陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
“The Roots of Obama's Rage” by Dinesh D'Souza
奥巴马的反美反西方的心态情结来自他的崇尚马克思主义/共产主义的父亲。 奥巴马父亲对他的离弃造成了他的对美国与西方“殖民主义”的暴怒与仇恨。 向美国与西方复仇是奥巴马参政的根本动机。
Kai Chen's Words:
Obama's anti-America, anti-West rage comes from his father's Marxist/Communist view of the world. His abandonment by his father is the roots of Obama's irrational hatred toward American/West "colonialism" and "imperialism". Revenge is the main, if not the only, motivation/drive of Obama's political career and his current actions to destroy America.
Book Link 图书连锁:
“After Reading My New Book, You'll Never See Obama the Same Way Again”
President Obama has been called many things: a socialist, a radical fellow traveler, a Chicago machine politician, a prince of the civil rights movement, a virtual second coming of Christ, and even a covert Muslim.
But as I reveal in my new book, The Roots of Obama's Rage, these labels merely slap our own preconceived notions on Barack Obama.
So who is the real Obama—and why is he hell-bent on seeing America fail?
The real Obama is a man shaped by experiences far different from those of most Americans—and he is a much stranger, more determined, and exponentially more dangerous a man than you ever imagined.
He isn't motivated by civil rights struggles, socialist ideals, or the tenets of Islam, but rather a deep-seated hatred of America and the West—a rage he inherited from his African father's radical anti-colonialist ideology.
As The Roots of Obama's Rage shows, it is this inherited anti-colonialist ideology and enmity for the United States that is fueling Obama to systematically destroy our nation's wealth, ambition, influence, and power.
How do I know this?
Because Obama says so himself.
As I write in The Roots of Obama's Rage:
"Reflect for a moment on the title of President Obama's book: it's not Dreams of My Father but rather Dreams from My Father. And what are those dreams? They are of a world where the United States and the West are compelled to pay for the alleged crimes of colonialism and neocolonial capitalism, where the poor and the Third World finally get to shake down the wealth and the power of the West."
I promise after reading The Roots of Obama's Rage, you'll never see Obama the same way again. I truly believe this is the only book that fully explains—and even predicts—Obama's actions, big and small.
So please, order your copy today, because if we want to understand Obama's actions here and abroad, we have to understand who Obama really is, not who we want him to be.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
My Conversation with a Student Proponent in My Blog 我与一个支持“孔学堂”的学生的对话
Jeffrey(a student proponent)is arguing with John Kramar (former Hacienda La Puente School District Superintendent - an opponent of Confucius Classroom program)
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
从与这个已被共产毒素侵害的、被陈介飞等学委操控的学生(Jeffrey)的对话中不难看出共产专制的毒素早已在毒害着美国(尤其是那些亚裔华裔)的学生们。 我只希望我们之间的对话是一些道德混乱的人们逐渐清醒过来。
Kai Chen's Words:
From my conversation with Jeffrey, a Chinese-American student (Hacienda La Puente School District) who supports "Confucius Classroom" program, under the control of the likes of Jay Chen (a ultra-leftist/Marxist School Board member), you can clearly see the extent of communist influence/poison upon American students in our schools. I hope this conversation serves to clear some people's heads, from their moral stupor and confusion.
My Conversation with a Student Proponent in My Blog
Jeffrey said...
Dear Mr. Chen,
Do you not find it peculiar how there are absolutely no student representation that is against the Confucius course? This is a new generation, and it is time to relinquish the irrational fear of communism and begin to understand that America is a diverse nation, a nation where individuals have the very right to believe in any political system they so choose, A nation where our land is offered as a sanctuary for those who are in search of economic success, security, and most importantly, freedom.
This freedom I so speak of is one that of which you have infringed upon through your adversive attacks targeted against the establishment of this course. As a resident of Hacienda Heights, and a current student in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, I find myself qualified to say that students are not as ignorant and tolerant as you have chosen to believe. Since you have shared a story with me about your life, it would only be fair if I told you a bit about my life--primarily when I was still a student at Cedarlane Middle School. Five years ago, when Cedarlane was only a middle school, I embarked on my adventure, along with other 6th grade student, ready to receive a higher-level education. To our surprise, this was not what we had expected. When in history class, it became apparent to us that the textbooks we so diligently studied with were clearly biased, portraying information that made America the grandiose of the countries in the world. In retrospect, our assertions were correct; America is not the perfect and powerful nation, as the diction used in the textbooks had us to believe—deception.
You stated at tonight’s district board meeting (September 23, 2010) that you are "against learning from anything without moral judgment."
I am not sure how current and up-to-date your knowledge of China is, but if you do plan on visiting, you will find a wide degree of moral judgment, whether it be educating students to become well-rounded individuals, or giving a handful of children who are living in poverty a foothold to receive the education needed to thrive in such a globally competitive world we live in today.
If your fear is that we, as students, will grow up without moral judgment, then I do advise you to not worry a bit. High school students in this district are required to read novels that open our minds to higher-level questions such as, "What is morality? What is truth?" Essays are based on the purpose of getting students to make a valid argument, which questions both sides of the story, rather than mediating bigoted and irrational opinion through the text with little to no support.
We have made up our decision, and it is reflected through the lack of students who are against this Confucius course. Do no forget, education is established for the students, in this case being us.
September 23, 2010 11:10 PM
Kai Chen 陈凯 said...
Dear Jeffrey:
From the way you presented yourself in the School Board meetings and the information I have retained about you (your intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally), using lack of knowledge and judgement to describe you is an understatement.
Diversity is never the goal of America. Freedom is. We are diverse not because we take diversity as a goal, but because all of us are seeking individual freedom in this great country. Diversity is only a result, never a stated/manufactured goal as some leftists in America misunderstand and misstate. Secondly, you and your group, with a constant contact with Jay Chen (Vice President of the School Board) under his instruction and order, are morally confused to say the least: Pleasing authority, not the truth, not God, not your own conscience, is the goal of you and your group. The fear of authority, especially Jay Chen and his cohorts on the School Board, is written all on your face. From the way you talk and write, the Marxist slogans and labels embedded in your language are all signs of brainwashing. I am just too familiar with it not to recognize it.
Jay Chen belongs to a ultra-leftist group in America (People for the American Way). He and his boss want to "fundamentally transform America", according to some Marxist utopian "Heaven on Earth", much like the Chinese communists and despots believe. You and your group, young and ignorant in their formative years, but with some political ambition to climb the social ladder, are easy prey for people like Jay Chen. I know this kind of mentality from youths like you. I was there myself.
You claim you and your group represent the students in Hacienda La Puente. This reflects your arrogance and a thorough lack of sense of reality. Your group is there because of the spell and control from Jay Chen and his likes. Some of you who talk in the meeting cannot even read a written statement in coherent fashion in English. Now you want to learn Chinese. I have pity on you. Some of you cannot even talk with a whole sentence and their eyes are always on their controller - Jay Chen and his girlfriend, and a group leader (hope you don't become a thug) like you, Jeffrey. Fear is their biggest motivation. So please drop your nonsense of "no student opponents".
Most students in the District are busy studying English and math. They don't have time and knowledge of the issue (communist atrocities and crimes against humanity in the world) to participate. That is understandable. It is only curious for me to see you and your group, herded by your protege - Jay Chen and your own eagerness to please authority and your ambition to climb social ladder. This phenomenon only solidifies my conviction of fighting the communist infiltration and contamination into America. The insidious scheme of "Confucius Classroom" is the same as that of American leftist/Marxist creatures - all in the name of politically correct "progress and diversity".
Hope one day you will wake up and finally find you actually are in a nightmare. Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen.
September 24, 2010 8:08 AM
Mr. Chen,
I'm glad you have finally come to realize that I am Chinese-American, rather than believing everybody in America is solely “American”.
First of all, you may want to check the information that you have retained about me, as I have not a tincture of familiarity with an "intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally".
I have come to realize that your allegations against us lack foundation and evidence, one of these allegations being that we are “controlled” by the district board member, Jay Chen. As students, we do not do things in order to "please authority"; you may be surprised that our actions are based on our conscience. To begin with, you stated that we are “ignorant” and are currently being "brainwashed" by Mr. Chen. May I ask where such an assumption came from? The last time I checked, carrying out a conversation with somebody does not cause one to be placed under the "spell" nor "control" of that person. Taking a closer look into your irrational belief of what may be true, I would not be surprised if such a mentality existed during the Salem Witch Trials or the Second Red Scare in America.
Not only that, but you stated “most students in the district [are] busy studying English and math." Let us not forget that there are other subjects that may lead towards an “ignorant” and “brainwashed” student, such as European History, American History, World History, Civics and Economics, Government, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. I hope you understand that with all these courses that are taught by California credentialed teachers, like Ms. Wong, students are exposed to a variety of bias, all of which is for the students themselves to decide and deem true.
We have decided to attend the district board meetings knowing full well that middle school students are being deprived of a higher-level education due to individuals such as yourself, who continue to preach with the same mentality of the many individuals during the Red Scare.
Again, I hope you understand that America is a melting pot of different cultures. You stated in a comment that "the School Board designated a student who couldn't even speak English right to lead the 'Pledge of Allegiance' as some kind of role model." The last time I checked, one did not need to be capable of speaking English fluently in order to pledge allegiance to their own country. To be honest, your English is not spoken fluently either, which makes it evermore ironic for you to make such a disrespectful and insulting comment—although I do not intend to restrict your freedom of speech.
Likewise, I hope you will one day wake up, and understand the mistake you have made in passing down this irrational hostility aimed towards China to our future generation. Although your speech is protected by the first amendment, your slanderous remarks does not do more than hurt your own reputation.
Take Care,
Jeffrey Tso
If I am mistaken about your intention to join Norman Hsu's China trip, I apologize. There must be another Jeffrey T from Wilson High School. Too bad there are just too many Jeffrey Ts or Kai Chens in the world of Chinese speaking population.
A thorough lack of knowledge about Chinese culture and Chinese Party-State marks most so called "Chinese Americans", especially the youths. Hyphenated titles for Americans are nothing but a trick from the left power-mongers for people controlled by their "group think". Too bad you belong to such a group. The very identity you assume for yourself determines the way you think - not for yourself as an individual, but as some kind of representatives of a group arrogantly and ignorantly, be it race, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, etc.
I know that you and your group of which you assume your own role as a leader, (under Jay Chen though,) regularly meet with Jay Chen in a shopping mall. I don't know in detail what he indoctrinates into you and your group. But from the way you talk, I know it is the Marxist/Socialist/Communist crap. Jay Chen never takes you as an individual with independent thinking. To him you are nothing but a little cog in his grand design for his own political career. He knows people like you, yearning and wanting for recognition, not by your own personal achievement, but by your ascribed identity from birth - your culture, your ancestors, your language, your religion, your race, your look, your skin color.... You don't have to work to get recognition by those ascribed, as against achieved, identities. You just have to say: "I am Chinese-American and I deserve what this title gives to me by government, by numbers of votes, by guns, by power...." Sounds idiotic, lazy, mob-like, doesn't it?
I have long learned those who use labels to accuse others, such as "racism, homophobia, bias, oppression, imperialism," are often people who have heavily been tainted by those negative traits. Controlling others, not reflecting and improving themselves, is the main motivation for such creatures. Power by guns and numbers, just like the Chinese communist party-state, is the sole source of their belief system. Jay Chen is certainly such a creature. I hope you will not become such a creature. But from the way you talk, I don't have a lot of hope.
Jeffrey, I know that my English needs a lot of improvement. That inadequacy does not preclude me from judging others' inadequacy in the same realm. Using others' imperfection to justify and prolong one's erroneous thinking and behavior is one main feature of despotism/tyranny, and stupidity. This is why China's party-state can always use America's imperfection and Chinese nationalism to justify and prolong its own atrocious and murderous rule over its own population. You, unfortunately, fits perfectly as the tool for Marxism/Socialism/Despotism. Picking on others' imperfection as some kind justification will get you no where. Jay Chen's claim that other schools have the same Confucius Classroom will never justify his own intention to invite evil into this school district. Simply, others jumping over the cliff never should justify one's own act of suicide.
Jeffrey, you told me your family came from Taiwan. Yet I know many Mainlanders from Taiwan yearn for reunification with the Mainland China. Unity, not Liberty, characterizes many Chinese patterned thinking and behavior. Justice, freedom, human dignity, truth have never been parts of the Chinese language and vocabulary, no matter where they live. The Chinese speaking population in the world should deeply reflect on their despotic culture that has been plaguing them for centuries and centuries. The evil communist regime is only so adroit in using such a lack of reflection to solidify their tyrannic grip on people mind and spirit. I hope you learn more about the Chinese culture and the evil traits in such a culture.
Then again, I only hope something will happen in your life to jolt you back to your senses. The first step of your direction, as you just begin your life, is entirely wrong and dangerous. I hope you have not gone too far already to come back to liberty and human decency.
By the way, I have never had any interest in arguing for the argument's sake. If you have no better points other than wanting to win or looking like a winner, (or just being argumentative to prove your ability,) in front of your peers, I will not respond to your future posts.
Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
从与这个已被共产毒素侵害的、被陈介飞等学委操控的学生(Jeffrey)的对话中不难看出共产专制的毒素早已在毒害着美国(尤其是那些亚裔华裔)的学生们。 我只希望我们之间的对话是一些道德混乱的人们逐渐清醒过来。
Kai Chen's Words:
From my conversation with Jeffrey, a Chinese-American student (Hacienda La Puente School District) who supports "Confucius Classroom" program, under the control of the likes of Jay Chen (a ultra-leftist/Marxist School Board member), you can clearly see the extent of communist influence/poison upon American students in our schools. I hope this conversation serves to clear some people's heads, from their moral stupor and confusion.
My Conversation with a Student Proponent in My Blog
Jeffrey said...
Dear Mr. Chen,
Do you not find it peculiar how there are absolutely no student representation that is against the Confucius course? This is a new generation, and it is time to relinquish the irrational fear of communism and begin to understand that America is a diverse nation, a nation where individuals have the very right to believe in any political system they so choose, A nation where our land is offered as a sanctuary for those who are in search of economic success, security, and most importantly, freedom.
This freedom I so speak of is one that of which you have infringed upon through your adversive attacks targeted against the establishment of this course. As a resident of Hacienda Heights, and a current student in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, I find myself qualified to say that students are not as ignorant and tolerant as you have chosen to believe. Since you have shared a story with me about your life, it would only be fair if I told you a bit about my life--primarily when I was still a student at Cedarlane Middle School. Five years ago, when Cedarlane was only a middle school, I embarked on my adventure, along with other 6th grade student, ready to receive a higher-level education. To our surprise, this was not what we had expected. When in history class, it became apparent to us that the textbooks we so diligently studied with were clearly biased, portraying information that made America the grandiose of the countries in the world. In retrospect, our assertions were correct; America is not the perfect and powerful nation, as the diction used in the textbooks had us to believe—deception.
You stated at tonight’s district board meeting (September 23, 2010) that you are "against learning from anything without moral judgment."
I am not sure how current and up-to-date your knowledge of China is, but if you do plan on visiting, you will find a wide degree of moral judgment, whether it be educating students to become well-rounded individuals, or giving a handful of children who are living in poverty a foothold to receive the education needed to thrive in such a globally competitive world we live in today.
If your fear is that we, as students, will grow up without moral judgment, then I do advise you to not worry a bit. High school students in this district are required to read novels that open our minds to higher-level questions such as, "What is morality? What is truth?" Essays are based on the purpose of getting students to make a valid argument, which questions both sides of the story, rather than mediating bigoted and irrational opinion through the text with little to no support.
We have made up our decision, and it is reflected through the lack of students who are against this Confucius course. Do no forget, education is established for the students, in this case being us.
September 23, 2010 11:10 PM
Kai Chen 陈凯 said...
Dear Jeffrey:
From the way you presented yourself in the School Board meetings and the information I have retained about you (your intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally), using lack of knowledge and judgement to describe you is an understatement.
Diversity is never the goal of America. Freedom is. We are diverse not because we take diversity as a goal, but because all of us are seeking individual freedom in this great country. Diversity is only a result, never a stated/manufactured goal as some leftists in America misunderstand and misstate. Secondly, you and your group, with a constant contact with Jay Chen (Vice President of the School Board) under his instruction and order, are morally confused to say the least: Pleasing authority, not the truth, not God, not your own conscience, is the goal of you and your group. The fear of authority, especially Jay Chen and his cohorts on the School Board, is written all on your face. From the way you talk and write, the Marxist slogans and labels embedded in your language are all signs of brainwashing. I am just too familiar with it not to recognize it.
Jay Chen belongs to a ultra-leftist group in America (People for the American Way). He and his boss want to "fundamentally transform America", according to some Marxist utopian "Heaven on Earth", much like the Chinese communists and despots believe. You and your group, young and ignorant in their formative years, but with some political ambition to climb the social ladder, are easy prey for people like Jay Chen. I know this kind of mentality from youths like you. I was there myself.
You claim you and your group represent the students in Hacienda La Puente. This reflects your arrogance and a thorough lack of sense of reality. Your group is there because of the spell and control from Jay Chen and his likes. Some of you who talk in the meeting cannot even read a written statement in coherent fashion in English. Now you want to learn Chinese. I have pity on you. Some of you cannot even talk with a whole sentence and their eyes are always on their controller - Jay Chen and his girlfriend, and a group leader (hope you don't become a thug) like you, Jeffrey. Fear is their biggest motivation. So please drop your nonsense of "no student opponents".
Most students in the District are busy studying English and math. They don't have time and knowledge of the issue (communist atrocities and crimes against humanity in the world) to participate. That is understandable. It is only curious for me to see you and your group, herded by your protege - Jay Chen and your own eagerness to please authority and your ambition to climb social ladder. This phenomenon only solidifies my conviction of fighting the communist infiltration and contamination into America. The insidious scheme of "Confucius Classroom" is the same as that of American leftist/Marxist creatures - all in the name of politically correct "progress and diversity".
Hope one day you will wake up and finally find you actually are in a nightmare. Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen.
September 24, 2010 8:08 AM
Mr. Chen,
I'm glad you have finally come to realize that I am Chinese-American, rather than believing everybody in America is solely “American”.
First of all, you may want to check the information that you have retained about me, as I have not a tincture of familiarity with an "intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally".
I have come to realize that your allegations against us lack foundation and evidence, one of these allegations being that we are “controlled” by the district board member, Jay Chen. As students, we do not do things in order to "please authority"; you may be surprised that our actions are based on our conscience. To begin with, you stated that we are “ignorant” and are currently being "brainwashed" by Mr. Chen. May I ask where such an assumption came from? The last time I checked, carrying out a conversation with somebody does not cause one to be placed under the "spell" nor "control" of that person. Taking a closer look into your irrational belief of what may be true, I would not be surprised if such a mentality existed during the Salem Witch Trials or the Second Red Scare in America.
Not only that, but you stated “most students in the district [are] busy studying English and math." Let us not forget that there are other subjects that may lead towards an “ignorant” and “brainwashed” student, such as European History, American History, World History, Civics and Economics, Government, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. I hope you understand that with all these courses that are taught by California credentialed teachers, like Ms. Wong, students are exposed to a variety of bias, all of which is for the students themselves to decide and deem true.
We have decided to attend the district board meetings knowing full well that middle school students are being deprived of a higher-level education due to individuals such as yourself, who continue to preach with the same mentality of the many individuals during the Red Scare.
Again, I hope you understand that America is a melting pot of different cultures. You stated in a comment that "the School Board designated a student who couldn't even speak English right to lead the 'Pledge of Allegiance' as some kind of role model." The last time I checked, one did not need to be capable of speaking English fluently in order to pledge allegiance to their own country. To be honest, your English is not spoken fluently either, which makes it evermore ironic for you to make such a disrespectful and insulting comment—although I do not intend to restrict your freedom of speech.
Likewise, I hope you will one day wake up, and understand the mistake you have made in passing down this irrational hostility aimed towards China to our future generation. Although your speech is protected by the first amendment, your slanderous remarks does not do more than hurt your own reputation.
Take Care,
Jeffrey Tso
If I am mistaken about your intention to join Norman Hsu's China trip, I apologize. There must be another Jeffrey T from Wilson High School. Too bad there are just too many Jeffrey Ts or Kai Chens in the world of Chinese speaking population.
A thorough lack of knowledge about Chinese culture and Chinese Party-State marks most so called "Chinese Americans", especially the youths. Hyphenated titles for Americans are nothing but a trick from the left power-mongers for people controlled by their "group think". Too bad you belong to such a group. The very identity you assume for yourself determines the way you think - not for yourself as an individual, but as some kind of representatives of a group arrogantly and ignorantly, be it race, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, etc.
I know that you and your group of which you assume your own role as a leader, (under Jay Chen though,) regularly meet with Jay Chen in a shopping mall. I don't know in detail what he indoctrinates into you and your group. But from the way you talk, I know it is the Marxist/Socialist/Communist crap. Jay Chen never takes you as an individual with independent thinking. To him you are nothing but a little cog in his grand design for his own political career. He knows people like you, yearning and wanting for recognition, not by your own personal achievement, but by your ascribed identity from birth - your culture, your ancestors, your language, your religion, your race, your look, your skin color.... You don't have to work to get recognition by those ascribed, as against achieved, identities. You just have to say: "I am Chinese-American and I deserve what this title gives to me by government, by numbers of votes, by guns, by power...." Sounds idiotic, lazy, mob-like, doesn't it?
I have long learned those who use labels to accuse others, such as "racism, homophobia, bias, oppression, imperialism," are often people who have heavily been tainted by those negative traits. Controlling others, not reflecting and improving themselves, is the main motivation for such creatures. Power by guns and numbers, just like the Chinese communist party-state, is the sole source of their belief system. Jay Chen is certainly such a creature. I hope you will not become such a creature. But from the way you talk, I don't have a lot of hope.
Jeffrey, I know that my English needs a lot of improvement. That inadequacy does not preclude me from judging others' inadequacy in the same realm. Using others' imperfection to justify and prolong one's erroneous thinking and behavior is one main feature of despotism/tyranny, and stupidity. This is why China's party-state can always use America's imperfection and Chinese nationalism to justify and prolong its own atrocious and murderous rule over its own population. You, unfortunately, fits perfectly as the tool for Marxism/Socialism/Despotism. Picking on others' imperfection as some kind justification will get you no where. Jay Chen's claim that other schools have the same Confucius Classroom will never justify his own intention to invite evil into this school district. Simply, others jumping over the cliff never should justify one's own act of suicide.
Jeffrey, you told me your family came from Taiwan. Yet I know many Mainlanders from Taiwan yearn for reunification with the Mainland China. Unity, not Liberty, characterizes many Chinese patterned thinking and behavior. Justice, freedom, human dignity, truth have never been parts of the Chinese language and vocabulary, no matter where they live. The Chinese speaking population in the world should deeply reflect on their despotic culture that has been plaguing them for centuries and centuries. The evil communist regime is only so adroit in using such a lack of reflection to solidify their tyrannic grip on people mind and spirit. I hope you learn more about the Chinese culture and the evil traits in such a culture.
Then again, I only hope something will happen in your life to jolt you back to your senses. The first step of your direction, as you just begin your life, is entirely wrong and dangerous. I hope you have not gone too far already to come back to liberty and human decency.
By the way, I have never had any interest in arguing for the argument's sake. If you have no better points other than wanting to win or looking like a winner, (or just being argumentative to prove your ability,) in front of your peers, I will not respond to your future posts.
Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Our View: Hacienda La Puente school board makes right move 哈港学区的正确决定
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Our View: Hacienda La Puente school board makes right move
Posted: 09/16/2010 05:47:53 PM PDT - Pasadena Star News
FINALLY, some common sense comes out of the school board of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District about the so-called Confucius Classroom.
We're talking about a vote this week not to accept money from the People's Republic of China to pay for the program at Cedarlane Middle School.
It's the right decision, even if the board stopped short of jettisoning the program in its entirety.
This is a program funded by the one-party Communist dictatorship's People's Republic's Ministry of Education. The fear by many in the communiity is understandably that the program is a propaganda tool to teach a one-sided view of Chinese culture to U.S. school children.
No amount of "free" curricula that came with a teacher's aide from mainland China can justify this move that has angered parents, a former superintendent and other Chinese Americans who are fighting for civil rights against a regime for which that concept is anathema.
Still, allegations of brainwashing students are examples of hyperbole used in an activist campaign. But so is the proponents' claim "we're only doing this for the children" so they can learn Mandarin. There aren't other ways to learn Mandarin? The truth lies somewhere in between.
We agree with those opponents who said all of the program's teachers and aides should be American citizens, many of Taiwanese background, hired from the San Gabriel Valley. Surely the district can find locally qualified instructors and aides to hire; there are plenty of laid-off citizens who are bilingual and would appreciate the work.
There is no reason to cancel dual-immersion programs in which students learn in Chinese and in English. We support the district offering alternative learning opportunities as elective classes so long as parents have the choice to enroll their child or not. Solid educational practices demonstrated by the HLPUSD should continue.
But the board went too far in stubbornly pushing this imported program despite numerous objections from community members. The board's only defense - that other states and other schools (including some American universities and colleges) have imported the Confucius Classroom - wore thin. This community of Hacienda Heights and Industry did not like it. And guess what? The board is elected by this community to serve this community. It must listen to the community's objections and adjust programs accordingly, instead of forcing something unwanted down their throats.
Perhaps the board lost sight of that principle and needed a dose of humility. Perhaps that is why it took seven months to come to its senses. During that time, the once stellar district of HLPUSD endured bad publicity from across the country, from news programs and national comedy shows, all so the board can get some quick money to teach kids Mandarin, something the district has demonstrated it can do successfully without the Chinese government's help.
This kind of poor judgment on the part of the board has led to what Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka rightly called a distraction. We agree that she and her staff, as she told our reporter, should "make sure that we are keeping our eye on the ball and our eye should be on the students." That goes double for the board.
Our View: Hacienda La Puente school board makes right move
Posted: 09/16/2010 05:47:53 PM PDT - Pasadena Star News
FINALLY, some common sense comes out of the school board of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District about the so-called Confucius Classroom.
We're talking about a vote this week not to accept money from the People's Republic of China to pay for the program at Cedarlane Middle School.
It's the right decision, even if the board stopped short of jettisoning the program in its entirety.
This is a program funded by the one-party Communist dictatorship's People's Republic's Ministry of Education. The fear by many in the communiity is understandably that the program is a propaganda tool to teach a one-sided view of Chinese culture to U.S. school children.
No amount of "free" curricula that came with a teacher's aide from mainland China can justify this move that has angered parents, a former superintendent and other Chinese Americans who are fighting for civil rights against a regime for which that concept is anathema.
Still, allegations of brainwashing students are examples of hyperbole used in an activist campaign. But so is the proponents' claim "we're only doing this for the children" so they can learn Mandarin. There aren't other ways to learn Mandarin? The truth lies somewhere in between.
We agree with those opponents who said all of the program's teachers and aides should be American citizens, many of Taiwanese background, hired from the San Gabriel Valley. Surely the district can find locally qualified instructors and aides to hire; there are plenty of laid-off citizens who are bilingual and would appreciate the work.
There is no reason to cancel dual-immersion programs in which students learn in Chinese and in English. We support the district offering alternative learning opportunities as elective classes so long as parents have the choice to enroll their child or not. Solid educational practices demonstrated by the HLPUSD should continue.
But the board went too far in stubbornly pushing this imported program despite numerous objections from community members. The board's only defense - that other states and other schools (including some American universities and colleges) have imported the Confucius Classroom - wore thin. This community of Hacienda Heights and Industry did not like it. And guess what? The board is elected by this community to serve this community. It must listen to the community's objections and adjust programs accordingly, instead of forcing something unwanted down their throats.
Perhaps the board lost sight of that principle and needed a dose of humility. Perhaps that is why it took seven months to come to its senses. During that time, the once stellar district of HLPUSD endured bad publicity from across the country, from news programs and national comedy shows, all so the board can get some quick money to teach kids Mandarin, something the district has demonstrated it can do successfully without the Chinese government's help.
This kind of poor judgment on the part of the board has led to what Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka rightly called a distraction. We agree that she and her staff, as she told our reporter, should "make sure that we are keeping our eye on the ball and our eye should be on the students." That goes double for the board.
“国学”果然是一个阴谋 China Studies is a Scheme for the Communist Regime
China Studies is a Scheme for the Communist Regime
China Studies is a Scheme for the Communist Regime
Monday, September 20, 2010
Corruption in the Name of Culture 中国文化的实质是腐败 - 用文化名义散布腐败
专制文化与自由文化的区别在于: 自由文化将腐败作为腐败堕落去制裁;专制文化将腐败作为贤明智慧去褒扬。 将政府与先贤(而不是将God)作为道德的来源是中文系人们腐败的死结。
Kai Chen's Words:
The difference between a culture of freedom and a culture of despotism is such that in a culture of freedom, corruption is treated/viewed and punished as corruption, while in a culture of despotism, corruption is espoused/extolled and propagated as virtue and wisdom. Taking Not God,but government and ancestors as the origin of morality, is the origin of all evil in China.
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Corruption in the Name of Culture
中国文化的实质是腐败 - 用文化名义散布腐败
By Wu Zhong, China Editor
HONG KONG - Mengzi (372- 289 BC) is perhaps the second-greatest scholar in ancient China after Confucius (551-479 BC). One of the best-known quotations from Mengzi is, "Whatever the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly."
The original meaning was that if a superior official shows sincerity in observing li (rituals, roughly equivalent to moral code), then his subordinates would show even greater sincerity in doing so. But, the saying is also often quoted to mean the opposite: if a higher-ranking official has some bad habits, then his subordinates would love them even more.
And, if applied to modern China, the saying could be used to describe the common malpractice of local officials who twist policies from Beijing to serve their own interests. Like the old saw says, today's officials carry such policies out with so much excessive effort that, in fact, the original purpose is distorted.
A major target of Beijing's macro-economic control policy is to curb government investment in fixed assets. China's economic leaders see excessive investment as a cause for the overheating economy. However, it seems savvy local officials have found ways to get around the curb.
Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) show that fixed-asset investment in the country totaled 8.49 trillion yuan (US$1.24 trillion) in the first eight months of this year, up 27.4% from a year ago. By comparison, total fixed-asset investment in the whole of last year grew 24.8% to 13.72 trillion yuan.
One way local officials evade Beijing's curb on investment is to make developments in the name of "cultural renaissance". To fill the ideological vacuum left after abandoning orthodox Marxist and Maoist dogmas, Chinese leaders - including President Hu Jintao and his predecessor Jiang Zemin - have encouraged the search for a new moral code for Chinese culture.
Quite a few scholars have made big money by writing books and giving lectures on reinterpretations of Chinese classics. Some local governments, however, have seen the cultural renaissance campaign as a prime opportunity to increase their spending on infrastructure projects.
In fact, some local officials have made great efforts to dig up anything of historical significance within their jurisdiction so that they could develop the surrounding area in the name of commemoration.
As reported, Shandong province planned to build a huge Chinese Cultural Symbolic City in Confucius' hometown in northern Shandong, which would cost at least 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) according to estimated budget in 2004 (Stumbling towards Confucius-ville, Asia Times Online, March 20, 2008.)
Shandong's city of Linyi is the home town of Wang Xizhi (303-361 AD), known as the greatest Chinese calligrapher in history. A few years ago, the Linyi city government spent 100 million yuan to rebuild Wang's home as a tourist attraction. Last month, the city government announced it had begun the construction of a 200,000 square meter "City of Chinese Calligraphy". But it stopped short of saying how much it would cost.
Well-known Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi (772-842 AD) was a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. But he was once appointed as an official in Hexian county in Anhui province, where he wrote a famous poem about his shabby room. Now Hexian, a relatively poor place, plans to invest 10 million yuan to rebuild Liu's once-shabby lodging.
According to a traditional Chinese belief, there was a hell where everyone went after death to face judgment from the King of Hell, or Yanluo. Those who had led moral lives were sent for rebirth as human beings. Immoral people were tortured and then reborn as animals.
The Chinese classic, Journey to the West, has a vivid description how the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, created a tremendous uproar in hell by beating up guards and officials of King Yanluo. Folklore has it that this hell is in Fengdu, also known as the City of Ghosts, which now is under the jurisdiction of Chongqing municipality.
Tourists who take a Three Gorges boat trip downstream from Chongqing are likely to visit the Temple of King Yanluo in Fengdu on the way. Chongqing municipal government has just announced a 650 million yuan renovation of the City of Ghosts.
Southern Guangdong province once held a barbarous reputation in Chinese history. But now Shenzhen, a modern city built on paddy fields over just the past three decades, wants to build a Laozi Cultural Park on the city's Wutong Hill.
Laozi, the founder of Taoism, lived in the 6th century BC. It is highly doubtful he had ever been to Guangdong, let alone Shenzhen. But now a tourism company in Shenzhen claims that Wutong Hill is one of the 36 most sacred Taoist sites in history. Today, there is nothing but green trees on the hill (which is known as the "city lung" of industrial Shenzhen) and the company wants to invest 900 million yuan to transform the area into a Laozi park.
Because the economy in Shenzhen is more market-oriented, it is suspected that the city government wants, via the company, to start property development projects in the Wutong Hill area. All in the name of Laozi.
All these cases have at least a tenuous, albeit in Shenzen's case far-fetched, connection to China's cultural past. But in other areas, if nothing related to cultural heritage can be found, it has done little to thwart the plans of developers. Some local officials have even begun "celebrating" modern cultural landmarks.
Well-known contemporary writer Yu Qiuyu (born in 1946), a native from Qiaotou township in Cixi city in Zhejiang province, lives and works in Shanghai. But the municipality of Qiaotou has announced it will seek approval to name the house where Yu spent his childhood as a cultural relic - despite the fact that Yu is still alive. If the proposal is granted, Qiaotou township could get funding for the protection of the cultural relic and to build relevant facilities.
Local officials are eager to launch such projects because they have the potential to boost the gross domestic product (GDP) of their respective areas. They are also eager to leave tangible accomplishments during their terms in office; many simply want to be remembered.
These are just a few cases exposed by Chinese media in past weeks. It can be assumed that there are similar cases across the country. To an extent, such construction projects in the name of cultural renaissance jeopardize Beijing's macro-control policy. The malpractice also greatly distorts Beijing's intention for a national revival of the arts and a celebration of China's rich history.
Meanwhile, as local governments seek funds to build so-called cultural sites they are neglecting funding for education. Alongside local promises to erect tourist attractions are unfortunate reports about defaults on teachers' salaries and of children dropping out of schools because their families cannot afford to pay.
For a true cultural renaissance, China needs to produce contemporary thinkers, philosophers, artists, scientists and scholars. For this, education is a must. Without educated talents, there can be no cultural renaissance, regardless of how many historical and cultural sites are rebuilt.
(Copyright 2008 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)
专制文化与自由文化的区别在于: 自由文化将腐败作为腐败堕落去制裁;专制文化将腐败作为贤明智慧去褒扬。 将政府与先贤(而不是将God)作为道德的来源是中文系人们腐败的死结。
Kai Chen's Words:
The difference between a culture of freedom and a culture of despotism is such that in a culture of freedom, corruption is treated/viewed and punished as corruption, while in a culture of despotism, corruption is espoused/extolled and propagated as virtue and wisdom. Taking Not God,but government and ancestors as the origin of morality, is the origin of all evil in China.
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Corruption in the Name of Culture
中国文化的实质是腐败 - 用文化名义散布腐败
By Wu Zhong, China Editor
HONG KONG - Mengzi (372- 289 BC) is perhaps the second-greatest scholar in ancient China after Confucius (551-479 BC). One of the best-known quotations from Mengzi is, "Whatever the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly."
The original meaning was that if a superior official shows sincerity in observing li (rituals, roughly equivalent to moral code), then his subordinates would show even greater sincerity in doing so. But, the saying is also often quoted to mean the opposite: if a higher-ranking official has some bad habits, then his subordinates would love them even more.
And, if applied to modern China, the saying could be used to describe the common malpractice of local officials who twist policies from Beijing to serve their own interests. Like the old saw says, today's officials carry such policies out with so much excessive effort that, in fact, the original purpose is distorted.
A major target of Beijing's macro-economic control policy is to curb government investment in fixed assets. China's economic leaders see excessive investment as a cause for the overheating economy. However, it seems savvy local officials have found ways to get around the curb.
Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) show that fixed-asset investment in the country totaled 8.49 trillion yuan (US$1.24 trillion) in the first eight months of this year, up 27.4% from a year ago. By comparison, total fixed-asset investment in the whole of last year grew 24.8% to 13.72 trillion yuan.
One way local officials evade Beijing's curb on investment is to make developments in the name of "cultural renaissance". To fill the ideological vacuum left after abandoning orthodox Marxist and Maoist dogmas, Chinese leaders - including President Hu Jintao and his predecessor Jiang Zemin - have encouraged the search for a new moral code for Chinese culture.
Quite a few scholars have made big money by writing books and giving lectures on reinterpretations of Chinese classics. Some local governments, however, have seen the cultural renaissance campaign as a prime opportunity to increase their spending on infrastructure projects.
In fact, some local officials have made great efforts to dig up anything of historical significance within their jurisdiction so that they could develop the surrounding area in the name of commemoration.
As reported, Shandong province planned to build a huge Chinese Cultural Symbolic City in Confucius' hometown in northern Shandong, which would cost at least 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) according to estimated budget in 2004 (Stumbling towards Confucius-ville, Asia Times Online, March 20, 2008.)
Shandong's city of Linyi is the home town of Wang Xizhi (303-361 AD), known as the greatest Chinese calligrapher in history. A few years ago, the Linyi city government spent 100 million yuan to rebuild Wang's home as a tourist attraction. Last month, the city government announced it had begun the construction of a 200,000 square meter "City of Chinese Calligraphy". But it stopped short of saying how much it would cost.
Well-known Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi (772-842 AD) was a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. But he was once appointed as an official in Hexian county in Anhui province, where he wrote a famous poem about his shabby room. Now Hexian, a relatively poor place, plans to invest 10 million yuan to rebuild Liu's once-shabby lodging.
According to a traditional Chinese belief, there was a hell where everyone went after death to face judgment from the King of Hell, or Yanluo. Those who had led moral lives were sent for rebirth as human beings. Immoral people were tortured and then reborn as animals.
The Chinese classic, Journey to the West, has a vivid description how the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, created a tremendous uproar in hell by beating up guards and officials of King Yanluo. Folklore has it that this hell is in Fengdu, also known as the City of Ghosts, which now is under the jurisdiction of Chongqing municipality.
Tourists who take a Three Gorges boat trip downstream from Chongqing are likely to visit the Temple of King Yanluo in Fengdu on the way. Chongqing municipal government has just announced a 650 million yuan renovation of the City of Ghosts.
Southern Guangdong province once held a barbarous reputation in Chinese history. But now Shenzhen, a modern city built on paddy fields over just the past three decades, wants to build a Laozi Cultural Park on the city's Wutong Hill.
Laozi, the founder of Taoism, lived in the 6th century BC. It is highly doubtful he had ever been to Guangdong, let alone Shenzhen. But now a tourism company in Shenzhen claims that Wutong Hill is one of the 36 most sacred Taoist sites in history. Today, there is nothing but green trees on the hill (which is known as the "city lung" of industrial Shenzhen) and the company wants to invest 900 million yuan to transform the area into a Laozi park.
Because the economy in Shenzhen is more market-oriented, it is suspected that the city government wants, via the company, to start property development projects in the Wutong Hill area. All in the name of Laozi.
All these cases have at least a tenuous, albeit in Shenzen's case far-fetched, connection to China's cultural past. But in other areas, if nothing related to cultural heritage can be found, it has done little to thwart the plans of developers. Some local officials have even begun "celebrating" modern cultural landmarks.
Well-known contemporary writer Yu Qiuyu (born in 1946), a native from Qiaotou township in Cixi city in Zhejiang province, lives and works in Shanghai. But the municipality of Qiaotou has announced it will seek approval to name the house where Yu spent his childhood as a cultural relic - despite the fact that Yu is still alive. If the proposal is granted, Qiaotou township could get funding for the protection of the cultural relic and to build relevant facilities.
Local officials are eager to launch such projects because they have the potential to boost the gross domestic product (GDP) of their respective areas. They are also eager to leave tangible accomplishments during their terms in office; many simply want to be remembered.
These are just a few cases exposed by Chinese media in past weeks. It can be assumed that there are similar cases across the country. To an extent, such construction projects in the name of cultural renaissance jeopardize Beijing's macro-control policy. The malpractice also greatly distorts Beijing's intention for a national revival of the arts and a celebration of China's rich history.
Meanwhile, as local governments seek funds to build so-called cultural sites they are neglecting funding for education. Alongside local promises to erect tourist attractions are unfortunate reports about defaults on teachers' salaries and of children dropping out of schools because their families cannot afford to pay.
For a true cultural renaissance, China needs to produce contemporary thinkers, philosophers, artists, scientists and scholars. For this, education is a must. Without educated talents, there can be no cultural renaissance, regardless of how many historical and cultural sites are rebuilt.
(Copyright 2008 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)
Friday, September 17, 2010
罗纳德. 米勒赞荐陈凯“四大要素”Ron Miller on Kai Chen's "Four Essentials"
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Four Essentials
Article Link: http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/four-essentials.html
罗纳德. 米勒赞荐陈凯“四大要素”
Ron Miller on Kai Chen's "Four Essentials"
罗纳德. 米勒博客 Ron Miller Blog:
罗纳德. 米勒 Ron Miller Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/TeamRonMiller?ref=mf
Facebook Comment by Ron Miller: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000684355823
Ron Miller Comments:
My friend Kai Chen is a Chinese immigrant who came to America with practically nothing, worked at a fast food restaurant, got his degree from UCLA, and is now a successful businessman. He is also a tireless advocate for America and its values. I embrace the words and deeds of someone who knows the difference between tyranny and liberty, as opposed to these limousine liberals and their sycophants, who've never tasted true oppression and embrace some of the world's most evil regimes over their own homeland. Try exercising your rights in a Muslim nation, or Venezuela, and you'll know true oppression - if you're allowed to live.
罗纳德. 米勒评陈凯宣扬美国价值:
我的朋友陈凯是一个从中国大陆来美的移民。 他刚来美国的时候身无分文,在餐馆打过工,后来在UCLA政治科学系毕业,现在是一个颇为成功的商业人士。 他也激情不倦地弘扬着美国的价值与精神。 我完整地拥抱陈凯的言行与价值,因为他是懂得自由与专制本质的人。 那些自我陶醉的、驾着豪华车的、美国左派的富翁们是不会懂得一个曾在专制极权下生活过的向往自由的人的心态的: 他们甚至不惜丢掉灵魂去拥抱那些专制极权政体,并无耻地漫骂他们居住的自由美国。 他们应到那些穆斯林国度,或委内瑞拉去住住看。 可能那会儿他们才能懂得什么是压迫与非人的生活。
Four Essentials
Link: http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/four-essentials.html
纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。 个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。 世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。 世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。 --- 陈凯
Kai Chen's Words:
If you study all the societies in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive, the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government, and English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements. Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom, prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country has and is willing to acquire these four essentials.
* Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness
* Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
* Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
* English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
I list these four essentials of a progressive society for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.
Let us examine these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress:
1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness:
On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence, without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity.
2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
To interpret Ayn Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny; truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will triumph over misery and suffering.... By focusing on today's human behavior under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.
3. Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
Separation of power, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured.
4. English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
Compared with other languages, English language lacks the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots, French roots.... It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.
The four essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and post your own opinions here on my forum.
Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯
Four Essentials
Article Link: http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/four-essentials.html
罗纳德. 米勒赞荐陈凯“四大要素”
Ron Miller on Kai Chen's "Four Essentials"
罗纳德. 米勒博客 Ron Miller Blog:
罗纳德. 米勒 Ron Miller Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/TeamRonMiller?ref=mf
Facebook Comment by Ron Miller: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000684355823
Ron Miller Comments:
My friend Kai Chen is a Chinese immigrant who came to America with practically nothing, worked at a fast food restaurant, got his degree from UCLA, and is now a successful businessman. He is also a tireless advocate for America and its values. I embrace the words and deeds of someone who knows the difference between tyranny and liberty, as opposed to these limousine liberals and their sycophants, who've never tasted true oppression and embrace some of the world's most evil regimes over their own homeland. Try exercising your rights in a Muslim nation, or Venezuela, and you'll know true oppression - if you're allowed to live.
罗纳德. 米勒评陈凯宣扬美国价值:
我的朋友陈凯是一个从中国大陆来美的移民。 他刚来美国的时候身无分文,在餐馆打过工,后来在UCLA政治科学系毕业,现在是一个颇为成功的商业人士。 他也激情不倦地弘扬着美国的价值与精神。 我完整地拥抱陈凯的言行与价值,因为他是懂得自由与专制本质的人。 那些自我陶醉的、驾着豪华车的、美国左派的富翁们是不会懂得一个曾在专制极权下生活过的向往自由的人的心态的: 他们甚至不惜丢掉灵魂去拥抱那些专制极权政体,并无耻地漫骂他们居住的自由美国。 他们应到那些穆斯林国度,或委内瑞拉去住住看。 可能那会儿他们才能懂得什么是压迫与非人的生活。
Four Essentials
Link: http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/four-essentials.html
纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。 个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。 世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。 世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。 --- 陈凯
Kai Chen's Words:
If you study all the societies in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive, the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government, and English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements. Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom, prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country has and is willing to acquire these four essentials.
* Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness
* Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
* Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
* English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
I list these four essentials of a progressive society for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.
Let us examine these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress:
1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness:
On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence, without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity.
2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
To interpret Ayn Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny; truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will triumph over misery and suffering.... By focusing on today's human behavior under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.
3. Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
Separation of power, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured.
4. English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
Compared with other languages, English language lacks the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots, French roots.... It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.
The four essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and post your own opinions here on my forum.
Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
“求同存异”vs. “求真助异灭邪恶”“Pursuing Unity” vs. “Pursuing Truth”
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
“求同存异”vs. “求真助异灭邪恶”
“Pursuing Unity” vs. “Pursuing Truth”
陈凯 Kai Chen 9/15/2010 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
“只有(追求)真实才能使你自由”(“Only Truth Shall Set You Free.”)。 基督的铭言奠定了人类道德的指南,导致了世界从人吃人的恶性漩涡中解放了出来,走上了漫长曲折的但由于道德方向与绝对价值的指引而不断进步的2010年。 可是在中文系文化的人群中,人们仍旧停滞在“求同存异”、“不患寡患不均”的专制文化心态中。 专制的“求同”而贬“求真”、“求均”而贬“价值”、“求统”而贬“道德方向”的群体心态不光导致了人的奴化、儒化、鬼化、虚无化,也是今日中共党奴朝维系其政权伪合法性的基点与万金油。
我在一些反共的媒体上常常看到、听到这些由于中文本身的专制特质与中文系人们被习惯的专制词汇奴役而产生的病态语言,如“大家”、“百姓”、“民族”、“弱势群体”、“公平”、“大同”等等。 “求同存异”与“不患寡患不均”等腐儒共产口号也常常被人们无意识地或下意识地挂在口头。 对绝大多数的中文系人们来说: 存在的就是合理的,传统的就是应被继承的,真实与正义并不是被上苍(神)与其本身鉴定的而是被多数人、被传统与祖宗造出的习惯文化、被强权与枪杆子决定的。
用专制的语言词汇与专制的概念去将自己从奴役中解脱出来犹如“揪发助飞”一样,是一个自欺欺人的蠢行。 我在“最佳社会的四大要素”(个体价值、基督精神、联邦宪政、英文语言)(Four Essentials - Individualism, Christianity, Constitutional Federalism/Republic and English Language) 一文中所阐述的“起飞”的自由人与自由社会所必备的基本条件绝不是凭空而造的。 没有自身产生能量的“发动机”(个体)、没有燃烧所必需的“氧气”、“光”与“方向仪”(基督精神)、没有翅膀机翼(联邦宪政)、没有燃料(英文语言),那些奢望着自由幸福而不愿付出代价的、善走捷径而误入歧途的人们只能在做着“画饼充饥”的美梦中,在寻求由吸食古代与现代专制者们精心炮制的“精神白面与鸦片”所产生的幻觉高潮中,在被虐与虐人的奴性的“斯德哥尔摩症”的朝代循环中无望与绝望地苟存下去。 在“自杀他杀”的“绝望崖”下,中文系的人们像“活死人”一样世世代代地遵循着孔儒的反“道德万有引力”的“只要你一跳起来就可以飞”的蠢人、懒人、伪人的伪逻辑: 那“绝望崖”下堆满了中文系人们的尸骨。 然而,人们不断地告诫着自己(那些拿着鞭子敦促他们跳崖的主子们也不断地呼吁着他们)“我们没有飞起来并不是因为我们的祖宗们没有发现“道德的万有引力”并因此发明了飞机;我们没有飞起来只是因为我们跳崖的姿势还不完美;只有我们心诚并尊崇祖宗的教诲,总有一天我们会飞起来”。 那崖下的尸骨由此越堆越高、、。
无怪乎中共政权的每次危机都可以在中文系人群中的“求同求均求统求祖”中找到共鸣与维系其统治的民族主义、种族主义的排外狂热而缓解。 “保钓鱼岛运动”、反美反日(尽管美日是自由社会)、返古复祖弘扬中华、孔子学院课堂、反台独藏独、爱国教会、等等都是中共党奴朝极为有效的、鞭笞人们跳下“绝望崖”的、抱住专制集权的良方妙药。
“求同”伪价值是与“求真”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求均”的伪价值是与“求创造”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求统”的伪价值是与“求自由”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求脸面”的伪价值是与“求尊严”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求爱国爱民族”的伪价值是与“求正义”的真价值背道而驰的。 用反价值与伪价值去反对共产专制有如用HIV去治疗艾滋病,有如用白面鸦片去治疗脑残,有如用砒霜去治疗血毒症。
走入“个体价值,基督精神,联邦宪政与英文语言”的四大要素去“求真、求自由、求正义、求尊严、求创造、求真实道德与价值”绝不是可以用“走捷径”的“揪发助飞”来实现完成的。 通向自由与幸福的路是真实的、曲折的、漫长的和要付出重大代价的。 但通向自由与幸福的路的方向只有一个、也是你可以在一秒钟就可以决定的。 你要是真的想飞起来,那你一定要遵循上苍(神)的“道德万有引力”,用你艰辛的努力去创造与运用飞起来的必要条件:飞行器、指南针、发动机、光与氧、导向盘与纯的燃料。 “作奴作主”还是“作自由人”, “在绝望的陀螺中永远旋转下去”还是“勇敢地在未知的海洋中向希望进发”,选择是你的,责任是你的,代价也必须是你自己要付的。
请记住: 这世界上没有任何其它的存在能比真实的自由与幸福使你感到振奋、感到价值与成就、感到希望与创造、感到爱与永恒。
“求同存异”vs. “求真助异灭邪恶”
“Pursuing Unity” vs. “Pursuing Truth”
陈凯 Kai Chen 9/15/2010 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
“只有(追求)真实才能使你自由”(“Only Truth Shall Set You Free.”)。 基督的铭言奠定了人类道德的指南,导致了世界从人吃人的恶性漩涡中解放了出来,走上了漫长曲折的但由于道德方向与绝对价值的指引而不断进步的2010年。 可是在中文系文化的人群中,人们仍旧停滞在“求同存异”、“不患寡患不均”的专制文化心态中。 专制的“求同”而贬“求真”、“求均”而贬“价值”、“求统”而贬“道德方向”的群体心态不光导致了人的奴化、儒化、鬼化、虚无化,也是今日中共党奴朝维系其政权伪合法性的基点与万金油。
我在一些反共的媒体上常常看到、听到这些由于中文本身的专制特质与中文系人们被习惯的专制词汇奴役而产生的病态语言,如“大家”、“百姓”、“民族”、“弱势群体”、“公平”、“大同”等等。 “求同存异”与“不患寡患不均”等腐儒共产口号也常常被人们无意识地或下意识地挂在口头。 对绝大多数的中文系人们来说: 存在的就是合理的,传统的就是应被继承的,真实与正义并不是被上苍(神)与其本身鉴定的而是被多数人、被传统与祖宗造出的习惯文化、被强权与枪杆子决定的。
用专制的语言词汇与专制的概念去将自己从奴役中解脱出来犹如“揪发助飞”一样,是一个自欺欺人的蠢行。 我在“最佳社会的四大要素”(个体价值、基督精神、联邦宪政、英文语言)(Four Essentials - Individualism, Christianity, Constitutional Federalism/Republic and English Language) 一文中所阐述的“起飞”的自由人与自由社会所必备的基本条件绝不是凭空而造的。 没有自身产生能量的“发动机”(个体)、没有燃烧所必需的“氧气”、“光”与“方向仪”(基督精神)、没有翅膀机翼(联邦宪政)、没有燃料(英文语言),那些奢望着自由幸福而不愿付出代价的、善走捷径而误入歧途的人们只能在做着“画饼充饥”的美梦中,在寻求由吸食古代与现代专制者们精心炮制的“精神白面与鸦片”所产生的幻觉高潮中,在被虐与虐人的奴性的“斯德哥尔摩症”的朝代循环中无望与绝望地苟存下去。 在“自杀他杀”的“绝望崖”下,中文系的人们像“活死人”一样世世代代地遵循着孔儒的反“道德万有引力”的“只要你一跳起来就可以飞”的蠢人、懒人、伪人的伪逻辑: 那“绝望崖”下堆满了中文系人们的尸骨。 然而,人们不断地告诫着自己(那些拿着鞭子敦促他们跳崖的主子们也不断地呼吁着他们)“我们没有飞起来并不是因为我们的祖宗们没有发现“道德的万有引力”并因此发明了飞机;我们没有飞起来只是因为我们跳崖的姿势还不完美;只有我们心诚并尊崇祖宗的教诲,总有一天我们会飞起来”。 那崖下的尸骨由此越堆越高、、。
无怪乎中共政权的每次危机都可以在中文系人群中的“求同求均求统求祖”中找到共鸣与维系其统治的民族主义、种族主义的排外狂热而缓解。 “保钓鱼岛运动”、反美反日(尽管美日是自由社会)、返古复祖弘扬中华、孔子学院课堂、反台独藏独、爱国教会、等等都是中共党奴朝极为有效的、鞭笞人们跳下“绝望崖”的、抱住专制集权的良方妙药。
“求同”伪价值是与“求真”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求均”的伪价值是与“求创造”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求统”的伪价值是与“求自由”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求脸面”的伪价值是与“求尊严”的真价值背道而驰的。 “求爱国爱民族”的伪价值是与“求正义”的真价值背道而驰的。 用反价值与伪价值去反对共产专制有如用HIV去治疗艾滋病,有如用白面鸦片去治疗脑残,有如用砒霜去治疗血毒症。
走入“个体价值,基督精神,联邦宪政与英文语言”的四大要素去“求真、求自由、求正义、求尊严、求创造、求真实道德与价值”绝不是可以用“走捷径”的“揪发助飞”来实现完成的。 通向自由与幸福的路是真实的、曲折的、漫长的和要付出重大代价的。 但通向自由与幸福的路的方向只有一个、也是你可以在一秒钟就可以决定的。 你要是真的想飞起来,那你一定要遵循上苍(神)的“道德万有引力”,用你艰辛的努力去创造与运用飞起来的必要条件:飞行器、指南针、发动机、光与氧、导向盘与纯的燃料。 “作奴作主”还是“作自由人”, “在绝望的陀螺中永远旋转下去”还是“勇敢地在未知的海洋中向希望进发”,选择是你的,责任是你的,代价也必须是你自己要付的。
请记住: 这世界上没有任何其它的存在能比真实的自由与幸福使你感到振奋、感到价值与成就、感到希望与创造、感到爱与永恒。
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Anti-Commie Activist Kai Chen Claims Victory in Confucius Classroom Spat 陈凯击败孔学堂
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Anti-Commie Activist Kai Chen Claims Victory in Confucius Classroom Spat
By Matt Coker, Mon., Sep. 13 2010 @ 5:20PM - Orange County Weekly
Categories: School Daze
Kai Chen may not have got the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda to remove its life-size statue Mao Tse-Tung, but the Los Angeles-based, Chinese-American activist and others are claiming victory in their spat with the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District.
District officials last week announced that they will not accept money from the Chinese government to fund a Chinese language and culture program known as "Confucius Classroom."
Kai Chen and daughter Alex in 2005.
"We won," Chen writes in a message to the Weekly. "But the fight continues, for nearly 50 such programs in the US funded by the Chinese government, only a very few encountered opposition and protest."
He continues: "But at least this victory serves to be an example for those concerned parents, teachers, school officials to take action to [get] rid of the insidious program."
Nearly 40 Confucius Classroom programs are up and running in the U.S., according to the Chinese government's Language Council International, or Hanban.
The school board voted 4-1 in January to accept $30,000 a year from Hanban for a Confucius Classroom at Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights.
Chen and other foes of China's communist regime blasted the program then and continued to apply pressure at subsequent trustee meetings, claiming Confucius Classrooms are designed to brainwash impressionable young American minds.
The district has decided to keep the program but cut off the commie funds because the issue was becoming a distraction, the Hacienda schools superintendent has reportedly said.
Textbooks and other Hanban-supplied materials will still be used after a district committee screens them.
Anti-Commie Activist Kai Chen Claims Victory in Confucius Classroom Spat
By Matt Coker, Mon., Sep. 13 2010 @ 5:20PM - Orange County Weekly
Categories: School Daze
Kai Chen may not have got the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda to remove its life-size statue Mao Tse-Tung, but the Los Angeles-based, Chinese-American activist and others are claiming victory in their spat with the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District.
District officials last week announced that they will not accept money from the Chinese government to fund a Chinese language and culture program known as "Confucius Classroom."
Kai Chen and daughter Alex in 2005.
"We won," Chen writes in a message to the Weekly. "But the fight continues, for nearly 50 such programs in the US funded by the Chinese government, only a very few encountered opposition and protest."
He continues: "But at least this victory serves to be an example for those concerned parents, teachers, school officials to take action to [get] rid of the insidious program."
Nearly 40 Confucius Classroom programs are up and running in the U.S., according to the Chinese government's Language Council International, or Hanban.
The school board voted 4-1 in January to accept $30,000 a year from Hanban for a Confucius Classroom at Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights.
Chen and other foes of China's communist regime blasted the program then and continued to apply pressure at subsequent trustee meetings, claiming Confucius Classrooms are designed to brainwash impressionable young American minds.
The district has decided to keep the program but cut off the commie funds because the issue was becoming a distraction, the Hacienda schools superintendent has reportedly said.
Textbooks and other Hanban-supplied materials will still be used after a district committee screens them.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Hacienda La Puente Unified gives up on Chinese funding for Confucius Classroom 哈岗学委会放弃中共资金与教师
圖:例行會議上的哈崗學區教委。左起:Rudy Chavarria,張金生,徐乃星,陳介飛,Anita Perez和學區總監中岡(Barbara Nakaoka)。(攝影:劉菲/大紀元)
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
虽然这一仗以正义的人们的胜利而结束,保卫美国的自由与人类的终极价值不被污染与腐蚀的战争仍在每一个人的身边,在每一分钟进行着。 我希望我们每一个人保持着那个坚定的信念: 正义永远会战胜邪恶 - 因为正义只有一个敌人 - 邪恶; 而邪恶却永远有两个敌人 - 正义与邪恶本身。
Kai Chen's Words:
Although we, the freedom loving folks, have won this battle, the war to safeguard freedom and American values from corruption and degradation continues. It continues every moment in our lives, in everyone's soul. I hope all of us are firm in our faith/belief: Good will always triumph over evil, for good only has one enemy - evil, while evil has two enemies - good and evil itself.
Hacienda La Puente Unified gives up on Chinese funding for Confucius Classroom
By Maritza Velazquez, Staff Writer
Posted: 09/10/2010 04:54:37 PM PDT
- After months of emotional debate that made national headlines, Hacienda La Puente Unified school officials Thursday night announced that they would not accept money from the Chinese government to fund its Chinese language and culture program, although it will still operate a program under the name "Confucius Classroom."
The issue was becoming a distraction, said Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka.
"What I wanted to do is make sure that we are keeping our eye on the ball and our eye should be on the students," she said.
The Chinese Language Council International, or Hanban, would have provided $30,000 a year to fund the program at Cedarlane Middle School. The money would come from China's government and would have funded curriculum and a teacher's aid for one classroom.
Board members voted 4-1 to approve the agreement with the Hanban in January.
A group of area residents were furious at the move, saying that a communist country should not have a hand in educating children in the United States.
Opponents for months aggressively sought to persuade the district to cut ties with with Hanban because of concerns that it would brainwash kids with Communist ideals.
The tone at board meetings has been contentious as audience members often jeered speakers and board members, raising concerns about tolerance and racism.
The district has responded by reading its policy regarding etiquette during public comment and included an additional security guard during the meetings.
The hubbub led to the fight making headlines, and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" featured the issue in June.
Board member Jay Chen said he was disappointed that there was such a big opposition in the community, especially since other districts use the same program.
"We are trying to do the best to serve our students," he said. "Unfortunately we are the only community where this outrage has erupted."
There are nearly 40 Confucius Classroom programs in the United States, according to the Hanban's Web site.
The district will still use textbooks and other materials provided by the organization after a committee screens them, Nakaoka said.
The process will take a month or so, she said.
A Chinese language and culture program was in existence at the Hacienda Heights campus before the agreement, officials said.
Those opposed to the program were happy to hear the news. But they want more attention drawn to the influence China has in the educational community and other parts of American culture.
"This brief battle ended, but the war continues," said Kai Chen, an activist and Los Angeles resident.
Chen said the concerns have nothing to do with race.
"Tolerance does not mean tolerance of evil," he said.
626-962-8811 626-962-8811 , ext. 2718
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
虽然这一仗以正义的人们的胜利而结束,保卫美国的自由与人类的终极价值不被污染与腐蚀的战争仍在每一个人的身边,在每一分钟进行着。 我希望我们每一个人保持着那个坚定的信念: 正义永远会战胜邪恶 - 因为正义只有一个敌人 - 邪恶; 而邪恶却永远有两个敌人 - 正义与邪恶本身。
Kai Chen's Words:
Although we, the freedom loving folks, have won this battle, the war to safeguard freedom and American values from corruption and degradation continues. It continues every moment in our lives, in everyone's soul. I hope all of us are firm in our faith/belief: Good will always triumph over evil, for good only has one enemy - evil, while evil has two enemies - good and evil itself.
Hacienda La Puente Unified gives up on Chinese funding for Confucius Classroom
By Maritza Velazquez, Staff Writer
Posted: 09/10/2010 04:54:37 PM PDT
- After months of emotional debate that made national headlines, Hacienda La Puente Unified school officials Thursday night announced that they would not accept money from the Chinese government to fund its Chinese language and culture program, although it will still operate a program under the name "Confucius Classroom."
The issue was becoming a distraction, said Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka.
"What I wanted to do is make sure that we are keeping our eye on the ball and our eye should be on the students," she said.
The Chinese Language Council International, or Hanban, would have provided $30,000 a year to fund the program at Cedarlane Middle School. The money would come from China's government and would have funded curriculum and a teacher's aid for one classroom.
Board members voted 4-1 to approve the agreement with the Hanban in January.
A group of area residents were furious at the move, saying that a communist country should not have a hand in educating children in the United States.
Opponents for months aggressively sought to persuade the district to cut ties with with Hanban because of concerns that it would brainwash kids with Communist ideals.
The tone at board meetings has been contentious as audience members often jeered speakers and board members, raising concerns about tolerance and racism.
The district has responded by reading its policy regarding etiquette during public comment and included an additional security guard during the meetings.
The hubbub led to the fight making headlines, and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" featured the issue in June.
Board member Jay Chen said he was disappointed that there was such a big opposition in the community, especially since other districts use the same program.
"We are trying to do the best to serve our students," he said. "Unfortunately we are the only community where this outrage has erupted."
There are nearly 40 Confucius Classroom programs in the United States, according to the Hanban's Web site.
The district will still use textbooks and other materials provided by the organization after a committee screens them, Nakaoka said.
The process will take a month or so, she said.
A Chinese language and culture program was in existence at the Hacienda Heights campus before the agreement, officials said.
Those opposed to the program were happy to hear the news. But they want more attention drawn to the influence China has in the educational community and other parts of American culture.
"This brief battle ended, but the war continues," said Kai Chen, an activist and Los Angeles resident.
Chen said the concerns have nothing to do with race.
"Tolerance does not mean tolerance of evil," he said.
626-962-8811 626-962-8811 , ext. 2718
Monday, September 6, 2010
US China Policies - A Discussion with a Friend 与朋友讨论美对中政策
China's Threat to Free World 中共党朝对自由世界的威胁
US China Policies - A Discussion with a Friend
Please note that some of this material is Copyright (c) 2010 by Howard Hyde, All Rights Reserved. -- Kai Chen
Indeed, China and US are not in a open cold-war as USSR and US. Yet the need of the US officials, from Bush to Clinton, to cower China's favor for political purposes with the way they conveyed this sick/pathetic need from an illegitimate communist regime is beyond moral comprehension, beyond what a free country like US - the leader of the free world is supposed to have behaved.
I bet FDR never denounced Japan (in a moral sense) openly before Pearl Harbor. US only quietly sanctioned Japan over the issues such as Manchuria occupation. Such behavior from US will always be seen as weakness in the eyes of tyranny. Morally denouncing despotisms/tyrannies in the world is an unshakable responsibility, even duty, for the US to manifest the purpose of this great country. Yet, such manifestation is entirely missing in recent decades. Economic interest in the US somehow overwhelms her moral responsibility. How many times have you heard Presidential candidates openly espouse the value of Freedom and human dignity in the last couple of elections, since Ronald Reagan?
This is what my message to America:
America's wealth has never come from her pursuit of wealth. America's wealth only comes when she focuses on Freedom for individuals in the world. Bill Gates becomes wealthy not because he single-mindedly pursuits money, but because he pursues his own interest and passion (Freedom). More than anything today in America, Freedom needs to be espoused and the values America stands for needs to be loudly spread around the world. The US Presidents' first and foremost responsibility is not some economic schemes to put more money in people's pockets. Their first and foremost responsibility is to be moral giants in the world to advance human freedom. Material wealth is only the result of such a manifestation of great moral purpose, never the goal of any US government under any president. (ie, Limited government is never an economic scheme to expand US economy. Limited government is a moral responsibility of a free country.)
Since Ronald Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama have all failed miserably in their disregard of their foremost moral responsibility as leaders of the free world. This is exactly why we are facing such unprecedented crisis - a moral crisis to the core, today.
I hope I have made myself abundantly clear on my points. Best wishes to you and your family. Kai Chen
(Hope you don't mind my forwarding this message to everyone, for this point must be understood in today's America.)
In a message dated 9/5/2010 10:56:49 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
Howard writes:
I believe you are mostly correct. In formulating, garnering electoral support for and executing policy, leaders must not only be correct; they must be effective.
If a US President of any party (Republican, Democrat or Bull Moose) came out today and denounced China as the ‘Evil Empire’ the way Ronald Reagan did the Soviet Union in the 80’s, he would be jeered off the stage by members of his own party. Democrats tried to do that to Reagan and failed, but even Republicans are not currently ready to go with such a hard-line condemnation today.
What might be effective, while being adequately offensive to the chinese regime, would be such actions as declaring (and backing up with action) our unwavering support for our friends in such places as Tibet and Taiwan, and to give full diplomatic relations to the same.
Remember Theodore Roovelt’s (leader of the Bull Moose Party) dictum: ‘walk softly and carry a big stick’. The ‘walk softly part’ is barrier-free and open trade to the extent that that is possible. The ‘big stick’ part is the will and ability to confront China on any geo-political expansionist ambitions, and to hold the line on our own interests and principles.
I do not believe that the ‘walk softly’ weakens us or compromises our position at all. To the extent China is co-dependent with us in the peaceful ways of commerce, the less likely a major conflict is to explode. It’s not a guarantee, but a significant influence in a positive direction.
While China is one threat from outside, the greater immediate threat to America today comes from politicians like Obama, Reid and Pelosi who are hell-bent on converting us into an emasculated bunch of nanny-state wards, while spending every printed dollar in sight. We won’t have the wealth, strength or will to stand up to evil in any context if we destroy ourselves from within. That can’t be blamed directly on China.
Below are some facts and stats I’m am drafting for inclusion in my chapter on free trade and globalization, as it pertains specifically to China. Please let me know which points you disagree with.
20% of humanity lives in China, and trade with China constitutes 15% of all US foreign trade. The USA spends about 2% of its GDP on goods imported from China; $260 billion in consumer goods and $60 billion in industrial goods. Two-thirds of that are products designed in the US, manufactured in Japan, Gernany, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and/or the US, and finally assembled, at the end of the chain, in China. Think Apple iPod.
The percentage of the world’s population living in ‘absolute’ poverty ($1.25/day or less) has decreased from over 50% in 1981 to 25% in 2005. Before the modern capitalist era started 260 years ago, that percentage was 90% or more. In China, 600 million people have climbed out of absolute poverty in the last 30 years.
American companies employ 10 million workers outside of the United States. Fewer than 5% are in China; an equal number are in Germany, a country with 1/17th the population of China.
Meanwhile, manufacturing output – productivity – increased by about 60%. We’re making more stuff, producing more value, with fewer people, just as we did in agriculture in past generations.
America (or put another way, 250 thousand American companies aggregated) is the world’s #1 exporter. We make stuff. The Top 10 by value are high-end products like semiconductors, civilian aircraft, vehicle parts and accessories, passenger cars, industrial machines, pharmaceutical preparations, telecommunications equipment, organic chemicals, electric apparatus and computer accessories. That’s about $380 billion’s worth there; even more stuff accounts for twice again as much. Not too shabby for a country that ‘doesn’t make anything anymore’.
When imports go up, so do exports. When imports go down, so do exports. Anti-trade / pro-protective tariff theory predicts the opposite.
Price discrimination, like charging different prices for tickets to occupy the same movie theatre seats to adults, seniors, children and students, is a perfectly economically rational and legal practice. Yet when a foreign company sells in the US market below average cost, we call it ‘dumping’, call the international police and slap fines on the ‘criminals’. Someone please tell BMW I would like a 2011 740iL ‘dumped’ in front of my garage with the key in the ignition and a blue bow on top. In return I promise: 1) I’ll send a check for $100 to satsify the ‘below average cost’ requirement (including shipping, handling and gift-wrapping), and 2) I won’t sue or lobby my congressman for a redress of grievance.
The US Congress approved permanent normal trade relations with China in 2000. Trade has grown 23% anually since then, twice as fast as before, and four times faster than trade with other countries.
The US, with 5% of the world’s population, produces 21% of the world’s output, 2.5 times as much as China, a country 4 times as populous.
Trade with China increased 5-fold in 11 years, from $60 billion in 1996 to $300 billion in 2007. China is definitely America’s fastest-growing trading partner, by a factor of more than two and a half; it is the fourth largest customer (they BUY stuff from us) behind the EU, Canada and Mexico (a.k.a. the NAFTA villains).
China tends to provide lower-tech, labor-intensive services; that is its comparative advantage to the high-tech, capital-intensive mode of the US and other more advanced countries.
90+ percent of products imported from China are consumer electronics: personal computers, CD/DVD/media players, cell phones etc.
Reducing our trade with China by slapping protective or ‘national security/sovreignty’ tariffs on imports from China will not make us richer, safer, more secure or less likely to enter into conflict with China or any other rival.
There have been cases of defective or dangerous products being imported, in particular from China, like lead in toys. But this is not a trade problem, and it is not unique to China or any other country. There have been samonella, E. coli bacteria and other contaminants found in American products in recent years. Health and safety regulators have to be vigilant regardless of where products come from.
American de-industrialization does not threaten our national security, because it does not exist.
China’s central bank is the single largest foreign owner of US Treasury Bonds; $600 billion in 2008. That’s about 15% of the US debt, and six one-hundredths of one percent of the value of all US assets. The dependency created by this investment position is a two-way street; the more invested China is in the US economy, the less incentive it has to cause it harm. Still unacceptable? OK, then let’s buy the bonds back (a forced transaction which by definition makes us poorer) so that they can’t dump the bonds on the market, forcing us to buy them back. Let’s pre-empt the situation by doing with certainty to ourselves what we fear (with low real probability) them doing to us. Then explain how that makes us more prosperous and secure.
Best regards,
P.S. Happy Labor Day!
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:18 AM,
Kai Chen wrote:
Moral clarity with moral courage to confront evil is a must. If we want to deal effectively with China, we must be clear about the illegitimacy and the criminal nature of the Chinese communist regime. Reagan once put USSR in its place by defining the nature of the regime - Evil Empire.
China is the current Evil Empire. But I find very few Americans have the courage and clarity to define such a regime. The US is selling China the rope to hang herself. Only by knowing this fact and reality, effective policies can be designed to counter the increasing menacing China threat. Someone must come out to define China as the "Sworn Enemy of Freedom". The cold war has never ended as some US intellectuals believe. The war from Islam and from the Chinese has always been going on. Only the US does not want to recognize it, with fear that such recognition will be a self-fulfilled prophecy. But the reality will not change, regardless what US is doing or not doing.
I can give you some suggestions about economic policies toward China. But they will be futile without such a definition of the regime's nature. That is why I am doing everything in my power to wake up American public to the nature of the Chinese regime - a criminal party-state aimed to enslave humanity.
Free market capitalism is not working if your trading partner is never free to begin with. You end up with a perverted market that only benefits the powerful party elite in China. And their first task is to use the newly gained economic power to diminish US influence in the world, in order to maintain their own power. Defining China as what it is, by facts and by reality, is crucial. Everything is only secondary. I can design a million strategies to deal with China, but with out political will to confront reality I am only wasting my breath.
Thanks for your questions though. It is always appreciated. Best. Kai Chen
In a message dated 8/20/2010 8:20:56 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, howard.a.1c writes:
Thanks Kai,
This is all very good information. If I could trouble you for a few more bullets, please give me 5-10 each specific economic/trade policy points as well as geo-political/military/foreign policy points you would give if you were advising Congress, the president and/or the citizens of the US. Or put another way, what are your practical recommendations for the State, Commerce and Defense departments as to how we should deal with China?
By the way have you seen this movie?
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 8:25 AM,
Kai Chen wrote:
Thanks Howard for the question.
China has not changed whatsoever in term of its oppressive and despotic nature. Chinese lives are better today not because the regime is really for human beings. Human lives are better today because of technological progress such as internet and the instinct of the regime to protect and preserve its own power and privileges.
The Chinese way of preserving despotism is a little different from others. It aims to castrate human beings of their will, courage and ability to think and act on their own, using not just guns but narcotics and hallucinogens, much like voodoo witches. It is partly due to its cultural remnants which are not based on logic and rationality but on rituals from an imperial order. Confucianism is based on such an order and an illogical Chinese character-based syllabic language. Communism survives longer in China, because of such a language and such an illogical and irrational culture. China basically has no history, for the history is written by the power elite and for the power elite. The culture of China is such that people tend not to learn anything at all from their own history. Endless, vicious dynastic cycles are the only result.
Today's China is only another dynasty under the title of communism. Tomorrow's China may yet be the same under a different name. Without individual freedom and a strong Christian faith, China may never pull itself out of the vertex of dynastic despotism. To use a temporary material gain to measure progress in China is a huge mistake. Things can come and go, but eternal ideals represented by America for the world and humanity will remain. I do have the belief that world history is directional, not cyclic - from the collective to the individual, from irrational to the rational, from voodoo tricks to true faith, from slavery to freedom....
About distribution: China is not a capitalistic economy, not as many here in America believe. China is a bureaucratic mercantilism. Material betterment in society is not for human beings, but for the government's power gain/grab. Wealth distribution through a capitalistic system is the only just system, for it is through God's invisible hands. Any other way through human agencies to distribute wealth is unjust and will never sustain itself, as in the case Obama administration perpetrates on American people. Playing God is the worst way for one to destroy human freedom.
The points I sent you earlier are just some from the top of my head. Some may be redundant. If you will we can meet sometimes to discuss all the issues, American and the world. Best to you and your family. Give a big hug for me to Nonie. America needs people like her and Wafa now, in light that they want to build a mosque at ground zero. All despotisms are the same: Islamists want to use "religious freedom" to gain a foothold to destroy such a freedom in the world/America. Chinese communists want to use "cultural diversity" to implement "Confucius Institutes/classrooms" in the world/America to legitimize despotism/tyranny. They all have a political agenda - to gain power by guns, violence, deceptions, perversions and castration of humanity. Best. Kai Chen
In a message dated 8/18/2010 10:21:40 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, howard.a.1c writes:
Thank you so much Kai,
I will consider all of these points carefully.
Can you comment specifically on Most Favored Nation trading status and what it means for China and for the US? Do you think that China is really no better, no more humane today than it was 20 or 30 years ago? Is the distribution of wealth as unjust now as it was then?
On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 4:31 PM,
Kai Chen wrote:
I just sent you a good article, "Living without Freedom in China". Now I will answer your question to the best of my ability. I may not list 20 threats. But I will list most serious ones.
Threats from China:
1. Ideological threat to Western concept of freedom/democracy with a free market capitalism:
Because most people in the world don't have a faintest notion about living under a Confucian despotism coupled with a communist bureaucratic infrastructure, China now corrupts most of the countries in the world with its own version of development - a total control of the population's mindset with information distortion, brainwash, nationalism and a fast growing economy under a despotic mercantilism. Dehumanization of the population into zombies who depend on devouring each other is a necessary result.
2. The threat of internal instability due to accumulation of moral debt from the Chinese government to its own people:
No one has ever answered to 80 million Chinese being murdered and Tiananmen Square Massacre. History is fake in China and the communist regime depends on lies at every corner of changing tide to hold power. With no moral fibers that is necessary in any society to hold people together, guns and coercion become the only means to retain and stabilize power by the communist regime. No one can depend on adrenaline rush to live a life. Sooner or later it will wear out and the fissure and unrest will come. In China such an unrest will be unprecedented in the world history and the entire world should brace for its arrival.
3. Military threat: China spends un-proportionate among on it military spending:
Its aim is not so much to dominate the world, but to stabilize its own population. People and the government have always been enemies since the ancient time, for no Chinese governments have ever had any legitimacy. Resorting to nationalism against US and the West has always been used by the communist regime in times of uncertainty and instability. Korean, Taiwan, India and South Chine Sea are all potential flash spots.
4. Poisonous products, defected products due to counterfeiting, contagious diseases due to pollution of water and land pose another serious threat to the world:
Fast growth to stabilize the population that is simmering with discontent and anger is a top priority for the Chinese authority. As a result, extreme environmental damage is deepening with each day passed. Humans are not humans in China but tools for the government. Such a wicked culture will spread with the Chinese products around the world.
5. As China accumulates more and more foreign currency, it will use the leverage to seek more influence in the world, with the poor countries seeing China as an alternative model of development to the West:
China has already effectively defeated Human Rights argument, using UN's many poor countries votes. Many poor countries with their own despotic government will use China as a pacifier to their own restless population. Freedom for individuals is thus serious threatened. Human dignity is inevitably put on hold.
6. Infiltration of the Chinese despotism into the West and US poses another serious threat:
Confucius institutes and classrooms popped up everywhere in the world. China boasts 1,000 such establishments in the world by 2020. Dangling money to the West public schools what lack funds proves to be irresistible to many. These establishments have effectively become the breeding ground for the Chinese government to identify corruptible foreign officials and potential China supporters in the infiltrated governments. Spying is only a natural outgrowth of such a development.
7. Economic, military, political espionage has already inundated most of the world by China:
Piracy and counterfeiting have already become China's cultural traits. Most Chinese overseas live in isolated social environment and Chinese government knows how to use such an isolation to control these overseas Chinese, ie. Most Chinese student associations in the US college campuses are funded and controlled by the Chinese Consulate General. After they graduate, they are easy prey for the Chinese government for recruitment to spy.
8. China is the biggest source of moral corruption in the world:
After the Chinese government determine certain foreign businessmen or government officials as beneficial to the communist regime, it will find a way to invite them to China. Dinging and wining and women will be offered and red carpet will be rolled out. Most Western government officials have never seen such ego-booster. They will come home emulating what the Chinese government is doing and yearn for the same power over its own people. Most leftists in the West and US secretly struggle to attain the same kind despotic power over the people, having been lavished over by the Chinese.
9. Energy grab and natural resources control pose another serious threat to the world by the Chinese government:
China has no moral constrain (not like the US) in doing business with the most brutal regimes in the world. Therefore China has a leg up to beat the US and the West in its energy grab and natural resources control. Darfur is only one such example.
10. Assimilation with moral corruption (using human weaknesses) has always been the Chinese' most potent weapon:
Quite a few dynasties in China were from foreign land. But they all end up assimilated and corrupted by the Chinese culture. I wonder now with a lot of money in the Chinese regime's hands, that assimilation and corruption will be brought to the entire world.
OK Howard. I think 10 threats are already quite handful for the world to deal with. Without a strong Christian faith (weakened by the leftists in recent years in the West and America), I can see the Chinese may well succeed in Zombifying the entire planet. Not a pleasant scenario. Best. Kai Chen (I didn't proof-read my message, forgive me.)
In a message dated 8/15/2010 9:54:28 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
Howard writes:
I am drafting my chapter on international trade, and I need some insight re: China. I've received a lot of emails from you and we have spoken on a few occasions about this. But I wonder if you could summarize the top 10 to 20 challenges or threats that you believe China poses to the West in general and the US in particular. What are the implications of 'most favored nation' trading status for China?
Here are a few economic statistics I dug up (maybe you can add to this list):
20% of humanity lives in China, and trade with China constitutes 15% of all US foreign trade.
· The USA spends about 2% of its GDP on goods imported from China; $260 billion in consumer goods and $60 billion in industrial goods. Two-thirds of that are products designed in the US, manufactured in Japan, Gernany, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and/or the US, and finally assembled in China. Think Apple iPod.
· American companies employ 10 million workers outside of the United States. Fewer than 5% are in China; an equal number are in Germany, a country 17 times smaller.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Which is the real threat? Terrorism or China? 中共党奴-真正的对美威胁
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Which is the real threat? Terrorism or China?
(Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972. His columns are today read in both English and Russian. To learn more about Mr. Navrozov's work with the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies)
Four facts pertaining to the People's Republic of China, as Mao named his China in 1949, suggest Mao's China's conquest of the world:
(1) The population of China is 1 billion 300 million, that is, one billion people more than, for example, the population of the United States.
(2) The rulers of the post-1949 China have the unlimited possibilities to convert its population of 1 billion 300 million people, minus little children and sick adults, into top-level military officers and creators of advanced weapons.
(3) China has sympathizers such as President Obama in the United States and some Muslims in other countries. The fight against the so-called racist policies and attempts to anticipate "terrorist attacks" with which the governments of France, Britain, the United States, and some other Western countries are preoccupied only serve to divert the countries' attention and resources from China's aggressive behavior.
At this point it is perhaps worthwhile to ask why so many people who come to this country, for example, attach such great importance to their "national origins." The sad fact is that many people have nothing to be interested in: they are spiritually naked, so to speak. Great artists, poets, and musicians have their living interests in their vocations. But many people have nothing to preoccupy themselves with spiritually. My advice to them is to learn the official language of the country to which you came to live, like English in the United States, and enjoy your native language at home.
The development of post-nuclear superweapons in China such as molecular superweapons is steady, relentless, and growing in scale in accordance with Chinese dictators' will and money. It is anything but suicidal. On the contrary, it is to safeguard, via world domination, the dictators' absolute power, along with their wealth and longevity.
The behavior of the Western political establishment is suicidal for the West. But this will be a quiet, harmless suicide. As the Chinese military authors of "Unrestricted Warfare" (Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui) conjectured, the United States will perish "not with a rumble, but a snicker."
Can a "terrorist attack" be possibly anticipated? And how would you know if someone is plotting an attack? This has always been a problem. I cannot help recalling one Russian satirical piece of the nineteenth century: The police chief says that his subordinates should pay special attention to apprehending "terrorists," in contrast to hate murderers in general. "But how would we know who is who?" he was asked. "Easy!" explained the police chief, "The terrorists wear Greek hats."
Nowadays the problem does not seem to be as simple as it was for the Russian police chief of old. Unlimited resources and time are being spent in search for "terrorists." And as is well known, the "suicidal terrorist" strikes according to his/her own design. To quote Dostoyevsky, "Suicidally inclined person is the freest individual on earth. He craves no wealth and fears no legal retribution, for he has sentenced himself to death."
One of my readers noted in his e-mail to me: "…So I just want to say that I enjoy reading your articles, for they are very thought-provoking, and at least I am not now the only person that sees China for what it is and the danger it poses to the West as we feed the dragon. …"
(4) The Western view that the People's Republic of China is or recently was a "big village" overlooks the facts. (Some of these facts I listed in my earlier columns.) For example, China anticipated Newton's mathematics and physics. The PRC's global conquest will probably begin with its neighbor Russia, whose rulers are terrified by the PRC. If Russia is conquered by the PRC, China will get hold of Russian enormous natural resources and will thereby strengthen its military potential even further in its unstoppable advance to grab the entire world.
The countries that do not wish to be converted by the PRC into graveyards or into its perfect slave-state appendages must form a World Union of Global Defense against the PRC. The free countries must stop China in its tracks while still there is time.
All that the "war on terrorism" demonstrates is that the mental level of the Western political establishment, including the mainstream media, is so low that the West as it is today is not fit to survive the annihilation by post-nuclear superweapons being developed in China since 1986.
The destiny of the world is being decided NOW. The past of global civilization and its future are at stake. The Nazi wars would pale in comparison with what the PRC would inflict upon the world.
Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at 1c. To learn more about and support his work at the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, click here. If you intend to make a tax-exempt donation to the non-profit Center, please let us know via e-mail at 1c, and we will send you all relevant information. Thank you.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Which is the real threat? Terrorism or China?
(Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972. His columns are today read in both English and Russian. To learn more about Mr. Navrozov's work with the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies)
Four facts pertaining to the People's Republic of China, as Mao named his China in 1949, suggest Mao's China's conquest of the world:
(1) The population of China is 1 billion 300 million, that is, one billion people more than, for example, the population of the United States.
(2) The rulers of the post-1949 China have the unlimited possibilities to convert its population of 1 billion 300 million people, minus little children and sick adults, into top-level military officers and creators of advanced weapons.
(3) China has sympathizers such as President Obama in the United States and some Muslims in other countries. The fight against the so-called racist policies and attempts to anticipate "terrorist attacks" with which the governments of France, Britain, the United States, and some other Western countries are preoccupied only serve to divert the countries' attention and resources from China's aggressive behavior.
At this point it is perhaps worthwhile to ask why so many people who come to this country, for example, attach such great importance to their "national origins." The sad fact is that many people have nothing to be interested in: they are spiritually naked, so to speak. Great artists, poets, and musicians have their living interests in their vocations. But many people have nothing to preoccupy themselves with spiritually. My advice to them is to learn the official language of the country to which you came to live, like English in the United States, and enjoy your native language at home.
The development of post-nuclear superweapons in China such as molecular superweapons is steady, relentless, and growing in scale in accordance with Chinese dictators' will and money. It is anything but suicidal. On the contrary, it is to safeguard, via world domination, the dictators' absolute power, along with their wealth and longevity.
The behavior of the Western political establishment is suicidal for the West. But this will be a quiet, harmless suicide. As the Chinese military authors of "Unrestricted Warfare" (Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui) conjectured, the United States will perish "not with a rumble, but a snicker."
Can a "terrorist attack" be possibly anticipated? And how would you know if someone is plotting an attack? This has always been a problem. I cannot help recalling one Russian satirical piece of the nineteenth century: The police chief says that his subordinates should pay special attention to apprehending "terrorists," in contrast to hate murderers in general. "But how would we know who is who?" he was asked. "Easy!" explained the police chief, "The terrorists wear Greek hats."
Nowadays the problem does not seem to be as simple as it was for the Russian police chief of old. Unlimited resources and time are being spent in search for "terrorists." And as is well known, the "suicidal terrorist" strikes according to his/her own design. To quote Dostoyevsky, "Suicidally inclined person is the freest individual on earth. He craves no wealth and fears no legal retribution, for he has sentenced himself to death."
One of my readers noted in his e-mail to me: "…So I just want to say that I enjoy reading your articles, for they are very thought-provoking, and at least I am not now the only person that sees China for what it is and the danger it poses to the West as we feed the dragon. …"
(4) The Western view that the People's Republic of China is or recently was a "big village" overlooks the facts. (Some of these facts I listed in my earlier columns.) For example, China anticipated Newton's mathematics and physics. The PRC's global conquest will probably begin with its neighbor Russia, whose rulers are terrified by the PRC. If Russia is conquered by the PRC, China will get hold of Russian enormous natural resources and will thereby strengthen its military potential even further in its unstoppable advance to grab the entire world.
The countries that do not wish to be converted by the PRC into graveyards or into its perfect slave-state appendages must form a World Union of Global Defense against the PRC. The free countries must stop China in its tracks while still there is time.
All that the "war on terrorism" demonstrates is that the mental level of the Western political establishment, including the mainstream media, is so low that the West as it is today is not fit to survive the annihilation by post-nuclear superweapons being developed in China since 1986.
The destiny of the world is being decided NOW. The past of global civilization and its future are at stake. The Nazi wars would pale in comparison with what the PRC would inflict upon the world.
Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at 1c. To learn more about and support his work at the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, click here. If you intend to make a tax-exempt donation to the non-profit Center, please let us know via e-mail at 1c, and we will send you all relevant information. Thank you.
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