Thursday, December 12, 2024

From Nixon to Trump - Moral Nihilism's Triumph over Good vs. Evil

From Nixon to Trump - Moral Nihilism's Triumph over Good vs. Evil  
By Kai Chen     12/12/2024


On October 1, 2009, I and some of my friends staged a protest in front of the Nixon Presidential Library against a Mao statue in its "World Leaders" exhibit section.  I termed the protest "World Murderer - never a World Leader" to highlight Nixon's moral nihilism in his admiration of Mao - the biggest mass murderer in human history.  LA Times reported the event with the first page article entitled "The Past Haunts Richard Nixon Library".  The moral nihilism of Richard Nixon is unmistakably clear - He is a Mao admirer.  No wonder Nixon's definition of a great man is "one who wills the change in the world".  By that definition, Hitler and Stalin and the murderous dictators throughout history all fit in as "great men".  (Can one truly be great without being GOOD first?) 

Now fast forward to today, Trump has just announced that he is going to invite Xi Jinping to his presidential inaugural ceremony, eager to please and legitimize "the great leader of the Chinese nation/people" in his eyes.  (Too bad Trump could not invite Putin and Kim because of their direct actions in the Ukraine War.)  The nauseating odor of moral nihilism is put on display in a big and unprecedented way in American political and presidential history.  The unspeakably ugly irony is that what defines a legitimate government is "government by the consent of the governed".  With that definition, we have some moral clarity between a democratically elected one and the one "by the muzzle of a gun only".  Yet today in America, we still have a legitimate government by the election and the consent of the governed, except we have elected a convicted criminal into the White House who does not believe there is such thing as Good vs. Evil, right vs. wrong, truth vs. falsehood, justice vs. injustice....  "Are we that innocent?" was Trump's reply to the fact that Putin is a proven murderer of the innocent both domestically and internationally.  In the Donald's eyes, there is no such thing as goodness and moral conduct.  There is only what one can get away with in one's pursuit of money, power and self-interests without any moral constrains.  America now has thus become NOT a force for good in the world, but just another power to make deals with other powers, regardless the source of their legitimacy, to divide the world by spheres of influence.  America is no more exceptional with a divine moral purpose to lead the world from despotism toward freedom.  America is just a mundane dirty nation like all the others in the world, worrying only about its material interests and living space in a ruthless struggle of a zero-sum game.  

Xi Jinping knows very well about such a nihilistic zero-sum game.  He knows very well that the Chinese communist regime is never a legitimate government by the consent of the governed.  He knows very well that his regime is a criminal regime with blood dripping from every pore of its body.  He knows very well that Mao's definition of a normal government is a government by guns and violence against its own people.  He knows very well that his government which has murdered millions upon million in China and in the world can be toppled in a second when his own people wake up to his government's atrocities and decide not to take it anymore....  So Xi's propaganda to brainwash the Chinese population is no longer like Mao's or the Soviet Union's - our communist system is better than the capitalist system in the West.  His propaganda now is the same as the Donald's - No one is innocent and we are all evil.  So choose between our evil and their evil.  There is no such thing as Good vs. Evil.  There is only a zero-sum game of strong vs. weak, powerful vs. powerless, enemy vs. friend, us vs. them, the ones who is clever enough to get away with wrong doing vs. the ones who is stupid enough to get caught....  So Trump, in a hurry, invites another criminal to his inauguration, not only to legitimize Xi, but to poke a finger into the eyes of those who still believe in human decency and morality of right and wrong by shouting on top of his lungs "now come to the new world of, by, for Donald Trump".  The old world of moral and decent America has died.  There is no such thing as a government of, by and for the people.  It is an illusion.  The new world of Donald Trump has dawned on us - a world of money and power and momentary pleasure as he had enjoyed with Jeffery Epstein on his rape island.  

A legitimate government by a fair and just election to have elected a criminal who does not believe in any moral conduct and human decency - this is what we face today in America - a paradox and a dangerous precedent set squarely against the world we used to know - a world with a moral guidance and principles from above and from inside of a person's soul.  Are we all becoming moral nihilists - zombified creatures with no joy, no sense of justice, no soul, no hope toward future but seeking blood and flesh from the person next to ourselves?  With the result of this election, with the new Orange Fuehrer in charge in the White House, we have to dig deep into ourselves to answer this eternal question from the beginning of time.  


A footnote:  

Why is Trump so eager to invite Xi to attend his own inauguration?  Maybe he already has a plan to achieve his "peace of our time by deal making".  He wants to end the Ukraine War by making deals with Putin as he promised in his campaign.  But he cannot do this without the help from Xi, for China bankrolls Putin in his criminal war against Ukraine and the world.  He will use Taiwan as his trump card to bargain with Xi.  He will sell Taiwan, as he had sold Hong Kong, and as he had sided with the communist regime during the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, in exchange for Xi's support to end the Ukraine War.  Thus he cleverly, in this process of "art of the deal/steal", will also save his buddy Putin in his losing war.  One stone kills many birds indeed.  He will sell this deal to American public in the name of saving lives.  Yet we all know for a draft dodger, Trump has never believed there is anything holy or sacred in life to be worth sacrificing our lives for.  We are all some kind of maggots fighting in pile of human wastes anyway.  Therefore, we are all color Orange, just like him, remember?  




Monday, November 18, 2024

America is about Truth, Justice, Freedom and Hope

America is about Truth, Justice, Freedom and Hope

- Fighting Tyrannies around the World is a Divine American Mission -

By Kai Chen   11/18/2024  

I have long stated that in despotism, there is no such thing as left and right.  There is only a mortal struggle between tyranny and freedom.  Only in freedom, we can have a two legs - left and right, moving forward toward future and hope.  America is the only country in the world, founded with a providential beginning, to lead the world out of despotic cycles toward future and hope.  

In the world of despotic tyrannies, there are two insidious branches coming from the same premise - a human being has no free will with his life determined by either his genes or his environment.  Marxism/communism believes that it is the environment that determines human behavior/existence.  Fascism/Nazism believes that it is the Birth/Genes that determines human behavior/existence.  Both are based on ultimate nihilism asserting human beings are without any moral purpose.  Both worships only one fleeting illusion - Power.  Both deny human free will to choose for the individual himself/herself.  For thousands of years of human history, we were revolved around the axis of despotic tyrannies, mired in a never ending cycles of man-eating-man without a moral direction, without future and hope.  It is with the founding of America, we as human beings started to see that history has a direction by the Almighty - from despotism toward freedom, from despair toward hope.  This direction exists in our souls - the yearning to be free, to live a dignified life with our individual pursuit of happiness respected and cherished.  It is so powerful that no matter how dark the world has become, that light is forever there to guide us toward a meaningful existence with the belief that future will be better because of ME.  

America's Independence War was about the freedom of our nation based on the fundamental moral premise that a human being should be respected with his free will to determine his life to pursue happiness.  America's Civil War was about the Soul of our nation, the purpose this great nation was established in the first place - Justice and Human Dignity.  We are never just a geographical tribe with borders fighting for safety and living space.  We are the "Shining City on the Hill" to call upon all free souls in the world to fight tyrannies and make a better future for mankind.  Americans believe there is something in the world so valuable that is worth even sacrificing our lives to fight for.  Give me liberty or give me death.  

Even in a free world like America, the dark impulse in our human nature will manifest itself through the sometimes violent lunges toward extreme right and extreme left.  Communism and Fascism both have had great appeal to many here in America.  But because of our divine founding based on God's eternal principles of Truth, Justice, Liberty and Human Dignity, we have rejected both Communism based on environmental determinism and Fascism based on genetic determinism.  We defeated Hitler and Stalin.  We won both World Wars and the Cold War.  We indeed are leading the world out of that man-eating-man vicious cycle toward hope and future.  Some say that one has to use Hitler to fight Stalin and vice versa.  But America time again proves to the world we can rely firmly on God's eternal moral principles of Truth, Justice, Liberty and Human Dignity to defeat both despotic tyrannies with their origins in the dark recesses of human nature - the urge for absolute power without any regard of human lives, freedom and dignity.  

Now the time of that mortal struggle against evil despotism has come again.  The world now is engulfed in a resurgence of despotic tyrannies.  In Russia after the downfall of the USSR, the Neo-fascism led by Putin starts to advance in the form of expansionism.  In China, a mutated communism represented by the Xi regime - a Confucian Communism, like the Covid-19 virus, starts to spread around the world.  Both are challenging the very notion of human free will.  They want to demolish a world with a moral direction led by America toward future and hope.  They want to establish a Neo-Fascist world of chaos toward Nothingness and never ending cycle of man-eating-man again.  They want to go back with that old evil purpose branded with only new names indeed.  What is alarming now in America?  There is a strong echo represented by the Orange Fuehrer and his MAGA movement toward a Neo-Fascism that ranks human beings by their genetic/birth origins.  "America for Americans only", "my beautiful white skin", "human garbage and enemies of people" have now become somehow acceptable expressions in American political culture.  We are in a dangerous moment indeed.  Our canoe now is in white water indeed.  

Yet I believe in America, in America's founding principles, in God's divine purpose to have created such a great nation.  We are blessed with a strong moral political culture of seeking truth, justice, freedom and human dignity, with an unshakable faith in our individual free will to govern ourselves without a self-claimed savior.  We indeed believe deeply in that Good will always vanquish Evil, for Good has only one enemy - Evil while Evil has two enemies - Good and Evil itself.  Let's fight for America and what she represents - Truth, Justice, Freedom and Human Dignity, just like our Founding Fathers did.  Let's fight against this nihilistic evil wriggling its ugly head in our souls.  Let's start now.  

Monday, November 11, 2024

A Free World is Never a "Clean World" - What do you come to America for?

A Free World is Never a "Clean World"

What do you come to America for?   

By Kai Chen   11/11/24

To the Chinese Trump voters:  

What do you come to America for?  Do you expect clean appearances everywhere on the street, grandiose public buildings, people with uniformed looks, clothes, and behaviors, safety to walk alone in the dark, clean and unified thoughts and expressions....?  You come to the wrong place.  China, North Korea and Russia should be your destinations.  The collective world, not the Free World, is your final destination.  

Alas, what the Donald yearns and wants is just the world of Putin, Xi and Kim, just like his Trump towers, gilded with the color gold, superficial as his own painted face, all facade without any substance.  Like Trump voters, you can ignore his foul language and vulgarity with cruel intent toward the women and people of different origins.  You can ignore his despicable/obscene gestures and demeanor on the public stage.  You can ignore his loose diaper containing human feces.  You can ignore his pretentious posture mimicking that of Mussolini and Hitler, with his eyes looking down on you and his chin toward the sky.  But you, in your rare clear-minded moment with a momentary vision of clarity, you just cannot ignore that something is missing in the Trump world, something fundamental, something essential, something spiritual, something that defines us as human beings, something supremely American.  That something is very simple and straight forward - Freedom, Joy and Human Dignity.  

I came to America in 1981, at the peak of my professional career as a basketball player in China.  I had all the privileges most Chinese didn't have.  Yet something essential was missing in my life and without it I was in constant distress/torture in my mind and soul.  I was dying inside.  I could not function as a full human being even though I devoted all the energy into my profession - basketball.  I could only function as a tool and slave for the others and the state to survive an excruciating misery.  Somethings were intrinsically in conflict in my inner world that threatened to cripple me when I intended to make any individual decisions.  I didn't full realize what that essential element was until I came to America. I didn't fully appreciate what I had given up in China and what I expected in America.  But the urge to look for that something compelled me to take action and leave the place of my birth.  I worked and studied.  I thought hard and debated inside constantly.  Nothing could stop that urge.  It is innate and divine.  It is both from out above and deep inside me.  I finally found out:  It is Freedom with Human Dignity.  

Freedom with Human Dignity is invisible around us but it exists nonetheless.  It does not guaranty anyone anything.  It does not grant the world a perfect society.  Sometimes it may result the ugly exposure of human defects and flaws.  Frustration comes often with certain disappointments.  But without it, law and order is meaningless.  Peace is only an empty promise.  Creativity and innovation are stifled.  Progress with a moral direction becomes impossible.  Nihilistic dynastic cycles becomes norm with endless man-eating-man.  Stagnation and darkness will envelope and dominate the entire universe. 

Do you want a "clean world" with the gilded facade - unified thoughts and beliefs, un-offending outlooks on the streets, safe public venues with countless surveillance cameras above your head, absolute loyalty to the state and the leaders.... - the Trump's ideal world that has already existed in China, Russia and North Korea?  Or do you want a Free World in which nothing is perfect - homeless people on the streets, partisan rancor in politics, angry protests to vent mass frustration, free press to criticize almost everything.....?  In the countries of Nihilistic Despotism, everything looks in order with almost perfect appearances.  Yet there is no clean air, no safe water, no safe food, no safe buildings....  The state can come to your home and tear it down any time it wants.  Your children are brainwashed and groomed to be a zombified existence only to serve the authorities.  In a Free World, we as individuals are respected to make our own decisions and shape our own destinies.  We are perfecting an imperfect world with our own words and actions.  We are making our own futures with hope and optimism, for we are never hopelessly crippled robots in the hands of our rulers.  We as individuals with meaning and spiritual existence will always ask ourselves:  Is this world better because of my existence?  

America is never perfect but America is Free.  America is never "clean" but America is Free.  America is never without human ugliness but America is Free.  In America, human beings can only be unified under that supreme, God-given value - Freedom.  If you come to America for something else, not Freedom, you indeed come to the wrong place.  You may be better off staying in your ancestral land where you find certainty in the form of a zombie looking for human flesh.  Trump, who wants to make America a zombie land like China, Russia and North Korea, may deport you soon anyhow, for you are unclean in his eyes.  Pity.  

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Trump is the Neville Chamberlain of Our Time - The War Danger Increases with Nihilistic Despotism


Trump is the Neville Chamberlain of Our Time 

- The War Danger Increases with Nihilistic Despotism

By Kai Chen    11/10/24  

In a nihilistic despot's mind, there is nothing worth fighting with our lives in the world, nothing at all, but POWER.  Power for power alone.  Power for nothingness, power for a momentary, illusory glory of vanity, power to get eye balled in public for an infantile urge to attract attention..., Trump fits this profile perfectly.  Nothing but the image of Neville Chamberlain before WWII can mirror today's Trump and his delusional vision for the world better.  We are indeed approaching WWIII, because of the ascending Nihilistic Despotism in America and in the world, represented by Putin, Xi, Kim, and our very own Orange Fuehrer in the White House.  

Reagan's moral leadership of America during the Cold War contributed mightily for the defeat of the USSR.  Good vs. Evil, freedom vs. communist tyranny, human dignity vs. misery/cruelty under dictators were the central themes of the Cold War.  We won the Cold War by God's eternal values and grace, indeed.  The underlining ethos of this victory is that there are true values in a meaningful life for us to fight for and fight on.  There is something worth our sacrifices, even our lives to uphold and maintain for a meaningful peace and existence.  We are spiritual beings ultimately, not just a woeful existence of physical appearances with only needs and wants like an insect or animal.  Yet in Trump's world, we are nothing but insects and animals.  The US is nothing but a "walled in tribe" fighting for limited space and resources in the world in a zero-sum game.  Sounds familiar?  1930's Europe and the rise of Hitler - the prominent manifestation of the Nihilistic Despotism at the time will give you a hint.  

"Peace through Strength" with Good vs. Evil as the moral theme was the most effective weapon to have defeated the evil communism of USSR - a giant but weak pervert out of Marxist illusions.  "We win, they lose", Reagan stated with determination.  The light indeed shone through the darkness and we have had decades of peace and prosperity since the Cold War victory because of the Reagan doctrine.  We relied on hope, yearning for happiness and the eternal optimism to have achieved such victory.  We relied on God's eternal values in his creation of human beings.  

"Peace though Deal-Making with the Devil" was the scheme Neville Chamberlain adopted when he went to Munich to meet Hitler.  Then he came back to England with a piece of paper declaring that he had achieved the "peace of our time".  The result?  Evil despotism advanced and freedom and human dignity retreated.  Human carnage and immeasurable misery/suffering began.  We are facing the same situation today in the world as the history starts to repeat right in front of our eyes.  Nihilistic Despotism is ascending today to challenge a world order with moral principles established and lead by American strength.  Freedom is retreating in many parts of the world such as Russia and China.  Even America today there is an insidious uprising against what America is by God's providential creation - to lead the world with moral values toward hope and freedom.  In Trump's world, everything is physical, material, superficial and temporary, nothing substantial, eternal and spiritual.  The only thing that matters is power.  The only measure is money and interests.  Nothing worth fighting with our lives, besides some material gains and living space.  Worrying about the needs of our physical cavities becomes our ultimate priorities.  Trump intends to warp American political culture into a vulgar, cruel and meaningless soup in which only temporary vanity shines as his towers.  We are indeed losing the God's mission bestowed upon us from the very beginning of this great nation. 

Trump succeeded in achieving power by "divide and conquer" scheme in America, as all nihilistic despots do.  Peace with law and order is their biggest enemy.  Chaos through fear, hatred and distrust is their biggest friend.  Conflict/war is their main tool to maintain power.  Yet laughingly and ironically, Trump wants to achieve some "international peace" by deal-making with evil dictators and despots.  Repeatedly Trump mocks our soldiers and veterans for their sacrifices overseas to fight for a better and freer world - He calls them "suckers and losers".  By peace through deal-making, Trump implies that America is nothing special and providential, nothing moral at all.  We are all here to divide the world by interests and physical gains in a game of winners and losers.  When someone told him Putin was a killer, he answered "Aren't we any better and more innocent".  We are just like them indeed in his eyes.  If not, Trump will make America become just like them.  Now we indeed have reached that point by Trump's return to the White House.  

Are we just like them?  Should we just become like them?  If America, in Trump's vision, has become just another Nihilistic Despotic existence in the world, will "the peace of our time" be achieved?  If America gives up her moral leadership in the world, will the earth become freer and more prosperous?  If there is no such thing as "Goodness", will Evil be ever vanquished?  Can one ever be "Great" without being righteous and Good in the first place?  Can a bad, morally corrupt person with psychotic criminal intent ever "make America great again"?  A moral and spiritual person with common sense should easily answer these questions.  What we can do to defeat the ascending, prevalent Nihilistic Despotism is all up to us.  May God guide and bless us in this mortal struggle coming soon in our lives.  

Thursday, November 7, 2024

A Crazed Society - The Parallels between Mao's Cultural Revolution and Trump's Vision of a Nihilistic Despotism

A Crazed Society 

The Parallels  between Mao's Cultural Revolution and Trump's Vision of a Nihilistic Despotism

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

 The Dark Winter ahead of US


Kai Chen   11/6/24
I cannot overstate the gravity of the last night's event.  The Devil - nihilistic despotism which as a specter roaming around the world for the last decades since the Cold War, has finally found a crack in American soul, due to our lack of vigilance, to have corrupted and eroded American institutions and life in general.  Along with the Axis of Evil - Putin, Xi, Kim and Iranian regimes, the man-eating specter has finally found a perfect surrogate in the form of the Orange Fuehrer to have effectively altered the direction of history from Freedom toward Nihilistic Despotism.  
The reality of a "walled in tribe" with only borders, obsession of living space and safety has dawned on us, replacing the lofty vision/divine ideal of "the Shining City on the Hill" to lead the world toward hope and freedom.  Physical existence and comfort has replaced the soulful search for life's meaning to have become the priority in life.  Zombification which dominated history in most of the old cultures now has seeped into America, sucking out the souls of those who have forgotten and given up the original meaning of this providential nation.  We as Americans failed our mission by God, indeed.  
By sending a psychopathic criminal into the White House, what signal and message do we send to our children through generations?  There is no such thing as Good or Evil, right or wrong, justice or injustice, truth or falsehood.... There is only winner or loser, strong or weak, enemy or friend, with me or against me, power or powerless....  The Chinese obsession of "winner is the king and loser is the bandit" has finally conquered America's "Give me Liberty or Give me Death".  The founding fathers of this divine land are turning in their graves, with excruciating torture indeed.  
We are facing a dark winter ahead of us.  We have lost the battle for our souls this round.  Do we have the tenacity and fortitude to fight on and regain our souls and meaning for our existence?  "A Republic, if we can keep it."  The answer is still out there. 
For me, I will fight on, with every ounce of my energy and every fiber of my being.  Give me Liberty or Give me Death!  May God save and bless this beloved land for all free souls in the world!  Keep faith in Goodness and Justice.  Darkness cannot last long.  Light will eventually break through again.  But for now, my heart is bleeding for you - America. 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Congratulations to Lai Qingde, the newly elected President of Taiwan.


Congratulations to Lai Qingde, the newly elected President of Taiwan, whom I met during my 2008 Beijing Olympic Freedom Run in Taipei.  Give me liberty or give me death.  

Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy Birthday, America 庆祝美国独立节

              自由的曙光  Dawn of Freedom for Mankind 

Sunday, July 2, 2023

为人民服务 = 为政府服务 "Serve the People = Serve the government"

为人民服务 = 为政府服务 "Serve the People = Serve the government"

 Kai Chen on the deceptive defect of the Chinese language, represented by the slogan "Serve the People" 人民 = 政府:

The tools such as a language carry values and shape your perception of reality. I hope the Chinese speaking people will eventually realize this truth.

In China, "People = Government". If you replace "people" with "government" in China, everything makes sense. In English the word "people" is plural which means "individuals". In Chinese, due to the defect of the language which lacks the concept of individual (no difference between plural and singular), the collective is viewed as an inseparable lump without components (individuals). Thus each and every individual in China basically is eliminated before a collective (country, family, party....) to achieve so called "unity". Thus we can conclude that the Chinese language was created to serve only those in power, in the name of any collective.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Kai Chen on the Ukraine Crisis and the War 陈凯评俄乌战争

 Kai Chen on the Ukraine Crisis and the War:    2/27/22

Since the Cold War, the world seems to fall into a moral slumber.  "The End of History" finally dawned on us.  We don't have to worry about Good vs. Evil anymore.  We can just relax and make money by making deals with anyone, even Putin, Xi and Kim, by enticing them the dictators into our capitalistic world.  We feed the bear.  We feed the dragon.  We feed the killers and murderers.  Thus a moral nihilist/a conman, with a book about nothingness - "Art of the Deal", was prompted into our leadership position.  Truth or Lies does not matter anymore.  Inside/outside, strong/weak, enemy/friend, winning/losing..., have become the ethos of the day.  The world has been turned upside down.  Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan are turning in their graves.

Somehow all of a sudden, fortunately and mysteriously maybe, the current Russia - Ukraine war has shocked us into reality, time again, by revealing that eternal truth:  Evil exists.  Truth matters.  Right matters.  Justice matters.  Freedom matters.  Being great means one has to be good first....  Thank God we finally wake up by the explosions and bloodshed of war.  The liars and con-artists are finally exposed as what/who they are.

Dictators always overestimate their own power and underestimate the will of free people, while democracies often underestimate their own strength by freedom and overestimate the prowess of the dictatorships.  That's just a fact by the natures of their respective political settings.

Dictators (or dictators-want-to-be) will never admit their own failure.  They will create lies through propaganda and misinformation, no matter how preposterous they sound and seem.  Putin, Xi, Kim and our Donald have repeatedly demonstrated this truth.  Hitler would kill himself first, rather than admitting his own stupidity, small-mindedness and failure.  So we must face this harsh truth:  Evil can never be co-oped and appeased.  Evil must be defeated.  The poisonous moral nihilism, as lately permeated around the world and among us in the US, must be cast aside.  The true color of this great country, intended from the very beginning at her birth by the Almighty, must be re-polished to shine above the "Shining City on the Hill".

The time is now.  With this war, the blood of the brave freedom fighters in Ukraine will serve to cleanse our moral confusion and re-invigorate our spirit to struggle for a better tomorrow.  Putin and the likes (including the Bigly Donald), around the world will come to a rude awakening:  Good exists as well.  And Good will always defeat Evil, for Good has only one enemy - Evil, while Evil has two enemies - Good and Evil itself.  May God bless the freedom-loving people around the world.  May God bless my beloved America.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Kai Chen on Winning the New Cold War Today against Putin, Xi and Kim

 Kai Chen on winning the new Cold War against Putin, Xi and Kim (普习金)(PXK)

Whom/what does a dictator fear the most? The answer is always: Their own people with a wakening conscience. Ronald Reagan, with his moral clarity, knew this instinctively. Every time he went to meet the leader of the USSR in Russia, he demanded to meet the Russian dissidents first as a precondition. What a moral wisdom! I feel eternally thankful for Reagan's moral approach against the Evil Empire. We won the first Cold War because of it, indeed.

When the Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo died in a Chinese prison, Trump the moral nihilist did nothing at all. You wonder why the world now is in such a danger with all the dictators daring to challenge freedom, democracy and America: Moral confusion/moral nihilism is the reason/our own biggest enemy. We don't mention Good vs. Evil anymore, as if all is about power, money and the muzzle of the gun. As PXK (普习金)now challenge the world order established by America after WWII, we must understand that to win the new Cold War today, we must rely on the conscience of the people under those dictatorships. We must rely on the hands of the Almighty, not just human intrigue and cleverness, to defeat the new Axis of Evil (普习金).

May God bless the free people in the world. May God bless my beloved America.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

陈凯谈古爱凌的选择/非选择 Kai Chen on Eileen Gu's Choice


Kai Chen on Eileen Gu's Choice:


"I am Chinese when I am in China. I am American when I am in America." Eileen Gu claims. What a typical Chinese Confucian "middle of the road" mentality.

Monkey King complex - a person can be anywhere/everywhere at any given moment, is a common trait in the Chinese Confucian culture. Human-Devil syndrome is the result of such a cultural pathology/sickness. This is why evil thrives in China and the Chinese Confucian Communism has become the main threat to freedom and democracy in the world today.

I have written on this subject in Chinese years ago with the title "On the Chinese Human-Devil Complex". I now share it with everyone who can read Chinese and hope you can gain some insight from Gu's mentality of amorality/immorality.

人鬼谈--从中国人两面中庸看中国的恶性朝代循环 作者:陈凯 2006-06-14 03:44:10
我常常听到中国人议论美国人(西方人)。 这些议论大都出不了几种范畴模式: 如美国文化跟中国文化不一样;或美国人简单,天真,傻,人情淡漠;或美国人没有文化传统,太自由,不规矩、、等等。 大部分的议论多是描述性的,时常暗示贬义的,有时中性无义的,有时讥讽的,有时嘲笑的、、。 很少有人对中美的政治文化进行有道德取向的,有逻辑推理的分析。更少有人褒扬美国人(西方人)的价值,道德取向。 似乎中国人就应该与美国人不一样 – 言外之意当然是中国文化的高深,中华文明的悠久,中国人原本应有的优越与高人一等、、。 甚至大部分所谓的中国精英们也在对中西文化分析中取折中,中庸之道。他们拼命地在东方专制的精神毒品中挖取伪价值,伪营养,将鸦片白面标签为传统养身秘方推销给那些没有价值取向的灵智弱残的人。 同时又拼命地在美国(西方)的线性的,方向性的进步历史中挖取那些早已被西方的绝对价值取向摈弃的负向行为理念和历史丑闻。似乎将美国(西方)早已从自身肌体排泄摈除的垃圾废物挖出来会使中国人的虚荣脸面得到某种补偿与满足。 甚至一些西方的左派们也用所谓“完美社会说”抨击西方的方向性进步文化,并试图从东方,中国的精神毒素中汲取所谓“智慧营养”。“文化等同论”与“道德相对论”就是这些西方左棍们吸食中国精神鸦片白面所产生出的畸形怪物。 “你看,美国也有过奴隶制,教会也迫害过哥白尼,伽利略,西方也有过中世纪的黑暗、、。 所以我们不能搞全盘西化,我们不能抛弃中国传统中的好东西、、。“ 中国的国粹者们也借西方左棍们的昏头舞唱着,跳着。一时大宣“二十一世纪是中国世纪”的狂言病语。 一些原主张“全盘西化”的人们也对自己的主张产生了一些踌躇,迷茫与犹豫。 那什么是“西化”呢? 西化就是“人化”,就是“进步化”,就是“价值方向化”。 衡量一个人的品行质量的标准并不在于他的一生经过了什么,而在于他在他一生的经历中学到了什么,得到了什么,有什么价值方向的取向。 衡量一个文化的优劣好坏的标准也是这样。 美国基于其宪法的价值绝没有将奴隶制,种族主义当作价值去褒扬追求。 相反的是,美国的内战是去消灭奴隶制的;美国的人权运动是去排除种族主义的残余的;美国的教科书,节假日纪念是林肯,马丁路德、金的。 哥白尼,伽利略是西方宣扬追求的偶像;那些中世纪的红衣主教们并不在人们的价值语言里。 我提倡“全盘西化”就是提倡建立导致“人化”,“进步化”,“价值方向化”的一套文化价值体系和政治架构。 这有如我想要的并不是一个赌瘾成性的,病态的,垂死的人的恶性循环的机能,机制与心态,而是一个健康的人的新陈代谢,良性循环的机能,机制与心态。这种良性机能,机制与心态可以排除糟粕,抵抗疾病,汲取营养,成长进化。 那什么是“中化”呢? “中化”就是“非人反人化”,就是“鬼化”,“奴化”,就是“价值浑浊化”,就是“恶性循环化”,“赌瘾成性化“,“停滞不前化”。 一般中国人病态地,糊涂地认为:一个人的经历,环境为其优劣好坏下定义。 一个人的外表与血肉就是其存在的证明。 所以在中国有“血肉筑长城”的国歌。 “灵魂“与“价值取向”从不在中国人的语言里。 中国古代所有文学历史记载都是关于“争权夺势”,“朝代循环”,“血肉生死”的,从未有“捍卫真理”,“追求精神价值”,“崇尚人的尊严与完整”的 “人“的褒扬与记载。 “中”字本身的两种含义都是“虚无价值”和“反价值”的: “中央”意味着等级制。基于这一层意思人与人,国与国之间都是不平等的。 “君臣父子”,“进贡敬皇”就是基于这个“中”的。 “中庸”是另一个含义:不辨真伪,不识好坏,不置可否,各打五十大板是这个“中”的引申,也是中国人对”正义“的歪解。 ”见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话“是中国人普遍的行为规范,也是中国人自欺的,精明诡诈而毫无智慧的反价值哲学的写照。 ”孙猴子七十二变“与”变色龙“是中国人对智慧的定义和对道德鉴别,道德责任的永远推卸的借口伎俩。 在中国“人本善“的哲学前提里,”鬼“的存在是被否认的。 “鬼”是被人恐惧的外来物,而不是人的灵魂的内在产生。 人们不光不知鬼,不觉鬼,人们反而学鬼,崇鬼,与鬼认同。 今天在中国”崇毛“,”神毛“的现象就是中国人由怕鬼而学鬼,崇鬼的灵魂的暴露。 中国人今天的自恨,自怨,自贬 (常反映在对他人的他恨,他怨,他贬上)就是中国人“人鬼心态”的外在表露。人们只是直觉感到毛就是他们灵魂中“鬼”的象征,但他们选择的不是用”人“限鬼,斗鬼,灭鬼,而是否认鬼的存在,与鬼谋和,与鬼谋存,供鬼求权(全),贡鬼求平免乱。 如果说西方基督文化价值中的”忏悔“ 是人在灵魂中限鬼,斗鬼,灭鬼的工具途径,中国人亦不知”灵魂“是何物,更不要提将“忏悔”作为工具和武器。 基督精神中的”承认鬼(devil)和 原弊(sin)的存在“并与鬼和人的原弊斗争而走向人性与希望的教义是中国文化中从始就无的绝对道德概念。 “人鬼不分”,“人鬼共存”,“人弱鬼强”,“人灭鬼兴”在中国人灵魂中的腐败的积累使中国文化,中国人逐渐“鬼化”。 “吃人”成了“中国鬼”存活的必然途径。 人性在中国已在“鬼性”的强大打击下不断的削弱到了残喘的地步。 中国的阴阳符在近代与马克思的辩证法苟同结合更促进了中国人的“鬼化”。 人的道德,人的价值进一步被贬黜到了骇人听闻的地步。 在现代的中国人就是鬼,鬼就是人,是就是非,非就是是,白就是黑,黑就是白,真就是假,假就是真。 这阴阳符在辩证法的动力下高速旋转,将中国的恶性朝代循环推向了新的维度境界。 大多中国人不知这人鬼不分的危害,不以为耻反以为荣地将其作为中国文化与中国人的定义而引为骄傲。 两千多年以前,正在亚洲大地战火连绵,血雨腥风地争霸权,争统一的疯狂时代,在西方发生了两个重大事件: 在希腊多音节字母文字的产生给人类带来了理性思维的工具,促使了人们在逻辑推理的抽象思维空间中加速了前进的步伐,给人们在自然与社会科学,教育,法律等领域里带来了长足的,持续的进步。 一个赤足简衣,举止温和的木匠在中东与西方掀起了一场改变人类命运里程的默默的革命:他用自己的生命造就了人的自知,自省,自我完美。 他在人类灵魂的磁场中建立了一个指北针,告知了人们他们所要遵循的绝对道德价值。 人类从此在杀人吃人的恶性漩涡中自拔了出来,走上了通往自由的希望之路。 基督后的2006年的人类里程是一个从恶性循环走向线性方向,从绝望走向希望,从黑暗走向光明,从血肉走向灵魂,从死亡走向生命,从虚无走向意义,从奴役走向自由的里程。 这是一个以人拒鬼的里程。 在基督的道德价值中,人不论在任何场合,任何环境,任何时间都用绝对的道德价值说着“人”话。 他深知“鬼”的存在和他自身“原弊”的存在。 但他绝不向鬼与原弊认同。 他用虔诚的忏悔与鬼与原弊分道扬镳。 他用人的语言选择了人的道路,人的方向。 这世界从此从鬼性的泥潭中跳了出来,走向了人性的,无尽希望的海洋。 然而,直到今天,十三亿中国大陆的人们仍旧被“人鬼不分”的鬼性所缠绕而迷茫。他们的灵魂仍旧被他们的血肉所捆绑;他们的理性仍旧被他们的单音节象形文字所束缚;他们仍旧被精神与感知的混乱所淹没。 默默地绝望是他们唯一的真实存在。 我不得不向他们发问: 如果你们能在数学中接受阿拉伯数字,在音乐中接受五线谱,为什么不能在科学,教育与法律中接受以英文为主的多音节字母文字? 如果你们能允许毛共将马克思的辩证法用枪杆子强加给你们,为什么不能主动地用你们尚存的人性去接受基督的“人”的洗礼,使你们从此加入人类的“人”的行列,加入“爱”与“理性”的行列,加入“生命”,“希望”,“自由”的行列,加入那用绝对道德价值作为指北针的“兴人驱鬼”的欢乐的自由大军的行军行列中去?! 只有当你们彻底抛弃了你们的“人鬼情结”之后,你们才有可能在永恒价值的立足点上, 成为“不可动摇”的有着坚定信念的“推动历史前进”的有意义的人们 --- THE UNMOVABLE MOVERS.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Kai Chen on Peng Shuai's disappearance - Chinese regime must be held accountable for the abuse and cover up

 Kai Chen on Peng Shuai's disappearance: 11/19/21

As a former Chinese professional athlete, I wholeheartedly support Peng Shuai's position with her honesty and truth-telling. I have witnessed a lot of abuses toward the Chinese women athletes by those in power with leadership position in the communist regime. I applaud and commend Peng Shuai's brave action and demand the accountability from those responsible for the abuse in the Chinese high leadership positions.
Injustice to one is injustice to all. We as free beings have a moral responsibility to voice our support for those who struggle for their freedom and dignity. The Chinese communist regime must answer for Peng Shuai's silence and disappearance.

Monday, August 23, 2021

 Kai Chen on what greatness means: 8/23/21

Greatness is never about being perfect, but about whether one's life has a meaningful end and whether he/she strives to move toward hope and future. America is great, not because America is perfect. America is great because America always strives toward future with a moral direction embedded in the nation's founding, and with a sense of eternal optimism and hope.

Miracles do happen in life but whether one embraces a life of meaning and purpose determines whether greatness is possible in his/her life. Escape from life dooms one into eternal hopelessness and makes silent despair possible. Indeed, happiness is a choice. Indeed, miracles have happened in my life and are continuing to happen. I have nothing but gratefulness toward America and hope toward future. May God continues to bless you - my beloved America.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Mike Pence's Most Important and Historical Speech on American China Policy


Kai Chen on Pence's Speech: 

This is the most comprehensive, most defining historical speech by a US leader on US position against the Chinese Confucian Communist Dynasty. 

This is a most positive turning point of US policy toward China, nothing short of Reagan's "Evil Empire" speech, affirming US values against despotism and tyranny in the world. 

This is a declaration of a new cold war against a new "evil empire" headed by the Xi regime. America finally puts the horse ahead of the wagon with regard to North Korea's nuclear threat. Now the end of the Xi Communist Dynasty is finally in sight.  

China must be defeated, not just contained or cooped.  I am very pleased that Pence started the first step toward that direction.  

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Kai Chen Speech: Communism in Mutation - The Threat of Confucian Communism to the Free World

Kai Chen Speech: 


Communism in Mutation - The Threat of Confucian Communism to the Free World

Kai Chen on Trump's Asian Trip:
Trump is falling into the Chinese trap. There is no other way to describe it.
Over the last 30 years, NK was the bait dangling in front of America and the West. Yet all the American Presidents since Reagan fell into the trap. Trump is no exception. Same MO.
Only Reagan realized the criminal and illegitimate nature of a communist regime and denounced it as such - an Evil Empire. With this moral clarity, down goes the USSR, because God's values/principles entered the picture, not just human schemes. Now we don't have anyone who can hold God's values/principles with moral clarity and conscience. So goes the American moral leadership in the world. So comes the Chinese Confucian Communism. So again the world is in the grip of totalitarianism and despotism. So the North Korea crisis.
What the evil is most afraid of is the exposing of its true nature - man eating. Yet time again, an American president goes to an evil regime to pay homage to the murderers of Tiananmen and Liu Xiaobo (the Nobel Peace Prize winner). When is America going to wake up and realize all the Chinese evil regime wants from America is to use North Korea to legitimize itself and erase all the criminal record in its past - 80 million killed by Mao and more killed after Mao with all the atrocities - "one child", Tiananmen Massacre, persecution of FLG and dissidents, persecution of Christians and minorities....? Indeed, China desperately needs America's recognition of its own criminal regime's nonexistent legitimacy. Trump is giving it to an evil regime, without questions asked. God's endowed conscience among the Chinese people and the world is weeping.

When will an American president announce with conscience and God's moral compass as his guide: Enough is enough, China's Confucian Communism is evil and must be denounced and defeated?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Book Review 2016: One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom

on March 26, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

Monday, April 17, 2017

Kai Chen on US Asian Policies regarding China and North Korea:

Kai Chen on US Asian Policies regarding China and North Korea:
US must see the nature of the Chinese regime in dealing with North Korea. Seeing that China is not a problem and root cause of North Korea issue is illusory and delusional. China's Xi has gotten what he wants from Trump - US recognition of the criminal communist regime while using North Korea threat as the means to attain that goal. Trump was played by the Chinese without out knowing the real issue, for recognizing the real issue needs true moral clarity and courage. Trump simply does not have what Reagan had to defeat communism. People seem to forget what the Chinese and North Koreans are - communist dynasties.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

通告 Announcement: 陈凯UCLA演讲 10/18/2016 at 6:00 pm

通告 Announcement: 陈凯UCLA演讲 10/18/2016 at 6:00 pm
Dear friends:
UCLA Republican Students Event:  October 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm. (Royce Hall room 156)
I will have a speech for UCLA Republican students on October 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm. (Royce Hall room 156). You all are welcome to attend. This will mark my first return speech to my UCLA alma mater since the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre.
It just happened that when I watched the recent induction ceremony of NBA's Hall of Fame with Yao Ming on TV, there was a small segment about China's basketball in the 1970s. There I was in a game with my teammates such as Mu. I suddenly recognized and revisited myself on the court in that segment (1978 Beijing International Invitational Tournament with Chinese "August 1st Team" against the Philippines). History somehow always seems to chase me and remind me of my life's purpose and destiny.
Best wishes and many thanks for being my friends and comrades in fight for freedom.
Kai Chen

Sunday, August 21, 2016

陈凯夫妇 - 自由的人 Free People: Couple Leaves China after Hurdles of Olympic Proportions

Free People: Couple Leaves China after Hurdles of Olympic Proportions

陈凯夫妇 - 自由的人
 | Canyon Country Magazine | August 15, 2016
kai and fiona chen
Canyon Country has a lot of colorful characters, but it isn’t often we meet residents on a government blacklist.
Kai and Fiona Chen can never return to their home country – the People’s Republic of China.
Fiona is from the Shandong Province on the east coast of China, while Kai is from Beijing. Their stories are different, but their union has resulted in a doubly powerful voice against the hidden agenda of government in China.
Fiona left China on Christmas Eve in 2003 and moved to Canada with her firstborn son, Lawrence. Her father criticized the Communist Party while taking part in the Anti-Rightist Movement of the late 1950s, so her family members were being persecuted.
The magazine editor found a job working as a TV reporter in Vancouver, where she used her skills to spread a message to the rest of the world that the image of China coming through propaganda was untruthful. She worked to “expose the evil deeds of Chinese authorities,” who she had seen quashing dissidents and “committing crimes against their own citizens and people in the free world.”
“I shed tears over Tiananmen,” Fiona said. “Since 1949 more than 80 million people have been killed. I was shocked by that.”
Fiona’s father was a writer and publicist who had to use a fictional name because of his statements against the government.
“In China there’s a one child policy,” said the mother of three – Lawrence, 16, David, 10, and Celina, 6. “I didn’t want my kids to live in (Communist Chinese) society.”
Fiona didn’t know anyone when she moved to Vancouver. Her parents immigrated to Canada two years after she did, where they still live today.
“When I landed (in Canada) it felt totally different, how people naturally trust each other. There’s a genuine smile on their face. They share their story—not just to please people.”
Fiona met Kai in 2007 before the Beijing Olympic Games. She produced a four-episode documentary called “My Way” about Kai, a former Chinese professional basketball player, who she married in 2014.
“In one month there were more than 300,000 viewers,” Fiona said. “People were so moved by Kai’s story.”
She said the Chinese government soon blocked the YouTube upload of her documentary. “It was one professional athlete to stand up,” she said.
And when Kai Chen stands up, his 6-foot, 7-inch frame is noticed.
“Once the door opened in China, I was gone,” said Kai, a former professional basketball player for China’s National Team. He left China in 1981.
Born in Beijing, Kai’s family was caught up in the turmoil of 20th century China. They were involved with the Kuomintang, or KMT, the ruling party in China until 1949, when it moved to Taiwan after being defeated by the Communist Party. Kai’s father and his nine siblings were separated by the Taiwan Strait. His grandfather stayed in Beijing with Kai’s parents, while his grandmother went to Taiwan with his uncle and other members of his family. His grandparents would never see each other again.
Because of his family’s ties to Taiwan, Kai and his family were exiled from Beijing to Tonghua in Manchuria. During the Cultural Revolution, young people were sent to the countryside. They were forced to work at a grain depot, sometimes carrying up to 200 pounds on their shoulders. An avid basketball player, Kai found his passion through expressing himself on the court; later, it’s where he would find his freedom.
“The Communist Government wanted to use sports to break China’s isolation around the world,” Kai said.
Kai was chosen at the age of 16 to play for a National Athletics program grooming talent for the Chinese National Teams in 1970.
“Before I knew there was a country called America, America had already saved me,” Kai said. “Because America invented basketball.”
He first tried to free himself from the national authorities, who were going to send him back to the grain depot in Liuhe after Kai’s Taiwan relatives were revealed. Kai found he could get on a professional team in Guangzhou Military District, so he escaped from Beijing, pretending to go shopping, carrying just a yellow satchel to deter suspicion. It had Mao’s inscription, “Serve the People,” on it, which he said would make him “keenly aware of the immorality and corruption in this society. I would be reminded of the falsehood and lies spread by the authorities.”
Kai was caught and sent back to the grain depot. But he escaped again to a provincial basketball team, and finally joined the Chinese Army for the political benefit to his family. Due to the intense physical labor, repairing dams and military training, Kai developed bleeding ulcers and was on the verge of death. While hospitalized for a month, he made up his mind he would find happiness. He had never in his life known anyone in China that was happy, he said.
“The biggest revenge for me against this society was to find freedom and happiness for myself,” Kai said.
During the brief period following Mao’s death, Kai was able to obtain a student visa to the United States. He is a graduate of UCLA. Fiona’s family emigrated to Canada through the independent immigration process.
Both Kai and Fiona are on the “blacklist” in China.
Her writing and internet posting through her own company, Liberty Bell Studios, is aimed at introducing American values to those behind the Communist curtain. She forms online groups in order to penetrate fire walls created by the Chinese government to impede citizens of China from gaining access to that information. Kai and Fiona help others find software to break through those firewalls.
The couple described a group called “50 Cents,” which is a propaganda team hired by the Communist government. It is made up of young “opinion leaders” who earn 50 cents when they complete an internet post promoting Chinese Communism and government agendas.
“The (Chinese government) learned from the collapse of the Soviet Union,” Kai said. “They’re better than the Soviet Union at controlling your thoughts. It’s been pretty effective so far.”
They’re fanning nationalism and sentiment that is anti-U.S. and anti-Japan, according to the Chens.
Kai has spent decades protesting pro-Communism efforts and promoting the values espoused by America. A naturalized citizen of the United States, Kai fought Confucius Institutes that cropped up globally. It is a program teaching the language and culture of China that critics say advances the Chinese government’s agenda to falsely influence perceptions of China.
“I went to Congress and testified,” Kai said. “They terminated their contract because it violated U.S. educational policies, against American employment policies, when they hired teachers.”
There are hundreds in the United States at all levels of education. “These are brainwashing … propaganda about reality,” he said. “They do a lot to damage the U.S., weaken this country’s moral underpinnings.”
In 2009 Kai protested a restaurant in Hollywood called Mao’s Kitchen for their portrait of the former Chinese leader and for “singing Mao’s praises,” Kai said.
And when the Nixon Library had a statue of Mao Tse-Tung in his “world leaders” section near Winston Churchill, Kai organized a protest. “Mao is worse than Stalin and worse than Hitler, in terms of killing,” Kai said.
chen fam 2
The Chens have strong political opinions, and share them when invited to speak at groups or meetings.
“Historians agree Mao committed atrocities against the Chinese people,” Kai said. “Reagan had great moral clarity, calling the Soviet Union an ‘evil empire.’ We needed an American president to enunciate moral principles.”
The Chens hope to affect U.S. policy toward their homeland. They hope to promote “political and moral wisdom in dealing with China.”
“We are not a country built on money; we are a country built on principles,” Kai said. “We feel obligated to give back. (The U.S. is) the greatest country in the world. Don’t take it for granted.”
Fiona recently became a member of Zonta International of SCV. She was sponsored by a member, Ronnie Erickson. “They are a group concerned about women’s lives. I fit in this category,” Fiona said. “A life with lots of layers.”
It was a big shift from Canada to living in the U.S. She said the education her children are receiving in the U.S. is more focused on reading and math. She was particularly pleased that her son, David, was chosen to write two books through the Sulphur Springs School District Young Authors program.
The Chens said their kids are “making tremendous progress.” Ten-year-old David enjoys activities such as a magic class offered in Newhall, and six-year-old Celina takes piano lessons and plays soccer. Lawrence, 16, is a student at Canyon High School.
Kai is a four-year resident of Canyon Country and has two grown children, who both played college basketball – one at Yale and one at Brandeis University. Fiona moved here with her children in 2014.
“People are very friendly and they are trustworthy,” Kai said of the Santa Clarita Valley. “It’s very quiet. There’s a wonderful sense of community.”