancestors. Different religions can coexist peacefully in Taiwan and Christianity played a big part in forming this tolerent culture. Sun Yetsun and Li Denhui were Christian believers, humanity, NOT being Chinese, are their first concern. I can list many of positive changes in Taiwan, not because of their Chineseness, but inspite of it. Nonetheless, Taiwan has provided a positive role model to China. It has proven that transplantation of Western model of democracy and liberty to ensure human dignity is not only feasible, but workable as well. But the prerequsite of such a transplantation has to be a cultural soil content transformation. Otherwise, no matter how good the ideal is and how excellent the seed is, it will rot in a poisonous soil composite. It will never bud and fruit. Taiwan has a long way to go, but its direction is definitely right. Contrast to what China has now: None of the Chinese current leaders has been educated in the West. Very small percetage of population in China speak English, none in the Politburo does. The fact is that only the Communist Politburo controls China, not the government. Army is loyal only to the Party and the despots. The mainland communist regime did everything to filter out Western infulence even its economy depends on America and West. The internet police have effectively checked and eliminated exchange of ideas with America and West. People in the mainland will not see and read what we are doing on this forum. Religion in China is government controlled for the only purpose of "serving the state". Press is not free to express. There is no private land ownership, much like in our ancestors' time, everything is emperor's. Government is not legitimate in nature by the consent of the governed, by election, their legitimacy is only by the muzzle of a gun, much like our ancestors. Constitution is fake for it espouses Communist's absolute power over people. There is no independent judiciary and separation of power in the government, much like our ancestors. Women's rights are trampled for they are not equal with men, girls are routinely drowned in China's "one child" evil policy, much like the practice by our ancestors. Individuals have no rights to express and they are used and educated to be the tools of the state, much like our ancestors.... If you are honestly taking a look at what is happening in China and in Taiwan, you have to say Taiwan cannot be farther apart from our ancestors and their despotic traditions; and China cannot be more resembled of the despotic values and traditions of our ancestors, with no elections, no rights, no freedom to express, no equality, no democracy and its institutions.... This misperception and misconception of that Taiwan is more Chinese are all products in people's fantasy and illusion. It simply is NOT a reality. Open your eyes in your mind and your soul, you may see the truth. Please stop thinking with your Chinese character-based language, with your skin color or the illusory cultural heritage, or national borders and start thinking with your brain which is designed for thinking, and start cleansing your souls with humanity and decency to rid off the decay. Best regard. Kai Chen ***************************************** 《被欺骗的中国人》 二十五 儒教是道德杀手 中国人一提到道德,所指的就是儒教道德,仿佛道德属孔家专卖,此外别无分店。这是个认识上的误区,在这个世界上,有着形形色色的道德,每一种宗教都是一套完整独立的道德价值观。这些价值观并不相同,甚至相互对立,但他们都自称自己是真善美,于是世界上便有了无休止的争吵和战争。 道德包括的内容很广泛,比如真与假,善与恶,美与丑,正义与邪恶,诚实与欺诈等等,其中有些内容以上诸节已经提过,这里,咱们就从诚信、公德、奸淫、残忍四个方面来看看孔家店里出售的“道德”到底是个什麽玩意儿。 儒教是一种无神论宗教,是一种反宗教宗教,是一种“反话”宗教,因为他所标榜的,与它最终所导致的结果正好相反:它标榜忠,结果中国人最不忠;它标榜孝,结果中国人最不孝;它标榜诚信,结果中国人最狡诈。 中国人的狡诈是举世闻名的。 在欧洲人将中国视为乌托邦而大肆鼓吹中国的思想启蒙运动时期,著名思想家孟德斯鸠就不客气地指出: “在拉希代孟,偷盗是准许的,在中国,欺骗是准许的。” “(在中国)一切用暴力获得的东西都是禁止的,一切用术数或狡诈取得的东西都是许可的。” 用中国老百姓的话说就是:“打死人偿命,缺死人不偿命”。 “中国人的生活完全以礼为指南,但他们确实地球上最会骗人的民族。这特别表现在他们从事贸易的时候。虽然贸易会很自然地激起人们信实的感情,但他却从未激起中国人的信实。向他们买东西的人要自己带秤,每个商人有三种秤,一种是买进用的重秤,一种是卖出用的轻秤,一种是准确的秤,这是和那些对他有戒备的人们交易时用的。 ” ⑴ 今天中国的消费者都熟悉第二种秤,即卖出时的轻秤。 黑格尔为中国人的欺诈找了原因:中国人没有荣誉感,残酷的体罚随时随地都会发生,父亲对儿子,皇帝对大臣,官吏对百姓,甚至官吏对官吏。 “中国人没有荣誉感,自卑,所以导致道德败坏,欺诈成风。”⑵ 中国人小的时候尚有荣誉感,但在成长的过程中,这种天生的荣誉感就被家长、警察的打骂训斥和群众的嘲笑一点一点给抹煞了。 英国思想家罗素对中国是友好的,1920年他到中国访问,曾称赞了中国的民风、文教与艺术,但私下在给情人的信中他却说: “中国非常压抑,他正在朽败腐烂,就像晚期的罗马帝国一样。” “中国人没心肠、懒惰、不诚实。”⑶ 到底是思想家,中国人没心肠,也看得出来。 一位英国教授吉德(Kidd 1799-1843)曾说: “倘若选择一种可作为中国人特性的美德,使它不仅在实践中会遭到排拒,而且从理论上讲,与现实的虚伪处世态度形成了最鲜明的对照,那么选择“信用”就是再恰当不过了,中国人的公私道德往往与真正的诚挚守信如此截然对立,以至于任何敌对一方都完全可以选取中国人的言行不一,口是心非作为嘲讽他们的生动材料。 虚伪、欺骗、不守信用、趋炎附势才是中国人最为突出、鲜明的特征。”⑷ 一针见血。 在中国生活了近50年的美国传教士明恩溥(1845-1932)则说: “中国人缺乏信用最典型的一方面便是体现在他们对待孩子的行为上。他们不时告诫自己的孩子,不要讲求信用,不过,无论是大人还是孩子,都没有意识到这一事实。” “ 一位中国教师,被雇请抄写和注释中国的格言,在写下古人一句绝妙的格言后,便为之进行注释道:即使在别人粗鲁地向你求助时,也绝不应拒绝,相反,应在表面上答应下来,虽然内心毫无相助之义,先拖到明天,再拖到后天,他解释说,这样,你就心安了。据我们所知,这一方法,正是有债款要还的中国人在别人讨债时通常所采用的,没有人会奢求他在一提出偿还要求时,便能收回自己的债款,因此没能收回时,他也绝不失望。不过,欠债人一般会最肯定的告诉他,下一次一定还给他,要不就下下次,下下下次再还给他。” “假分量、假尺码、假钱钞、假货物、这些在中国都是在所难免的。甚至在挂有醒目的大招牌“货真价实”“言不二价”的远近有名的大字号,也是说一套,做一套,明一套,暗一套,里面的东西与他所标榜的,根本就不是一回事。” “中国社会,只要有信任便会有足够钱财拿出来开发利用丰富的资源,发展他的实业。中国地大物博,资源丰富,这方面有得天独厚的优越条件,可惜一直未加以利用,因为整个社会都缺乏一种相互信任、诚实、守信的作风,人们都将自己积敛起来的财富妥善、秘密地藏了起来。这样就导致了社会资金的分流与不集中。试想,在如此虚伪、欺诈的社会氛围之下,谁又肯将自己辛辛苦苦挣来的一点钱拿出来给公家使用呢?对当前的中国,拥有什麽,缺少什麽,必须要有充分的了解。她完全有足够的知识、学问来满足它的各种需要,在每一方面,也都不缺少人才,但是,彼此间缺乏建立在真挚基础上的相互信任,使所有的这一切均不足以复兴帝国。” 本来还认为,中国人的骗术很高,很有人情味,没想到人家欧美人是火眼金睛,比中国人自己看得更透彻。 清朝、民国、直到今天,中国的社会如此一致,竟如克隆一般,当然,也有“与时俱进”的一面,那就是造价的技术更高了,范围更广了,行骗的手段更多了。 张三造假酒骗李四,李四造假烟骗王五,王五造假药骗赵六,赵刘给猪喂瘦肉精、给猪肉注水再骗张三、李四、王五,如此循环不已……。中国人也知道这种互骗游戏规则的最终结果是大家均成为受害者,但是谁也改变不了他,只能适应它。那些有权力、有责任改变他的执法者,也不能、不想改变它,因为他们是这个互骗游戏规则的最大受益者。人人都遵纪守法,他们除了工资之外就不会有任何油水,人人造假作弊,他们就可处处揩油。这油水最终出在消费者身上,造假行骗者无意间都成了官爷们的“税收员”,官爷们怎么可能动真格的查处他们,自断财路呢? 这个互骗的游戏规则是缺乏诚信、道德败坏的产物,反过来,他又加剧了道德败坏。人人都给猪肉注水了,你也必须给猪肉注水,否则,你将会被淘汰出局。人人都给猪肉注水了,只有注得多的人才会有利润可赚。适者生存,在中国,只有心狠手黑的人才会成为最终的成功者。 那些将美国成功人士作为自己的学习榜样的中国年轻人无疑是天真的、幼稚的。 对此丑陋的规则,难道中国人就不感到恶心,就不想去改变它?中国人也感到恶心,也想去改变它,但从来就没有成功过,因为他是中国传统专制帝国的一个有机组成部分,它的渊源正是中国人崇拜的儒教。 儒教不是教人诚信的吗?相互欺诈怎能归罪于他?还是来让我们来看看儒教是怎样教人的诚信的吧。 子曰:“弟子入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,(处世谨慎而诚实守信)泛爱众,而秦人;行有余力,则以学文”。⑸(《论语•学而》) 子夏曰:“与朋友交,言而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣”。⑹《论语•学而》 子曰:“君子不重则不威,学则不固;主忠信,(座仁义忠信诚实为主)无友不如己者,过则勿惮改”。⑺(《论语•学而》) 子曰:“人而无信,不知其可也……。”(一个人不讲信用,不知道他将如何立身处世。)⑻(《论语•为政》) …… 孔丘师徒讲诚信,言之凿凿,如果我们人人都按“圣人”的话去做,岂不是就可以杜绝欺诈了吗?怎能将欺诈归罪于儒教呢? 先不要急于下结论,还是让我们把他们师徒的话听完。 子贡问道:“怎么样才可以算士呢?”孔丘说:“对自己的行为有羞耻心,出使外国不辱君命,就可以算士了。”子贡说:“请问那次一等的呢?”孔丘说:“宗族里称赞他孝顺,乡亲们称赞他敬爱兄长。”子贡说;“请问那再次一等的呢?”孔丘说:“说话一定守信用,行为一定有结果,这是倔强固执的小人那!不过也可以算是那次一等的了。”(原文:言必信,行必果,硁硁然小人哉!抑亦可以为次矣。)(硁硁:认真固执的样子。)⑼(《论语•子路》) 子曰:“君子贞而不谅。”(君子坚守正道而不拘泥于信用)⑽(《论语•卫灵公》) 孟子曰:“大人者,言不必信,行不必果,唯义所在。”(高尚的人,说出的话没必要守信,所办的事没必要有结果,只要符合道义就行了)(11)(《孟子•离娄下》) 孟子曰:“君子不亮(同谅),恶乎执!”(君子不守信用,认真固执是不好的)(12)(《孟子•告子下》) 哦!原来孔孟的诚信是针对百姓、小人说的,君子、大人是没必要遵守的,谁遵守,谁就成了“硁硁”的小人了,就不是君子了。这种针对百姓、小人的诚信,是奴才的诚信。的确,如果百姓、小人们不诚信,不老实,统治起来不就太困难了吗? 子曰:“上好礼,则民莫敢不敬;上好义,则民莫敢不服;上好信,则民莫敢不用情。”(13)(《论语•子路》) 子夏曰:“君子信而后劳其民,未信,则已为厉己也;……”(14)(《论语•子张》)(君子应先确立信誉,然后再去劳役人民,不然的话,人民就会认为君子在伤害欺骗自己。) 孔丘师徒不让君子们讲信用,但为了奴役人民,还必须做做样子。这不是明着在教统治者怎样去欺骗人民的吗? 儒教是一种积极入世的宗教,他认为人们通过学习就可以提高自己的道德修养,就可以成为君子。君子,是褒义的,是指道德高尚的人;小人是贬义的,是指道德败坏的人。人是向善的,都愿意当君子而不愿当小人,人们坚持不懈学习的最终结果就是个个都成了“言不必信,行不必果”的君子。 表面上儒教在教人诚信,实际上他是个地地道道的欺诈教唆犯。 儒教的欺骗性很强,这在“诚信”上表现得最明显。 孔丘和孟轲说君子可以不守信用,是有个冠冕堂皇的条件的,那就是君子行事要符合道义。他们所说的“道义”是个什麽东西呢?就是道教所追求的那个惚兮恍兮,窈兮冥兮的,莫测高深,通融善变的“道”。认真、固执、信用、操守等“硬”的东西都是与这个“虚”的、“软”的“道”所格格不入的。 ”是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存,非以其无私邪?故能成其私。“(15)(《老子•七章》) ”将欲歙之,必固张之;将欲弱之,必固强之;将于废之,比固兴之;将欲夺之,必固与之。是谓微明,柔弱胜刚强。鱼不可脱于渊,国之利器不可示于人。“(16)(《老子•三十六章》) |
Saturday, October 8, 2011
陈凯再版/精明而愚蠢的中国人 Typical Chinese - Shrewd with No Intelligence
Chinese making fake eggs 中国人制造有毒的假鸡蛋
陈凯博客: 精明而愚蠢的中国人 Typical Chinese - Shrewd with No Intelligence 价值一语: Words of Value: Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and, under a just God, cannot long retain it. --- Abraham Lincoln: Letter to H.L. Pierce 那些将自己的自由建筑在对他人的奴役上的人们,在一个正义的上苍面前,既不值得自由,也维持不了他们的奴役专制。 --- Abraham Lincoln 林肯 *************************************** By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/8/2011) I start this topic with only the typical Chinese in mind, not every Chinese. And I use 精明 "shrewd" to indicate a degree of being calculating, manipulating, self-deceiving, vicious cleverness, faithlessness and short-sightedness.... I use 愚蠢 “stupidity" to indicate a state of mindset that lacks true intelligence, and at the same time treasuring that lack of intelligence as the essential of the Chinese culture. The reason for such a derogatory description is not without basis, and that basis is the Chinese cultural tradition and its emphasis on the so called wisdom of "man struggling against man" as the first and foremost attibute a Chinese person should learn and master. Mao in his proud self-portrait declares: There is an endless joy in the struggle of man against other men. And you must have had the intimate experience of the first lessons in your life by your parents and teachers in which you are NOT taught how to discover and understand the reality and objective world truth, but how to deal with others, to obey, to manipulate, to take advantage of others without being detected, how to climb the social ladder.... When you observe carefully how the Chinese interact with each other, you will validate my point of view by noticing from the Chinese eyes. They are avoiding truth, but searching to detect the tiniest cracks and weaknesses from other humans, so they can worm into their confidence and manipulate them for their own benefit. All the Chinese literature is about how to survive despotism, how to become a despot, how to manipulate others' emotions and strategize to seize and usurp power, how to be loyal to the oppressors and how to intimidate and control your subjects.... When I mentioned to others that my experience as a Chinese in the mainland is nothing but hell, people had never failed to remind me that there are others who had worse experiences. It is as if one should be satisfied in a cage so long as one is better fed than those around him. "As long as you are a fatter pig than other pigs in the pigsties, you are a happier pig." has long become the Chinese definition of happiness. So hell in this sense is no difference from heaven. There has never been such thing in the Chinese literature as that one should fight against injustice, slavery, despotism and to establish truth, justice, freedom and better future. To a Chinese, there is no better future. Everything has already been destined to happen by his ancestors and fate. So what's the use to struggle? So it is wise to just wait, be patient, endure and die with others in misery. This is the ultimate Chinese wisdom: Die for the others, for the state and the emperors, die with others suffering with you, with contentment and gratitude to those who oppressed you, for otherwise, you will be lost (since oppression is the only form of one's self-identity). Then and only then, maybe you will have a better after-life, after your corpse is eaten away by the parasites and the elements. All in all, it seems that the only purpose for a Chinese to exist is to please others and to serve the collective -- the state. It has never remotely occured to the Chinese that a person has a special meaning on this planet earth, and he has a destiny by God to fulfill. Only he himself can find that destiny and purpose in his life and no one else should interfere in this regard. Only by having fulfilled that sacred destiny, true happiness is possible and the world will progress to a better future. In sharp contrast to the Chinese wisdom of "happier slaves", in the West and America, wisdom is defined as the intelligence to understand the laws of nature and God, and the ability to observe these objective laws and rules set not by man, but by the divine providence -- our creator. All the inventions in the West are associated with the discovery of the objective truth and reality, with the discovery of God's law. So there is always a sense of progress and hope for human beings. Tomorrow is better than today, because humans are free, under God. Struggle against injustice, depotism, slavery and oppression and struggle for human joy and happiness, for human freedom and progress, for a better future have always been the central theme in the Western literature. From Shakespeare to Tolstoy, from Plato to Adam Smith, from Galileo to Einstein, human intelligence and wisdom is in full display. Truth, justice, freedom are always the goals and purposes of human exploration and discovery. Happiness and self-fulfillment has always been the ultimate achievement for human beings. This indeed, my fellow travellers toward freedom, is the individual human being's greatness. This indeed, my fellow former Chinese compatriots, is what a human being should aim at and strive to achieve. This indeed, my pitiful slave-minded ancestral land, is the God's way. Small-man politics and slave-minded cultural tradition of the Chinese should long have been placed to rest, forever and ever, never allowed to return. The corrupt wisdom of man-eating-man, man-struggling against-man aught to be turned upside down and a new form of wisdom with true human intelligence based on God's law of freedom, justice and truth should be established from scratch. A new mindset, a new culture, a new type of human beings must be initiated, promoted and sustained on the despotism-ravaged land of Asia and Chinese mainland. My forum is my way to address these fundamental issues, to expose the evils and ills in the Chinese cultural mindset, to promote the new human culture originated and established in the West and in America, and to start a new mode of thinking and behaving for those willing Chinese. |
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
China or the US? Make your choice 中共党朝与美国-谁来主导世界?
Chinese Military Modernization - a threat to free world
陈凯博客: October 3, 2011 8:19 pm China or the US? Make your choice 中共党朝与美国-谁来主导世界? By Gideon Rachman The defining geopolitical drama of the next century will be the battle for power and influence between China and America. That emerging struggle is already posing awkward choices for Asian countries, caught between the two global giants. On Monday the US senate pressed forward with a bill allowing for the imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods. Even if the protectionist drive in America now pauses for a while, this confrontational mood in the US poses a dilemma for China’s neighbours. China is now the largest trading partner for Japan, India, Australia, South Korea and most of the nations of south-east Asia. But these countries still have their most important military relationship with the US. How long can their economic and strategic interests point in different directions? Not for long, if one is to judge by an editorial in the People’s Daily last week. The official newspaper of the Chinese Communist party took aim at “certain countries” who “think as long as they can balance China with the help of US military power, they are free to do whatever they want”. The article was probably provoked by a statement from Japan and the Philippines, the previous day, in which the two countries promised to boost naval co-operation and implicitly disputed China’s extensive territorial claims in the South China Sea. But China’s warning could equally have been aimed at Vietnam, India, South Korea, Australia or Taiwan – all of whom have moved over the past year to strengthen military ties with America. The irony, of course, is that it is precisely Chinese sabre-rattling, exemplified by that article in the People’s Daily, that is sending its neighbours running screaming into the arms of Uncle Sam. Until recently China seemed to be playing an intelligent waiting game – relying on its growing economic strength to draw its neighbours inexorably into a Chinese sphere of influence. Now the People’s Republic risks overplaying its hand – and so creating the anti-Chinese alliance that it both fears and denounces. A more patient policy would make sense for China because it is likely to be the world’s largest economy by 2020. The US remains the world’s dominant military power – and is even the pre-eminent military force in China’s own Pacific backyard. But since political and military power usually track economic power, American hegemony in the Pacific Ocean may ultimately be unsustainable. It is this point that the People’s Daily was alluding to, when it warned – “No country wants to give back their ticket for the high-speed train of China’s economic development.” With the US government borrowing 40 cents of every dollar that it spends – and China the largest foreign buyer of US debt – the Chinese are indirectly funding American military dominance of the Pacific. Even as America’s allies in the region move to strengthen ties with the US, they worry that America’s money problems will force the country to scale back in the Pacific. At the same time, China is building up its own military. American planners point to the development of a new range of Chinese missiles that directly threaten the airbases and aircraft carriers on which America bases its military dominance in the Pacific. China’s neighbours are also worried by the country’s growing muscle – and its willingness to flex it. Over the past couple of years, China’s maritime disputes with Vietnam and Japan have taken on a new bitterness – with clashes on the high seas followed by bitter diplomatic exchanges. The Indians say that China is becoming more assertive about its claims to parts of Indian territory. The South Koreans are also jumpy about China’s relationship with the North. The dark interpretation of China’s actions is that nationalist forces and the country’s military are becoming more influential in Beijing. A younger generation is coming to power, schooled to believe that China has been victimised by the outside world because it has been weak. The current contrast in the economic fortunes of China and America has also increased China’s confidence and assertiveness. A more benign interpretation of Chinese actions is that the country now has a growing range of economic interests around the world – which makes it all but inevitable that it will spend a lot more on its military and will be tougher in asserting its interests. The hungry Chinese economy is dependent on imported energy – and would be vulnerable to a naval blockade. Building a few aircraft carriers and submarines, and pushing China’s claims to the energy riches of the South China Sea, might seem like a sensible precaution for the Chinese government – rather than the aggressive claim to regional dominance that its neighbours fear. Yet even this relatively benign interpretation of China’s actions is not entirely reassuring. It suggests that China and the US are increasingly likely to interpret each other’s actions and alliances as threatening – and to respond in ways that then feed the other side’s perception of aggression. This is a pattern of great power behaviour that might ring a bell for students of 20th century history. Yet amid all these tensions, diplomatic exchanges across the Pacific continue. Next month Barack Obama will host all the major powers of the region, including China, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit that will be held in the president’s native Hawaii. Perhaps Mr Obama should arrange a trip to Pearl Harbor to remind everybody of the dangers of strategic miscalculation in the Pacific. |
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