Friday, December 31, 2010

Movie: “In the Presence of Mine Enemies” 电影推荐:“敌友与善恶, 正邪与亲疏”-- 道德 vs. 伦礼


Movie: “In the Presence of Mine Enemies”

电影推荐:“敌友与善恶, 正邪与亲疏”-- 道德 vs. 伦礼

Movie Link: 电影连锁:

"In the Presence of Mine Enemies 敌友与善恶, 正邪与亲疏 -- 道德 vs. 伦礼":



真实的道德理念是:“正邪、真假、好坏、对错、是非、善恶”是与“敌友、内外、亲疏、族群、伦礼、等级”毫不相干的。 一个人去做好事也绝不能因其有好结果、好报应。 但大多数华语系的人们因其在传统专制虚无文化中的浸泡与染毒,常用“走捷径”的懒人混人恶人心态去将“敌友、内外、亲疏、族群、伦礼、等级”作为他们的反道德与伪道德的病态衡量。

中国古代的所谓英雄圣人无一不是“忠君忠朝”与“亲家亲友”的伪道德的代表。 今天刘晓波的“我没有敌人”也被道德虚无的华语系人们曲解为“刘晓波不反对邪恶(中共党朝)”。 这一部关于二战期间华沙犹太人反纳粹的动人影片(In the Presence of Mine Enemies) 就是一部真实道德良知与伪道德言行博争的写照。 我只希望每一个华语系的人通过这部影片深刻反思反省自身伪道德与反道德的专制文化的污染与腐蚀,并在新的一年中用真实的道德理念指导自身的言行。 新年快乐!

Kai Chen's Words:

When a Jewish father killed his own son who was blinded by hatred, in order to save a German soldier who repented his crime and loved his daughter, how do you assess the conflict between moral principles and immoral behaviors?

In truth, "Good or Evil" has nothing to do with "Enemies of Friends". Yet most Chinese, with their nihilistic culture and a habit of taking short cut, always take "Enemies or Friends" as the pseudo moral guideline. Mr. Liu Xiaobo's "I have no enemies" is mistaken and distorted by the Chinese as "Liu is not against evil communist regime". This great movie about WWII Jewish Resistance in Warsaw will educate people about what is Good vs. Evil, Right vs. Wrong, Justice vs. Injustice, Truth vs. Falsehood. I hope you all enjoy this great movie and apply the true moral principles in your lives. Best and Happy New Year.


"In the Presence of Mine Enemies 敌友与善恶, 正邪与亲疏" -- 道德 vs. 伦礼

Book Link 书籍连锁:

Watch the movie online: 视频电影连锁:


Movie Review 观众影评:

A Holocaust movie that depicts the struggles of faith & hope,

February 18, 2008

By z hayes (TX)

This review is from: In the Presence of Mine Enemies (DVD)

In The Presence of Mine Enemies centers around a Jewish family in the last days of the Warsaw Ghetto. It is November 1942, and most of the Jews in the ghetto have been deported. We are introduced to Rabbi Adam Heller [Armin Mueller Stahl] and his daughter Rachel[Elina Lowensohn] who try to live as quietly as they can, evading the dreaded transports for as long as possible. The Kommandant is portrayed as an evil, merciless character who has no qualms sending children to their deaths and has his eye set on Rachel. Chad Lowe portrays a young Nazi officer who proclaims that Jews are 'subhumans' yet acts contrary to his beliefs. He refuses to hit the Rabbi, and though is forced to obey the cruel whims of his superior, the Kommandant, does so against his conscience.

The story centers mainly on the struggles of Rabbi Heller who tries to remain passive and accepting of the dire circumstances of his people in the ghetto, yet a chain of incidents challenge not only his passivity but also his very faith. When his own daughter falls prey to an evil nazi, his son Paul [already imbued with vitriolic hatred towards the Germans "We need to kill ten German babies for each one of ours"] challenges his father's deep faith and mocks his father's belief in God.

Though this movie is based on a work of fiction, it definitely resonates with one's emotions, and the credible cast of characters [except perhaps the besotted young Nazi played by Lowe] make this a worthy addition to movies dealing with the Holocaust theme.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Declassified: Chairman Mao - Crime against Humanity 毛泽东罪行录 - 五集视频连锁 Youtube Links



只要毛泽东的形象在中国、在世界被崇拜或被正常化,华语系的人们就会像毛泽东本人一样的病态扭曲下去。 只有当毛与所有的中国专制者们被人们视为令人厌恶恶心的恶魔(像希特勒与斯大林一样),华语系的人们心态才会开始走向正常化,走向道德化,并由此被世界热爱自由的国度与人们所最终接受。 请所有华语系的人们记住这一真理: 用杀人与暴力达到政治目的是邪恶的定义 - 这就是毛所代表的所有意义

Kai Chen's Words:

Only when Mao's image with what he represents is demonized and reviled in China and in the world, the Chinese people's mindset and psyche can start to return from a pathological hysteria to a normal and moral state of existence. Only when Mao is viewed, as he should be, as evil as Hitler and Stalin and abandoned as such, the Chinese people can have a chance to rejoin and be accepted by freedom loving humanity. Please realize and remember this truth: Using killing and murdering innocent lives to achieve political purposes/ends is the very definition of evil. And all Mao represents indeed is such an evil.


Declassified: Chairman Mao - Crime against Humanity

毛泽东罪行录 - 五集视频连锁 Youtube Links:

毛泽东罪行录 - 第一集 Mao Declassified - Part One:

毛泽东罪行录 - 第二集 Mao Declassified - Part Two:

毛泽东罪行录 - 第三集 Mao Declassified - Part Three:

毛泽东罪行录 - 第四集 Mao Declassified - Part Four:

毛泽东罪行录 - 第五集 Mao Declassified - Part Five:

鞠滨/用自己的方式打球 Ju Bin/Playing Basketball My Way


(按: 鞠滨是我在体育学院就读时的一个朋友。 他正在尝试在中国大陆发展民间体育以打破“举国体育”的垄断。 建立民间资助、民间管理的少年篮球俱乐部,从学童们开始去击垮华语系人们道德虚无、道德腐败的专制文化与精神状态是一个有创意的正向的发生。 我为鞠滨感到骄傲并在道义理念上站在他一边。 --- 陈凯)

(PS. Mr. Ju Bin is a good friend of mine since my days in the Beijing Institute of Physical Culture. His current effort of establishing a positive civic sports/athletics culture in China to counter the prevalent corrupt governmental sports culture by the communist Party-Dynasty is a great attempt. It is aimed to instill values of freedom, integrity and dignity in China's youths. A culture of existence against a culture of nihilism, a new moral code of freedom, justice and individual creativity against the slave anti-value code of China's traditional despotism must start from our children. I am very proud of him and his initiatives to bring a positive change in China. I will always stand by him on this issue. --- Kai Chen)


Ju Bin/Playing Basketball My Way

鞠滨 2010/12/29

一、 体育运动旨在体现人的精神意志







二、 尊重比赛,尊重对手,尊重自己


NBA冠军队球员波士顿凯尔特人(Celtics)的队长皮尔斯(pierce)在获胜后采访时的讲话一直在NBA球赛转播中反复播放(We never give up!)“我们从不放弃”,这反映了NBA的竞技精神,也是最顽强的体育精神。

三、 打球不光是用身体更要用心

篮球运动之所以伟大,是因为它是一项具有创造性的运动,打篮球不但可以得到身体上的锻炼,更重要的是它使人开发智慧,篮球运动自开创以来已经发生了极大的变化,迄今为止运动技术运动水平仍在不断开发和提高中。过去的20-30年里有谁会相信在比赛进行到最后还剩不到1秒的时间里,本来落后的球队,还能反败为胜?!这不能不说是“奇迹”,而这样的奇迹,在目前的NBA联赛里却常常出现,而女子比赛,竟然有人可以大力扣篮,实在让人惊叹不已,阿迪达斯(adidas)的一句广告词,充分表达了运动员们的体育精神。“Impossible is Nothing”-没有不可能!换句话说,通过每一个人的努力任何事都有可能发生,这种努力包括智慧的和身体的,即我们通常所说的用心。正是在这种思想的指引下,这项运动才会出现那些勇敢创新变一切不可能为可能的精彩场面,重要的是,由于人类智慧的无限发展,没有人可以预料今后还会有什么新动作新技术会出现,“没有不可能”,让我们对运动产生无限的想象空间,并通过智慧和体能不断超越和突破,最终造就了这项全球广受欢迎的伟大运动。


四、 用自己的方式打球

在传统的教育体制下,教师、家长常常会用“向某某学习”,“以某某为榜样”作为指导和刺激学生的通常手段,“你看,某某多优秀”,“某某多聪明,某某多刻苦” ,他们并不明白自身言语中饱含着文化毒素,以及这样言语所代表的价值体系的扭曲,他们自己被复制并机械地复制他人,不明就里地推崇传统腐朽的人生观价值观,稀里糊涂地做灭个性反人性的教导。我们的社会中,总有人在研究怎么复制一个样板,复制一个运动员,复制一个教练,复制一个工程师,他们一边举着“以人为本”的旗帜,一边简单粗暴地抹杀人的个性,以完成对人的思想和行为的直接控制和塑造,最终实现集体复制。就像“文革”时期,我们常听到的“向工人阶级学习,向农民学习,全国人民学解放军,解放军学全国人民”。这种心智错乱的口号导致人们精神与道德的混乱,没有人知道自己到底在说什么,要做什么。我们的学校家庭都在管教学生要学做这种人,学做那种人,就是不能做自己。

在西方,每个人都被看做是一个独立的个体,孩子从开始懂事的时候,他就有独立的意志并被尊重,每个孩子都懂得他存在的意义在于他的个体价值,从来没有人会叫他“learn from someone”-向某某某学习,这是完全错乱的价值观。而国人对传统腐朽文化普遍而深度的沉湎,价值观的混淆错乱,导致对待人的文化上形成了两种截然不同的鲜明对比,西方坚信的“人是目的不是手段”和我们固守着“不管白猫黑猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫”,其结果是西方人活得勇敢、精彩,丰富,独立,个性,有尊严,而我们却是人人类似,不是明则保身的苟活,就是随波逐流的放纵,自己存在的价值永远模糊虚无。

NBA原著名的76人队后卫艾佛森(Allen Iverson)有一段话说得非常好,我想把它送给所有爱好体育爱好篮球的运动员和教练员们。“我不想当乔丹,我也不想当魔术师,我不想当拉里.伯德(这些都是NBA著名大球星),这些大牌球星我一个也不想当,在我运动生涯结束的时候,我只想对着自己说,我一直在用我自己的方式打球”

(I don’t want to be MJ , I don’t want to be Magic,I don’t want to be Bird,I don’t want to be any of these guys,when my career’s over ,I want to look in the mirror and say I did it my way. -- Allen Iverson )

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

屎虼螂的颂歌(中英文)Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese and English)

China's Great Leap Forward 中国的“大跃进”视频纪录片


Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles (in Chinese and English)

Recognizing reality is the prerequisite for seeking truth and building a future. Unless one has the will, the ability and the courage to recognize reality, one will be doomed to live forever in falsehood, therefore eternal despair. --- Kai Chen

承认真实的现状是寻找真理, 创造未来的必要先决条件。 如果一个人没有意愿,能力及勇气去承认真实的现状,他就会永远生活在虚假之中,也因此永远生活在默默的绝望之中。 --- 陈凯

Tolerance of difference is a virtue, but tolerance of evil is beyond the most insidious vice on earth. The saddest thing for the Chinese is that they seem to have zero tolerance for difference, but unlimited tolerance for evil. They take the former as weakness and the latter as strength. They even take pride in their own fear and tolerance toward evil. Such a tendency for moral confusion can only be defined as corrupt and evil itself. --- Li Bangding (My Father, 1921 - 1988)

容忍不同是一大良德。 容忍邪恶却是一大败坏。 中国的悲哀在于中国人对不同的毫不容忍,而对邪恶的无限怯懦与忍让。 他们还不以为耻、反以为荣地将前者作为软弱,并将后者作为光荣,力量与骄傲。 这样一种道德混乱的文化只能被定义为邪恶与腐败的文化。 --- 李邦定 (陈凯的父亲,生1921 - 逝1988)


Author’s Words:

I wrote this fable in Chinese. Now I translate it into English so all can read and enjoy. This is the Chinese story equivalent to the English story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. I hope you all enjoy it.

Best wishes to you all and Happy New Year (2011). Kai Chen 陈凯


Sing in Praise of Dung Beetles

陈凯 著 4/2/2007

Translation into English by Kai Chen 12/28/2010

农夫们将自己一生的积蓄带到市场上去购货。 他们想买一件东西来证实他们一生的价值。

Peasants brought their life savings to the market, wanting to purchase one thing that could demonstrate to the world their lives’ worth.

市场上卖货的人很多。 他们有不同种族的人们,有不同宗教的人们,有不同文化的人们、、。 他们的货也是多种多样的,五颜六色,五花八门。 农夫们看花了眼,搞不清哪件货值得他们一生的积蓄。 于是农夫们就将注意力集中在卖货人的身上。

There were many merchants selling their merchandise on the market. All of them were from different places and of different races, cultures and religions. Their goods also reflected this diversity. They were colorful and full of varieties. The peasants had never seen so many goods and they were very excited yet confused and fearful, not knowing what to buy to prove their lives’ worth.

最后农夫们决定只从那个长的与他们相近的商人那里买货。 但那个商人的货都是放在一个个四四方方的彩色盒子里的。 谁也看不到盒子里究竟是什么。 商人卖货的唯一条件是买货的人只能在回家以后才能将盒子打开。 商人并让农夫们许诺绝不退货。

After a tortuous hesitation and a long debate, the peasants decided to buy only from those who looked like themselves with similar racial, ethnic and cultural background. However, all such merchants’ goods were packaged in colorful square boxes and no one knew what was in them. The merchants had two conditions for all buyers of their goods: First, those who buy their goods must go home before they open their packages. Second, the buyers can never return the goods for refund.

农夫们想要知道盒子里到底装了什么,但又不愿从与他们长相不同的商人们哪里买货,即使那些商人们的货品是公开让顾客察看检验的。 农夫们最终决定用他们一生的积蓄去买那些装在盒子里,不能看,不能摸的货。 每一个农夫都将自己一生的积蓄买了一个盒子回家。

All the peasants wanted to know what was in those colorful boxes. They felt uncertain about buying from the merchants with such conditions. Yet they were much more unwilling to purchase anything from other merchants of different looks and backgrounds, even those merchants’ goods were open in the plain sight and everyone was allowed to examine them carefully before they bought them. Overwhelmed by their fear of differences, the peasants finally decided to spend their life savings on those colorful boxes from the merchants of similar looks and backgrounds. Every one of the peasants bought a colorful box and went home.

当他们回家打开盒子一看的时候,发现盒子里有一个用极为精巧的包装展现的棕色的圆球。 它是潮湿的,拳头大小,有些尚没消化的草叶从中滋出。 一种农夫们非常熟悉的气味从中弥漫出来。 农夫们觉得非常困惑,不知如何鉴定。 只是当他们的孩子们看到后叫出来“驴粪蛋”的时候,他们才恍然大悟。

After they returned home, they eagerly opened the boxes. They discovered inside the box there was an exquisitely packaged brown ball. The brown fist-sized ball was moist with some undigested grass sticking out from its surface. A very familiar smell emanated from this brown ball. The peasants were very puzzled, unable to decide what it was that they bought with their life savings. Only when their children yelled out “donkey dung, yak, donkey dung”, running away covering their nose, they suddenly understood.

有的农夫非常愤怒。 但他们已经许诺绝不退货。 他们知道自己受了骗,一生的积蓄已荡然无存。 他们离开了他们的祖地,不断地告诫着他们的后代不要再重犯他们的无知,偏见与愚蠢。 他们决心绝不重蹈覆辙并在新的家园建立新的正义的文化。 他们把那新的家园称之为“美德国度”。

Some of the peasants were very angry, knowing they were cheated. But they had already promised never to return what they bought. Their entire live savings were gone and their lives’ worth was nowhere to be found. They left their own homeland to start a new life somewhere else, all the time warning and educating their own children not to repeat their own stupidity based on bias and fear of differences. They eventually established a new village with a new culture based on individual virtue, justice, courage and rationality. They named their new village “Land of the Beautiful”.

更多的农夫们不光不觉得羞耻与受骗, 他们大骂着他们的后代们并让他们住口。 他们认为如果他们买到的是那么昂贵,那这个货品一定也同样有价值。 他们为他们的驴粪蛋起了一个新名称:“黄金蛋“。

However, most other peasants felt otherwise. They reacted by cursing their own children, calling them names and shutting them up. They reasoned that since they spent their entire life savings on this one thing, it had to be very valuable. So they named their donkey dung “Golden Ball”, just to reflect its preciousness.

他们建立了”黄金蛋“研究所,”黄金蛋“大学,不断地教育,告诫他们的后代们”黄金蛋“的伟大。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它的得来是不易的,是来自农夫们一生的血汗辛劳。 他们说黄金蛋之伟大是因为它来自”黄金驴“-- 它披着”黄金甲“,食了”黄金草“,喝了”黄金河“的水。 他们不知疲倦地,兢兢业业的将他们毕生的精力投入了”黄金文化“,有所发明地研究着为什么黄金蛋的光泽是那么亮,黄金蛋的味道是那么美,黄金蛋的气味是那么香,黄金蛋的品质是那么纯,黄金蛋的原由是那么古,黄金蛋的价值是那么高、、。 他们发明了”黄金蛋“文学并书写了一卷又一卷不朽的”黄金卷“及”黄金诗篇“,如”黄金游记“,黄金演义”,“黄金浒传”,“黄金楼梦”、、。 近代的最高的“黄金著作”叫做“黄金选集”。 自然地“黄金主义“,“黄金思想”,“黄金理论”,“黄金原则”,“黄金坚持”,“黄金代表”,“黄金荣耻”都应运而生。 他们称着“黄金帝”,舞着“黄金龙”,披着“黄金袍”,打着“黄金旗”,宣扬着“黄金特色”的“黄金主义”。 一批批的“黄金圣人”被一代代的“黄金传人”推上了“黄金祭坛”。 “黄金文化”由此不断发扬光大,一代又一代地千古流传。

Later on, they worked even harder to prove the priceless value of donkey dung and hence the value of their lives:

They established all kinds of institutes and universities to educate their offspring about how great the “Golden Ball” was and how valuable it was to all their lives. They told everyone that the Golden Ball’s greatness was in its price – the price of so many people’s lives and so much hard work. They invented fables, proverbs and folklores to sing in praise of the Golden Ball. They extolled that the Golden Ball was from Golden Donkey – It had Golden Armors on its back. It ate Golden Grass by the Golden River. They wrote many volumes of books to espouse the virtues of Golden Ball Culture. They marketed the Golden Ball with a feverish passion in the world, telling all mankind how beautiful the Golden Ball is, how fragrant the Golden Ball smells, how pure a quality the Golden Ball is if it is from the peasants’ homeland, how historical and valuable the Golden Ball is to all mankind in the world….

Their children have learned all about Golden Ball Culture. They have read Golden Poems, Golden Literature Collections from the ancients, Golden Thoughts from the modern saints and saviors, Golden Theories from sages and gods, Golden Principles from Golden Governments, Golden Rules, Golden Morals, Golden Ethics, Golden Characters, Golden Heroes and Martyrs, etc. etc…. They have worshipped Golden Emperors and Golden Chairmen. They have danced with Golden Dragons. They have upheld Golden Flags. They have fortified a Golden Society. They have forged Golden Generations with Golden Characteristics. They have all knelt before the Golden Alta to chant Golden Scriptures….

A Golden Existence thus has been emerged, prolonged and reinforced in the Golden Land, on and on, till eternity.

那些生活在“美德国度”的人们偶然返回他们的祖地,惊异地发现他们的祖地已经没有了人的存在。 在那满地驴粪蛋的,臭气熏天的大地上,只有大大小小的屎虼螂们兢兢业业的打理着,维护着,建造着驴粪蛋的事业,弘扬着驴粪蛋的文化,唱赞着驴粪蛋的悠久与伟大。

After awhile some peasants who live in the Land of the Beautiful returned to their ancestral land for a visit. To their horror, surprise and amazement, they have discovered that in their ancestral land there has long been a total absence of human beings. On the ancient abyss, enveloped with a nauseating stink of donkey dung, countless dung beetles are hard at work managing countless pieces of fresh and stale donkey dung, singing passionately in praise of a culture of excrement from donkeys and dung beetles.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Party-Dynasty's Economy vs. Freedom 中共党朝经济成长 vs. 自由与尊严



中共党朝的经济成长是与人的自由、尊严的获取成反比的。 一个得巨人症的人并不是正常人。 他的必然早卒是因为他的内在的成长(心肺、内脏)是与外在的催生成反比的。 中共党奴朝的崩溃之日就在眼前。

Kai Chen's Words:

China's Party-Dynasty's economy's fast growth can never be sustained due to a total lack of freedom/human dignity in the Chinese society. It is the same that a person with giangantism usually dies young, for his outside tissue growth can never be sustained by a deficient/deteriorating cardiovascular system. We can safely predict that China's Party-Dynasty's days are numbered.

"全球性的经济实力并不取决于GDP成长率、通膨率或任何货币币值。 一个全球性的经济体的影响力更在于一个国度/社会的人们及领导者们的道德品质。... 经济力与GDP的增长实际在于自由与社会信任度的增长。 人们的创造力与智商水准只有在自由的社会环境中在能充分得到发挥与提升。" --- 拉提夫

'Global economic greatness' does not come on the back of growth rate, or inflation rate or strength of any currency alone. Global dominance as a 'world economic power house' comes with factors that are determined by social, liberal, secular, tolerant practices and character of the leaders of the nation and its people. ... Economic strength and GDP growth is also sum total of freedom and trust. IQ's of people who are freed from chains of oppression are far greater and better.
--- Iqbal Latif


Party-Dynasty's Economy vs. Freedom

中共党朝经济成长 vs. 自由与尊严

"The Economist" does it again… Will China overtake America to grab the number one spot as the world's biggest economy?

News Type: Event — Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:54 AM EST

By iqbal.latif

The Economist: CHINA jumped ahead of Japan in 2010 to become the world's second-biggest economy, but when will it grab the number-one slot? The Economist's interactive chart allows you to make your own predictions. The relative paths of GDP in dollar terms in China and America depend not only on real growth rates but also on inflation and the yuan's exchange rate against the dollar. Over the past decade real GDP growth averaged 10.5% a year in China and 1.7% in America; inflation averaged 3.8% and 2.2% respectively.

Chinese communist party rule is the biggest impediment to maintaining this growth rate and economic supremacy over the world. If they cannot even allow someone to come out and collect his 'Nobel Peace prize' (Liu Xiaobo) and convict such an undisruptive person to solitary confinement, such a nation has only one certain prospect – that of a 'social implosion' like the USSR. It is only a matter of time.

Chinese 800-plus million standards of living and benchmark of freedom of expression do not in any way compare to most of the developed world, neither are they free to expand their families (a basic right of human beings) or move freely within the nation. These are important elements for a judicious and across-the-board economic growth. Harnessing the entire nation with the draconian law of 'one child only' is quite backward and will result in skewed demographics.

The Economist's model predicting Chinese economic supremacy is also suspect because it entirely overlooks the fact that all three factors embracing the model depend on global/USA ability to continue to buy huge Chinese imports. If the world trade collapses, indigenous Chinese demand alone cannot sustain the monumental 7.5% growth rate without triggering massive hyperinflation.

'Global economic greatness' does not come on the back of growth rate, or inflation rate or strength of any currency alone. Global dominance as a 'world economic power house' comes with factors that are determined by social, liberal, secular, tolerant practices and character of the leaders of the nation and its people.

I would have expected from 'The Economist' to do better than developing these very low level of distorted gimmicks. These are the kind of projections that estimated that the most indebted nation today, Japan, should have taken over the world. Now The Economist is worried whether they will be liquid enough in fifty years to pay a huge aging and retiring population health bills. (I think the worry is misplaced, they will do well).

USA's future as a great nation is so far secure; the strength of $ is based on $ as a currency of trade for oil, gold and most of the commodities. When global turmoil hits the world, the US dollar remains as a peg and a safe haven. The defence spending to maintain global clout and ability of America to produce world class R&D alone ensures dominance of USA in this century.

Economic strength and GDP growth is also sum total of freedom and trust. IQ's of people who are freed from chains of oppression are far greater and better.

An interesting "analysis" on China's supremacy as a world economic power by The Economist inspired this counter argument.


From Economist Magazine:

"CHINA jumped ahead of Japan in 2010 to become the world’s second-biggest economy, but when will it grab the number-one slot? The Economist’s interactive chart allows you to make your own predictions. The relative paths of GDP in dollar terms in China and America depend not only on real growth rates but also on inflation and the yuan’s exchange rate against the dollar. Over the past decade real GDP growth averaged 10.5% a year in China and 1.7% in America; inflation averaged 3.8% and 2.2% respectively. Since Beijing scrapped its dollar peg in 2005, the yuan has risen by an annual average of 4.2%. Our best guess for the next decade is that annual real GDP growth averages 7.75% in China and 2.5% in America, inflation rates average 4% and 1.5%, and the yuan appreciates by 3% a year. Plug in these numbers and China will overtake America in 2019. But if China’s real growth rate slows to an annual average of only 5%, then (leaving the other assumptions unchanged) China would become number one in 2022. Please place your own bets."

Answer by Igbal Latif: This is possible when oil is at $5, like earlier Economist predictions (intended to be a tongue in cheek remark) and when 1 billion-plus Chinese have freedoms and civil rights exactly like the Americans do. Economic strength and GDP growth is also sum total of freedom and trust. IQ's of people who are freed from chains of oppression are far greater and better.

Chinese communist party rule is the biggest impediment to maintaining this growth rate and economic supremacy over the world. If they cannot even allow someone to come out and collect his 'Nobel Peace prize' (Liu Xiaobo) and convict such an undisruptive person to solitary confinement, such a nation has only one certain prospect – that of a 'social implosion’ like the USSR. It is only a matter of time.

The essential nature of such an evolution from despotic rule to benevolent rule will dictate the GDP growth rate for the next few decades.

'Global economic greatness' does not come on the back of growth rate, or inflation rate or strength of any currency alone. Global dominance as a 'world economic power house' comes with factors that are determined by social, liberal, secular, tolerant practices and character of the leaders of the nation and its people.

Clout of a great prospective nation should include, amongst others trust and freedom, within a nation. The 'strength' is not just judged by the 'reserves and GDP growth' (with growth from very low ''great leap forward experiments,'' standards of Chinese living should be higher); those are important things but the major issue is the living standards of the lowest segment of the society also.

Chinese 800-plus million standards of living and benchmark of freedom of expression do not in any way compare to most of the developed world, neither are they free to expand their families (a basic right of human beings) or move freely within the nation. These are important elements for a judicious and across-the-board economic growth. Harnessing the entire nation with the draconian law of ‘one child only’ is quite backward and will result in skewed demographics.

I would have expected from 'The Economist' to do better than developing these very low level of distorted gimmicks. These are the kind of projections that estimated that the most indebted nation today, Japan, should have taken over the world. Now The Economist is worried whether they will be liquid enough in fifty years to pay a huge aging and retiring population health bills. (I think the worry is misplaced, they will do well).

This model predicting Chinese economic supremacy is also suspect because it entirely overlooks the fact that all three factors embracing the model depend on global/USA ability to continue to buy huge Chinese imports. If the world trade collapses, indigenous Chinese demand alone cannot sustain the monumental 7.5% growth rate without triggering massive hyperinflation.

USA’s future as a great nation is so far secure; the strength of $ is based on $ as a currency of trade for oil, gold and most of the commodities. When global turmoil hits the world, the US dollar remains as a peg and a safe haven. The defence spending to maintain global clout and ability of America to produce world class R&D alone ensures dominance of USA in this century.

Yes, all the above can be wrong if China becomes free soon and ensures a non violent multiparty rule and 1.4 billion Chinese vote for policies that may help widespread freedom, egalitarianism and growth that is uniform (though freedom of a nation from yokes of totalitarianism unfortunately retards GDP progress of any nation). Revolutions and changes are big ticket items; reality check with France and USA will tell you that.

The big 'IF ' is if 'Chinese multiparty rule will emerge as a peaceful model without derailing Chinese disciplinarian economic mould, which is presently based on a firm central control of the communist party. If the transition is peaceful and 'Chinese compliant psyche and unified nationalist tendencies' cooperate in a peaceful manner to achieve this transformation from one party system to multiparty rule which obviously is quite a chaotic choice, we can then develop a model based on GDP growth, inflation rate and strength of currency that is so modestly and banally presented here.

My advice to 'The Economist': It is 'Freedom, silly' that makes a nation great all around! Incentive and rewards are now part of the Chinese economic structure but freedom of expression is not; this dichotomy points to the difficult road ahead that Chinese communist party will have to negotiate very carefully. With wealth comes dissent and urge of influence, the conglomerates and powerful oligarchs will have their own impetus to articulate the directions of a future the way everyone wants.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

China’s sub-rationalists and Liu Xiaobo 华语系人们的非理性 - 台湾本应参加刘晓波获奖典礼

“There’s been a growing understanding among members on both sides of the aisle that this dictatorship is a growing threat to local stability but also to the world. We can’t give the Chinese dictatorship a pass any longer on human-rights abuse,” -- Supporter of "Liu Xiaobo Resolution in US Congress"

“国会两党已开始在中共党朝的性质上达到共识:中共极权制度不光危及亚太地区的安全,也日益危及世界自由国家的安全。 我们再也不能对中共党朝的蔑视人权坐视无为了。”-- 一位美国国会“刘晓波决议案”的支持者

“Taiwan's DPP and KMT should emulate the US on China issues". --- Kai Chen

”台湾两党应仿效美国会两党,放弃对中共党朝的绥靖而采取遏制与瓦解政策”。 --- 陈凯



China’s sub-rationalists and Liu Xiaobo

华语系人们的非理性 - 台湾本应参加刘晓波获奖典礼

The following is a guest post that doesn’t necessarily represent the opinion of The Peking Duck

Sub-rationalists in Communist China cannot face reality of Liu Xiaobo winning the Nobel Peace Prize for 2010…..

by Biko Lang

It would have been nice if Taiwan could have sent a small bipartisan delegation of politicians and academics from both the DPP and the KMT to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo this week. With China putting its head in the sand once again and refusing to face reality, the world is left wondering: just what makes Beijing tick?

As some of the WikiLeaks cables have confirmed what many old China hands always knew, many of Chinese Communist Party’s leaders act in a “sub-rational” manner when confronted with thorny issues like Taiwan’s sovereignty or Liu Xiabo’s Nobel Peace Prize.

In a move that rattled Beijing sub-rationalists again, the U.S. House of Representatives stood up for the values of freedom and democracy last week with a bipartisan resolution honoring imprisoned Chinese activist Liu, Nobel laureate.

Earlier in the year, in February, a group of American lawmakers nominated Liu and two other Chinese activists for Nobel Peace Prize consideration, noting in a public letter that “few governments have the courage to brave the Chinese government’s displeasure and honor them.”

The Nobel committee did honor Liu, and what an honor it is!

While China’s new Nobel laureate remains behinds bars and cannot attend the Nobel ceremony in Oslo this weekend, with his wife under house arrest and forbidden to fly to Norway to accept the prestigious award for him, a large part of the world will be celebrating his award. Not present in Oslo, Liu was nevertheless there as a potent symbol. Invisible outside his prison cell, he was very visible in the halls of freedom.

Freedom is borderless, and someday it will come to China, too, That’s exactly what the rulers in Beijing are afraid of.

The announcement earlier in the fall that Liu had bagged a Nobel this year sparked ominous warnings from China that countries who recognized his achievement would have to “take responsibility for the consequences.” Apparently, this was a stern warning from Uncle Hu to the U.S,, France, Germany, Britain, Australia, Japan and, yes, Taiwan.

But the U.S. House resolution pressed forward and lauded Liu for his human-rights activism, honoring him for his “promotion of democratic reform in China, and the courage with which he has bore repeated imprisonment by the government of China.”

Former U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was to attend the Oslo shindig on behalf of her nation, had previously written to Hu Jintao in May 2009 asking for the release of “prisoners of conscience” including Liu Xiaobo.

Pelosi has always had heart. In 1991, a much-younger but always-idealistic Nancy Pelosi had secretly unfurled a banner in Tiananmen Square dedicated “To those who died for democracy [in 1989] in China.”

Liu, it seems, is a hero everywhere but in China.

The U.S. effort to honor Liu and call out China attracted support from both sides of the political aisle in Washington, with both Democrats and Republicans getting behind the bill.

One supporter of the bill said that the bipartisan support reflected the fact that “there’s been a growing understanding among members on both sides of the aisle that this dictatorship is a growing threat to local stability but also to the world. We can’t give the Chinese dictatorship a pass any longer on human-rights abuse,”

So wouldn’t it be nice if Taiwan could have sent a bipartisan delegation of both DPP and KMT leaders to Oslo to honor Liu? Maybe next time.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

China bars English words in all publications 中共拥纯/蠢奴文字而摈禁英文字词-发动“奴文化圣战”



专制政体与文化依赖专制文字而生存奴役。英文字词的进入威胁了专制制度与文化的延续。 中共党奴朝直觉地感到了此威胁。 汉语与英语不能共存。 专制与自由不能共存。 我希望每一个华语系的人懂得其深层的哲学与道德的原由。

Kai Chen's Words:

Despotism and slavery depend on the language of tyranny to exist. English words and phrases entering Chinese people's language/vocabulary threatens the very existence of despotism and tyranny in China. The despotic Chinese language can never coexist with English language that is based on individual freedom. It is the same that tyranny and freedom can never coexist. I hope all Chinese speaking people understand the deep philosophical and moral conflict between these two languages and these two cultures.


China bars English words in all publications


Dec 22 12:02 PM US/Eastern

Chinese newspapers, books and websites will no longer be allowed to use English words and phrases, the country's publishing body has announced, saying the "purity" of the Chinese language is in peril.

The General Administration of Press and Publication, which announced the new rule on Monday, said the increasing use of English words and abbreviations in Chinese texts had caused confusion and was a means of "abusing the language".

Such practices "severely damaged the standard and purity of the Chinese language and disrupted the harmonious and healthy language and cultural environment, causing negative social impacts," the body said on its website.

"It is banned to mix at will foreign language phrases such as English words or abbreviations with Chinese publications, creating words of vague meaning that are not exactly Chinese or of any foreign language," it said.

"Publishing houses and the media must further strengthen the regulated use of foreign languages and respect the structure, glossary and grammar of the Chinese and foreign languages."

GAPP said companies which violated the regulation would face "administrative punishment" without offering specifics.

English abbreviations such as NBA (National Basketball Association), GDP (gross domestic product), CPI (consumer price index) and WTO (World Trade Organization) are commonly used in Chinese publications.

They are also often used in everyday conversation, and government officials routinely use the abbreviations at press conferences.

The body left a small loophole, stipulating in the regulation that "if necessary", English terms could be used but must be followed by a direct translation of the abbreviation or an explanation in Chinese.

The names of people or places in English also must be translated.

One editor at a Beijing publishing house told the China Daily that the new GAPP regulation could actually result in reduced understanding.

"The intention of protecting the Chinese language is good. But in an age of globalisation, when some English acronyms like WTO have been widely accepted by readers, it might be too absolute to eliminate them," the editor said.

"Conversationally, people also use these words all the time, so the regulation could create discord between the oral and written uses of language."

China has launched several campaigns in recent years to try to root out poor grammar and misused vocabulary in official usage.

Sometimes those campaigns go awry, resulting in awkward Chinglish. In the run-up to last month's Asian Games in Guangzhou, signs were posted in the metro that read "Towards Jichang". "Jichang" means airport.

Earlier this year, China Central Television and Beijing Television told the China Daily that they had received notification from the government to avoid using certain English abbreviations on Chinese programmes.

But English abbreviations are still commonly heard on regular news and sports broadcasts.

The Global Times quoted an editor at a Beijing publishing house as saying finding translations for globally used acronyms would be time-consuming and confusing.

"I wonder how many people understand 'guoji shangye jiqi gongsi', when IBM is instantly recognisable," the editor said.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why did I not send my kids to school? 为什么我没有叫我的孩子们上学?



在今天文凭泛滥的中国大陆,几乎无人懂得或关心“教育”的真谛。 在腐儒与中共的教育传统与现实中,学人们被专制制度在道德、理性、原发性与创造力上彻底地阉割扭曲(中文本身就是阉割人原动力、始发力的一把利刃)。 学校成了训练培养“宦奴娼”的有效场所。 拉提夫(iqbal.latif)的这篇文章提示了每一个家庭什么是教育的真谛 - 发现与提升人的原发性与创造力,而绝不是文凭、地位与对自由的怯懦逃避。

Kai Chen's Words:

In today's China where diplomas rule the world, no one understands or cares about what "true education" is. With deep-rooted and powerful Confucian tradition and communist brainwashing combined to thoroughly wipe-out/castrate human creativity and originality (Chinese language itself playing a crucial role in such a castration), schools have long become the effective tool for the tyrannical authorities to create soulless and brainless Eunuslawhores (eunuch, slave and prostitute rolled in one).

This excellent article by Iqbal Latif exposes the corrupt educational system in the world, and reminds all of us what the true meaning of education is - exploring into every child's originality and creativity, against what is prevalent today in our schools and society - diplomas, rot-learning, social status, power, money with a cowardly escape of individual freedom.


Why did I not send my kids to school? Because schools are bad for them.


News Type: Event — Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:17 AM
By iqbal.latif

(Creativity- the number of businesses that started of in a garage. Take for example the HP corporation which started life in a tiny 12×18 foot garage. And then there is also Google and Apple who started life in a garage.)

A teacher asked a disinterested child in a class what she was doing; The child answered, she is drawing a picture of God;The teacher said but nobody knows what the God looks like;The child said they will know in a minute.

一个教师在课堂上责问一个学童她为什么不听讲。 那个女学童说她正在给上帝画像。 教师讥笑着说没有人见过上帝是个什么样。 女学童回答说:“等我画完你就知道了”。

Twenty years ago my wife and I took a decision not to send our children to school. When we did that we faced tremendous pressure and almost universal condemnation. The kinder folk thought we were over-eager parents however most condemned us for letting our children be near-illiterate.

20 years on the story has a happy ending and our three sons lead happy well-adjusted lives in investment banking and private equity. Their story was covered in the nation press where the enduring tagline was ''it all began with algebra on the train and stock market games at home.'' They weren't wrong, it was teaching our sons math during a train journey up north showed us the burning potential that young minds have to learn.

The key lesson we took on board from our experience is that "creativity is as important as literacy." The standard definition of creativity is "having original ideas that have value." My wife and I learnt that the national curriculum is an arbitrary standard by which to measure a child's progress. The classical Greek conception of schools were that they would be cultivating and deepening young minds where-ever possible. Unfortunately in the modern day parent's simply "outsource" their children's education to schools without further thought; antithetical to the original ideal.

These heretical thoughts however were long dormant; my sons are long grown up and I'm now a grandfather. However the other day my personal heresies on education were reconfirmed by two excellent TED online lectures. The first by Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity. The other 'Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers' happily vindicated my decision taken nearly two decades ago.

Both Sir Robinson and Mr Wolfram make the point that society must do more to encourage the cultivation of talent and inspire imagination in our young. The rigorous repetitive and standardized curriculum that we judge and measure them by is a crime committed under the banner of "organised education" and "academic excellence". These false gods spur on academic inflation, further reducing the tottering credibility of the education system.

The stress on Academic excellence is extensive and has led to society stigmatizing mistakes. Mistakes must be made, for without them we cannot learn. One of the greatest playwrights of the 20th century, Samuel Beckett, reminds us, "Try again. Fail again. Fail better." We forget that all children are born artists and dreamers, they must be invested with the tools to express their innate talent.

Every education system has a hierarchy of subjects, which encourages academic ability and "useful subjects" for practical application. Education is increasingly dominated by job requirements and many highly talented children who fail their exams are junked forever. The first task of any school, and failing that any parent, is to discover the latent talent of every child. It is striking that so many of our leading lights in society have patchy academic careers among them included are Andre Agassi, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Mark Zuckerberg and Henry Ford.

Genius does not arise in a vacuum for the budding artist, who if neglected as a child and left undiscovered, deprives mankind the marvels of his work. Even as far back to our ancestors painting caves our collective human heritage ultimately depends on harnessing each generation's most talented voices.

Steve Jobs - Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish never graduated from college, highlighting that in his commencement address to the 2005 graduating class of Stanford University.
Jobs demonstrates that his success emerged out of failure time, ably demonstrated in his narrative in how vector fonts came to be on the Macintosh:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Unfortunately for our minds, which are programmed to find order and meaning when often there is none, intelligence is diverse, dynamic and distinct. It is "oblique", in that it cannot be derived directly and must be sought through indirect means. Let's instil creativity and aptitude in our kids by letting them read and grow.

Each day my wife and I count ourselves lucky that we were ahead of our time and not made to suffer for it. At home we created an academy after reasoning that Socrates or Aristotle were not sent to schools. We did not teach our children formulas but curiosity to seek a logical explanation for the world. Alphabets were foregone replaced by an emphasis on words. Instead of abcd a creative young mind will feed off an inspiring story. In the same manner that children who can pick up the complexity of language so can they thrive on complex ideas.

It is my hope that going forward many more families have their eureka moments like ours did on a train. Ultimately the realization of the genius and restlessness of young minds. In my small way I'm glad that our family can personally testify to the truths that Sir Robinson and Mr. Wolfram are trying to tell us all.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

China's Rights Abuses Rooted in Past 华语系人们的专制奴役并非始于共朝



将中国当代的邪恶专制与奴役全部归咎与西方说明了华语系人们的精神与思维的残疾与自阉。 将中国的未来建筑在中国的古代王朝的所谓繁荣辉煌上只表明了华语系人们道德的真正虚无与被精神鸦片毒害而产生的病态幻觉。

Kai Chen's Words:

To believe that all evil in modern China comes from the West, and to say that China's future only belongs to China's past despotic dynasties demonstrate the pathology and illusion of most in the Chinese speaking population.


Rights Abuses Rooted in Past



Nostalgia for China's imperial period is misplaced, author says.


A book detailing how human rights and personal freedoms were already being eroded as early the 17th century under China's imperial rulers has been published online.

Its author, Ling Cangzhou, was one of the earliest signatories to Charter 08, a controversial document calling for sweeping political change in China, which contributed to the jailing of Nobel peace laureate Liu Xiaobo.

Ling has been held under close surveillance since Liu's award, presented in his absence at a ceremony in Oslo on Dec. 10, was announced in October. He has also been banned from leaving China.

His latest book, titled Dragon Blood, Wolf Smoke, 龙血狼烟covers a vast swath of Chinese history, from unification under the Qin dynasty in 256 B.C. to the fall of the Qing dynasty (1644-1912).

It sets out to show the reader a history of tyrannical rulers and cruel governments, for whom the Chinese people are a resource to be deployed, and the damage done to the national spirit by this history of cruelty.

"We won't get any rejuvenation of our values until we place the dignity and happiness of the human person at the heart of a cultural revival," Ling writes.

'Stained with blood'

He adds that he conceived the book as a response to a current of imperial nostalgia which runs alongside modern Chinese nationalism in today's society.

"A lot of people in contemporary China right now have a dream that China can return to the glory of the Han and Tang dynasties," he writes in the book.

"I am telling them that in reality those dynasties were stained with blood and behaved in a despicable manner."

Ling argues that the cultural renewal movements of the late Ming dynasty (1368-1644), of which the Fushe is best known, which had enjoyed true freedom of association.

But he adds that they were the last gasp of air for freedom of association in imperial China.

"After these fading rays, imperial freedoms fell into a long, dark night," Ling writes.

Cruel and barbarous

"In ancient times, they said hell had 18 levels. Chinese history has been played out all along on the 17th level of hell, that of cruel dictatorships and barbarous conquests."

Hu Ping, U.S.-based editor of the online magazine Beijing Spring, said the concept of "universal values" now espoused by today's rights activists isn't new to China, however.

"There is a lot of harmony with traditional Chinese culture," Hu said. "Our ancestors wanted these things too."

Dragon Blood, Wolf Smoke is published by the Workers' Publishing House, and is available in Chinese from the company website.

Reported by Tang Qiwei for RFA's Mandarin service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.





















凌沧洲的《龙血狼烟》一书由工人出版社出版,目前在当当 、卓越亚马逊等网上书店均有销售。

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

刘晓波:昨日丧家狗 今日看门狗-透视当下中国的“孔子热” Liu Xiaobo: Evil of Confucianism


刘晓波:昨日丧家狗 今日看门狗-透视当下中国的“孔子热”
Liu Xiaobo: Evil of Confucianism

(博讯北京时间2007年9月02日 转载)


作者:刘晓波 文章来源:人与人权 更新时间:9/1/2007



最近一年,央视“百家讲坛”对传统文化的弘扬,掀起了风靡全国的“于丹热”。一方面,电视传媒成功地把孔子时尚化商业化了(用鲁迅的话说,就是“摩登孔子”), 如同前些年毛泽东的时尚化商业化一样。有关孔子的各类书籍已经变成书业中高盈利品种,各类国学班和读经班也是高盈利项目(比如,清华的“国学班”学费每人26000元,复旦为每人38000元,少儿读经班更是收了天价)。另一方面,于丹讲孔子,是古人大话与流行歌词相混合的语言叫卖,她对孔子的任意而浅薄的解读,为“儒教复兴热”注入通俗化的精神麻醉剂。按照于丹的《“论语”心得》解释的孔子精华,人人都可以在犬儒心态中活得滋润——无论遭遇到什么,只要不抱怨,而是逆来顺受,就能随遇而安,活出幸福。









历史学家吴思先生《仁义的可行性——评李零的《丧家狗 我读〈论语〉》中说:“……我觉得李零干了一个好活,不管以后我们怎么做文化的建设,都应该依据一个踏实可靠的版本。李零这个版本,我看已经比朱熹厉害了。”




在有着悠久崇圣传统的中国,古今卫道士眼中的孔子,是不容质疑的圣人,是历代帝王之师,是拥有道统至尊的“素王”, 是皇帝们都要叩拜的“大成至圣文宣王”,是被康有为和孔教会尊为“教主”的神,如今又被新儒们作为中国文化的标志。孔子说的每句话,既是治国醒世的箴言,也是修身养性的指导。最夸张的说法,古代有“半部《论语》治天下”之说,今天有“孔子上管5000年,下管5000年”之论,更有“不读孔子,无以为人”之说。当代儒家甚至不惜编造出一些耸人听闻的假新闻,而且是借洋人以自重的假新闻:1988年世界各国75个诺贝尔奖获得者群聚巴黎,公选孔子为世界第一思想家。











其实,认真读读先秦诸子就会发现,被尊为圣人孔子,实为先秦诸子中最平庸的道德说教者。与庄子相比,孔子没有超逸、飘飞、潇洒以及想象力的奇伟瑰丽、语言的汪洋恣肆,没有脱俗的哲学智慧和横溢的文学才华,更没有对人类悲剧的清醒意识。与孟子相比,孔子缺少男子汉的气魄、恢弘和达观,更缺少在权力面前的自尊,缺少“民为重,社稷次之,君为轻”的平民关怀 ;与韩非子相比,孔子虚伪、狡诈,没有韩非子的直率、犀利和反讽的才华;与墨子相比,孔子没有以平等为理想的民粹主义的道德自律,没有具有形式特征的逻辑头脑。孔子所说的一切,缺少大智慧而只有小聪明,极端功利、圆滑,既无审美的灵性和哲理的深邃,也无人格的高贵和心胸的旷达。他先是四处跑官,失败后就当道德教主,他的好为人师以及“诲人不倦”的为师之道,恰恰是狂妄而浅薄的人格所致。他那种“盛世则入,乱世则隐”的聪明的处世之道,是典型的不负责任的机会主义。可悲的是,正是这个最圆滑最功利最世故最无担当精神和受难情怀的孔子,成了中华民族几千年的圣人和楷模。有什么样的民族就有什么样的圣人,有什么样的圣人就只能塑造什么样的民族,中国人的全部奴性皆源于此,这种文化上的遗传一直延续到今天。



李零认为,在中国历史上,那些满怀乌托邦理想知识分子,只有作为独立于权力的批判力量才是本份,而这样的知识分子一旦掌握权力,对于一个国家而言恰恰是危险的,甚至是灾难性的。李零说:“知识分子心明眼亮,比谁都专制。如果手中有刀,首先丧命的,就是他的同类”。因为中国知识分子大都很狂妄,自以为“最有智慧,最有道德,最有理想。”自许为“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐,”可以拯救百姓于水火之中,建立起人间天堂。宋儒张载的四句话:“为天地立心,为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。”至今还被许多中国知识分子当作座用铭,说明了中国士大夫狂妄传统仍然根深蒂固。




2007年8月18日于北京家中 (博讯记者:蔡楚) (博讯

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What are small countries like the U.S. to the 'People's Republic of the World'? 中共党奴朝对世界的威胁

"A new global history is necessary, which will provide thorough analysis of political regimes in countries like China, in which state slavery and modern technology go hand in hand, making them far more effective than was Stalin's Russia or Hitler's Germany." --- Lev Navrozov

"世界历史一定要由于中共党奴朝的政体存在而重新书写。 中共党奴朝将现代科技与政奴国奴制度完美有效地结合起来,形成了比斯大林的苏俄与希特勒的纳粹德国更危险的对自由的威胁。”--- 列夫. 那夫罗左夫


Thursday, December 9, 2010

What are small countries like the U.S. to the 'People's Republic of the World'?


(Lev Navrozov emigrated from the USSR in 1972. To learn more about Mr. Navrozov's work with the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies).

Before the 20th century, the history of the world was taught in the West as a single global story.

The key concepts in the Western studies of history were "developed" and "underdeveloped" (countries). The West was mostly developed and the world outside the West mostly underdeveloped. The developed countries, where slavery was only a historic memory, relied on paid makers and operators of machines such as weapons.

True, Stalin and Hitler created societies based on both slavery and technology. But Hitler was defeated in Stalin's Russia after he had invaded it, while Russia dropped its slogan of attaining world communism and finally even retreated and gave independence to some Western countries it had conquered.

And here, noticed by the West about ten years ago, is a new China, combining state slavery with the development of the latest modern global weapons. In contrast to Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany, China's population exceeds that of the U.S.A. by one billion people. Has the "People's Republic of China" (PRC) been seeking to become the "People's Republic of the World" (PRW)?

The Western history of the modern world needs to be revised. The free West has been oblivious to the existence of new China, in which state slavery is rampant and one billion people are being exploited and which does not conceal its military goal to achieve global domination and therefore should no longer be ignored by the civilized world.

The existence of state slavery in today's China has to be admitted and made part of modern history books.

Even before Obama became the U.S. President, he had shown his sympathies for what Mao named "People's Republic of China" (PRC), the worst enemy of the free West.

The American electoral majority, ignorant of Obama's left-wing, Marxist-Maoist ideology, and his sympathies for PRC, voted for him to be its leader. Would Obama have been elected if American voters were better educated and better informed about the aggressive nature of the "People's Republic of China"?

As for the election of the British Prime Minister, "Yahoo Search Results" yields only one sentence: "British Prime Ministers have never been elected directly by the public."

Britain believes that the British Prime Minister must be that unique mind that understands the contemporary world politics. Some Americans believe that if a majority of the Americans want Obama to be the U.S. president, so be it!

About ten years ago the West genuinely believed that the world is moving to general peace. Today no one can tell where the world is or is not moving to become the "People's Republic of the World."

A new global history is necessary, which will provide thorough analysis of political regimes in countries like China, in which state slavery and modern technology go hand in hand, making them far more effective than was Stalin's Russia or Hitler's Germany.

Slavery was discarded by developed countries. Before the beginning of the twentieth century, China did not exist strategically in the "developed" West. Few had heard even its new name, "PRC," which had officially been introduced by Mao in 1949.

By now, the rulers of Russia have been scared to death by China's growing military might and are flirting with their terrifying neighbor out of fear. The fact that China has one billion more people than the United States should not be overlooked. How can Russia and the United States resist PRC and its "Liberation Army" when the latter includes this extra one billion people?

After the year 2000, China became a source of alarming news.

A certain stratum of the Western population, not indifferent to what is going on in the world, has been duly alarmed by this situation, unprecedented since the time of the rise of "National Socialist Germany" before its collapse in Stalin's Russia. But the rest of the population goes on watching the stock market and entertainment news as before.

It is for the first time that the contemporary democratic West has had a chance to see how precarious the life of free countries is.

For years, Stalin and Hitler had been amassing their power quite visibly before they showed its military possibilities. And here, quite suddenly, China, whose new name given it by Mao in 1949 was hardly known, came to the fore as a deadly threat to the very existence of the free world.

U.S. President Obama has proved to be a good ambassador for the "People's Republic of China" by advocating mutual friendship and closer cooperation between the two countries, while ignoring China's brazen violation of basic human rights of its own people and its military aggressiveness and disregard for international laws.


Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at 1c. To learn more about and support his work at the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, click here. For information about making a tax-exempt donation to the non-profit Center, send e-mail to 1c.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

中国人为什么喜欢玩文字游戏? Why are the Chinese so fund of semantic games?


Why are the Chinese so fund of semantic games?




















综上,不难发现,中国式的“文字游戏”的确害莫大焉!!!公元前1400年,甲骨文诞生。至今,中国人仍然没有摆脱原始的巫术崇拜!所以,下面的结论就是再也自然不过的了:中国社会应该彻底开放,全体中国人都应该补课,学习别人的先进文明!否则,再过五千年,中国人仍然还是大玩文字游戏的愚蠢“类人孩”!That is terrible!昂山素季说:政治其实就是“一个学习的过程”。那么,学习是什么?其实就是学会说话。她说:“尽管说出你心中的话,如有所言,当言无不尽。当我们持不同意见的时候我会提出反驳。而这也是民主主义中最基本的言论自由。”王亚南在《中国官僚政治研究》一书中引用了一位西方学者的这句话:“在专制体制下,只有两种人,一是哑巴,一是骗子。”很显然,这两种人我们都不能做。










































An Absence Louder Than Words 空椅子受奖更说明问题


An Absence Louder Than Words


Posted by Jacob Laksin on Dec 11th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage.

Jacob Laksin is managing editor of Frontpage Magazine. He is co-author, with David Horowitz, of One-Party Classroom: How Radical Professors at America's Top Colleges Indoctrinate Students and Undermine Our Democracy. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Weekly Standard, City Journal, Policy Review, as well as other publications. Email him at 1c.


China, we are often told, is America’s greatest rival, destined to overtake the U.S. as the world’s preeminent military and economic powerhouse, if it hasn’t already. But how to square this forecast of a glorious Chinese future with the pathetic reality on display this week – that of a rising superpower cowering before one man?

The man in question is of course Liu Xiaobo, the jailed dissident who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this week in absentia. A poet and literary critic, Liu is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence for “subversion.” His crime? He is the co-author of “Charter 08,” an appeal for non-violent political and human-rights reform inside China.

It’s a testament to the inherent instability of China’s authoritarian system that it considers a 54-year old poet such a grave threat. In anticipation of Liu’s award this week, the Chinese government blocked news stations like BBC and CNN from broadcasting and shut down websites. Police stepped up repression against dissidents, tightening controls on protest. Special care was taken to isolate Liu’s relatives, who might have received the award on his behalf. His wife, Liu Xia, is reportedly being kept under house arrest. The result was that the Nobel Prize was not handed out for the first time in 74 years. An empty chair and a photograph of Liu were the lone signs of the honoree’s presence.

Yet the symbolism of Liu’s forced absence was powerful enough. For all of its much-hyped technological progress, modern China cannot abide a man who posts his opinions on the internet. Despite its massive military buildup, the country must marshal its forces to silence the supporters of a man who preaches non-violence. Even as it aspires to be a major player in international affairs, China treats a single prize as a mortal challenge to its global might. If this is a glimpse of the Chinese future, it is a revealing one.

It is rare that the Nobel Prize committee exhibits moral clarity. All too often it has bestowed the honor on either those who did not actually deserve it (Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore) or on those who made a mockery of its underlying principles (Yaser Arafat). In Liu Xiaobo, the committee has found a worthy recipient, a point creditably conceded by President Obama, who observed that Liu was “far more deserving of this award than I was.”

Locked in his prison cell, Liu Xiaobo did not get a chance to deliver his message about the internal weakness of China’s political system. But in their determination to keep him silent, Liu’s oppressors made the point for him. Until he can walk free, China’s self-assured claims to global leadership must be dismissed as mere posturing.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nobel peace prize placed on empty chair in honour of Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波的缺席受奖使世界明了中共党政非法性质


Nobel peace prize placed on empty chair in honour of Liu Xiaobo


Video link 视频连锁:

Ceremony in Oslo pays tribute to winner, a pro-democracy activist who is imprisoned in his native China

Peter Walker, Friday 10 December 2010 14.42

At a ceremony in Oslo, the Nobel chairman calls for Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo's release from prison, and compares him to Nelson Mandela Link to this video The 2010 Nobel peace prize was today placed on an empty chair in Oslo's city hall in a symbolic act to mark its award to Liu Xiaobo, the Chinese writer and pro-democracy activist who is serving a jail sentence in his home country.

In the centrepiece of a simple, moving ceremony watched by an audience of 1,000 people, among them Norway's king and queen and a clutch of fellow Chinese dissidents, the chairman of the Nobel committee, Thorbjoern Jagland, placed the citation and medal on a simple, blue upholstered seat on a small row of chairs to the right of the hall's stage.

"We regret that the laureate is not present here today," Jagland told the audience, who stood several times during the ceremony to applaud.

"He is in isolation in a prison in north-east China. Nor can the laureate's wife, Liu Xia, or his closest relatives be here with us. No medal or diploma will therefore be presented here today. This fact alone shows that the award was necessary and appropriate. We congratulate Liu Xiaobo with this year's peace prize."

It is the first time since 1936, when the German journalist and pacifist Carl von Ossietzky was stopped by Nazi authorities from travelling to Oslo, that the peace prize has been awarded in this way. On three other occasions – Aung San Suu Kyi in 1991, Lech Walesa in 1983 and Andrei Sakharov in 1975 – family members have had to collect the prize instead.

While Liu was jailed for 11 years last year for subversion, his wife remains under house arrest, meaning no one could collect the award for him.

The decision to award the prize to Liu, a former university academic radicalised by the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest – Jagland said the award was "dedicated to the lost souls of 4 June" – has enraged China, which insists Liu is a common criminal.

Beijing used its increasing economic heft to press 18 countries with diplomatic representation in Oslo not to send diplomats to the ceremony. Pakistan, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Argentina were among those boycotting the event.

Authorities in China launched a severe crackdown on other dissidents ahead of the ceremony, described by rights groups as one of the most severe for years. Some were placed under house arrest, others moved forcibly from Beijing or deprived of phone and internet connections. Some foreign websites, such as the BBC, were suppressed and there were even apparent attempts to censor the web use of pictures of an empty chair, a symbol for Liu's prize.

In his absence, the Norwegian actor Liv Ullman spoke on Liu's behalf, reading out extracts of his last public address, in December last year to the court which was about to jail him. Explaining his philosophy of protest, it has as a central message: "I have no enemies, and no hatred." Several audience members wiped away tears during a section in which he described his love for Liu Xia.

The ceremony ended with a performance by a children's choir – a request from Liu in the one message he was able to send from prison via his wife.