Those who want to sacrifice liberty for a little security deserve neither liberty, nor security. Awaken Your Dormant Conscience! Give me liberty or give me death! Winning your inner struggle as a "Free Being" against your nihilistic identity of "being Chinese".
那些想用放弃自由去得到安全感的人们既不值得自由也不会得到安全感。 唤醒你沉睡的良知!不自由,毋宁死!开始并赢得一场你内心的“自由人”搏击你外在的“中国人”的文化反思反省浪潮。 “自由人”必胜! “中国人”必败!
Contact Kai Chen 联络陈凯--电邮信箱 电话 Phone: 661-367-7556
I am glad that Yao Ming can finally see the Chinese despotic sports machine's irreconcilable conflict with the world sports culture of freedom. Nothing requires individual freedom more than sports competition. I hope Yao Ming can see a little deeper into the abyss of the Chinese corrupt political culture and system through the corrupt Chinese sports establishment. And he must choose as a freedom-loving person and bear the responbility of his choices. To think that slavery and freedom can cooperate with each other is only an illusion coming from a person's moral confusion.
"I never want to be a Chinese in my next life" is a wrong and harmful expression. It tends to excuse individuals (victims as well as villains) from their personal responsibility today/now. The right and moral expression should be: I don't want to be a Chinese today/now. I want to be a free being with dignity who pursues only truth and happiness. --- Kai Chen
I don't have Skype, for it is not a secure way of communicating. I would love to answer your questions in English, even your questions are in Chinese. I hope you can read English with no problem, and I think you can.
I wrote an article long ago on the pillars of American values. Two of these pillars are represented by Ayn Rand (the supreme worth of the individual) and Christianity (moral absolutes and origin of our rights). While others see the conflict between the two, I don't. American experience has proven that not only do they not conflict with each other, they are indispensably complimentary of/to each other. Without Free Will, any religion is only a cult. Only Christianity, among world religions, recognizes Human Free Will. This is why countries in the world with the guidance of Christianity progresses toward the future, while others stagnate walking around a vicious circle. I have many articles on the evil of denying individual free will. You can always go on my forum ( to find related articles. I will be very happy to answer your specific questions.
American Declaration of Independence is a perfect example of a perfect combination of reason/rationality and faith/Christianity:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident (reason/rationality, analytical truths by human mind), that all men are created (faith based on Christianity with origin of rights/life) equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (faith based on Christianity with origin of rights/life) with certain inalienable (reason/rationality, analytical truths by human mind) Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (combination of faith, human free will and reason/rationality/mind).
When Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, he first wrote in: "We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable (religious connotation)." Later Benjamin Franklin modified this sentence to reflect reason/rationality/ and analytical truths by human mind: "We hold these truths to be self-evident". Thus American Declaration of Independence firmly shaped and established American character and guided human race toward an entirely new direction - staying away from European secularism and Islamic fanaticism that foster collective tyranny and religious dark ages.
To be an American means to embrace human mind as well as human spirit/soul. Without human free will manifested by reason/rationality/mind endowed into/onto us by our creator, we will be forever crippled without tools to distinguish truth from falsehood. And without truth, we shall be forever enslaved by other humans who pretend to be Gods/Saviors.
Lately I noticed on the, some people openly deny Individual Free Will, using religion as a weapon, a shield and a pretense. It makes me sick to my stomach. The fact that Ayn Rand claims to be an atheist does not negate the truth in her ideas and thoughts, just like those who claim to be religious do not always tell the truth. I hope I make myself quite clear on my points. The corruption of ideas, with a penchant of opposing Human Free Will under some religious pretense, happened on, does not surprise me. I have noticed this corruption long ago. This is why I insist on stressing my points every time I have on the Youpai Forum. Freedom against tyranny/despotic values happens everywhere, is not an exception.
Thanks for your interest on this important issue. I am looking forward to hearing from you with your questions. Best and keep up the gook work. Kai Chen
More and more people nowadays are gradually learning Mao's anti-humanity atrocities. The day that Mao is repudiated as the biggest mass murderer in human history is the day the Chinese communist regime crumbles. However, to expect Mao and the Chinese communist regime to repent is to expect a tiger not to eat meat or to expect a snake not to bite. It is only an illusion. Remember: Devil is the opposite of God.
Only when we understand the defect of the Chinese character-based syllabic language and the harm it has inflicted upon the Chinese population, we can truly start to understand the harm the Chinese culture has inflicted upon people in Asia. Then we can finally start to look for tools to cleanse our souls and mind.
一个好友在中国入狱服刑时发现并保留了这幅象征中国人们的真实状态的画面。 我在此深表感谢。 A good friend gives me this cartoon he preserved when he was serving a sentence in a Chinese prison for crime against the state. Here I thank him for bringing forth this poignant cartoon for everyone to contemplate.
From Chinese Language to Despotism/Tyranny
从中国文字的虚无特质到中国专制文化的虚无特质 – 看中国单音节形象文字与中国专制政治文化的必然联系
From Nihilism in Chinese Language to Nihilism in Chinese Political Culture
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/18/2006 Reprint 5/23/2011)
仅举“法治”一词为例: 人们从不分“法治”与“法制”之间的区别。我也不知他们之间有何区别。 但在英文中,“Rule of Law”与“Rule by Law”是反义。 前者有“人以法治政”,后者有“政以法制人”的含义。 两词的中译都是“法治”(或法制),孰不知前者是民主中的成分,后者是专制的定义。既不知什么是“法治”,何谓“法治人治”之争。 中国古代的“法家”应解为“君以法治人”,“儒家”应解为“君以礼治人”。两者都以维君权为目的,无本质区别。“儒法之争”也只是虚无的“权力之争”而已,旨在蒙人混脑。
8. 中文的形象构成与音字分离的特性造成了人们在信息组织与储存(information organization and storage)、信息查找与抽取(indexation)、概念形成与创造(concept development and creation)、新概念的表达(new concept expression)等至关重要的精神理性领域中的重大与不可逾越的障碍。
I am very glad to have a chance to clarify my points through this exchange with this sincere and thoughtful reader. He reflects the majority "anti-communist" people's view. Yet, "political correctness" often plays a big role in such a view. One must face the truth to solve the true problem. Avoiding the truth simply because the problem is too big will never help. My responsibility is to help people like these, with their good intentions, see the magnitude of the problem and to prepare themselves for the coming challenges. We must have will, courage and ability to see the truth to progress toward a better future.
A Meaningful Exchange with a Reader
与我的读者的一次有意义的对话 (Thanks Wallace for a thoughtful message.)
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 5/22/2011)
The mistake commonly committed by people is that the fruit a tree bears has nothing to do with the tree, or with the soil, or with the climate. The truth is the fruit, in China's case, a most poisonous fruit, is the result of all the factors, not just the fruit itself, or the tree itself, but of the content of the soil and the climate.
No one wants to address the truth, because of "political correctness", or fear of its consequences. But without addressing the truth, the world will never progress. "Only truth shall set you free." There is a book on WWII Holocaust "Hitler's Willing Executioners", documenting how common Germans using Hitler's policy to benefit themselves, killing thousands of Jews in the process. By the same token, Mao himself will be never able to murder 80 million innocent lives during peace time in China. Then who killed? Now all the killers are hiding under the big umbrella of "victims" of Mao. But the truth is: The victims are often victimizers themselves, just as the willing slaves are often harboring evil intentions to become masters (not of themselves, but of others).
What I am addressing with my messages is the truth. As the Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr. Liu Xiaobo (who is still languishing in a Chinese prison) once pointed out: "The tragedies in Chinese history are made both by the victimizers and the victims. Everyone is a producer, a director and an actor in the two thousand years of Chinese tragedy." Most people don't want to face this truth, therefore don't want to face their own responsibilities in producing this tragedy. And you, Mr. Schwam, is not helping by sending a wrong message throughout your contact with the Chinese and others. You are, with your wrong messages, helping the Chinese themselves to omit/deny their own individual responsibilities, so they can go back to their nationalistic fervor against the universal values of freedom and dignity. They will continue to sing in praise of dung beetles in a culture of excrement, rejecting God's law of freedom, justice and truth.
A fish reared in a chamber pot is a sick and poisonous fish. Such a fish may not survive in the fresh water and ocean. It has long mutated into a warped state of being. To prepare the fish to live in a natural environment requires a painstaking effort. It requires will, courage and ability. I hope you pluck up your courage and moral clarity to see the truth, and help the Chinese and the oppressed in the world to wake up and bear their personal responsibilities.
I thank you for your meaningful message and hope to be in touch with you. Best. Kai Chen
In a message dated 1/17/2011 6:17:54 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 1c writes:
Greetings Kai Chen,
Sometimes, when I'm reading electricshadow, I feel that there is not enough distinction made between "China", the "Chinese Gov." and the "Chinese People".
As an American, I wish the Chinese People well. I look forward to the day when they will live under a representative government that cherishes freedom. Likewise, my attitude toward "China" is not necessarily hostile. I want China to be a great nation not a hegamoniacal menace. I want to see China so free and non threatening that Taiwan will want closer relations of its own accord. Nevertheless, we have to deal with the present Chinese government; A one party system, totalitarian in its mindset, trampling on dissent, striving to become a global censor. It's this government that we must oppose if the world it to avoid an Orwellian nightmare.
For the above reasons, we must find a way to criticize the Chinese Gov., while holding out hope to the Chinese people, in all of our communications.
Ding Dong Bin Laden’s Dead 庆贺本. 拉登之死 - 一个用自己的自由意志反人反上苍的人的灭亡
by Andrew Klavan
After Seal Team Six burst into Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani compound and put a couple of rounds in the terrorist’s eye – blowing his brains out the back of his head prior to feeding his body to the fish – many of you may have felt it was cruel or untoward to celebrate the violent death of a fellow human being. Just kidding. You bring the tequila, PJTV’s Klavan on the Culture is bringing the chips and salsa and we are so partying down in this week’s fun-filled episode!
Bin Laden’s hand-picked successor, Justin Folk, was glad to supply the visuals.
A most powerful image: A slave with an enslaved soul also wants to spread the nihilistic slave culture around the world.
A great man doesn't need others constantly admiring and recognizing him to recognize and realize his own greatness. His center of morality is within his own conscience endowed only by God. Small men and cowards, on the other hand, need constantly to be with others in a crowd. They need others' constant admiration and recognition to know that they exist and they are worth something. Therefore, their only motive to live is to pursue endlessly that elusive, limitless power to control and manipulate others.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 5/17/2011)
All leftists, socialists, Nazis, people racists and communists need to permanently operate in and among the crowds. That is why in America most liberal leftists are concentrated in the urban areas by the coasts.
A simple explanation of this phenomenon is that the prominent feature of the collectivists is their faithlessness. Others' recognition is central to their own personal worth and their only standard to know they are alive and they exist at all. If they are alone to face only nature and God, they will truly be lost. They will not know what to do with themselves. They will panic.
This phenomenon is much more pronounced in China, which I have termed "Small Man Syndrome" or "Eunuch Culture". The cowardice small eunuchs band together to dominate/destroy great individuals, trying to enslave them to serve the state. This indeed is the history of China. The end result? Those who have self-recognizing ability all left China and started somewhere else, if they are not physically eliminated by the small eunuchs in the first place. All overseas Chinese communities, outside of mainland China, are prosperous communities. This is NOT because they are Chinese. Rather, it is because they, as self-establishing, self-recognizing individuals, have decided to stay away from that oppressive China composed of only small, cowardice, self-castrated eunuchs.
Every time I see those timid and pathetic faces full of self-doubt, man-eating thirst for power and hatred toward existence, I feel only contempt and anger. This is why when I see a truly free, independent, self-recognizing man/woman from China, I feel great affiliation and admiration toward him/her.
A nation composed of only small eunuchs can never be a great nation, no matter how much one wishes. I now live in America, a nation mostly composed of great individual human beings who don't need others to recognize their own existence and greatness, for they have themselves and they have God. I am very proud to be with these great human beings. I am very proud to be American.
Kai Chen's Words: BZ is a young friend of mine. Now I paste his letter to his daughter to be born soon, hoping you will absorb his spirit of freedom, hope and strength to fight for your own true happiness.)
My dear friends :
This is my mail for my future daughter, I would like to share with you .
Dissident Artist Ai Weiwei Taken Into Custody by Chinese Government
by Eric Shalit on April 4, 2011
Ai Weiwei, Forever, Bicycles, 2003: Constructed from 42 Forever brand bicycles. Manufactured in Shanghai since 1940, the Forever bicycle was an essential mode of transportation that has become an icon of the post-revolutionary era. Made of heavy steel, these utilitarian bicycles were meant to last forever.
More proof that the bicycle intersects all things, including politics, democracy, and social activism can be seen in the work and life of artist/activist Ai Wewei. The bicycle has meaning and utility for each of us. In the hands of a master artist like Ai Weiwei, it’s all about meaning. While he may not tell us exactly what his work means, each of us are free to deduce symbolism. I see the bicycle representing the power of the individual, joined together to make a structure that can rise above it all. I notice in the above work, that although the bicycle bodies are all joined together, the wheels are free to spin independently. What does it mean to you?
On Sunday (4/3/11) the Chinese authorities detained Ai Weiwei, China’s best-known living artist and stubborn government critic, as he tried to board a plane for Hong Kong. Mr. Ai’s wife, his nephew and a number of his employees were also taken into custody during a raid on his studio on the outskirts of the capital.
Rights advocates say the detentions are an ominous sign that the Communist Party’s six-week crackdown on rights lawyers, bloggers and dissidents is spreading to the upper reaches of Chinese society. Mr. Ai, 53, the son of one of the country’s most beloved poets, is an internationally renowned artist, a documentary filmmaker and an architect who helped design the Olympic stadium in Beijing known as the Bird’s Nest.
Ai Weiwei is also active in architecture, curating, photography, film, and social and cultural criticism. Ai collaborated with Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron as the artistic consultant on the Beijing National Stadium for the 2008 Olympics. Besides showing his art he has been investigating government corruption and cover-ups. He was particularly focused on exposing an alleged corruption scandal in the construction of Sichuan schools that collapsed during the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. He intensively uses the internet to communicate with people all over China, especially the younger generation.
Ai, is a prolific user of twitter, blogs and video and maintains a constant stream of output, which has now gone eerily quiet. One by one, it seems, China’s government is moving to silence radical, or even questioning voices.
More than 20 lawyers, writers, bloggers and other activists have now been charged with “subversion” and other types of thought-crime in recent weeks and we must now wait, and watch carefully, to see whether Ai is charged too.
To date, despite several brushes with the security apparatus, Ai has managed to escape serious trouble – even when he was detained last November, it was clearly a limited move, designed to stop Ai attending a wake for his soon-to-be-demolished Shanghai studio – but this time it feels different.
For a long time, Ai was widely presumed to be protected from arrest by dint of his status as the son of Ai Qing, one of China’s greatest modern poets, but it seems that after several shots across the bow (Ai just ploughed on) they’ve lost patience.
Ai Weiwei standing in the rubble of his studio in Shanghai, January 2011, which was demolished authorities apparently as retribution for his outspoken criticism of government corruption and human rights abuses. He has come to see his conflict with the government as performance art.
Ai Weiwei has also made several feature length films about the gridlock in Beijing (2003-2005); the camera travels through the streets of Chang’an Boulevard and the Second and Third Ring Roads. Without any additional plot, the films can be distinguished by the weather conditions: “Beijing: The Second Ring” was shot only on cloudy days, while “Beijing: The Third Ring” only on sunny days – “an almost mathematical and unemotional way to show the powerlessness of the people, and the blind nature of the redevelopment” (Ai Weiwei). Ultimately the daily writing on his own blog is also an integral part of Ai Weiwei’s artistic activities, for he believes that taking a social and political stand is the moral responsibility of every artist.
Below is a preview of a PBS Frontline documentary called “Who’s Afraid of Ai Weiwei”. The world needs more Ai Weiweis. Please follow his current situation in news media that cover such things, like the New York Times.
While not all the time one is responsible for his own misery and misfortune, he is always responsible for his own happiness. --- Dennis Prager
虽然一个人并不总对他自身的不幸与痛苦负责任,他却永远对他的幸福承担全部责任。 --- Dennis Prager
The ones who want to escape from misery and pain will always find excuses/pretenses for their own personal irresponsibility. Only the ones who pursue freedom and happiness will have the courage to take their own individual responsibility for their actions and words. --- Kai Chen
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 11/14/2006,Reprint 5/10/2011)
Think a little more about the above quote from the conservative talk show host Dennis Prager, maybe you will have better understanding of the conservative philosophy.
All despotic societys' philosophies/doctrines promise the people under their rules happiness if they walk the authorities' lines: Nazi Germany under Hitler promised 3,000 years of a great Reich with prosperity and happiness for all if German people observed the Nazi ideology. Communist societies such as China and USSR also promised their people great happiness if they followed the communist and socialist morality of individuals being nothing and the collective being everything. Now the Islamic fundamentalists guarantee their followers if they die for Allah, they will have 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven. Leftists in the West also often promise the poor and the unfortunate that if they vote for a big government, they will have happier lives with no worries.
In Contrast, free societies and the conservative teachings have never promised and will never promise individuals their happiness if they observe the principle of freedom, justice and human dignity. They only make sure that individuals in a free society are truly free - free from others' obstructions and interferences. This is to ensure that one's misery and misfortune do not come from other entities and individuals. And one's happiness will never be the result of others' pity and handouts from government and will always be the result of one's own virtue, character, talent and hard work, and maybe a little luck as well. As a result, proven by empirical evidence, people who treasure freedom will often find their own happiness. And people who dream of happiness as the result of government's benevolence and power elite's sympathy/handout are often the people of great misery and misfortune.
Freedom will NOT always result in an individual's happiness, for freedom entails danger and risk-taking, and most of all, freedom entails personal responsibility. Yet without freedom, one will never have any possibility to be truly happy. No matter how comfortable one is in a cage, fed by some masters who control one's life and destiny, one will never have a chance to find the unique meaning of his own existence, to find his true love and happiness. Only free people can be truly creative, productive and progressive. Only free people can be truly happy with a chance to find true love, personally and professionally.
Yes, indeed, Mao and his cohorts of Chinese communists, despotic Chinese cultural tradition and the Chinese language itself have caused the Chinese individuals a lot of confusion, misery and suffering. But should these entities be also responsible for our happiness? Are they able to give us happiness? Should we expect them to give us happiness? If we have expectations that others, be it an ideology or some people (people in our family or some self-claimed saviors), should promise, provide and guarantee our happiness, does that imply we are ultimately the roots of our own problems and unhappiness by these insidious expectations??
I have sensed now in China there is an emergence of Neo-Nazism and Neo-Collectivism that promise the Chinese people their happiness if they walk the line of self-deception and self-castration. And culture-wise, the Chinese are very vulnerable to such a deceit and confusion. That is part of the reason the Chinese have never accepted the principle of freedom and individual responsibility. They have yet to grasp the truth:
"While one is not always responsible for his own misery and misfortune, one is ultimately always responsible for his own happiness."
A most powerful image: A slave with an enslaved soul also wants to spread the nihilistic slave culture around the world.
你(如果你懂英文)只要到华语系的教堂去听一下看一下就会知道用英文传教/祈祷与用中文传教/祈祷的根本区别了。 “上帝”(Supreme Emperor)与“原罪”(Original Crime)是与英文的God 与“Sin”的原义截然相反的。 God (In one definition - Short for Goodness, 上苍的一个定义--“好”的简称)是有其基督精神的道德含义在其中的:真实,爱,宽容,基于自由的人的幸福与快乐(Joy)是基督精神的内涵实质。 信仰、理性、情感、欲望、自由意志、个体独特是God/上苍在造人的时候就赋予人的深含意义的特质。 消灭/诋毁/否认/扭曲这些God/上苍所赋予的特质是对God/上苍的消灭、诋毁、否认与扭曲。 无怪乎华语系的“基督徒们”往往为自己的物质利益祈祷,而英语系的人们则往往为真实的精神价值祈祷。 (你难道没有想过为什么“中国人”向往“繁荣、昌盛、统一、和谐、、, 而“美国人”则对“正义与自由”不懈地追求?)
“好政府” vs. 被监控、被人限、被自限的政府
“好人/圣人” vs. 自知瑕弊、求真、负责的自由人
Good Government vs. Limited Government
Perfect vs. Perfecting
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
价值一语: Words of Value: "It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." --- Daniel Webster
对照美国的文化价值观(个体价值与基督精神),一个人不难看到自由与专制冲突的焦点。 在美国人的对美国精神的誓言中有这样的词句:“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”(“一个在上苍之下的、不可分割的国度,将把自由与正义带给所有的人们。”)专制与自由的国度区别在于:专制的国度是政府等于上苍或政府高于上苍,而自由的国度是政府在上苍之下的国度。 在美国所有的钞票上有一句铭言:“In God We Trust”(“我们只相信上苍/神”)。 在一个正常、自由的国度中,人们绝不会认为自由与真实的价值来自任何政府(即使政府有权印钞票),也因此绝不会将希望寄托在任何政府身上。 也正因如此美国的宪法将政府看成是对人(个体)的自由的最大威胁。 所有美国宪法的条款与修正案都是针对、基于保障人的自由与限制政府权力的。 基于“上苍/神赋人权”与“所有人被(上苍/神)创而平等”的自然法则,美国建立了三权鼎立,相互制衡的联邦宪政制度,旨在将“公”限制在“私”之下,将“群体、民众、多数”限制在“个体人的权利“之下,将“政府作救星”的基人的“原弊与软弱”产生的病态崇权崇救星的冲动限制在人的灵魂、道德与理性之下。 “言论自由、结社自由、新闻出版自由”起到了监控政府的作用。 “选举与任期”使个体有了主动的限制政府的决定权。 “分权制约”则将政府“自限”在相互争、辩、夺的平衡控权中。
A True American(a free being), Former Pro-Basketball player in China, National Team, August 1st Team (1970-1979). Graduated from UCLA in Political Science, 1986. Staunch Anti-communism/socialism/despotism activist. Author of "One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom". "My Way"(my life story)DVD produced and released in 2008 by NTDTV.
One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom by Kai Chen "一比十亿--通往自由的旅程" 陈凯 著
Click Bookcover to Order Kai Chen's Autobiography: One In A Billion - Journey toward Freedom (The Story of a Pro-Basketball Player in China) 点击书面网上购书/陈凯自传“一比十亿--通往自由的旅程”(一个中国职篮球员的故事)
Never Forget 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre 绝不要忘记中共反人类罪行:The Spirit of the Tank Man “坦克人”与天安门大屠杀视频
Click Photo to View Video Clips on Tank Man and Tiananmen Massacre 点击照片观看“坦克人”精神与六四天安门大屠杀视频
Global Museum on Communism 全球共产邪恶博物院 Learn/Educate Yourself on Evil of Communism 勿忘共产罪行,请点击如下链锁
Click DVD Cover to Watch Video "Killer Chic" (Chinese Subtitles, Translation by Kai Chen) 点击DVD画面观看视频" 崇魔的时尚"/陈凯访谈(中文字幕,陈凯翻译)
Video Program with Kai Chen Interview on Danger of Socialism in America 珊瑚崖对陈凯采访视频:社会主义对自由的不容置疑的威胁
Click Photo to View Video of Kai Chen Interview with Coral Ridge Ministries on Danger of Socialism in America 点击画面观看珊瑚崖圣训网的最新视频节目及对陈凯的个人采访 - 社会主义对自由的不容置疑的威胁
陈凯演讲: 从天安门广场到自由广场 Kai Chen Speech: From Tiananmen Square to Freedom Square
点击画面观看陈凯演讲: 从天安门广场到自由广场 Kai Chen Speech: From Tiananmen Square to Freedom Square
My Basketball Career in China 我的篮球生涯-八一男篮/国家男篮
Click Picture to See Photos from My Basketball Career in China 点击照片观看我的篮球生涯照片
“自由人”对抗“中国人”- 陈凯中文文摘集萃 Kai Chen's Signature Articles in Chinese - "Free Being vs. Chinese"
绝真实的丑态:一个崇尚虚无的受辱无尊严的奴才居然也每一刻都奢望着将造奴作奴的文化心态繁衍到世界的每一个角落。"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" - Click photo to read Kai Chen articles in Chinese 点击照片阅读陈凯主要中文文章
屎虼螂的颂歌/陈凯谈中国专制文化心态 Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles/CK on China's Despotic Culture
Click Photo to Read Related Articles in Chinese on Chinese Despotic/Slave Culture/Mindset 点击屎虼螂图片阅读关于华语系人们专制心态与奴文化的中文文章
自由vs.专制 = 记忆vs.失忆 Freedom vs. Tyranny = Memory vs. Amnesia
Click Picture to See Wonderful Photos & Read the Article 点击照片观看陈凯“自由vs.专制 = 记忆vs.失忆”一文与家庭照片, 视频与文章
子女不是父母财产,人不是国家政府财产 Children Are Not Parents' Property, Human Beings Are Not Governments' Property
Click Picture to See Photos and Read the Article 点击照片观看陈凯“子女不是父母财产”一文与照片
从"文字笼罐"到"文字狱"-陈凯论中文的弊病危害 Chinese Language Fosters Despotism and Tyranny
Click Picture to Read All Articles about Chinese Language Defects and Harm 点击照片阅读所有关于中文语言弊病危害的文章
逐毛像签名录及媒体报道 Petition Signatures to Remove Mao Statue from Nixon Library/Museum & Media Coverage
请点击漫画进入签名录并阅读媒体报道 Click cartoon to view all the signatures on petition & read media coverage
Revisit 2007 Mao's Portrait Incident in Alhambra 重温2007年阿罕布拉市“毛像事件”
Click Painting to Review 2007 "Mao Portrait Incident" in Alhambra 点击画面重温2007年春节阿罕布拉市“毛像事件”
Protest at Mao's Kitchen 抗议道德腐败的“毛的厨房”
Click Picture to View Video, Photos and Article about "Mao's Kitchen" Protest 点击照片观看抗议“毛的厨房”的视频,照片与文章
Kai Chen Protests "Confucius Classroom" 陈凯抗议“孔学堂”
Click Photo to Review All Related Articles/Reports about Kai Chen Protesting "Confucius Classroom" in American Schools 点击照片阅读有关陈凯抗议“孔学堂”的文章与报道
Olympic Freedom T-shirt Global Movement 奥运自由衫全球运动
Click T-shirt to Learn about My Olympic Freedom T-shirt Global Movement Video Clips, Photos and Article. 点击自由衫观看视频,照片与文章
“国歌”- 安.兰德 著,陈凯 译 "ANTHEM" by Ayn Rand, Translation by Kai Chen
Click Bookcover to Read "Anthem" in Chinese, Translation by Kai Chen 点击书面阅读安. 兰德“国歌”一书,陈凯翻译