Andrew Klavan's great words on Price of Liberty vs. Benefit of Liberty need to be heard all over the world, especially now. The idea of individual liberty is an American idea, leaving all other competing ideas behind in the dust. My life as exhibited in "My Way" is a living proof of the ultimate triumph of such an idea. --- Kai Chen
安德鲁.克来文的美妙的、对自由的代价与自由的无价的评论是全世界热爱自由的人们都应该常常听到的并视为勉励与警讯的,特别是现在。 个体自由是一个独特的美国的理念。 这一理念也将其他任何人类所曾产生与遵循的伪理念抛在真实的后面。 我的一生,就像视频“我的路”所揭示的,就是这一伟大理念的具体实证。 --- 陈凯
September 10th, 2009 6:53 am
Andew Klavan on Youtube:
如美国的建国者们所知: 拥抱自由的理念就意味着放弃其他貌似崇高的伪理念。 如果你真的向往自由,你就不可能追求财富均等,因为自由会暴露人的才能,努力与运气的不均等。 如果你真的向往自由,你就不可能有财政收入上的安定感, 因为自由竞争会使有的企业成功、有的企业失败。 如果你真的向往自由,你就不可能得到永久的和平,因为自由会暴露人性中的败坏,会使有的人压迫损害其他人;由此那些邪恶的压迫他人的人必须被用强力制服。
虽然自由的代价是相当大的,自由的宝贵则是无价的。 自由使我们每一个人品尝他生命本源的意义、选择他自身的美德、搜寻他自己的真实信仰。 自由将我们每一个人所理解的领域的门豁然打开,因为在宇宙中没有比独立的、没有干扰的头脑与他人的交流更能使智慧的源泉涌流。 自由为我们每一个人开拓了通往真实自我认同与真实的爱的旅途。 自由使人懂得:每一个人都是独特的与不能替代的。
Transcription of Youtube Video:
Great Words: Andrew Klavan on 9/11 and Liberty 安德鲁.克来文 (评论)
Honoring September 11th: The Price of Liberty is Great; the Gifts of Liberty Priceless
“Hi, this is Andrew Klavan on the culture.
It’s been eight years since September 11, 2001, the day 19 terrorists murdered some 3,000 human beings on American soil. The murderers were moved to commit their atrocity by an idea—the idea of jihad, which they understood as a Muslim’s obligation to fight against non-believers.
Ideas are interesting things. Like our creator, like the souls he creates, ideas are known to us only by physical means but have no physical presence themselves. They’re not the brain chemistry that conceives them or the words that express them. In fact, while our ideas take the shape of our humanity and our cultural moment, they have a reality and power that transcend both.
Like all real things, ideas have qualities, characteristics. There are true ideas and false ones, practical and impractical, good ideas and bad. According to their qualities, ideas exert a force on human action. A man may be kindly and honest in his personal dealings and yet, gripped by a bad idea like jihad or communism, he may commit acts of dreadful savagery without even recognizing them for what they are. Conversely, a man of a million personal flaws, may rise to greatness by discovering, adopting or promoting a good idea like the sanctity of the individual.
Ideas create a tension between themselves and our behavior—and the resolution of that tension can set the very course of history. Our nation, for instance, once tore itself violently apart because its practice of slavery couldn’t co-exist forever with its principle of liberty.
That – liberty – is the great American idea: the idea that each and every person is fashioned by God with an inherent right to determine his own actions, pursue his own concept of happiness and enjoy the fruit of his own labor. So powerful was this idea in the era of our founding that people chose to risk and even sacrifice their lives in order to give the idea of liberty physical incarnation on American soil.
As our founders knew, embracing the idea of liberty means leaving other attractive ideas behind. You can’t be free, for instance, and all equal, because, set free, some people will excel due to talent or determination or luck. You can’t be free and have guaranteed financial security because some free enterprises will fail while others succeed. And you can’t be free and perpetually at peace because it’s in the nature of some people to dominate others and such people must often be defeated by force.
翻译如上段落:如美国的建国者们所知: 拥抱自由的理念就意味着放弃其他貌似崇高的伪理念。 如果你真的向往自由,你就不可能追求财富均等,因为自由会暴露人的才能,努力与运气的不均等。 如果你真的向往自由,你就不可能有财政收入上的安定感, 因为自由竞争会使有的企业成功、有的企业失败。 如果你真的向往自由,你就不可能得到永久的和平,因为自由会暴露人性中的败坏,会使有的人压迫损害其他人;由此那些邪恶的压迫他人的人必须被用强力制服。
The price of liberty is great but the gifts of liberty are priceless. Liberty allows each of us to attempt his best destiny, his virtues freely chosen, his faith freely found. Liberty opens the doors of every field to our greatest understanding, because there is no force for wisdom so powerful as an unfettered and independent mind in open interchange with others. Liberty paves the pathway to the fullest realization of our identities, our lives, and our loves, each his own.
虽然自由的代价是相当大的,自由的宝贵则是无价的。 自由使我们每一个人品尝他生命本源的意义、选择他自身的美德、搜寻他自己的真实信仰。 自由将我们每一个人所理解的领域的门豁然打开,因为在宇宙中没有比独立的、没有干扰的头脑与他人的交流更能使智慧的源泉涌流。 自由为我们每一个人开拓了通往真实自我认同与真实的爱的旅途。 自由使人懂得:每一个人都是独特的与不能替代的。
It’s been eight years since 19 men in the grip of a bad idea did terrible evil in its name. On this day as at that hour, our idea, our great idea of liberty is under attack. It’s under attack from without by villains who would enslave us by force, and from within by fools who would enslave us softly with misguided promises of equality, financial security and endless peace.
Ideas are interesting things. Like our creator, like the souls he creates, they can, when rightly conceived, lead us even through hellfire to the beautiful and the good. And yet they have no physical presence. They live on earth only insofar as we embody them and only for as long as we are willing to defend them with all the courage and wisdom we can find.
On September 11, 2009, this is Andrew Klavan on the culture.”
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